Avatar the last airbender the...

By GreenArrow0811

6.7K 83 12

in a alternate reality where Aang is 15. how will his age different affect the war. how will Aang deal with h... More

the descovery
the introductions
The questions and answers.
Prince Zuko
The Avatar returns
the southern air temple
Agnia kia
kyosio island
Battle on kyosio
The fire nation prison
In to the spirit world
Avatar Roku

To omashue

303 3 0
By GreenArrow0811

Sokka- Aang where are we going? Aang-  to omashue. Katara-  why? Aang-  you will see.   Sokka-  this better be good. Aang-  oh it will be. Katara-  ok if you say so. They traveled close then landed on a mountain close then to the city. Sokka-  whoa. Katara-  wow its beautiful. Aang-  not as beautiful as you angel, welcome to the earth kingdom city of omashue. Guard-  no cabbages in the city! The guard throws the cabbages off the cliff with earth bending. Cabbage man - Gah my cabbages! Aang-  hello kind sir we are just visiting may we please enter. Guard-  and who might you be? Aang-  well isn't it clear?  Guard-  give me a name or stop wasting my time! Katara is getting angry,  how dare he talk to Aang like that. Katara-  don't you know who this is!?! Take a close look, he is a airbender! Airbending tattoos!  Are you blind or just stupid! This is the Avatar!  So some respect!  Aang looks worried. Sokka face palms. Guard-  the avatar really the king would like to see you.  Aang-  oh I don't know about this. Guard- you will see the king! Sokka-  I got a bad feeling about this. Katara-  I am sorry Aang I was just.... Aang-  I know.  The guards leads them to the king. Guard-  sir we have the Avatar and his friends here. King- mm we shall throw them a feast.  Guard-  yes sir! They have a feast. King- now Avatar tomorrow you will face three deadly challenges, take them to the chambers. Guard-  the good or bad chambers sir? King-  the refurbished chambers.  Guard- which is that sir? King- the one that use to be the bad chamber until the refurbishing, but we really should number them, take them to the chambers that was once bad but is now good. Katara-  this is a prison cell but it is so nice? Sokka-  doesn't matter lets get out of here! Aang-  momo climb through the vent go get appa. Katara-  Aang he is not going to fit. Aang-  I guess we just wait and i face the challenges. Sokka-  I got a bad feeling about this. The next morning Aang woke up to see Katara and Sokka gone. Guard- the king is waiting for you. Aang-  where are my friends?!? Guard-  you will get them back after you pass the challenges.  Aang-  and if I don't?  Guard-  he did not say. King- now tell me Avatar what do you think of my new outfit I want your honest opinion. Aang-  its ok I guess. King- great you passed the first test. Aang-  really?  King-  not one of the deadly ones but yes. King- come now it is time for your real challenges.  Aang sees Katara. Aang-  no give me my what friends back now! King-  I thought you might do that so.... Aang sees them put a rock ring on both Katara and Sokka.  King- creeping crystals I can stop it but only if you do as I say. Aang-  ok. King-  or you friend can obey and I will let you go. Aang-  what are you.... The king looks at Katara and Aang notices. Aang-  no! Sokka-  back off you pervert! King- you assume too much I just want a peak that's all I am old but not dead. Aang-  no I will face your challenges leave her out of this! King smiles. Katara had been thinking this whole time and looks at Aang sadly and upset. Katara-  Aang stop! Aang-  no! Katara I can't let you do this. Katara-  and I can't let you suffer when I could prevent it. King- so what's it going to be?  Sokka-  sis don't. Katara-  everyone except the king close your eyes. A huge gust of wind blows the king and guards back. Aang-  no! I will fight you all if I have too but you will not force Katara to expose herself to you or anyone for that matter. The king laughs.  King- well done Avatar you have passed this test. Sokka-  what?!? Aang-  good then lets move on. They move to a under ground water fall. King- fetch the key for me. Katara-  Aang you won't be able to climb the ladder or swim in that water. The king looks back and forth at Aang and Katara then grins. Aang kicks a gust of air blowing the key out of the water then flips grabbing it then uses airbending to propel him to the platform. Aang-  here! King- now lets go find my lost pet. They leave for a arena that has two animals in it a rabbit and a part goat part horse thing. Aang jumps down. King- oh flopsy. Both animals look up. Aang runs but then stops flopsy sit. The bigger animal sits. Aang-  found him. King- come here flopsy. Flopsy runs to the king. Aang-  I am ready for the final challenge!  King takes them to a newer indoor arena. King - your final challenge is a duel and special treat I will let you choose your opponent. Aang grins. Aang-  I choose you!  King- wrong choice I am the greatest earthbender to ever live. Sokka-  well that was rash. Katara-  you think! Be careful Aang!  The king throws several rocks at Aang but Aang dodges them all. King - typical airbender tactic avoid and evade I expected more from the Avatar!  Aang continues to dodge but knows he can't keep it up. King- sooner or later you going to have to strike back. As soon as he finished saying this Aang send a blade of wind at him followed by a tornado. The king dodges but Aang jumps at him staff pointed at him. Aang smiles but the king points up a huge boulder above Aang. King-  well done Avatar.  The king falls back into the dirt the reappears with Katara and Sokka. King-  you fight with spirit now answer one question and your all free to go. Katara-  hey! You said if he passed your challenges we could leave now let us leave!  King- fiestie but your in no position to make demands but if you look closely my idienty has already been revealed I will be waiting Aang.  The king laughs. Katara-  Aang?  Aang-  it has to be hidden in everything he made me do today. Sokka-  so what is it. Aang-  everything had a twist. Aang's eyes widen. Katara-  what? Aang-  follow me. King- well? Aang-  hello Bumi.  King Bumi laughs then waves his hand removing the rock from Katara and Sokka then starts eating it. Bumi- its just rock candy. Sokka-  what is going on? Aang-  this is Bumi a old friend of mine from... Katara-  before you got frozen.  Aang-  yes. Bumi-  lovely girl friend you have got there Aang. Sokka-  so why all the... Bumi- became it fun and because I had to make sure Aang was ready to fight the fire lord. Aang-  well? Bumi- nope. But with their help you will be. Aang-  well now I have a challenge for you. Bumi- bring it on next time I am sure you have better things to do. Aang-  later Bumi.

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