Wringer. LS

By mysecretjournal

27.4K 1.1K 536

After a while, I heard nothing but silence except for the sound of footsteps coming closer and closer. When t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chatper 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 4

1.1K 53 20
By mysecretjournal


It's so short, so sorry. and like barely anything happens and  yeah sorry.

I love the fact that they know each other but at the same time they don't. Like Harry doesn't know that the boy who got the house and the boy who was at school is the same person, but Louis does.

Larry might officially meet in this chapter…or maybe they won't…just read to find out

BUT GUYS WHERE ARE LOUIS' PARENTS OR LEGAL GUARDIANS!?!?!?!?!? haha you'll find out soon...maybe...

Fact of the Chappy: LARRY > ELOUNOR. but again you already knew that...

Kinda boring... But whatever.


Louis' POV

beep. beep. beep. beep.

I heard my alarm clock ring.

"Turn it of!f" Phoebe groan from next to me. I reach over to my phone and turn the alarm off.

"Thank God!" Daisy praises. After the treehouse incident last night Phoebe and Daisy got scared and wanted to sleep with me.

"Girls, you have about 20 more minutes of sleep ok? But I have to get up." I whisper. They both groan and I leave my room.

I grab my towel and clothes, and walk into the bathroom. I close the door and turn the shower on. I make it as hot as possible, but the hottest it gets to is a coolish-warm. I get in the shower and feel the water trickle down my back. I wash my hair, body, and brush my teeth as quickly as possible because I still have to wake up the other girls and make breakfast for all 5 of us.

Once I get out its only 6:10. I walk to Lottie's and Fizzy's room and open it. "Girls. Time to wake up." I sat on Lottie's bed and put my hand on her back, shaking her lightly. She and Fizzy groan in response. "Girls, I have to be downstairs to make breakfast, can you please get up?" I beg. Lottie and Fizzy start to slowly get out of bed.

"We're up, we're up." Fizzy groans. I smile at them and walk downstairs. I look around the kitchen for something for breakfast. We don't have much. Just bread, orange juice, water, butter, and rice, lots of rice. The only thing I can make is toast, which I guess will be enough. I grab two bread slices and put them in the toaster, waiting for the ding to put the next couple.

"Toast? Really?" Lottie whine. I looked down in embarrassment.

"After school I'm going to look for a job today, I looked in a few open places, but I haven't actually gone with it." I check the time, 6:20, better wake up the twins. "I'll be right back, please wait for the toast to be done." I walk back upstairs and when I went into my room the girls were holding on to each other for dear life. I smile at the image. "Girls, can you please get up?" I whisper and they stir.

"Can't we sleep for just 5 more minutes?" Daisy begs.

"Sorry girls but we need to leave in 10 minutes! You gotta get dressed, brush your teeth, wash your face, and eat breakfast!" I hurry them out of bed and into their room. I skip steps to the kitchen and set the table.

"A bit fancy-shamcy for toast isn't it?" Lottie asks.

"Yes, but regardless of what happened I still want us to be a family, and to stay together." I explain quietly. "Breakfasts ready!" I cheer  through the whole house. The girls start streaming into the kitchen sitting at the kitchen table. We all sat in our usual seats and start eating our toast. "So," I break the silence. "Are you girls ready for your first day of school here?"

"I guess." Fizzy says quietly. I'm not sure if they're all quiet because it's the morning, or if they are just as nervous for school as I am.

"Will there be snacktime like there was in Doncaster?" Daisy asks.

"Yes Dais, I'm sure there wi-"

"What if something happens at school, like we get sick or hurt or something, who would pick us up?" Lottie asks cutting me off.

"I would pick you up."

"But what about your school? You can't just miss school like that! You're already a year behind, you can't miss any-" she starts frantically.

"Whoa Lots, calm down. Each school understands our situation, they understand completely. It'll be okay." I whisper to assure her. "Now we better go, or we're going to be late for our first day of school!" I grab the empty crumb covered plates and set them in the sink. "Fizzy, can you help the twins get their stuff ready?' she nods and herded them up stairs.

"Lottie, I understand that even though you had no idea what was happening until I told you, that you're afraid. You've been through a lot, we've all been through a lot. But I need to trust you Lottie! We can't have Fizzy, or the twins know until they're old enough ok? I don't even think you're old enough to know but I knew I would need help for the twins, girl help, and I needed you to understand why this all would've been really hard alone." I whisper.

"I'm sorry, It just hasn't set in yet."

"I didn't expect you to get over the fact of what happened overnight Lots. You can have all the time in the world for that. But just, can you please try to settle on your worries, at least not around the girls?"

"Okay, I'll try." I hug her in sympathy and warmth to try to take away some of the hurt.

"And just so you know, you can always talk to me about it, I don't want you to keep this bottled up either ok? I'm just down the hall." She nods and smile awkward. Fizzy walks down the stairs with the twins wearing backpacks.

"Are we gonna leave anytime soon?" Fizzy asks.

"Yeah we better get going, everyone to the car!"

Harry's POV

I snuck back into Robin's last night really late. I wanted to make sure he was asleep so I could sleep peacefully. I knew when I woke up that he would still be asleep, so I could get to school with no issue. Hopefully today will be better. Hopefully today will actually be a good day.

I was surprised when I first got to school that no one paid attention to me. I didn't cause the silence I usually would when walking down the hallway. It was strange but I liked it. Everyone had been gossiping about a new kid, a senior. Most girls were gossiping on how hot or good looking he was. I don't know his name yet, or what he looks like either.

Right now, it's lunch. Everyone is sitting down, talking and chatting. Of course I'm sitting at my usual table, in the back. I didn't bring anything to eat today, so I just take out my favourite book. Wringer by Jerry Spinelli. This basically the only book I've read that wasn't for school, also because I don't have money to buy another. I've read this book at least 20 times in 9 years. I practically memorized the book by now. My father gave it to me the very last time I saw him. By now the book is torn up, ripped, some pages missing, but I still love it.

A silence spread across the cafeteria. I look up to see the new kid was in line for ordering. From his backside, I can see he's in all black, and had dark, chestnut hair. After ordering he walks over to a table in the middle of the room. The people were sitting there stood up and left him alone. He looks around and starts to laugh quietly to himself. Now I can see that the new kid was the boy from Dr. Fields office yesterday.

I wish I was brave like that, that I was able to just walk up to a table a sit down like whatever. He starts to pick at his pasta so I start to read again. Everyone goes back to the normal loud talking. I look up a few times at him. He was either eating, or stretching, or drinking his water.

After a while I hear nothing but silent except for the sound of footsteps coming closer and closer. When the sound stops everyone gasps and starts whispering. I look up to see the new kid in front of me. His quiff was still the same, but you can see more of his tattoos wearing a sleeveless black shirt.

"Did you make that yourself?" At first I had no idea what he was talking about. I start to tap my head remembering my flower crown. I nod, not trusting my voice. He nods slightly, with a, "Cool." He flashes me a bright smile, then leaves. The bell rings and everyone leaves.

I stay sitting here at the table. Did that really happen? Did he really just talk to me? Harry Styles, the loner who has no friends? Could this be the start of something new? And possibly... a friend?

Or this could be the start of something else new. A new enemy. A new bully. He is new here, he probably hasn't heard all the shit that's said about me everyday?


So they met...kinda... Maybe they'll actually meet the next chappy! who knows? oh yeah...I DO!!

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