A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diab...

By MisakaLovesYou

13.7K 712 667

The tournament continues, with part 2 of Book 7. Having overcome Lord Boros, Mikoto now must deal with the p... More

Prologue: A Vengeful Meeting
Time to Reflect, Time to Skip
A Discussion Between Gods
Power of the Multiversal Alliance
Thundamander's Full Power
Everyone Together
The Last 10 Rounds Begin. Fairy Tail v.s. Team Diablo
Saitama V.S Bicel Tricel
The Emperor and the Diablo
The Emperor and the Gun Slinger
Time for Punishment! Lucy V.S. Galactica Nova
A Switch in Matchups? Slotta's Cunning Plan.
Touma Kamijou V.S. Slotta Machina. The Real Villain is Fulguras!?
Return of a Legend
Super Sentai Pirates
The Fox in The Moon. Lunatsune Kitsune emerges.
MoonFire Dragon, and MoonFire Emperor
Ichigo V.S. ZenXree: a Ghost of a Chance.
Natsu V.S. Drakson Draconis. Blazing Fists of Passion
The Blazing Fists of Passion Continue
Demon and Dragon. Fulguras v.s. Diablo
This is The End..And the Beginning.
A New Type of World
Special Thanks

Virgo V.S. Galactica, Draco Emerges

387 28 37
By MisakaLovesYou

One Month ago..

"Miyoko.. are you done yet!?" Tatsu stammered.  He was stuck in a single pose in front of an apple tree in front of the cottage where he lived with his mother and father. And he had been standing there for over an hour now."

"No.. just hold still!" said Miyoko as she concentrated on the easel before her.. adding touches of paint to the canvas with the skill and deft hand of a master artist. "Don't worry.. almost done.. just gotta add a little more shading... and.."

"Hey you two! Time for lunch!" said Lucy, poking her head out of the cottage window. 

"J-just a moment Aunt Lucy!" Miyoko stammered. "I'm.. almost.. done.."

Lucy walked out and smiled as she looked at the beautiful painting of Tatsu picking an apple from the tree.  "My, your mother's right, you ARE going to be famous. Not even Reedus's ever painted anything THIS good."

Miyoko blushed at being compared to Fairy Tail's painting mage. 

"Yeah yeah, Miyoko's paintings are always great, can I MOVE now!?" Tatsu exclaimed in exasperation.

"You're free to move about the cabin." said Miyoko.

"THANK YOU!!" Tatsu groaned, collapsing onto the grass.

"Now Tatsu,  you two need to come in and eat quickly, me and your father are heading out soon.."

"Heading out?" said Miyoko. "Where?"

"Oh.. Mom and Dad have a date night planned.." said Tatsu. 

"W-wait what? B-but Aunt Lucy, Mama and Papa are in Washington for Mira Jr's Gymnastics Competition!" said Miyoko. "I-I'm supposed to stay here tonight a-and.."

"Easy there cowgirl." said Lucy. "I'm not leaving you two or little Cindy alone. Virgo is watching you.."

"Virgo!?" Tatsu and Miyoko groaned. 

"She never lets us do ANYTHING!" Tatsu moaned.

"She's always so.. proper! Never lets us watch violent television or ANYTHING!" Miyoko groaned. 

"Which is also what I do.." Lucy said with a confused frown.

"You don't GET it Aunt Lucy.. the point of a baby sitter is to let you get away with a WHOLE lot more than usual!" said Miyoko.  

"YEAH! Like when Uncle Gajeel babysits! He lets us watch scary movies, and we go to the theme park late at-.."

Tatsu stopped talking abruptly as Miyoko was frantically gesturing at him to be quiet, while Lucy was raising an eyebrow. 

"hmmm.. I see.." said Lucy.  "Well in any case.. you BOTH are to listen to everything Virgo says understand?"

"Yes ma'am.." Miyoko and Tatsu chorused as if they were dead inside."

And so Miyoko and Tatsu watched Lucy's retreating back as she took out her phone and began talking into it..

"Hey Gajeel.. I was wondering what was the movie you let Tatsu and Miyoko wa-... ALIEN COVENANT!? ARE YOU INSANE!?"

Later that night.. Virgo sat in the main armchair by the fire, holding a giggling five year old blonde girl. Tatsu's little sister, Cindy, while Miyoko and Tatsu both sat at the dining table.. bored out of their minds.

Virgo glanced at the duo every now and then, and frowned slightly.  "Are you two alright?"

"We're.. fine.. I guess." Miyoko muttered. "Say.. Virgo? Can we go out and do something for a change?"

Virgo shook her head. "I am afraid not. It is nearly 9 o' clock, and the area around Magnolia is far too dangerous for any walks."

"What's gonna get me? Forest Vulcans?" Tatsu grumbled.

"Actually yes." said Virgo. 

Virgo sighed. Each and every time she babysat these kids, they didn't seem to ever understand that what she did, she did for their safety... humans were a little confusing sometimes.. 

However, despite knowing that it was a little bit of a bitter business to try and keep your children safe.. she yearned for them to at least to like her a bit.

Later that night.. Virgo was reading one of the novels Lucy had published recently, still sitting by the fire.. when the door suddenly burst open.

"V-VIRGO!!" Miyoko stammered, looking like she was out of breath. "P-Please! HELP!!"

"Wait.. you're supposed to be in bed!" said Virgo.

"We snuck out! THAT'S NOT THE POINT!! TATSU'S IN TROUBLE!!" Miyoko exclaimed, fear apparent in her eyes. 

"Come on!!" Virgo jumped up without hesitation and followed Miyoko out into the woods behind Natsu and Lucy's cottage..

They ran for what seemed like minutes, every moment feeling like  heart throbbing stab in Virgo's mind.. when finally they stopped.

"Th-this is!?" Virgo stammered.

Hundreds of Forest Vulcans were laughing and converging around Tatsu's unconscious form, poking at him.

"W-we were sparring.. training our fighting skills.. and I accidentally knocked him out! And before I knew it, we were surrounded!" Miyoko stammered. "I-I can't fight this many on my own! P-please!"

"Stay back." said Virgo.

"Wh-what!? NO! I wanna hel-."

"Do not worry." Virgo patted a hand on Miyoko's head.

Miyoko stared, calmed, yet confused as to why she was suddenly so calm.. was it that Virgo seemed completely at ease?

"Lookie at this weird pink hair stuff!" said one of the Vulcans, not paying Virgo a single mind as they poked at Tatsu. 

"Yeah! Should we try tearing it off? Eheheheh." said another Vulcan. 

Virgo looked around calmly, there had to be at least a thousand converged on this spot.. it must have been some sort of gathering to find a mate. And Miyoko and Tatsu had accidentally walked right into it..  even an S class mage would have immense trouble with these numbers.  But Miyoko, despite her smarts had always been more into talking with her fists, Natsu's influence on her no doubt..

Virgo steadily stooped down and gathered some odd looking lime green leaves.. she then took out a lighter and lit the leaf on fire.. and an odd smoke began to waft out.

"Uh? What's that... THAT HORRIBLE SMELL!!? URRRRRAAAAAHHH!!" One of the Vulcans covered his mouth, dropping Tatsu.

Before long.. every Vulcan in the forest had run off, screaming with horror at the thing that had assailed their nose. 

Virgo picked up Tatsu in her arms gently, as a stunned Miyoko ran over.

"You.. how did you know that would work!?" Miyoko stammered.

 "My old master.. before Lucy, he owned a manor near a colony of Forest Vulcans." said Virgo. "I used to have to gather firewood for him.. and I discovered that certain plant odors repulse the vulcans. 

Miyoko paused a little.. then spoke. "V-Virgo.. I-I wanted to apologize."

"Hmm.. for sneaking out?"

"Yes.. that.. too." Miyoko muttered. "But seriously.. between you and me... and.. I never tell anybody else this.. but.. you're actually my favorite babysitter.."

Virgo blinked with astonishment.  "Really?"

"I... I'm embarrassed to admit it sometimes.." Miyoko muttered, blushing. "it's just that.. cause I know you really care and all, and you truly wish the best for us. I just pretend to not like you cause I wanna act tough and all.. everybody knows Mama was a tough tomboy kid when she was younger, and everybody expects me to be just like her.."

"Nobody expects that.." said Virgo with a smile. "They know you're like that.. because you're family and everyone knows you well.. but we all know you're not exactly like her.. and you don't have to be.. you just be you.. "

Miyoko smiled. "You're right.."

"Well.. I suppose I'll have to tell your mother that your snuck out now.." Virgo said.

Miyoko looked down. 

"But.. I suppose Princess and Mikoto will be happier in a state of obliviousness to what their children have done.. for now.." said Virgo, giving Miyoko a wink.

MIyoko grinned, and hugged Virgo's waste. "You're the best.. and I bet Tatsu thinks so too."


Present Day.

Virgo panted tiredly, barely standing as she stood between Lucy and Galactica.

Galactica's serpentine neck arched up curiously. "I see.. when you were fused with Aries, you blocked my attack, that's how Lucy survived my attack, interesting, but surely you must know, that a mere single Celestial Spirit cannot hope to fight me on her own.. even if she is a Zodiac Spirit.."

"A Numensapien.. is most definitely the pure definition of power and magic in the Omegaverse.. I cannot deny.." said Virgo. "The Celestial Spirit World lies on the very edge of the Omegaverse.. and overall we are small and insignificant compared to the most powerful beings like yourself.. however.."

Virgo's eyes flashed defiantly as the image of Miyoko and Tatsu flashed in her mind. "That is no reason for me to give up. There are those in this guild that look up to me.. and I wouldn't forgive myself if they saw me fighting any less then I would with Princess, even alone! I have an example to set!!"

Back in the party room, Tatsu shed a few tears, as did Miyoko.

"Y-YOU GO GET EM VIRGO!!" Tatsu roared. "Protect Mom!! YA GOT THAT!!!?"

"YEAH!!" Miyoko roared. "WHAT HE SAID!!"

"Perhaps we should cover their eyes?" Muttered Goku. "I... I don't think they'll want to watch what happens yet.."

"No.." said Erza, her eyes flaring up.

"What?" Goku said. "Look even I get the horrible stuff that's about to happen here!"

"We are all members of Fairy tail.." said Erza. "And no matter what.. we watch each other to the end..!!  They know that.. both of them!! If we covered their eyes to this, they would never forgive us!"

Back in the arena, Virgo took a deep breath as Galactica towered further above her. "I.. will do what I can for Princess.. and ALL OF FAIRY TAIL!!"

Virgo drew a hand swiftly over Lucy, and whipped out a key from Lucy's pouch... the key was both Gold and Silver in color, with a black dragon's skull over it.."

"Sh-she doesn't intend to use one of Lucy's keys does she!?" said Mikoto said. "I didn't think Celestial Spirits could use keys themselves!"


"FOOOOMMMMMM!!" The biggest gate key light yet blasted into the sky.. and out of the sky, a large white dragon with pink edged scales and large feathery wings, as well as feathers around the edge of her jaws and head launched herself out..

"HEEELLLLOOOOOO!!!" Draco exclaimed cheerfully, her eyes sparkling as she spread her wings out before the stunned audience. "My my! It's the first time I've ever been summoned! I didn't think it would actually happen one day! I wonder if Thundaarix is still around or... eh? HEEEEHH!? THIS ISN'T EARTHLAND!? Young lady! DID YOU SUMMON ME HERE!?"

Draco stared down at the unconscious Lucy.  "Hmm.. obviously a celestial mage.. but.. maybe she exhausted all her magic to summon me... DARN! How is she supposed to receive my one time gift if she's unconscious!?"

"I-I summoned you.." Virgo stammered.

"VIRGO DEARY!?" stammered Draco. "Th-that must have been absolutely taxing on you! AND YOU KNOW MY KEY IS ONLY A ONE TIME USE RIGHT!? Are you SURE!?"

"I need this!!" Virgo. "I need.. to protect Princess!"

"Hmmm.. very well." said Draco. "But remember.. use it RESPONSIBLY!"

"Wh-what is this!?" said Galactica stammered. ethereal stars bursting from her in shock. "A Dragon Gate Key!? Is this some sort of joke!?"

"HERE WE GO!! CELESTIAL.. BLESSSINGGGGGGGGGG!!!" Draco exhaled a massive blast of celestial golden energy into Virgo..

Virgo breathed deeply, and then she stood up straight, her eyes flaring open.. 

"Wh-what did the dragon do to her!?" stammered Galactica exclaimed.

"Well.. so long deary! Don't overdo it! Tell me what happens when you get back to the Celestial Spirit world kay?" Draco said cheerfully before disintegrating into golden light..

"WHAT DID SHE DO TO YOU!?" Galactica demanded, her fangs sparking with nebulae gasses. "TELL ME!!"

Virgo kept still for a minute... then.. after a seemingly long pause, she spoke..

"Dragon Lord!!"

"KAAABLLLLLMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!" Celestial energy exploded from Virgo.. and parts of her maid's dress tore to pieces, revealing her arms fully as the same white pinkish scales from the Celestial dragon grew on her forearms, turning them into sharp talons. A Dragon's tail with feathers growing out from the end whipped out.. and long elegant white horns with small pink rings around the tips grew from around her now dragonish eyes.. her shoes tore to pieces as her feet became talons too.

Large feathery wings grew from Virgo's back as she rose into the air, above the absolutely shocked Galactica.

"ROAR OF THE CELESTIAL DRAGON!!!!!" Virgo hurled a powerful blast of golden light from her mouth, imbibed with pink energy in the center.

"HOLY HEEEEELLLLLLLLLLL!!!" The star filled serpent screamed as the blast exploded into her her... and sent her hurtling into the other side of the arena with an explosive crash.

Fairy Tail all stared, their jaws wide open..

Even everybody on Diablo's team had their jaws open with shock. 

And it was like this even in the party room where all the others were watching

"SINCE WHEN COULD THAT HAPPEN!?" Miyoto screamed. 


"K-Kakarot!" Vegeta stammered. "These Fairy Tail people... are truly frightening.."

"Uhuh!!" Goku stammered, his jaw open too.

"PURGING FIST OF THE CELESTIAL DRAGON!!!" Virgo wasted no time, dashing forward and launching a huge assault of multiple golden pink energy punches into Galactica..

But Glactica's body slithered swiftly curling and bending her body to avoid the attacks. 

"BLACK HOLE CONCUSSION!!!" Galactica blasted a giant black sphere from her mouth that pulled Virgo towards it with it's near inescapable gravity...

"URRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Virgo let energy explode from her body..and the sphere was shattered.

"SH-SHE DESTROYED A BLACK HOLE!?" stammered Galactica right before Virgo hurled a kick straight into the galactic serpent's jaw and smashed the Numensapien into the ground.

"A Celestial Dragon Slayer.." Nicole said with a trembling voice. "I thought those were just a myth!"

"Wh-what are they exactly!?" Mikoto asked. "How is she a Dragon Lord right off the bat!?"

"It is said that Draco was a direct descendent of Elanis.. so I've heard from one of my dragon aunts." said Nicole.  "She used to be an ordinary Dragon, and she fought a goddess of the Celestial Realm, she was defeated and thrown into the Celestial Spirit World, but while there, she absorbed the energy there and became a Celestial Spirit Dragon!"

"it's not the myth part that shocks me." said Natsu. "How the heck did she become a Dragon Born without being blessed before she was born and stuff!?"

"Honestly.. I'm clueless!" stammered Nicole. 

"HOW DARE YOU!!" Galactica roared, recovering quickly and slithering to the other end of the Arena. "You would DARE defy the gods!? FILTHY DRAGON THING!!"

Virgo didn't answer, instead she flew at Galactica, pursuing her relentlessly, a powerful terrifying light in her eyes. 

"You.. will... receive.. PUNISHMENT!!" Virgo said wrathfully.

"NO! THE ONE WHO SHALL RECIEVE PUNISHMENT!! IS YOUUUUU!!" Galactica's tail exploded with powerful light and she lashed it down on Virgo, smashing her to to the ground.

"HORRID GALACTIC WHIP!!" Galactica roared as she hurled more powerful glowing whip-like attacks on Virgo's back, beating her into the ground. "HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT!?"

"Harder.." Virgo's muffled voice came out from where her face was planted in the dirt.

"..." Galactica blinked, her tail froze. "Wh... whaaaaa?"

"I said.." Virgo looked up, her eyes sparkling. "Punish me harder.."

There was a massive silence.

"A-AM I FIGHTING A MASOCHIST!?" screamed Galactica.  "WHAT THE HELL! No.. this is some sort of ruse!! I WON'T FALL FOR IT!! TAKE THIS!!!"

Galactica continued to whip Virgo furiously, as Virgo's eyes sparkled more and she blushed. 

"you know.." Mikoto muttered to Natsu. "I think Virgo is scarier than Kuroko sometimes."

"Uhuh." Natsu nodded in agreement.

"Eheheheh.. yes princess!!" Virgo exclaimed. "i've been very bad!"

"I-Is she imagining that the Celestial mage is the one hitting her!?" muttered Galactica, sweat pouring down her starry scales as she stopped attacking. "This woman is possibly the most frightening spirit I've ever met!"

"Are you done?" said Virgo, standing up, her eyes now turning red and ominous. "Then it is time for YOUR punishment!!"


Galactica used her tail to tear the moon mask from her chest and throw it into the sky.

The Crescent moon mask grew to tremendous size.. and from it, grew a massive godly body, filled with blue stars and galaxies, possessing 12 Arms, clasped and made into gestures resembling a Hindu god. 

Lunagron made several mystic echoing noises and aimed his palms down at Virgo.  A few more echoing mystic words of another language later, and a massive surging beam exploded into Virgo.. creating a surging wind..

Immediately.. a heavy rain began to pour.. flooding the craters in the stadium with water.

"Like that?" said Galactica smugly. "My Purgatory God Lunagron doesn't talk much, but his Gravity Beams create so much gravitational force upon impact, that it forces all the clouds in the sky to start raining... you fought well for a Celestial Spirit.. but now you'll learn that to oppose a Numensapien is f-f-... WAIT WHAT!?"

Lunagron also stepped back in shock, as a golden light burst from the water, and Virgo burst out.. her tail whipping away some of the water. 

"I am still fine." said Virgo, her eyes sparkling. 

"SH-she shielded herself!? Just how powerful did she get.. and... and.." Galactica roared out now.. looking supremely angry and confused. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING A SWIMSUIT!!?" 

Virgo was indeed wearing a black white laced bikini now, and was posing like a model. "Because it is raining... and... It is Fan Service.."

"FAN SERVICE!!? " roared Galactica. 

"Ahh.. Virgo.. Fairy Tail's first Fourth Wall breaker.." said Twilight Prankster.

"Fourth.. what?" said Frieza, looking up from where he had been quietly observing.

"Never you mind now." said Prankster. 

Virgo did another sexy pose, the chains around her scaly wrists clinking as her wings blew several windy shockwaves from one flap alone.. blasting the rain apart.  "So.. shall I innitiate your punishment?"

Virgo launched herself forward getting closer and closer.

"NO.... NOOOO.. NOOOOOOOO!!! LUNAGRON!!!!" Galactica screamed.

"OOOOOOO...!!" another powerful celestial beam blasted from Lunagron's body.. as Virgo collided with Galactica. 

A massive light surged into the sky... and the celestial bodies and stars that had littered the sky, as well as Lunagron, disappeared. 

when the dust settled.. Virgo and Galactica, both back in their normal forms.. lay unconscious upon the ground... Virgo's body was in the process of fading into golden glitter, the magic that summoned her running out..

"It's a draw.." said Horus. "The battle between Lucy Heartfillia and Galactica Nova, is a draw!"

Natsu immediately ran out onto the battlefield and picked Lucy up in his arms. "HEY! LUCY! COME ON!! OPEN YOUR EYES!!"

Lucy twitched a little, and her eyes opened dimly. "H-hey.. N-Natsu.. I guess I lost.. didn't I?"

"No.. actually it's a draw." said Natsu with a grin.

"H-huh? How?"

Natsu nodded at Virgo, tilting his head in her direction. "Your spirits really love ya.. ya know..'

Lucy smiled at Virgo, who opened her eyes dimly as well, and smiled back.

"A-are you okay.. Princess?" Virgo murmured.

"Yes.. thanks to you.." said Lucy.  "You.. did very well."

Virgo smiled. "thank you.."

"And.. Miyoko and Tatsu were most definitely watching.." said Lucy with a bright grin.

Virgo's eyes widened, then she smiled wider this time.. a few tears trickling down her cheeks, before she disappeared in a bright burst of celestial light.. returning to the Celestial Spirit realm. 

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