A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diab...

By MisakaLovesYou

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The tournament continues, with part 2 of Book 7. Having overcome Lord Boros, Mikoto now must deal with the p... More

Prologue: A Vengeful Meeting
Time to Reflect, Time to Skip
A Discussion Between Gods
Power of the Multiversal Alliance
Thundamander's Full Power
Everyone Together
The Last 10 Rounds Begin. Fairy Tail v.s. Team Diablo
Saitama V.S Bicel Tricel
The Emperor and the Gun Slinger
Time for Punishment! Lucy V.S. Galactica Nova
Virgo V.S. Galactica, Draco Emerges
A Switch in Matchups? Slotta's Cunning Plan.
Touma Kamijou V.S. Slotta Machina. The Real Villain is Fulguras!?
Return of a Legend
Super Sentai Pirates
The Fox in The Moon. Lunatsune Kitsune emerges.
MoonFire Dragon, and MoonFire Emperor
Ichigo V.S. ZenXree: a Ghost of a Chance.
Natsu V.S. Drakson Draconis. Blazing Fists of Passion
The Blazing Fists of Passion Continue
Demon and Dragon. Fulguras v.s. Diablo
This is The End..And the Beginning.
A New Type of World
Special Thanks

The Emperor and the Diablo

534 29 24
By MisakaLovesYou

"The first match is finished." said Frieza, looking up at the screen. "If my information is correct, they should be starting about now.. are we ready?"

Erza nodded. "Go.."

Frieza smirked and disappeared in a blur of speed.

"Where's he going!? What's he up to!?" Vegeta roared. "What have you been planning with him?"

"It's something that only Frieza can do.. isn't it?" said Goku.

Erza nodded. "Trust me, if there were any other way, we'd do it.. but.."

Erza glanced at the rest of Fairy Tail and all their friends behind her... she had already briefed them on the plan.. and even the children were staring resolutely at the screen in anticipation for what was going to happen.

"One of Diablo's team.. is capable of absolutely stopping the attempt to kill us.." said Erza. "And one of our team is capable.. of stopping the attempt to kill us.. that is going to happen in around 2 minutes.. "

"T-TWO MINUTES!?" Vegeta roared. "D-damn! They'd try to kill your entire guild in front of us!?"

"They're gods.. to them, we're just bugs." said Wendy stepping forward. "But.. unless you count Mayuri, who doesn't have the power necessary to do this... Frieza is the only one we know.. capable of the interrogation methods we need to save our entire guild.."

And just what interest does Frieza have in keeping the ones who imprisoned him alive!?" Vegeta stammered.

For just a moment.. Erza glanced back at  Miyoko, but resumed looking at the screen. This would take perfect timing to work... it was all up to Accelerator now..

Back down at the battlefield, as Nicole helped Saitama sit down and began patching him up with bandages, Mikoto looked at Accelerator, sweating. "Y-you ready?"

Accelerator glanced at Mikoto. "Trust me, we're fine.. heh.. wish you'd stop second guessing yourself.. you're right, it's our last option..  if what our information says they're using to try and kill us is correct.. this plan is the only plan we've got.. the only good one anyways.."

Mikoto nodded. "Just.. I can't help but feel by using Frieza.. we've made a deal with the Devil.."

"He ain't the devil.. and we know that.. " Accelerator said. "The Devil's sitting there, pulling Diablo's strings.. pulling everyone's strings.. it's time we yanked back.."

"Get ready, they'll start as soon as they announce you and your opponent.." Mikoto whispered.

"And the next match!" Horus announced.

"Here it is.." Accelerator muttered.

"Is Accelerator V.S. Diablo Goros.."


Back at the manor of the gods... one of the gods.. a tall fishman like creature wearing leather pants, with a jewel encrusted in his chest.. walked over next to a strange spherical red god with multiple arms, and one large round eye in the center of it's body.. floating next to a monitor displaying an image of the battlefield...

"Are we ready?" said the first god. "Vectras.." 

"Yes.." said Vectras. "Of course.. the only troubling one might be the esper in the center, but at least if they don't expect us.. it should be fine..."

"Then commence." said the first god.

Vectras raised his multiple arms..."There, my secret power that only those I've told know of.. which will ensure our getting away with a clean slate on this... the spell of death.. Consume and Disrupt.. Guided Rain of the Vector GOD!!"

"SHOOOOOMMMM" The sky turned dark and black.. and down from the black sky.. multiple red lines began to shoot downwards. Multiple lines each one.. dedicated to a specific target.. 9 lines split away from the main group and exploded down towards the stadium, while the rest directed themselves at the hotel..

"Wh-what is this!?" Skea stammered. "They're going through my sky enchantments!?"

"M-My word! Who is disrupting the tournament!?" Horus stammered as well.

Wrathas smirked. So.. the gods would make their fatal mistake.. good bye.. Fairy Tail.

The lines shot down revealing themselves to be powerful red spears of utmost divine power... and as they neared, Accelerator looked up and smirked. "I don't think so.."

Accelerator touched the knob on his chocker and turned it up to it's max setting.. suddenly, the Fairy Symbol on the choker glowed bright.. and Accelerator let out a roar as a shockwave exploded from him.. his body glowing with tremendous heat..

The 9 arrows, directed at each member of the team except for Mikoto.. as well as the arrows that had just blasted through the ceiling of the hotel and were converging on everyone else affiliated with Fairy Tail.. stopped short of their targets.. hovering in mid air.. a strange glow stopping them from resuming to their targets.


"That's the least of our problems!" The first god stammered. "Somehow those idiots KNEW.. HOW could they POSSIBLY know!?"

"What is this!?" Skea exclaimed. "Explain yourselves!!!"

"Miss." Elohim stepped forward from the stands. "Allow me to explain. You see, by use of a cunning spy, I have discovered a plot against my team.. a plot to kill them all.. a plot that started with the assassination of Usopp, the very death you continue to investigate.. it is through the knowledge from this spy.. that we have used Accelerator to stop the killing spell!!"

Elohim gestured to the arrows, and Accelerator, who was still glowing. "However.. Accelerator is busy blocking the spell until it has run it's course.. so he won't be able to fight.. if you would permit us.. we'll bring in a replacement.."

"Replacement!?" said Wrathas with a laugh. "HA! Nothing can get through Skea's Sky magic once the battles have started, you'll have to forfeit-.."

"HEEEEELLLLOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Prankster suddenly exploded into being in a burst of smoke and confetti, waving jovially. "Forget about MWWWWAAAAAHHHHHHH!!?"

Wrathas stared, her eye twitching, as Prankster danced onto the field. "B-but.. h-how did he?"

"Isn't it obvious!?" said Twilight Prankster. "BULLSHIT PHYSICS!!"

Everyone went silent.

"Bullshit... Physics... huh?" Mikoto said.

"Well excuuuuuse me for not having a viable Rick and Morty style explanation for what the hell I just did to get in! I'm Twilight Friggin' Prankster!" said Prankster, waving his hands into the air. "Anyways.. it's not me you want.. it's the golden guy himself! The guy who used to be our pet gold fish!!! COOOLERRR!!"

Frieza stepped out from behind Prankster, and glared at him. "That's my brother you twit."

"Ha you both know you're both pretty much the stupid same thing cause Toei was running out of movie ideas!" said Prankster.

Frieza smirked, ignoring Prankster as he stepped onto the battlefield. "I hope I can indulge you... I.. will be your opponent... Diablo Goros was it?"

Diablo Supreme's eyes went wide with shock, she stared at Mikoto. "What... are you playing at?"

Mikoto remained expressionless, looking away from Diablo.. 

However Diablo Goros glided onto the battlefield.. terrible power of molten light glowing around his body... 

"I do not object.. to this weakling.." said Goros, a deadly glow rippling from him as he flexed his claws.  "If they truly believe this pathetic excuse for an Emperor can replace one of their strongest members.. then I will smash apart their delusions personally.."

Frieza smirked up at Goros. "Very well.. personally, I hold about as much love for Fairy Tail as you.. but I have a vested interest in my victory during this battle.. and..."

Frieza licked his lips. "The power of a Diablo.. it's rather beautiful isn't it?"

"What...?" said Goros.

"Oh.. nothing.." said Frieza. 

Horus shrugged at Skea, who narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Elohim and the two gods stepped aside, as Wrathas began staring at the battlefield herself with a little less composure..

Just what on earth was Mikoto Misaka planning using.. Frieza!?

Frieza and Goros stared at each other for a few moments.. silence pressing down on them.. as Goros's claw twitched ever so slightly at his side... and Frieza's eyes narrowed.


"Very well.." said Frieza with a small smile. "I shall go first... shall I? HYAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!"

"FOOOOOMMMMMM!!!" A tremendous golden light bathed the entire battlefield... and Golden Frieza emerged from the light, spreading his arms out in eloquent exuberance..

"Allow me to introduce you.. to the shining form that shall be your downfall!!!" Frieza exclaimed. "No need to bow before me.. I shall force you to kneel myself!!"

Frieza thrust forward his finger, and hurled a powerful barrage of red beams of light from his finger tip. The Death Beams blasted down at Goros, who dissapeared in a burst of speed, flashing in and out of view as the beams each missed him completely.

"Don't make me laugh.. golden vermin.." Goros whispered ominously as he suddenly appeared behind Frieza like a tremendous horrific black shadow...

"Wh-wha!?" Frieza stammered right before Goros's claws slashed down at him.. "Dark Lawlessness of the Damned.."

The claws hurled powerful scar shaped red molten dark magic down at Frieza at close range, which he was barely able to avoid.. 

The blasts hurled past Frieza.. burning through the air, before slamming against the battlefield below.. 

The impact alone caused the very planet, newly repaired, to shake down to it's very core.. as nearby volcanoes outside the city suddenly erupted with tremendous energy.

"Wh-what is that!?" stammered Death The Kid as the room shook and the screen turned red from the molten sky shown within it..

"That.. is the power of a Diablo.." said Luce. "The very power Frieza craves.."

Diablo Goros spread his claws out, his skeletal form glowing with terrible might. "Well.. golden fool.. does this power not amaze you? Does it set you with fear? What are your thoughts?"

Frieza paused for a minute, then looked up, grinning psychotically. "I.. love it.. it's GLORIOUS!! OHOHOHOHO!!!"

"Hmph.." Diablo Goros spat. "You lived laughing like a fool.. and now.. you shall die like one too!! Lawless Nightmare of the Damned!!!"

Goros held a palm up to the sky.. and a giant black sphere with molten magma erupting from it's surface grew and grew.. becoming so massive.. that it actually obscured the very sky.. creating an eclipse..

Wind surged through the powerful sphere, as it was so powerful, that it possessed it's own gravitational pull equal to that of Jupiter.. Only Skea's magic protected the move's very presence from tearing the planet apart..

Goros threw the sphere down at Frieza.

Frieza's eyes went wide with fear. "NO.. NOOOO!!!"

Frieza held out his hands.. as the attack slammed into his palms.. as he tried in vain to push it back.


"I don't know why Railgun planned to have you fight me.." said Diablo Goros. "Perhaps it was an excuse to be rid of you for good..  in any case.. whatever the reason.. I do not care.. because this match is mine to win.."

Diablo Goros pointed a long claw down at the sphere.. sending a bit more energy into the giant sphere.. and it rammed into Frieza with more force, engulfing him in mid air..

"AAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!" Frieza screamed as the energy began to disintegrate him within it's diabolic clutches.


"Hahaha... just kidding.." Frieza said, smirking. 

"WHAT!?" said Diablo Goros.

"HYAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Frieza spread out his arms within the dark powerful energy.. and the sphere began to converge.. becoming smaller and smaller, until finally, he was holding the energy around the size of a crystal ball between his palms..

Frieza panted, but continued to smirk, holding the energy there. "Well well.. what a surprise.."

Diablo Goros's red molten eyes widened. 

"What's the matter? Speechless.. can't think of what to say?" said Frieza tossing the energy sphere from hand to hand as if he were playing with an ordinary toy.  "I know precisely what you're thinking.. there's no possible way.. a fool of such lower power than I should be able to catch my attack! Perhaps.. there's a reason.." 

Frieza held up his wrist.. and upon the golden wrist.. was a strange emblem.. shaped like a tree. "Can you feel the energy coming from that? That's the magic.. of Aleister Crowely.."

"GGGGGGAAAAHHHHHHH!!!?" From within the control room Vectras staggered back. "A-ALEISTER!? H-HOW IS THAT MONSTER POSSESSING ALEISTER'S MAGIC!? UNLESS.."

"I absorbed the blundering oaf after I defeated him at your god's silly manor.." said Frieza, giving Diablo Goros a little bow. "Do forgive me.. but I've combined it with my own power to some devestatingly wonderful results! Ohohoho!"

"Aleister uses an unstable magic even Numensapiens avoid.. how is a fool like you able to control it?" Diablo Goros whispered wrathfully. 

"Perhaps I'm just better than you silly Diablos care to admit.." said Frieza with a smirk. 

"How.. DARE you.." Diablo Goros exploded with tremendous wrath, as powerful molten magic energy blasted from his body, turning the sky frightfully dark, and sending chills even up the most powerful deity's spine..  "You dare insult the great power of the Diablos? Guardians of Lady Corruption? You will LEAAAAARRRRRRRNNNNNNNN!!"

Tremendous demonic power rippled out from Diablo Goros's claws as he came shooting down at Frieza, and began slashing them with tremendous precision at Frieza, bloody screams of tortured souls issuing from the very energy wreathing the claws..

Frieza smirked and exploded with his own golden ki, becoming tremendously fast as he bobbed and weaved between the claw slashes.. barely avoiding the attacks..

"DON'T SMIRK AT ME!!!" Goros spat... magma hissing from his skull-like mouth as he hurled powerful molten knee strike into Frieza's gut.

"OOOHHHH!" Frieza threw up some blood as the blow hit him hard, and he staggered back in mid air, reeling.

"NOW BURRRRRRRNNNN!!!" Goros grabbed Frieza's face with his claws and molten energy surged from his arm straight into Frieza's body. "LAWLESS DEATH HOLD OF THE DAMNED!!!"

Frieza screamed and struggled in Goros's grasp as molten energy erupted all over his body, clawing at Goros's hand, trying to break free.

"You think yourself an Emperor, but you rule nothing.. you think yourself a god, but you hold no power!" said Diablo Goros. "Today.. you shall learn what it means.. to be an ant below the foot of a TRUE god!!"

Frieza gritted his teeth as he forced himself to endure the pain. "No.. the one who shall be beneath my foot.. IS YOU!!!!"

Frieza let out a ferocious scream, and his powerful golden ki blasted forth, and sent Diablo Goros hurling back.

"YOU'RE THE ONE!! WHOSE GOING TO DIE!!!" Frieza roared, holding a finger to the air, forming a massive sphere of golden and purple energy there. 

Frieza threw the Golden Death Ball, but Diablo Goros chuckled darkly, and pointed a claw at the sphere and it immediately shattered like glass.

Frieza's eyes went wide with shock. "S-so easily?!"

"Despite Aleister's attempts to achieve power.. even he was nothing but a bug before the true might of the Diablos.. " said Diablo Goros. "You were a fool to attempt to rise to the level of the gods Frieza.. you were a fool to think it could ever be done.. by a small mortal whelp such as yourself!!"

Goros hurled his hands into the air. "LAWLESS DEVIL OF THE DAMNED!!!"

A massive terrible serpent made of molten energy conjured itself out of the air.. exploding from Goros's palms.. as it grew horns and slobbering magma fangs.. black seething evil energy rippling from it's spiked back.

It grew to the size of a Purgatory God.. and screeched into the air.. splitting the ears of all who heard with its malice... before flying at Frieza, opening it's jaws to receive him... 

The jaws exploded into Frieza, and chomped down upon him.. consuming him.. and his vision became darkness.. as he felt the energy consume him..

"And here.. I've only used 1 percent of my full power.. " Goros muttered.

This is only one percent of my full power..

Frieza smiled at the puny Saiyan Goku before him.. standing below a green sky, on a field of blue grass.. the planet Namek years and years ago..

Frieza smiled at Goku tilting his head. "Perhaps we should see, what happens, when I go up to 50 percent of my full power.."

Goku grinned and got ready.. but.. as soon as he did.. he immediately regretted it.. Frieza disappeared in a burst of speed.

Goku staggered back, clutching his face, his nose bleeding.. once more.. there was a pause, as Goku looked at Frieza, wiping the blood from his face... however, after only a moment of rest, Frieza giggled mischievously, and appeared right behind Goku, using his tail to grab his throat.

Goku choked out desperately, unable to do a thing as Frieza hurled an elbow straight to where his kidney was..  and then as Goku staggered, choking from the blow, Frieza pranced away on all fours like a prancing cat, still chuckling playfully... like a lion toying with his food.

As Goku gasped and shivered in pain.. on his knees, Frieza smiled. "I did warn you.. and that was only at half though now I'm starting to question whether I ought to have even bothered with that much, how anti-climatic.."

Goku got back to his feet, preparing to fight once more..

Frieza smiled again, how pitiful.. how pitifully small they all were.. this was how they deserved to die.. mere playthings at his disposal, shown the deepest depths of hell for daring to ruin his chance at immortality..

Goku launched himself at Frieza, lashing out a flurry of blows.. but each time he tried to hit Frieza, he'd disappear, easily using his massively superior speed to dodge each and every attack.

Frieza then used his tail to slam Goku's battered body, grabbing him by the throat and throwing him into the air.

"Dear me.." Frieza said, suddenly appearing behind Goku as he fell, a shadow crossing his ominous face. "Nevermind half my power right now.. believe it or not I'm barely even using a third of it.."

Frieza continued to pummel Goku around mercilessly, using barely any bit of his massive strength,..

"My.. " said Frieza, as Goku jumped out of a lake he had been beaten into. "Feeling a bit winded by chance? I must say it's a miracle you're standing.."


Suddenly, the entire memory froze.. Goku and Namek all disappeared as Frieza folded his arms and bowed his head quietly. 

"It used to be I.. who toyed with the weak.. who marveled at the patheticness of others.. and yet now.. I am the one being called weak.. I am the ant beneath the boot.. as the Diablos laugh at me.."

Frieza gritted his teeth furiously, clenching his fists as he stood in the darkness. "WORTHLESS!! I... I will not be brought down so LOW!!"

Frieza closed his eyes.. then.. he opened them again.. to find himself in a new memory..

He was standing behind the Fairy Tail guild hall, in the new garden that Nicole and Mikoto had just finished working on over the summer, blooming flowers assaulted Frieza's steely gaze, making him wish he could obliterate the entire thing..

"One percent!? That's crap!" 

Frieza looked down at the little Miyoko, now around 7 years old.

"You used 1 percent to damage me THIS much?" Miyoko growled, rubbing the bruise on her chin from when Frieza had just hit her with his tail. "LAME! you looked like you were trying way too hard!"

Frieza glared down at Miyoko. "Don't be absurd you ignorant fool. You of all people should know, with a mother like yours, there are those who possess power so great that even a mere one percent of it feels like a truck slamming into your rib cage.. never mind one percent.. I believe only used a quarter of a percent.."

Miyoko stuck her tongue out at Frieza.  "HA! Well get this! Mama said that I'm WAY more powerful than she was at my age!! For all you know.. that measly one percent you used is probably only one millionth to me when I grow up!"

Frieza's eyes widened greedily. "Oh? Truly?"

"MIYOKO!!!" Mikoto ran over and grabbed her daughter's hand. "WHAT did I tell you about talking to him!?"

"Easy Mama.. lizard man can't do anything!" said Miyoko grumpily. 

Mikoto rubbed Miyoko's bruise with a cloth. "Damn it.. FRIEZA!!"

Mikoto glared at the alien tyrant with utmost loathing. "I'm debating asking Prankster to turn you back into a gold fish.."

Frieza remained silent.. but as Mikoto took Miyoko away.. he smiled, contemplating the secret he held within his grasp now..  and he glared greedily at Miyoko's retreating back.

"She will be mine..."

"Yes... She... will... BE... MINEEEE!!!!!!" 

Frieza let out a wrathful scream within the dark energy engulfing him.. and his eyes glowed with tremendous evil, grinning. "A POWER UNLIKE ANY OTHER LIES WITHIN WAIT FOR ME TO RETRIEVE OUT OF THAT GIRL.. DIABLOS... AND YOU WON'T STAND IN MY WAY!!!"

Frieza concentrated.. calming his energy, gaining mastery over it.. as he spread out his palms within the powerful surging molten darkness. and drew it in... soon the darkness seeped into Golden Frieza's body, absorbing into his body permanently..  until finally it joined Aleister's energy within him..

Diablo Goros stared with astonishment.. as the massive molten serpent exploded... and out of it.. emerged a new form...

"I should thank you.." Frieza's voice spoke from within the dust cloud that now lay around him. "Without you stretching me to my limits.. I never would've learned to absorb the power of the Diablos.. you see.. it is only through my very special anatomy that I can absorb other powerful entity's magic in the first place.. as I'm primarily a Ki user.. but thanks to you.. I have evolved..

Frieza's new form emerged from the dust.. He was muscular and lithe like his Golden Form.. however, his head and torso was sleek and white like his true form. black scar like markings adorned his eye.. and his head gem was now burning a molten orange-ish red.. as a similar molten power burned from within his eyes. Silver pentagrams adorned over other burning molten gems.. two in number.. lined his chest and his back.. and his legs and arms were now black as coal.. his tail and wrists and ankles, shown a deadly dark metallic silver. 

And as he landed on the ground.. with each step he took, molten foot prints appeared, bubbling with magma.. just like all Diablos..

"Just call me.. Diablo Frieza.." said Frieza with an arrogant smirk.

Diablo Supreme stared at Frieza, looking disconcerted. "A mere warrior of the Zen-Oh multiverse absorb and survive the sheer weight of a Diablo's power?"

"It's not actually that outlandish.." said Corruption. "I myself am sheer evil incarnate.. I created the power of the Diablo using this power.. by enveloping Numensapiens and granting them new might... however, Frieza himself, is also the purest evil.. somebody of his immensely horrid nature is naturally in tune with the powers of Corruption.. there is no other mortal more suited to using the power of Diablo.."

"I-Incredible!!" Diablo Goros stammered as Diablo Frieza rose into the air so that they were level with each other.

"You were only using one percent of your full power...? Correct?" said Frieza, smiling deviously. "Well.. why don't you try a hundred percent? Right off the bat, just for giggles?"

"YOU ARROGANT DISRESPECTFUL!!! THIEF OF POWER!!!!" Diablo Goros screamed, hurling a massive black molten energy blast at Frieza... using energy powerful enough to destroy any Numensapien..

There was a pause, then Frieza emerged from the dust, still smirking, completely unharmed.

"Ohohohoho! That tickled slightly, if it helps your ego any." said Frieza, holding up a finger. "I guess it's my turn.. so perhaps.. I should start with one percent... of MY power..."

Frieza disappeared in a massive surge of speed, leaving a trail of molten energy behind him.. and hurled a punch right into Diablo Goros's face.

A shockwave to destroy a thousand shockwaves before it radiated through the air as a combination of molten magma and terrible black magic exploded from the blow..

Diablo Goros fell to the earth.. molten blood gushing from his jaw.. his skeletal form exploding against the ground.

Frieza levitated down casually next to him. "Oh my? Should I have been a bit more gentle?"

"GRAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" Diablo Goros rose up and began slashing his claws at Frieza with a viciousness to equal the most terrifying demon... but while his attacks would've completely decimated the old Frieza... Diablo Frieza merely smirked and stood in one place dodging each and attack with utter ease.. all of Goros's assaults hitting nothing but air..

"My my! Such exuberance! I do appreciate enthusiasm in my prey!" said Frieza playfully as Goros continued to attack. 

"LAWLESS CRUSH OF THE DAMNED!!!" Diablo Goros  held out a palm burning with tremendous molten power and slammed it at Frieza's head... 

But Frieza held out a finger.. and immediately, the attack that would've hurled a Dragon Lord at Wendy or Gajeel's level into oblivion was stopped by that one little finger..

"Impossible.. IMPOSSIBLE!!" Diablo Goros stammered, as Frieza used his finger to push the hand aside, that arrogant smirk still on his face.

"Well? How does it feel for the shoe to be on the other foot?" said Frieza. "But don't feel too bad.. your experience isn't any different from any other fool whose defied me in the past.."

"You're.. some kind of monster!" Diablo Goros hissed.

"A monster? Mwa?" said Frieza. "Ohohoho.. Perhaps you're right.. I'm the big bad monster lurking in your closet Diablo Goros.. and I'm about to have you for dinner.."

Frieza pointed his finger at Goros. "Death Beam of the Damned.."

"KASSHEEEEN!!" A thin beam of molten dark energy shot straight through Diablo Goros's chest.. 

"A-ackk.." Diablo Goros fell on his back.. as dark magma began to pool out of his body like blood.

"Now.. regarding my deal with Mikoto Misaka.. as promised.. I'm going to interrogate you on a few things.. primarily.. the identity, of each and every god that's involved in trying to kill Fairy Tail.." said Frieza, his tail whipping back and forth.. his molten eyes glowing with a twisted pleasure. "Each and ever attempt to deviate from the truth.. will be met with pain.."

"So that... is why.." Goros coughed. "They somehow knew that lady Corruption and her faithful servants knew about the plots against Fairy Tail's life...the cunning spy.. IT WAS YOU!!"

"Ohohoho.. most perceptive..but.." Frieza put a foot against Diablo Goros's skull, his eyes flaring.  "I'm growing impatient.. answers Goros... "

Diablo Goros closed his eyes... "There once was a Numensapien.. A Gunslinger from the Dark Badlands... who could slay any evil with a single bullet.."

Frieza blinked in slight confusion. "Excuse me?"

"However... one day.. he ran into a lady.. wreathed in black.." Goros continued feebly. "Come with me she said.. and I shall give you greater game... and so the gun slinger agreed.."

Frieza scowled. "It seems some pain is indeed required.."

Frieza raised a hand, ready to deal some punishment. 

"And now, the Gun Slinger lies beneath the foot of a golden fool.." said Goros muttered. "Who believes himself an emperor... that fool shall learn.. THE POWER OF THE DIABLOS!!!!! THE POWER HE DARES TO WIELD AS IF IT'S HIS OWN!!!"

A powerful wind surged up, knocking Frieza off of Goros.. 

Diablo Goros rose to his feet, raising his claws to the sky, preparing to unlock one of his Purgatory Forms..

"So still you defy me.." Frieza said.

"No.. it is you.. who DARE to defy me.. and shall now.. be punished!!" Goros exclaimed. "now... OUTLAW OF THE RAVAGED BADLANDS!!!!"

A surge of black and molten energy blasted out from Goros... turning into swift smoke that blew away like sand in a desert wind...

A tall figure dressed in a black trench coat with a high collar nows stood there.. wearing a wide brimmed hat. The hat had a golden skull shining upon the front..  a golden sheriff's star with a skull design was pinned upon the lapel of the black coat.. under which was an armored torso, and leather combat pants, padded with armor as well.. with spur ridden shoes similar to that of a denizen of the old west.

Two large black pistols with golden skulls emblazoned upon them were wielded in each hand, both old fashioned looking, with long barrels. 

Under the wide brimmed hat, and the high collared coat, was a skull wearing an iron mask with a long beak-like nose,covering half the face, while the bottom half, the jaw, was revealed to be simply a burned skull, with a burning molten cigar sticking out from between the teeth.

And imbedded in his chest.. was the burned skull of what appeared to be a bull..

The skeletal gun slinger blew some black smoke rings from his cigar as he twirled his guns skillfully in his hands.  "Alright pardner... ya wanted my full power.. then I'll show you.. why before I became a Diablo.. they called me.. the Mad Gunslinger of Nebulosos... savvy?"

Diablo Frieza stared with shock for a moment, but quickly switched back to an arrogant smirk. "Very well.. show me just how good a shot you are.."


It occured to me when I saw my readers voting for this chapter and not the previous one, that the notifications are probably messed up again. Please check back. If you haven't read a chapter where Saitama is the first fighter who fights with a Numensapien named Bicel Tricel, then you skipped a chappy.  Today was a double chapter update.

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Gol D. Roger, the King of the Pirates, obtained a piece of everything the world had to offer. Before his death, his dying words would drive countless...
39.8K 888 26
(sequel to A Certain Powerful Omnitrix 2) In his last skirmish with Vilgax, Ben Tennyson unlocked a darkness within the Omnitrix he thought was long...