Being a High School Student (...

By fatsadtaco

68.4K 740 65

Niall Horan, a new student goes to school after being home schooled his whole life to meet some friends. He b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 16

2.1K 24 0
By fatsadtaco

Gif of Zayn and Harry being adorable. :3 -->


Zayn's POV

We'll all take care of Niall, his brother didn't have to tell us that.

But anyway, all was good. Liam asked Danielle to be his girlfriend and she said yes. Louis was gonna make his move soon too. Harry seems to be bothered every time we mention Ms. Tiffany. The Irish boy has no love life except food and I'm not interested in anybody.

There are some interesting girls but none that sweep me off my feet.

Today was a good day since Liam was the first one to suggest we go over at McDonald's. We were all starving from everything that recently happened.

Niall ordered a lot. Even Liam did. It was all a surprise because ever since Niall got sick he's done nothing but control Niall's appetite.

Harry said "I think we need a band name" Niall said "how about Niall and the potatoes?" Louis smacked Niall at the back of his head "seriously Niall?" Niall stuck out his tongue.

We all kept quiet thinking of a good band name. Harry slolwy said "How about...One Direction? I dunno. It just popped in my head since we're always together going in one direction or something like that"

Liam smiled "I like that" Niall said with a full mouth "me too!"

I clapped my hands "Great! Now we are officially One Direction!" Louis said "we need a photo or some sort then we post it or something to let them know we're now an official band"

We all nodded. We called a waiter and gave her all our phones so she could take a picture of us. She seems a bit pissed off but with a little charm from Harry she even gave us caramel sundae for free!

Niall looked at Harry "You need to teach me how to do that" we all laughed. Imagine if Niall used his looks to get every single food in the world for free.No way is that gonna happen.

Niall seems happy today, he was able to impress his brother, which is probably a big thing for him.

Harry joked "No way Niall. You'll be so fat if you can get every food for free" Niall got a spoonful of Harry's ice cream for revenge. We all just laughed.

Hi We're One Direction. That certainly has a ring to it.

After we ate, Louis dropped us all home. Just a few more months and I'll be able to drive myself.

I ignored my sister muttering about how I'm always out and went to my room. Harry was the first one to post the picture on Facebook and Twitter. It was the 5 of us and the caption is "Meet One Direction"

A lot of people commented and liked. Soon enough, everybody was also tweeting about "One Direction" a girl even tweeted about "hiring" us for her party.

I took a shower, letting my black hair fall down. This will take me a while to fix again. 

Louis' POV

If Liam had the courage to ask Danielle, I should have the courage too, to ask Eleanor. But this was different. Danielle is just a great dancer but Eleanor is a freaking model! 

But I should still try. I can take a rejection easily anyway.

I felt something for Eleanor the moment Niall bumped into her. She's been here for only a few weeks but I have completely fallen for her already. 

Okay. I'll ask her tomorrow.

The next day, I didn't meet up with the boys in the morning. Instead I waited for Eleanor. Finally I saw her.

I walked towards her, gathering all the courage I could "Hi Eleanor"

She stopped talking to a few girls and smiled at me "Oh Hi Louis." I tried not to blush "can alone?"

Eleanor smiled "Of course." She looked at the other girls and they nodded and left us. "What is it?" I took a huge gulp of air and said "I like you. A lot" She smiled "Oh Louis, I like--"

I didn't let her continue "I'm serious. I like you more than a friend or schoolmate or whatever. And I realized that I should ask you out since Liam asked Danielle out. I know this isn't as amazing as Liam did but still..." I looked at her "Will you be my girl friend?" Eleanor smiled "Louis. I'd love to"

I looked at her in disbelief "really?" Eleanor nodded "yes." I couldn't help it. I kissed her on the cheek. I would have on the lips but I don't want to rush.

Eleanor blushed. Oh she was adorable.

The bell rang. Eleanor said "we have to go to class now" I nodded. We walked together.

I know the boys already guessed what happened by the way they were looking at me.I sat beside Harry.

He said "What's up?" I smiled "I asked her" Zayn said "you did? What did she say?" I looked at Eleanor then Zayn "she said yes"

Liam clapped and Niall winked.

The girls behind us were giggling. Eleanor probably told them the same thing. Harry said "congrats Louis" I smiled "Thanks"

The whole school was roaring. Everyone was talking about how Liam has a girlfriend and now I do too. I even heard a boy say "I won't be surprised if one of them gets another girl tomorrow" and people even started making jokes about it.

None of the other boys minded though. I felt a little embarrassed because some girls kept saying "Harry/Zayn/Niall pick me tomorrow!" but it didn't matter Eleanor was mine and mine alone.

I drove home that day in a good mood. My mom said "Louis! You're in a good mood. What happened" I waved my hands "Nothing nothing. Why can't I be happy without a reason?" 

One of my sisters, Lottie said "You can't be happy for no reason stupid" I rolled my eyes and did a girl impersonation "Like whatever!" my other 3 sisters giggled and even my mom laughed a bit. Lottie rolled her eyes.

Fizzy said "Maybe Louis got a girl friend!" I tried not to blush. I'm not gonna tell them yet. It's just the first day anyway "no"

My mom said "I don't like this "girl friend" talk. Just eat your dinner" we all nodded. No one should argue with mom.

I quickly ate my dinner and ran to my room. Eleanor gave me her number earlier and texted her:

Goodnight Love, I miss you. Xx. 

She replied with:

You're too sweet. Miss you too. Night. Mwah mwah. 

Mwah mwah? Too cute. I fell asleep immediately. Life is sweet.

Liam's POV

Louis asked Eleanor? We should have a double date sometime. Speaking of dates, I asked Danielle out on one.

I was thinking of taking her out to a carnival. She said yes.

Everyone started making jokes about one of the three boys will ask someone out tomorrow. It didn't bother any of us. Maybe it bothered Louis a bit but he was pretty happy with Eleanor.

I saw Danielle tweet "Yes. I am dating Liam Payne from one Direction. Any problem?" I favorited that tweet. She's so brave.

"One Direction" has gotten pretty popular now even though we made it the day before yesterday only. 

It was break time and we eating in the cafeteria. I went to Danielle first to give her a quick kiss on thr forehead. All of the girls sitting with Danielle said "aww" Danielle smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

I went back to the boys blushing. Zayn had his chin on his palms "Aww. So sweet" I blushed even more.

Niall clapped his hands and continued eating. Harry and Louis were smiling at me.

During PE. Niall, Harry and I started talking about the future. Harry said "we could always be an actual famous band after college you know" Niall nodded "Yeah!" I smiled. I realized that college is so near already.

I wonder if we were still like this when we grow up. I hope we are.

Harry, the pretty boy that can charm anyone. Louis, the playful one. Zayn, the boy who can never not fix his hair and Niall, the bottomless pit. And there's me. Probably the overprotective sensible one.

We certainly do make an amazing group.

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