Her ≫ Fairy Tail Fanfic

By celestia-starlight

46.8K 1.6K 1.2K

The day she disappeared was the day a part of him left with her. ... More

Arc One: Hate and Infatuation
Chapter 1: Fragile Promises
Chapter 2: My Heart
Chapter 3: Not Mine
Chapter 4: Goodbye
Chapter 5: The Reason
Chapter 6: Leaving
Help 1
Help 2
Help 3
Arc Two: Reignite
Chapter 7: Death Plan
Chapter 8: Memories
Chapter 9: True Possession
Chapter 10: Feelings
Chapter 11: Ideas
Chapter 12: The Plan
Chapter 13: Hooded Figure
Chapter 14: Thoughts
Chapter 15: Final Plan
Arc Three: Like Never Before
*** Chapter 16: Eternal Destiny ***
Chapter 17: Building
Arc Four: Regret
*** Chapter 18: Dragon Mating Season ***
Chapter 19: Just An Infatuation
Chapter 20: Mate
Chapter 21: Threats from E.D.
*** Chapter 22: Let Her Go ***
*** Chapter 23: Funeral ***
Chapter 24: Forget
*** Chapter 25: Winged Fate ***
*** Chapter 26: Photograph ***
Chapter 27: New Magic
Arc Five: Once Again
Chapter 28: the GMG's
2K: Special Oneshot
Chapter 29: Ulna
Chapter 30: Prelims
Chapter 31: Shocking
Chapter 32: Who?
Chapter 33: Participants
Chapter 34: If Only
Chapter 35: Her Death
Chapter 35.5: Thank you, Eternalis
*** Chapter 36: So Much ***
Chapter 37: Heaven And Hell
Chapter 38: Eavesdroppers
Which one?
Chapter 40: Ready
Chapter 41: Miss Fiore
Chapter 42: Danger
Author's Note of Sadness
Arc Six: Wounds of War
Chapter 43: The End
Aohturs Ntoe
*** Chapter 44: The Price ***
Chapter 45: Preemption
Chapter 46: Fury
Arc Seven: Reconcile
Chapter 47: Us Back Then
25K: Special Oneshot - Part One
Chapter 48: Never Again
Chapter 43: Amnesia

Chapter 39: Powerful

514 20 23
By celestia-starlight

"Hah..." Sting panted as he got thrown through the portal and onto a soft object.


"Welp," Zeref sighed mischievously, sarcasm seeping into his voice. "There goes a third of Crocus."

"Ow." Sting heard the muffled groan of Lector from underneath him.

"Oops," the blonde disappeared, teleporting away and reappearing 3 feet away. "Sorry 'bout that, bud."

"N-No problem." Lector stutteringly replied, rubbing his injured head. "You're so heavy, Sting-kun."


"Lector's right, Sting. You're a total fata**."


"Heh. Sting Eucliffe the Fata**. Seems reasonable to me."

"Not you too, Laxus?"

"Nah, it should be Sting Eucliffe da Fata** witha obesity problem."

"Not helping, Gajeel!!"

"Would y'all just shut up?" Though his words were harsh, Natsu had a grin on his face.

Zeref chuckled. "In all solemness, let's get back to the inn."

"Race ya there!"

"I'm so much faster than y'all!"

"Psh. In your dreams."

"See ya later, losers!"

"We sound like f****** three year olds."

"Just shaddup, and go!"

And thus a heated but playful banter stretched out between the Fateium and they ran back to their inn at the speed of light.

"No teleporting!!"

Yeah. Because Zeref said no teleporting.

I'm not going to say who won, because that should be obvious.

Duh, Natsu...


Once they got back into their inn room, the boys magic sound proofed the room and had a nice long talk about what they had overheard and the bits and prices of information they knew. About the Eternalis, if you hadn't figured that out already.

"So there's five of them, right?"

"Yeah. So, according to what we know, the one with the multicolored mark on her cloak should be the master of their guild."

"And the one with a gold mark should be Aurora, the one with a blue mark should be Ce-something -- as 'Ce' sounds like a nickname -- the one with the silver make should be Josa, the one with a dark purple mark should be Morgianna, and the one with a white mark should be Steia."

"Uh huh. And they all have exceeds too. Except for the master person."

"Just who the f*** are they? They feel... weird."

"Yeah. I got the feeling too! Like I feel-"

"-comfortable around them? Same here!"

"B-But...! Aurora said she was the one who killed L-Luce!"

"Who knows? With the power that she's shown us, that entire lacrima video could've been completely made up! And Lushie isn't dead!"

"Dream on, Happy. I'm feeling the pain of my mate's death. How can you say she's not dead?"

"O-Oh, yeah..."

"They're really suspicious."

"No s***, Sherlock!"

"Fro thinks so too!"

"It's weird. They're nice one second, then death-glare-I'm-going-to-kill-you in the next. What are they, bipolar?"

"Who knows? They might be..."

"Let's summarize what we have. We have no f****** idea who the f*** the Eternalis are, only their names and that they can be real bi***** sometimes. Also, we-"

"But they are still surprising comfortable to be around."

"Ahem. Sting, shut up and let me talk, please. Yes, they are quite comfortable to be around, but they cannot yet be trusted. We also know that their guild most likely does not have any other members other then them and all of them, their master included, are female. Or should be, if they are not using strong magic that we are not able to detect. Continue please, Natsu."

"From what I've deciphered, Aurora is the strongest out of them all, save for their master. I believe that her skills are on par with mine, as I cannot break through her high-awareness defenses and vice versa. Additionally, i have estimated the magic levels of the remaining four to be as such: Ce-something approxiamately on par with Gajeel, Josa approximately on par with Laxus, Morgiana approximately on par with Rogue, and Steia approximately on par with Sting."

"Yes. As even I was unable to penetrate the barriers set up by the master of the Eternalis, I believe that her magic level is in a close range to mine."

"Hey, Zeref-nii, then why were we able to hear them...?"

"Ya stupid, Gajeel? They only had minor barriers up, low enough for people of our magic level to penetrate unconsciously."


"Damn, these GMG's are going to be hard."

"Oh well, some entertainment is nice. We haven't had people able to match up to us in years."

"The Eternalis are powerful, and they know it."

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