The McGarrett Sister

By madisonalea

117K 1.7K 55

"Tragedy is something that will take its toll on everyone sometime in their life. For some, it happens sooner... More

prologue: begining
prologue: middle
prologue: end


1.6K 31 5
By madisonalea

Danny Williams' POV
8:53 p.m.

It was almost three hours later and I had just arrived home. The light was off in the living room, but the TV was blaring.

After opening and closing the door, I see Emily on the couch, passed out.

She had an open pizza box on the coffee table, and quite an arrangement of alcohol. I chuckle slightly at the sight of her with sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt on, her hair in a messy bun at the middle of her head, and her entire body sprawled out on the couch.

I am such a creep.

I lean down and pick her up in my arms before carrying her into my room, laying her down and draping the covers over her quickly.

I change clothes and then walk into the living room once again, grabbing a large blanket on the way.

Emily McGarrett's POV

I wake up with a jolt, another nightmare that didn't even seem to faze me as much.

Taking notice of my surroundings, I see that I'm in Danny's bedroom. Sighing, I get up out of the bed and walk into the living room so that I could retrieve my things.

"Damn it!" I chuckle as an array of pans clatter on the ground in the kitchen.

"You okay?" His head whips around to face me.

"Yeah. Just didn't want to wake you." I smile at his generosity.

"You didn't. What time is it?" Wiping the sleep out of my eyes, I jump up onto the countertop across from Danny.

"10:37." My eyes go wide.

"I slept that long?" He nods his head.

"I figured you might want the extra sleep, or as much as you can get." I smile gratefully.

"So, what are we making?" Hopping off the counter, I gesture towards the fridge.

"Eggs, bacon, and toast?" I smile.

"Sounds great."

We had finished breakfast a while ago, and I was now cleaning up the rest of the lovely mess I made in the living room last night.

"You okay?" I glance at Danny and shrug.


"Doris being on the same island as you." My slight laughter was fake.

"No, I'm not okay. But, what can you do? She wants to 'stop running' according to Steven. I can't force her to leave. Hopefully she leaves me the hell alone though." He sighs from his seated position on the couch.

"I swear, I'm going to die at the hands of one of you McGarretts. You're all too much alike." I chuckle and take the seat next to him.

"How so? Stubbornness?" He looks at me as if I had another head.

"Yes, and another list of things that have completely left me at this time." I smile at his little ramble before throwing my legs over his and re-situating myself so that I became more comfortable.

"You're pretty handsome, Danny." He looks down to me with a small smile on his face.

"Really?" He asks sarcastically.

"Really." I say seriously. His smile is wiped off of his face, and he looks at me seriously.

He faces gets closer, and almost an inch away, I sigh.

"We shouldn't be doing this." He says quietly.

"Definitely not." I could barely hear myself speak as I glanced from his eyes to his lips.

I jump at the sound of both of our phones blaring. But I'm off of the couch before Danny can even blink. My phone is sitting on the coffee table, and with a quick swipe, I answer it.

"McGarrett." Calm and steady Emily, calm and steady.

"Emily, it's Captain Grover, we have a situation and we're going to need you to come down." I nod my head.

"What's the situation, Lou?" I grab my duffle as I walk into the bathroom.

"Well, your brother was shot at already this morning when he was questioning Wo Fat. One of the guys on the other side is still breathing, so he brought him into interrogation. I'm not even there and I already know this is going to be a tall stack of paperwork. So, you coming down?" I let out a slight chuckle.

"I'll be there in 20 minutes." I shut off my phone and quickly pull out an outfit.

—minus the necklace.

I let my hair down and leave it, considering it looked just fine. I throw on some light makeup and run out of the bathroom, seeing Danny dressed and sitting on the couch.

"How did you get ready so quickly?" I grab my keys from the side table at the door as I speak.

"Maybe you were just too slow." I stick my tongue out at him before grabbing the doorknob and walking out the door.

"You're not coming with me?" I shake my head.

"I'm an independent woman, Daniel. Plus, I love driving." He chuckles and runs to his car parked next to mine.

"See you there, Emily."

"Don't make any threats, Daniel." He grimaces as I continue to call him by his first name.

Deciding to be a little ambitious, I take another route, remembering the roads from my childhood.

All of a sudden, steam starts coming from under the hood of my car. I groan and begin to pull over.

"What the hell?" I question to myself as I put the car into park.

I jump out and click the lever for the hood before I walk to the front of the car and open it carefully.

"Ah, great." I whisper to myself as more steam blows into my face. After looking at the ball of white mist for a moment, I lean down to look under the car, only to discover something is leaking.

Brakes squeak on my right, which causes me to stand up and look at the cause. A wrecker has stopped with a smiling man in the front.

"Looks like you could use some help." I let out a breath as I notice the luck I must have had.

I nod my head at the man, a small smile on my face,"That would be great."

Steven McGarrett's POV

"20 seconds"

I glance at Danny as the man speaks through the radio, he nods and we make our way to the elevator, quickly getting on and pressing the up button.

"10 seconds"

The elevator begins slowing down as we reach the floor, and it dings just after he speaks.

"5 seconds."

We walk towards the man with the gun, his other men taking our prisoner away.

"On your knees." He says quickly. "I know... there's more than two of you."

As he points the gun at the back of my head, Danny decides it would be wise for him to speak.

"That's a really bad idea." I felt the need to yell at him once the bastard put the gun on his neck.

"Are you offering to go first?" He asks.

Without much contemplation, I yell for the only other hope we had of getting out of this.

"Chin. It's all over. Get down here." He slowly walks down the staircase, and immediately drops to his knees when he leaves the stairs.

The guy who was running the show walks over to the guy we had brought with us. He whispers a few things I couldn't comprehend, but a few seconds later, he shoots him through the heart.

My eyes immediately dart over to him and go wide before looking at the man once again.

First, he places his gun on the floor and slides it to us, then, the rest of his team lay their guns on the ground and placed their hands in the air.

We direct them towards the door, one of them unarms the bomb on the door before Danny opens it and they all walk out the door. S.W.A.T. was already at the door, probably about to bust in.

The crowd begins cheering as they see the people being arrested.

"Duke, call the FBI, DHS. Have them stand by for debrief."

"Commander, how did you get them to surrender?" I turn to Grover with a small look of confusion.

"I didn't."

"Then how is this over?"

"I don't think it is." I leave Grover and begin walking in the direction of the police setup.

"Gentleman, so good to see you." I smile at Max.

"Oh, we had you worried, Max?" I ask.

"Not for a moment." He replies in a heartbeat.

"Oh, you're a very good liar. We appreciate it though." Danny says after.

"That's one scenario I hadn't figured on-- executing Cosi like that. That guy's El Condor's nephew. Why go through all this trouble if you're just gonna kill him once you get him back?" Chin asks.

"Cosi's blood tie to El Condor makes him a liability. He probably knew everything there was to know about this operation. They needed to make sure he wasn't going to talk." I explain.

"All right, maybe I buy that, but then why surrender and risk becoming liabilities yourself?" Chin asks.

"Where are they gonna go? The place is completely surrounded, they got no where to escape to. And let's keep in mind, these guys, they are well-trained fanatics-- they have no problem risking their lives for their, uh... mission." Danny completes with a small frown.

"I think this mission was more than just about Cosi." Chin theorizes.

"Why? What do you mean?" I ask him.

"When I was holed up in HQ, there were two NLM soldiers who came and grabbed data off our drives before they destroyed the hardware." I glance at Danny, who seemed almost as confused as I am.

"What the hell were they looking for?" Danny asks.

"All right, look we, got to move. Chin, listen, Danny and I are gonna interview these suspects. While we do, see what you can do about reconstructing the drives. If we can find out what they were looking for, maybe we can work out what their next move is."

My phone begins to ring just as Chin says,"You got it." He nods me off and begins walking in the other direction while I look at my caller I.D., Emily.

"Emily, we're fine."

"Oh, I am so glad to hear that." I freeze at the sound of a man's voice coming from the other end of the phone.

"Who is this?" I demand.

"I think you already know." He replies.

"Where's Lieutenant McGarrett?"

"She will be all right, Commander, as long as you do exactly what I say. Take a deep breath and listen very carefully to me." I gesture Danny over to me. "What I ask of you is very simple. I get my people back, or your sister will never be seen again."

"Don't do it, Steve." I hear Emily yell from the other end.

Then, there are multiple screams of pain.

"Em. Emily!" I scream over the phone, Danny looking at me worriedly as he finally approaches.

"Don't do it, Steve. Don't give him any--"

Another grunt followed by coughing quickly flows from the other side of the phone.

"What happens to her now is up to you."

"You listen to me. This only ends one way, and that's with you dead, you understand that?"

"I will call you back in ten minutes if my people are not free by that time. Or... do I have to state the obvious?"

I press 'end call' before he could say another word.

"We gotta move." I tell Danny, who is not standing beside me with a confused facial expression.

"What the hell's going on?"

"No time to explain; I'll explain on the way."

"On the way where?"

"Could we have a little talk now, please?" I watch the road as we barrel down the street.

"A talk about what?"

"Uh, I don't know, the weather? I want to talk about what we're doing."

"This isn't the best time, Danny."

"See, that's where I disagree. I think now is the perfect time, because I would like to be prepared. I need to know what's going on. I need to know if I need to put on some extra kevlar, I need to know if I need to call my daughter and say good-bye for the last time."

"We're gonna do what they asked, we're gonna release the prisoners, that's what we're gonna do, all right? We talked."

"Please understand that I want to get Emily back just as bad as you do, but how do we know they're gonna let her go if we do what they ask?"

"We can't."

"That's my point! It's stupid! We can't do this. It's not even stupid-- it's beyond stupid. It's off the goof meter completely. It's career-ending, certifiably..."

"Okay, okay, will you stop? Listen to me. I lost my dad dealing with people like this; I'm not gonna lose Emily too."

"I-I have your back. Always, okay?"

"Thank you. There it is." I say, gesturing to the S.W.A.T. truck on the other side of the road. "Hold on."

After pulling in front of them, the driver is forced to pull in the direction of a dirt pathway.

I jump out of the Camaro and begin yelling. "Grover! Out, out."

"What's going on, McGarrett?" He asks as he steps out of the large vehicle.

"Hands in the air. On your knees." I pull out my gun and point it at him.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Get on your knees!" I shout as I kick the back of his leg, making him fall to the ground.

"Don't move, don't move." I warn him. "Everybody out of the van! Out of the van right now!" I point my gun to the sky and let out two rounds. "Out of the van!" The door opens. "Show me your weapons. Put 'em on the ground."

Emily. You're doing this for her.

"Weapons in front of you on the ground right now. Weapons in front of you on the ground. Sidearms, too. Let's go, let's go! You, over here! On your stomachs. Hands behind your backs."

"McGarrett, what the hell are you doing, man?" I look to Grover, but quickly look away.

"No time. I can't explain." I run over to the back of the van and pull the doors open. "All right, out. Out, out. Out." I begin cutting the zip ties as they shuffle out. "Go. Get out." The last one to jump out is the main guy, the one in charge of the hostage situation.

"So nice to see you again."

"If anything happens to Lieutenant McGarrett, you're the one I kill first."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Are the keys in the Camaro?" I watch as him and the others pile into Danny's car.

My phone begins to ring. "You know, you just lost your badge, McGarrett. You're all done." Grover says from the ground.

"You might be right about that." I answer the call as soon as I see Emily's name pop up. "All right, it's done."

"You're a smart man, Commander."

"Where is she?"

"History doesn't have to repeat itself. I had a feeling you would listen to reason."

"I did just what you asked. Now, you tell me where she is."

He rambled off an address, and two seconds later, I look at Danny. "Let's go."

We had taken the van and arrived at Ka'ena Point in less time than I thought possible.

"Emily." I say as soon as I step out of the vehicle.

"Emily." Danny shouts.

"Emily! Emily!" I began roaming slightly, looking into the thick, green trees.


"This is it." I say to Danny. "He said she'd be right here."

"We'll find her. Come on."

"Em?" I wander farther.

"Emily? Where are you? Emily."

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