prologue: begining

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Emily McGarrett's POV

The first 3 'chapters' will be set before she is in Hawaii. It explains why she will be leaving the Navy.

(( Teammates names': Joshua Tyler, Perry Smith, and Samuel(Sammy) Jax. They will mostly be mentioned in the next two chapters.))

The only thing in italics are flashbacks or her thoughts.

3 weeks before Hawaii...


I was the last one out of the plane's doorway as we jump into the brisk air. We dropped on the deck of the large ship, each of us un-attaching the rope that kept us secure on the way down. We all drew our weapons and looked around the floating mystery.

It had been sitting in the relatively same area for two days, so they asked my team to come check it out. Walking quickly around the deck, I take notice that there seems to be no one around. My search of the main section of the ship begins shortly after. Glancing down a corridor, I find Jax looking at something.

"Jax, what are you doing? We need to hurry!" I whisper shouted, checking my surroundings. He turned around and revealed a man on the ground, dead. He was caucasian, had a twirly mustache, and his gunshot wound seemed to be self inflicted. But the most prominent feature about him, was the bomb attached to his chest. It had a timer, which wasn't a problem, the time itself is what made me internally gasp.


"Abort mission, we have a bomb on the scene. T-minus two minutes and fifty seconds."

I started the timer on my watch before looking to Jax, who nodded to the door. I followed, still on the look out.

"This is Command. Falcons, we have a helicopter hovering at your location, evacuate immediately."

"McGarrett to Falcons, are we ready?"

"Ready, McGarrett."


"......." I turned to Jax, but he just shrugged.

"Tyler, you son of a bitch, this is not the time to play games." We made our way to the helicopter, Smith was already there, looking tense.

"Any eyes on Tyler?" He shook his head. "I'll be right back, leave if I'm not back in time." They stared at me. "That is an order. Understand?!" They both nodded with a 'yes ma'am.' I sprinted in the direction Tyler went. I spoke into my radio, "Turn on his beacon." Waiting for a response, I walk briskly down the stairs, gun in position to shoot.

"Yes ma'am." Three seconds later, I heard a beeping noise. I rushed towards the noise, only to find my best friend lying on the ground. He had fresh GSWs in his arm, stomach, and thigh. I gasp while rushing over to him.

"Tyler! Josh get up, we have to leave!" I stopped to press down on his chest wound, closing my eyes tightly. Blinking the tears away that seemed to form in my vision. Tyler opens his eyes.

"Emily, you have to leave me here, that bomb is going to go off soon. I can't let anything happen to you."

Going to reply, I open my mouth, but am cut short when I hear a clanging behind me. I turned, raising my gun quickly. I find a man with a military-grade weapon, but he was definitely not military.

The McGarrett SisterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum