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"Do we know who Rhea is?" Chin looked to me.

Steve replied,"She could be the birth mother."

Chin nodded,"I'm running the name and cross-referencing with everyone in Jen's life."

"Do we know where the call originated?" I looked to Danny when he spoke.

"It came from an unlisted number in Lana'i a couple of days ago."

I recognized that,"Wait, uh, there's a commune on Lana'i that's been red-flagged by several government agencies. They're the only ones on the island."

Steve nodded,"That's got to be where Jen is."

Emily McGarrett's POV

We arrived by plane on the Island of Lana'i. After landing, a man offered to take us to the land where Jen could be held at.

We all piled in to the Jeep, Kono behind the passenger, myself in the middle, and Danny behind the driver. Steven got the front, of course.

The driver started telling us about the cult. "They had bought an old plantation at the end of Kaena Trail around 20 years ago."

"Who runs it?" Steve looked over to him.

"Haole by the name of Steven Carter."

"This Steven Carter?" Steve showed him a picture that was attached to a file. He nodded.

"Yep. That's our island's Jim Jones."

Next to me, Danny nodded,"Nice. How many people drinking his punch?" I laughed.

The driver continued,"Carter started with about two families. Now he's got about 50 people on that property, mostly militia types, isolationists living off the grid, thinking modern-day society means all its trappings is the work of the Devil. This island is not only their home, it's their Garden of Eden. They'll do anything to protect it."

Steve directed his gaze back to Danny, and then to the driver,"I assume they're armed."

"I wouldn't bet against it, but I know someone who's been on the other side of those walls who might be able to give you a better picture."

We all nodded and he continued into Lana'i City. We reached a store, and the driver directed us inside.

"Yeah, I've been inside. Barely much living. Carver's got them thinking it's paradise."

I turned my gaze to Kono as she spoke. "Do you know if one of his followers is a woman named Rhea?" He looked shocked that Kono had heard of the name.

"Yeah, she's Carver's daughter." My eyes widened.

"Okay, please, if you can, when was the last time you saw her?"

"Oh, a couple days ago, she came in to use the phone."

"Okay." I looked at the man with hope. "Is this her?" I held up the picture that was sent with the letter that Kono found.

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