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"You think that I do? No. Steven you know me, I will not put myself in a position like that unless I am sure I will not be hurt. Is that what this is about? If we date?" He nods.

"Yeah, I saw you guys on the couch and I didn't want you to get hurt here again. You would leave, I know you would."

"I am not going to go out with him, okay? I'll let you know if anything changes, but nothing ever will. So, for the meantime, there is no need to be pissed." He nods and throws his shoes on and walks out the door.

I decide to make some food for when he get back. Pulling out things to make steak and roasted potatoes, I get to work.

Emily McGarrett's POV

Around 45 minutes later, Steve comes through the front door. When he spots me grilling, he makes his way to the back door. I could feel him beginning to scrutinise my work,"It went well, we're all good." I smiled and was about to speak, but he had more to say, "What spices did you use for this?" I laugh.

"The stuff in the drawer, I'm not sure what it is, but it smells delicious." He nods in approval, letting out a hum.

"Hey, is that your car in the driveway?" I nodded in response. "It's nice." I chuckled and continued to cook.

We eat and then decide to watch a movie. When it was over, he suggested going to bed but I stopped him,"Steve?"


"Are you okay?" He gave me a confused look but nodded.

"Danny told me about Catherine coming here." He chuckled dryly.

"I knew I recognised those clothes."

"They've been on your bedroom floor, haven't they?"

He chuckled, "I'm sure at some point they were." I gagged but he laughed again. 

"Really. How are you?" 

"I miss her, I always do when she leaves.  But she'll be back." I see it, Danny had mentioned it earlier. The look in his eyes when he talks about her, it changes to love. Whether he will admit it or not, he's in love with her. But she won't stay long enough to get that part of him to admit it to himself.

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a hug, and we probably stood there for five minutes.

  "I've missed you, Em. I'm so glad you came back." I chuckled at our sappy conversation.

"I missed you too Steven. It was hard to come back, but I'm glad that I did." I thought about Josh, he had told me so many times that I have to go back home.

'Because it's home Emily, and it would kill Steve if you never went back.'

"Did you bring my stuff back?" He gives me with a guilty look. I laugh,"It's okay, give me one of your shirts to sleep in and we can go get it in the morning." He nods and walks to his room, grabs a shirt, gives it to me, and I was out.


Emily McGarrett's POV

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