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"I love you Emily."

"Love you too Mary. Have a safe flight." She nods and walks through the entrance, waving before the door automatically closes behind her. I look in the passenger seat before I leave, just to make sure she didn't forget something. After I see an empty seat, I sped off to the crime-lab.

Emily McGarrett's POV

Arriving at the crime-lab, I walk inside as quickly as I can.

"I thought you said 10 minutes?" Fong asked when I got to him. I chuckled.

"My sister was waiting for a taxi to take her to the airport, so I took her before I came." He nodded. "So, what do you got?"

"The glasses that you sent in, there were prints on all three. Mrs. Winford's we're on all of them, so I assumed she poured the drinks or got the cups. Mr. Winford's prints were only on one of the cups. But, an unknown print was on the other. Riley Vincent, came to the island a week ago, from Illinois." I nodded.


"Emily?" I turned back around. "It just came in that Riley Vincent was seen on the airport security cameras 10 minutes ago." I looked at him with a shocked expression. I had just taken Mary to the airport.

I left the crime-lab, pulling out my phone and dialing Steve's number.


"Steve! Steve you have to get to the airport right now!"

"Why?" I got into my car, immediately leaving to get to the airport.

"I left the palace and Mary was still waiting, so I took her to the airport. At the crime-lab, Fong told me about the fingerprints he found on the third glass." I take a breath.

"So, what's wrong?" He asks, breathing quickly, probably from running.

"Riley Vincent was just seen at the airport 12 minutes ago, you are closer, so get in the damn car and drive!"

I hung up the phone, dialing Mary's number. No answer all five times. I sigh, she must have turned it off for her flight. Flinging my phone in the passenger seat, I flick the sirens on and speed down the road.

15 minutes later

Arriving at the airport, I notice that the rest of the team has just showed up, along with S.W.A.T.

"Emily, this is Captain Lou Grover of S.W.A.T." I nodded to him. Steve was going to continue, but I cut him off.

"Steven, pleasantries later, our sister is inside that airport with a bomber." He looked at me in shock.


"Charlie called me again after I hung up with you, he unsealed his record. Vincent has bombed two homes, both abandoned and because no one was injured, he was only sentenced for damage." Lou called a man over.

"Get me the bomb squad. Immediately!" The guy nodded and hurried off.

"Why didn't you call me back? Or call the bomb squad?"

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