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"That's not even most of my life." He turned back to the elevator doors, while I continued to study his figure.

"Maybe you'll tell me sometime." I smiled.

"Maybe I will." The doors opened only a second later, revealing the big orange room. We walked towards the desks, McGee and Bishop already sitting and researching. DiNozzo sat at his desk and began to type things.

Emily McGarrett's POV

Gibbs walked in, stopped and pointed at the TV. I stood next to him while the others joined us.

"Jacob Reed. No known family, just a roommate from college, but they haven't spoken in over three years. He was undercover in Hawaii when his body was found by Emily's team." Tim gestures to me when he speaks as he clicks a few buttons on the remote in his hand. "He was tracking a high level gang official in Hawaii."

"Aaron Banks. He was bounced around in the foster system as a child, got out when he was 18. He's had a wrap sheet since he was 12. Began working for the Carbonjau's when he was 16." Bishop says.

"The Carbonjau's own one of the most powerful drug cartels in the world. They are located in Mexico. They are ruthless when it comes to killing people who get in their way. Jacob Reed was chosen by me to investigate them. I worked with Leon, SEC NAV, and many others to help catch Banks. I hadn't spoken to Reed in months, but I knew of his plan to follow a lead in Hawaii."

Tony then began to tell them about what we heard from Abby and Ducky. But I couldn't hear them. I was thinking about how I got this kid killed.

"McGarrett." I snapped my head in the direction of Tony. "You alright?" He asks. I nod and walk to Gibbs' desk, sitting on top of it.

"What else do we have?" Gibbs asks.

The three look at each other before back to Gibbs.

"That's all boss." DiNozzo answers for the team, being brave I guess.

"Well then get back to work. You." He looks to me. "Come." He gestures with a nod of his head before walking to the elevator.

The doors close behind us. "Where are we going?" He flips the switch just like Tony had done a few minutes ago. I sigh and turn to face him. "Why did you do that?"

"What's going on, Emily?" I chuckle.

"So many things, Gibbs. So many things." He pulls me in for a hug before asking another question.

"Sleep. How long has it been?" I chuckle again.

"I sleep every night. I have a few nightmares, so what?" I sigh. "Maybe it was losing Josh." I lean against the back wall of the elevator before speaking. "Or maybe it's Hawaii. You know about my mother." He nods, assuming I was only talking about her being dead. "She faked her death." He sighed. "My dad was murdered in the same house I'm living in right now. I got Jacob Reed killed, hell, I killed Josh too. What am I even doing anymore?" I turn to see Gibbs, a small smile on his face.

"You didn't kill anyone, Emily. Your nightmares will go away, and you will be okay." He kisses my forehead before flipping the switch, causing the elevator to kick into motion. When the doors opened again, we walked into the same orange room we had just left.

The McGarrett SisterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang