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"Looks like the MAILE Alert paid off. Found our abductors car. Kam Highway, southern edge of Wheeler." We nodded and walked out. Deciding I'd go too, I walked down with Danny and Steve to Danny's car.

Emily McGarrett's POV

Steve took the driver's seat, which caused me to laugh. Danny sighed and held down the passenger seat, almost getting in, but looking up at me first, making me raise an eyebrow.

"You sure about that?" He nodded and got in the back. Shocked, I sat in the front and we zoomed off. As soon as we got out of the parking lot, Steve turned the sirens on. He weaved in and out of cars, a motorcycle following, who I could tell was Chin.

"Hey Steven?"


"Where is my gun?" Danny snickered in the back seat, resulting in me turning around to glare at him.

"I don't have it yet?" He states, almost as a question.

I chuckled,"I'll expect it soon, but for now, your backup's backup will do just fine."

"How did you know I had that."

"It's the same thing I would do. It's in the backseat, right?" He nodded, chuckling slightly.

"Daniel, would you be so kind as to hand me that weapon, please?" He chuckled at my phoney accent.

"Sure." We laughed again and he handed me the gun.

"Are you sure you still remember how to use it?" I glared at my brother, causing Danny to laugh in the backseat. I attached the holster to my belt, next to my badge.

We pulled up to the vehicle twenty minutes later. I jumped from the car just as Chin pulled in front of us. Each of us drew our weapons, searching the car through the windows.

"Nobody, it's empty." Danny looked over to me, but I was already at the trunk.

Steve grabbed a glove from his pocket, opening it slowly. "I got blood." He reached into the trunk with the glove,"And Jen's jacket." The amount of blood on the jacket looked to be quite a lot. "I'll call Max."

I looked over to Danny,"Who's Max?" He chuckled.

"You'll like him." The sarcasm in his voice made me think otherwise.

Twenty minutes later, policemen and a coroner's van had shown up and gotten to work. There was already police tape surrounding the cars.

"What do you got, Max?" Steve looked to the side, encouraging me to walk over to them.

"The amount of blood I found on the jacket and in the trunk is quite troubling. Approximately six to seven pints. The odds of anyone surviving after that much blood loss is quite low." Steve nodded.

"Okay, but you're saying, I mean, it's possible she could still be alive, right?"

"How old is the girl you're looking for?" I learned that this Max character was very factual, it was actually intriguing.

"She's 15, about 90 pounds." Although Steve and Chin were looking at Max, I answered.

"If this is her blood, Steve, it is highly doubtful that she is still alive." They all turned to look at me. Steve rubbed his eyes and then glanced back at Max, who nodded in confirmation.

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