Boys Divisional School of Man...

By boybands77

3.2M 112K 247K

What the fuck is the purpose to a manners school? Not what I was expecting I'll tell you that. {Basically a B... More

Boys Divisional School of Manners
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Zustin Special
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 49: smut
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 57 - Part 2
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 62

25.2K 918 2.8K
By boybands77


Louis wasn't kidding about having some Beyoncé time. We spent our Saturday with numerous 'best of' playlists blasting throughout the house. We tidied up a bit throughout the house. The weather is getting way too cold to do much outside – not that we did much anyways, but now when we wake up there's frost on the windows.

It's Sunday today, we have two more weeks of school before the break starts, which means three weeks until Louis' birthday. I need to get him something. Normally, if I was screwing around with a girl and her birthday passed, I'd just have sex – it was like a present for me too. But I can't exactly do that now. And it doesn't feel right to give nothing.

I sit in boredom at the kitchen table, scrolling through some Instagram feeds. It's a very easy app to spend hours on. I haven't followed any of the guys, nor have I posted. But I enjoy searching through Niall's feed, as well as Louis'.

"Haz!" Louis calls as I hear him come down the stairs.

"Kitchen." I reply and listen for his footsteps that tell me he's in the kitchen.

"Liam wants to know if we'd be up for joining them three at a club tonight." He breaths out and sits down across from me.

"A club?" I ask with raised brows, "Really?"

"You don't like clubs?" He tilts his head, "I thought you'd be interested."

"No, I am. I like clubs. Just... what kind of club?" I hope Louis catches my drift. I don't want to be going to some BDSM club. Not tonight.

He laughs, "A regular club, Harold. With loud music, a dancefloor, and of course... a bar."

"Alright," I agree, "I'll go. But I mean, is there even any good clubs around here?"

Louis shakes his head, "We have to go into town, but that's all good, it'll be a lot of fun. Do you want to drink?"

I scoff, "Is that rhetorical?"

"No, it was just because I don't think I'll be drinking. I'll drive. I was debating on a cab, but I don't think I really feel like getting wasted tonight. That's what my birthday is for." He laughs.

"Oh... well, okay. I won't drink a lot then either, and we can just chill."

"Baby," He says with a small tilt of his head and raised eyebrows.

He stands up to walk around the table towards me. He sits himself across my lap, his legs dangling over my thigh as he wraps his arms around my neck.

I look up to him and wrap my arms loosely around his hips.

He brushes some hair out of my face and I close my eyes at the soft touch, "I want you to get drunk so I can feel my baby grinding up on me."

My eyes shoot open and I see the playful look on his face. I groan and lean onto his shoulder, "Louis, we'll be in public. Wait," I sit up from him and look up to his eyes, "Are we going to a gay bar?"

He laughs, tugging at some curls at the nape of my neck, "No, but doesn't mean some gay stuff can't happen." He looks away from my eyes but I watch as he still focuses on the small hairs above my ear, which he pushes behind.

"Well, I don't know about that." I murmur.

"I'm gonna make sure I look so damn good, you won't be able to resist." He hums and leans down to press his lips close to my ear.

I chuckle, but deep down I try and hide the feeling it gives me to picture him dressing up for me.

"And you, baby," He hums, "You're not gonna be able to keep your hands off me."

I reach down to put my hands on his ass and I squeeze, making Louis giggle.

"Good thing we don't have that problem now." He smiles and leans down to press a kiss to my lips.

I roll my eyes at his sarcasm and I keep my left hand on his ass as my right hand slowly travels up his spine before holding the back of his head.

He hums against my lips as I try to dominate the kiss. His lips are soft and they move sweetly, he's in no rush, just enjoying this moment.

When he pulls away, I look up to find him smiling with soft eyes down at me. It remains quiet as I watch him looking me over. I'm normally insecure when people stare. I feel like they're staring at the acne on my face, or the little spots of stubble that grow. But somehow, with Louis, it's kind of mesmerizing to look at him as he does the same to me.

His eyes are the warmest blue. A colour that should be seen as cold, suddenly makes me feel warm. His lips aren't that full, but I know they're soft. Staring at them, I can't help but think of all the ways I want them on me.

"What?" He asks quietly, almost a murmur, and he glances down to my lips briefly before looking back up to my eyes.

"You're-" I try to say something but I'm at a loss for words. This is what Louis does to me.

Trying to escape his questioning looks, I lean forward to tuck my head in the curve of his neck.

"I'm what?" He asks, my original plan clearly falling through my fingertips. He tucks his fingers in my hair to hold me against him gently, his thumb rubbing over my scalp.

I close my eyes and continue to rest against him, taking a deep breath before saying what is on my mind, "You're kind of beautiful."

His fingers stop playing with my hair for a moment, scaring me into thinking I've said the wrong thing, but then he continues, "Thank you." He says and I feel him lean his head on mine just a slight bit more. I don't even realise the smile on my face until I unsuccessfully try to hide it. "You're beautiful as well, Harry. I wish you'd see that."

My legs ache slightly from the awkward positioning and his weight on me, but I can't find it in me to complain. I feel like this is such an intimate moment between us. Here we are, fully clothed, no sexual feelings being exchanged, yet I feel so naked and vulnerable.

It's almost as if Louis sees something in me that I don't see in myself. Well, that must be true considering he just called me beautiful and I don't know him to be a liar.

The silence continues to get to me, making me feel even more uneasy as his words and mine play over and over in my head. Did I say the wrong thing? Did I not say something I should've?

"What can I do for you?" I lift my head and mumble the words against his neck, knowing it makes him squirm.

"You can finish your homework." He giggles and pulls away from me.

"You know what I mean." I argue playfully and lean forward to kiss his collarbones.

"Is there anything you want to do for me?" He counters and I pull back to look up to him.

I shrug my shoulders and adjust my arms to be back around his waist.

"I don't know." I look down to the floor behind him.

"Harry," He says and places his fingers under my chin to tilt my head up to look at him, "there is nothing you can say that I haven't heard of before. You'll learn that I'm a very open guy." He leans down and presses a kiss to my lips.

When he pulls back I keep my eyes closed; feeling the calm wash over me.

"Now..." he hums and I feel his hand cup my face and his thumb brush my cheek, "What was it you wanted to try?"

I shake my head, "It's okay. Maybe another time."

He lifts himself up off my lap, "Okay. When you're ready. In the meantime, I need to do some grocery shopping. You want to come?" He asks as he maneuvers himself to stand up.

I hum and I reach for his waist, "Can we cuddle?" I don't know what made me say that, but I just want to hold him.

I didn't sleep very well last night, so maybe I'm just tired.

"When we get back." He holds my hands and urges me to stand up.

As we both get ready to head to the store I send a text to Niall.

Any ideas for Louis' birthday?

"Who are you texting?" Louis asks as he shuffles on his jacket and grabs the keys.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I chuckle.

"Oh." He raises his brows and tries to hide his smile, "So that's how it's gonna be."

I laugh and nudge his shoulder as we both head out down the driveway to his jeep.

As Louis starts to drive I get a text from Niall.


I roll my eyes, and reply to him.

Realistic ideas...

His reply was quick,

Sex is realistic

"What?" Louis breaks the silence and looks over to me.

"Nothing." I shake my head, "Just Niall being Niall."


After Louis and I walked up every aisle in the fucking store, we finally make it home. He's telling me about his experience working in a supermarket as we put away the groceries.

"There's was this one hag - Oh god, just thinking about her!"

He makes me laugh with his dramatic storytelling, no wonder he's a theatre kid.

I grab the last bag of groceries and go to the cupboard where the stuff goes, as I put it away Louis changes the topic to tonight.

"Since it's a Sunday, let's just get absolutely smashed."

"Really?" I feel like he's pulling one over on me because he's normally always the guy that talks about the  importance of going to school and paying your very best attention.

I crumple up the bag once it's empty and I put it in the drawer where they're stored.

Louis is sitting on the counter, swinging his legs back and forth.

Looking too cute to ignore, I move to stand between his legs and rest my hands on each of his thighs, "And school tomorrow?" I question, knowing full well what his answer's going to sound like.

"Like you care." He mocks.

I tilt my head up and he immediately wraps his arms around my shoulders and leans down to kiss me.

"Do you still wanna cuddle?" He mumbles against my lips.

I can't help but grip him closer to me, "Well, a little more than a cuddle now."

His head tilts back as his laugh fills the room.

"Come on." I urge and chase his lips, guiding him to wrap his legs around my waist.

He's light enough that I can pick him up from the counter.

"I hate this!" He laughs, "Why are you so much stronger than me?"

I make my way up the stairs, "Why are you so much smaller than me?" I counter.

"I take offence to that."

I kick the door of the bedroom open and I throw him down to the bed, quickly moving to hover over him.

"I like that you're smaller." I tell him in ernest, brushing my nose across his cheek before attacking his neck in kisses.

In moments, he's reaching for the hem of my shirt and yanking upwards.

"Turns you on when I say you're small?" I tease him as I yank my shirt the rest of the way off and he works on my pants.

"Turns me on when you say you like something about me." His eyes glow with mischief as he looks up to me.


The house echoes with the ring of the front door bell before we hear the alarm system signal someone's entering.

"We're coming in! I hope you're decent!" I hear Liam shout from the down the stairs.

Louis and I both look at each other from across his bedroom and roll our eyes. He holds his shirt in his hand and looks me over as I finish doing up the buttons on mine.

"No, no. Keep some unbuttoned." He nods his head, "Looks good like that."

I look down to find there's at least three or four buttons that still need to be done up. "Are you sure?"

He saunters over towards me and I turn my head down to look at how exposed my chest is.

"I know what looks good on my man." Louis states as his hands swat mine away and he adjusts the shirt around my neck and down my chest.

I can only roll my eyes but I won't deny the way my heart skipped a beat at his wording.

"Your man, Hm?" I hum and pretend to be uninterested.

He tugs his own black shirt on over his head.

"What? Are you not my man?" He asks with a raised brow, adjusting the hem of his shirt.

I try to evaluate his face to tell if he's joking or not. From the looks of things, he's being playful. His eyes are bright with humour and his grin is shit eating across his face.

"And if you want me girl, I will be your man." I try and sing to the tune of the song but I forget the exact way and end up laughing halfway through it.

"No!" Louis laughs, "He just beat me at my own game. I'm the one that puts random songs in conversations."

He playfully smacks his hand on my chest and we continue to laugh until we hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

"And plus." Louis whispers in my ear as he stands on his tip toes, "We both know you're the girl... Right princess?" He says the last part a little louder and with a wink and a slap to my ass.

"Mate, before the club closes." Niall groans as he turns into the hallway from the staircase, seeing into Louis' room at the very end.

"On our way now." Louis skips out of the room with Niall leaving me by myself for a moment before I shake my head and follow them.

"Sorry if we interrupted sexy time there lads, but we've got places to be." Liam claps his hands together as he peers up to us from the bottom of the stairs.

Zayn looks put together and waiting patiently near the door. He twirls his phone in his hand for what I'm presuming is him waiting on a text.

Three guesses from who.

"Any time with me is sexy time." Louis smirks as he walks past me to the front door where he begins shuffling on his jacket.

"How's your leg, Liam?" I ask and gesture down towards his walking cast.

"It's fine. Not bad at all anymore. If anything it just gets itchy as hell."

"Sucks." Is all I can muster up to say.

"Yeah well," he shrugs, "what can you do?"


On the taxi ride to the club I end up being squished between Liam and Louis. Not exactly the most favourable of outcomes on my end, but at least there's Louis.

"Gonna go home for Christmas?" Liam asks politely as we take off from our driveway.

"Uh." I stammer, "Yeah, probably." I don't want to, but what else am I supposed to do?

"That'll be nice. It's been a few weeks."

I can only nod my head as I don't trust my own voice to remain steady.

Since leaving home in September, that was the only thing I wanted. To go back. To return to "normalcy". And now, it's the last thing I want.

I don't trust myself. How awful is that.

"Lou?" Liam asks over me, "You goin' home?"

"Yeah." He mutters quietly and when I turn to look at him I see he's leaning his head on his chin and leaning against the window.

Liam only shrugs his shoulders when I look at him.

Louis never talked about Christmas break. I know his birthday is Christmas Eve, but I figured he'd want to spend it with his family.

Was that... wrong of me to assume?

"What's the matter?" I lean over to whisper to him, resting my hand on his knee.

"I thought we would spend Christmas break together," Louis laughs quietly to himself, in an embarrassed sort of way, "But obviously you should go with your family."

"Louis." I stress. I'm not even sure what I want from him. But I know I don't want him upset.

"Harry," he smiles. But it's a smile that holds no happiness. "It's fine."

I don't say anything more because I know there are three other sets of ears that are listening even though they shouldn't be.


Louis still isn't himself by the time we get to the club. He goes through the motions of everything and it somehow even makes me feel down.

We stand in line outside the club and wait patiently in the cold. Zayn is smiling down to his phone, and Niall is tucked under Liam's arm.

Louis and I awkwardly shuffle beside each other.

"It's friggen cold." Louis laughs and his shoulders raise up to his neck.

It scares me how little I thought about it, but I shrug my jacket off and am already draping it over Louis' shoulders before he could begin to protest.

"Shush." I warn him with a small smile, "I have a long sleeve, I was sweating anyways."

Louis' genuine laugh brings a flutter of warmth to my heart, "Thanks Hazza; I love sweaty jackets." He manages to get out between fits of giggles.

Wrapping an arm around him, I pull him in closer to my side. "What?" I tease him, "You don't appreciate my chivalry?"

"Chivalry is dead." He says straight faced, "But you're still kinda cute." and that's when he absolutely loses it.

I guess the pre drinks are finally hitting him. He's so giggly and I can't help but smile.

"Cute." I scoff and give him a little shove, "I'm not cute."


As I'm sat at the bar waiting for another drink I let the current alcohol set in and I close my eyes and smile.

Here I am at a club with four guys that are my best friends. My new best friends. Fuck the old group. They all suck. Except for Lauren. Lauren and Matt. They were alright.

They never fucked me over. Fuck Dee. Little bitch. Has a rich daddy and makes everyone believe she's from the rough end. If only the bitch knew what it was like to grow up wondering if there was going to be a lunch for school or not.

But now I have Louis.

I have Louis.

What an odd sentence.

The music changes and it's a familiar beat that makes me feel even happier.

I open my eyes and scan the crowd for Louis who has thankfully loosened up.

We lock eyes just in time for him to mouth the words in tune with the song; "Lay where you're laying."

I smile and fight back a laugh as he continues; "Don't make a sound. I know they're watchin'. Watchin'" He holds his two fingers up to eyes before swiveling them around the club.

He makes his way over to me and I stand up to greet him halfway on the outskirts of the floor. I reach for his hips and hold him as he continues.

"All the commotion. The kiddie like play. Has people talking. Talking."

He reaches up to cover his mouth with his hand, giggling as I continue with the song.

"You, your sex is on fire." I sing to him making his alcohol induced self giggle like crazy.

As he leans his head onto my shoulder I hold him a little tighter and nudge his jaw to kiss along his neck. His cologne is strong but the smell suits him so nicely it tempts me to lick the sweet spot of his neck.

The song continues to play as we stay nestled up with each other, swaying lightly to the beat.

I pull back for the next part of the song, I reach up to brush my thumb across his bottom lip, "Soft lips are open." He closes them immediately as if I was talking to him. His eyes gaze up to me as if they are star stuck, and looking at him this way almost makes him seem vulnerable.

"Them knuckles are pale." I use my other hand to drag down his arm to hold his hand, running my thumb across his knuckles.

I don't know if it was the intensity or if something crossed his mind, but he nuzzles his head back into my chest. I move my arms to hold him, one around his lower back and the other entangling our fingers together at our sides.

I focus on his fingers in mine as the song thrums around us.

Louis Tomlinson. I just want to ravish every bit of you.


No, fuck the second guessing.

I want to lay him down and tell him what I love about him. Everything he doesn't like about himself, I'll spend extra time on. Louis is the one happy constant to my life.

He pulls back to sing the song with a big goofy grin on his face, "And you, your sex is on fire."

"Let me prove it to you." I don't know what makes me say it, but I can't take it back now.

He stands there frozen in my arms.

"W-what?" Song completely ignored.

I pull him tighter and hopefully he understands what I'm feeling right now.

"I'm ready." I tell him and I kiss him, as if it were to seal the promise I just made.


SOOOOOOOO Who's gonna top y'all? Who's gonna bottom??(;

Hi guys!! How are y'all?? Give me some life updates! I'm interested!!

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