Dark Knight [A Wattpad Featur...

נכתב על ידי ShrutiXT

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Once his nation's most beloved Prince and famed General, Aaryan Singh Shekhawat now lives in disgrace, accuse... עוד

Phonetic Pronunciations of Names/ Places
Chapter 1: Angels & Demons
Chapter 2: Sliding Doors
Chapter 3: Fractured (Part 1)
Chapter 3: Fractured (Part 2)
Chapter 4: In the Name of Love
Chapter 5: Adversity Makes Strange Bedfellows
Chapter 6: Love's Lies and Hate's Revelations (Part 1)
Chapter 6: Love's Lies and Hate's Revelations (Part 2)
Chapter 6: Love's Lies and Hate's Revelations (Part 3)
Chapter 7: Smoke & Mirrors (Part 1)
Chapter 7: Smoke & Mirrors (Part 2)
Chapter 8: Dusk to Dawn (Part 1)
Chapter 8: Dusk to Dawn (Part 2)
Chapter 9: Entangled (Part 1)
Chapter 9: Entangled (Part 2)
Chapter 10: Serendipity (Part 1)
Chapter 11: Desert Blooms (Part 1)
Chapter 11: Desert Blooms (Part 2)
Wattpad #Featured & The Blue Awards!
Chapter 12: The Abyss and The Apex (Part 1)
Chapter 12: The Abyss and The Apex (Part 2)
Chapter 13: Old Wounds and New (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Old Wounds and New (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Eternity is a Moment With You (Part 1)
Chapter 14: Eternity is a Moment With You (Part 2)
Chapter 15: The Paths of the Righteous (Part 1)
Chapter 15: The Paths of the Righteous (Part 2)
Chapter 16: Perilous Revelations (Part 1)
Chapter 16: Perilous Revelations (Part 2)
Chapter 17: A Sojourn in Hell (Part 1)
Chapter 17: A Sojourn in Hell (Part 2)
Chapter 18: Blood & Gold (Part 1)
Chapter 18: Blood & Gold (Part 2)
Chapter 19: Oasis (Part 1)
Chapter 19: Oasis (Part 2)
Chapter 20: Your Solace, My Salvation (Part 1)
Chapter 20: Your Solace, My Salvation (Part 2)
Chapter 21: Road to Renascence (Part 1)
Chapter 21: Road to Renascence (Part 2)
Chapter 21: Road to Renascence (Part 3)
Chapter 22: The Winds of Change (Part 1)
Chapter 22: The Winds of Change (Part 2)
Important Announcement - Getting Published!
Chapter 23: The Homecoming (Part 1)
Chapter 23: The Homecoming (Part 2)
Chapter 24: The Sphinx
Chapter 25: Sweet Sorrows (Part 1)
Chapter 25: Sweet Sorrows (Part 2)
Fan Art
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Chapter 10: Serendipity (Part 2)

378 38 30
נכתב על ידי ShrutiXT

The candlelight twinned with the moonlight pouring through the beautifully etched windows of the Haveli, casting an almost ethereal glow around Siya as she balanced the long neck of the 'tanpura'* against her shoulder, her fingers skilfully plucking the strings. Aaryan was spellbound. He had once before been moved by another performance she had given, and had hated how she made him feel, but today, the melody she evoked was a soothing balm over his long-troubled spirits. He knew it was foolish but after years of tribulation and captivity, he was enjoying this sweet taste of freedom. Whenever he had visualised breaking free, he had never imagined he would be other than alone. But it seemed fate had other plans for him; only he had never anticipated that it would have sent its portent in such enchanting form.

A soft smile tugged at the corners of Aaryan's mouth as he recalled their tempestuous journey so far. After Sushena's departure and their reluctant truce, they had tried to maintain their hard- won fragile peace. However, soon they had not had to try at all. Aaryan marvelled at how easily they lapsed into an easy camaraderie, redolent of his time playing her friend at the Palace, but now he did not have to pretend insanity and she did not have to treat him like an addled child. The first few hours were strained. Siya looked at him like a wounded doe, and he tried hard to stifle the protective urges she stirred within him. They settled for the mundane at first. She examined the much needed supplies that Sushena had delivered, clinging to some vestige of normality to ease the strain she felt. She put away the rations, nervously keeping a wary eye on him, and reacting with shock when he tried to lighten things by making a big play for the kitchen knives. He said he would stand guard over the knives incase one of her murderous rages overtook her again. After a stunned moment, she involuntarily gave in to a fit of giggles at his mock serious expression, but dancing eyes. Seeing her laugh seemed to have a magical effect on Aaryan. Something in him was unlocked, allowing his caged spirits to soar. He laughed too but very soon, concern clouded her eyes. She glanced at the makeshift bandage on his arm with a shamefaced expression, hesitatingly suggesting that if there was some medicine, he should see to the cut on his arm. This led to a fresh bout of teasing on his part, with him asking her if she was feeling guilty at her violent ways. She replied with spirit that it was the least he deserved after kidnapping her, but she did not want an ailing patient to look after. Neither was really fooled, although laughter provided a good foil for the real emotions behind those interactions.

After the brief foray into the kitchen, resulting in Siya putting together a simple and hurried breakfast, she asked with trepidation, whether she could explore the Haveli. There was a slight tense moment where Aaryan studied her keenly, trying to detect if she plotted another escape, but he solved the problem by saying he would escort her. She looked slightly chagrined at that, renewing his suspicions, but capitulated easily enough. She was soon occupied in exclaiming with delight at the lovely building, designed with such care, in this wilderness. Her fingers lovingly stroked the sandstone columns and he opened various doors for her, most of them displaying contents blanketed with sheets to protect them from dust and other damage. However, she swiftly spotted the limited but decent collection of musical instruments mounted on the wall of one chamber, clearly designed for relaxation. Her eyes lit up, and she clapped her hands like an excited child at the instruments. She asked to borrow the 'sitar' and before he could reply, she stood next to the bracket holding it to the wall. However, her face fell on realising that the auxiliary resonance strings were damaged, the tuning pegs near the head coming loose. Aaryan hated seeing her crestfallen face but she noticed the 'tabla'** mounted on the other wall, and the tanpura on yet another. Examining the tanpura proved much more favourable, and she shortly held the precious contraption after Aaryan freed it from its catch in the wall. He vaguely wondered if he should warn her that they were in hiding but told himself that they were in the middle of nowhere, with hardly a soul who came this way. He firmly suppressed his realisation that he was unwilling to see her face fall in disappointment if he denied her the simple enjoyment, and even more so, the gratification he would get from watching her play.

And as he observed her now, he felt inordinately glad he had let her have this diversion. The pleasure he got from her soulful rendition was intense. The comparatively muted music highlighted the silvery sounds of her voice, as she sang the poignantly touching hymns of Meera Bai, her eyes closed in surrender to the music. As the last strains floated away, there was hushed silence in their little world, contained in that moment in the glowing room. Siya's slowly opened her eyes, slightly glazed from her earlier absorption, but as she became conscious of the heat of Aaryan's gaze on her, her face suffused with colour, and an odd shyness took hold of her. She had been entirely lost, the call of the song had been too strong. However there was something in his face as he looked at her so intently that stirred entirely odd sensations in her, unconnected to the music.

Siya had spent all day trying to figure out the mysterious Prince who had once been the hero she had grown up hearing about, and later her lunatic child-friend. She found herself more and more intrigued, despite her constant reminders to herself of the dangers of her growing fascination. Siya felt like she was caught in a spiraling vortex of confusion. She had agreed to the cessation of hostilities between them, justifying it as a matter of self-preservation, but unable to prevent the heartfelt relief that had brought her. She was exhausted, tired of her brain endlessly replaying recent events, as well as her conflicted emotions about Aaryan. No matter how many times she told herself he was a dangerous criminal, something in her refuted that. He had forcefully taken her yes, but had since not attempted to exert any form of compulsion, except to keep her safe from her own attempts. Even when she had earlier knifed him, his reaction had been far milder than she would expect from an alleged villain. More so, he had not overstepped any bounds of decorum or decency with her. This thought caused her flush to deepen,reminding her of her immodest behavior in falling asleep whilst he stood in that room. Yet all he had done was to draw the covers over her and leave her to rest. She also recalled the tenderness in his eyes, both when he gallantly saved her from her attacker in the Palace, and the past night when she had collapsed in exhaustion. It was the same softness with which he now looked at her, but mixed with it was an indefinable emotion entirely unfamiliar, yet strangely exciting, to her.

Aaryan tried to tear his eyes away from her, seeing the delicate shade of rose spread across her skin, her hands fidgeting as she placed the tanpura by her side. She had sung a devotional song, but the feelings she inspired in him were far from pious, and he willed himself to control his reactions that seemed to be swiftly slipping past his legendary control. They had already eaten, both of them joking about how they needed to work out a division of labour that was fair. The discussion had culminated with Siya directing that he would have to run all forms of errands for her the next day including fetching pails of water from the outside well in return for her cooking, before the reminder of their situation threw a pall over their easy laughter momentarily. Now however, a different kind of awkwardness threatened. Aaryan swiftly stood, casually commenting on how well she played, but mirthfully adding that perhaps next time she could play something a bit more lively, earning him mock outrage.

Although the evening wore on, both of them were reluctant to leave the central chamber they occupied, which for its symmetrical splendour, was still cosy and intimate.  Siya too soon sprang up, restlessly moving around the room, causing him to follow her with his eyes, understanding and reluctant amusement glinting in their velvety brown depths. He could tell that she was unsure of their odd situation and despite his efforts to put her at ease, they were both on entirely new territory here. She reverted to her habit he was learning was her fall back when she was panicking- that of asking questions and chattering.

"This Haveli is incredible. How long has it been here?"

Aaryan knew the easiest way was to give her as many answers as he could.

"It was built before I was born, when this principality was important to Shikharpur and needed active management."

"Whose is it, Prince Aaryan? I mean, I can tell you know. You knew where the key was and you are familiar with its surroundings. Is it yours?"

He frowned. "The less you know the better for you, Siya. If I return you to the Palace myself, it won't matter, but if you have to go back without me, you will be questioned and your lack of any real information will help you and others too."

"So it belongs to one of your family?" He should have known she would not be deterred so easily, he thought, amused despite himself. "You have been here before and you also want to protect someone at the Palace it seems. Also, there was that one room you wouldn't let me enter and it was locked. What's in there, Prince Aaryan?"

Aaryan mockingly raised a brow, "Playing detective, Princess? It will cost you your title of Mermaid Princess to Princess Nosy, so be careful."

He deliberately baited her to distract her from her line of enquiry, worried about how much he wanted to tell her voluntarily and forcefully stamping down on his stupid thoughts. She glared at him, her hands on her hips making her look adorable, and not in the least frightening.

"So you won't tell me? Fine! But don't expect me to make you any more food or even tea." Her voice rose an octave, and Siya knew she was being silly, but felt unable to stop.

He stared at her with sham horror, holding up his hands as if to surrender.

"No, no, please. You cannot be so cruel as to starve this poor soul. And tea even? You would deprive a friend of your tasty brew that helped chase away a headache?"

"You are not my friend," she retorted, not pacified, although he could tell his antics were taking effect.

"But I most certainly am, Princess. We swore a solemn oath before a faithful witness earlier and you cannot think to renege on it. If you do, I will have to bring Veer forth to neigh his reminder of the ceasefire which equates to a renewal of friendship between Aaryan Singh Shekhawat and Siya Udawat."

Her lips twitched, although she tried to stay stern.

"I know very well what you are doing, Prince Aaryan, and it isn't working."

He made a long face, resembling a lost puppy as he sighed.

"What a harsh Princess you are. An injured friend stands before you," showing her his bandaged arm, "and you are cruel and would deprive him tea that he is craving. Perhaps I should have spent the evening with Veer. He isn't pretty like the present company but he is kinder."

Siya tried to squash down the rush of pleasure she felt at him calling her pretty.

"Hmm, well I am not sure what sort of friend behaves like you have done, Prince, but since I am from the noble Udawat line, known for our generosity and intellect, I may make the tea, but only if in exchange you tell me more about when and how you got Veer."

"You drive a hard bargain, Princess, and I see there is much interest in Veer . Despite the risk of you gathering information to try to cajole the poor steed for another escape attempt, I will give in and tell you about my story with Veer, in exchange for the brew."

Thus they comfortably sat, sipping the concoction Aaryan had so enjoyed earlier; all previous awkwardness put aside. They abandoned the more formal carved and padded bone inlaid seats for the thick blankets Aaryan had earlier laid on the floor, interspaced with various cushions, to enable Siya to try out the instrument in comfort. Aaryan noticed the slightly decadent atmosphere this created, but chose to remain silent. Siya remained entirely oblivious to any potential impropriety. They were both unmindful of the hours trickling by, as they talked. Aaryan told her about how Veer had been a present from the Rana himself, an intractable animal that would submit to no one until Aaryan managed to tame him, both man and beast finding an intuitive connection. Aaryan recounted his memories of the times he had spent with Veer, Pawan and even Raunak, the mischief they would get up to and fondly remembered Suchitra's timely intervention on so many occasions to save them from the wrath of their fathers, particularly the Rana, whom they all hero worshipped and feared in equal degrees. His recollections of Suchitra seemed to make him sad, and Siya tried to divert him by commenting on the trouble she used to get into for her unconventional ways, which her grandmother in particular deemed indecorous.

"Your Maa and my Vijaya Maa sound so much alike, don't they?" she asked, as Aaryan let her keep him from slipping into melancholy. Her presence kept him grounded despite the dark thoughts preying on the edges of his consciousness.

"Yes, I suppose you are right. I haven't had much to do with your Vijaya Maa, but one can see that the same steel that runs through both women. True Rajputana queens. But tell me about your Dadi Saa, she sounds like a right dragon." He was intrigued with the little snippets she had given out about her father's mother.

Siya laughed as she explained more kindly than the old harridan deserved, thought Aaryan, as he got the picture of a small Siya, constantly berated and chided, her fault clearly that she was the product of a union frowned upon by the Udawat matriarch. Aaryan distilled much about Siya's turbulent early years as she talked, recalling her formative years with the gloss a child often puts on unpleasant facts. Like she had for him, Aaryan managed to distract her when her thoughts turned morbid at her current situation. They both found a strange comfort and much common ground in a tangential way. They had both suffered in different ways, but understood the pain and disillusionment that came from betrayal. Whilst Aaryan did not voice his suffering openly, they were both stranded survivors of a storm that had torn apart the fabric of their lives, bound to each other in shared desolation. 

Eventually Aaryan could see Siya drooping, her eyes shutting close at intervals and taking longer each time to focus. He too felt strangely content and lethargic. Yet he was reluctant to break the spell woven around them, neither of them suggesting the obvious option of going to their respective bedchambers. All thoughts of bashfulness at their unorthodox situation were suspended through unspoken consent, and Aaryan too felt his eyes slowly shutting. Neither remembered who succumbed first but both fell asleep where they were, bodies slipping further down until horizontal, and heads laid to rest on the plump cushions around them.


Aaryan felt the first pricking of dawn's fingers through the open windows. His eyes flashed open; and he saw Siya's peacefully sleeping form next to him. He quietly raised himself to half sit, resting on his elbow, unable to take his gaze off her. She lay on her back, her face slightly turned to him, as if she had been conversing trustingly with him even in sleep. The graceful curve of her neck met her outstretched arm with her palm open, and her graceful fingers slightly curled. Her lashes cast fan shaped shadows on her cheeks and her hair was slightly tousled around her face, making him want to tenderly brush it off. His eyes drank in the beauty of her, a deep ache spreading across his chest. She is so lovely, he thought helplessly, as desire slammed through him, making him shut his eyes against its potency. He berated himself that he had no right to feel like this. He had already done the unforgivable and been part of a shameful plot against her and had compounded his sins by bringing her with him. It did not matter that he wanted to save her. He had doomed her to shame and isolation, unless he managed to restore her somehow. She is so innocent, he reminded himself savagely. She had no idea of the thoughts raging in him. Perhaps they had been there since he had first seen her, which was why he had told himself he hated her.

He recalled the tumult she had caused in him the day she had played the sitar, and when he had sprung the fountain jets on her. His brother had not been the only one overcome by her allure, and no matter how much he denied it, the past days had told him how attracted he was to her. His gaze was helplessly drawn to her mouth, lusciously soft in sleep. He desperately fought the urge to lean over her and touch his lips to hers. He ached to kiss her, take her in his arms and awaken her by tasting her sweetness. She slightly stirred, making him freeze in alarm, lest she wake to find him ogling her like a randy teenager, but she only stretched infinitesimally. The miniscule movement caused the 'dupatta' covering her to slightly shift, exposing more of the creamy expanse of her midriff to his view. Aaryan could not bear the torture anymore. In that moment, he would have submitted to Bagri's whip with less protest. He stood up, hurriedly but as silently as he could, softly padding his way out of that all too dangerously inviting room.

As he thudded away from the Haveli, Aaryan was uncaring that he had not locked his prisoner in, and that should she wake, she would be free to walk out. All he thought of, was the need to put some distance between him and the enchantress threatening to drive him mad with frustrated longing, and felt anger at himself for his impossible desires.

* A long-necked plucked string instrument found in various forms in Indian music.


Author's Note: Hello you all! I am still thrilled from being Featured so am riding a high this week- thanks to you all who read and vote and comment; please don't give up on me now! I hope you all enjoyed this part? As I mentioned, these set of chapters mark some of my own personal favourites in the book and I so hope you will enjoy them too. Please share your thoughts- I promise to read and be delighted if you give me a thumbs up, and take on board anything you say if it's not positive! Have a fab weekend!

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