Possession ➸ Camren

De cabell0jauregui

721K 18.1K 11.9K

"Don't you get it, you're mine, the sooner you realise it the better." The first chapters are so bad but it w... Mais

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty one
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Final Chapter

Sixty Two

5.2K 116 46
De cabell0jauregui

Lauren cursed herself for not bringing a jacket as she walked down the cold hallway.

She guessed it served her right for thinking she was tough enough to brave the cold at one in the morning without her hoodie.

"Fucking hell," She muttered under her breathe as she rubbed her hands down her arms to try and warm them up.

She'd never hated Dinah more in her life then she did in this moment.

Lauren was awoken from her sleep about ten minutes ago by the Polynesian girl phoning her to tell her that Normani had been released from the hospital and if it was okay for them to crash on the hotel room's couch.

"Hi, sorry for waking you," Dinah's voice startled Lauren who turned to face her.

"It's okay," She brushed it off tiredly. She peered round the taller girl to get a look at Normani who was wrapped in Ally's arms. "How are you?"

"Good," Normani answered weakly.

"Let's get you inside," Ally gently pushed her forward and Lauren rolled her eyes playfully at how Ally fussed over the younger girl, clearly taking on the role of the responsible one.

The walk back to the room was silent - mainly because Lauren and Ally told Dinah so many times to talk quieter that the blonde just stopped speaking.

"Roomy," Dinah stated sarcastically.

"Vero and Lucy are in here too in their own room," Lauren explained as she walked in, choosing to ignore Dinah.

"Where's Mila?" Dinah looked around the empty hallway.

"In bed, obviously. It's half past one," Lauren told her, rolling her eyes as Dinah opened the bedroom door.

"She's so cute when she's sleeping," She commented in a baby voice.

"You're so weird," Lauren rolled her eyes, pushing her forward and closing the door again.

"Can we wake her up? Is she still drunk? She's hilarious," Dinah stated.

"No, we can't wake her up, I hope she's not still drunk and I know she's hilarious," Lauren kept pushing Dinah until they reached the living room where she sat her down on the couch. "Don't you have a girlfriend to be taking care of?"

"I can't get to her. Ally's too busy fussing over her," Dinah said simply.

"Has she sobered up any?" Lauren questioned and Dinah shrugged.

"I can't tell if she's still a little tipsy or just emotional," She told her truthfully.

"Hi Mani, you okay?" Lauren asked as Normani walked into the room, grabbing onto her good hand.

"I couldn't take my shoes off," Normani's voice trembled as if that was a perfectly good answer to the question.

"Mani, how many times do I have to tell you. Sandals are hard to unbuckle," Ally also walked in, her voice reassuring.

"Yeah babe, especially with one hand," Dinah added, pulling her onto the couch next to her. Normani went to stand back up but Dinah held her down firmly, "stay sat down Manz."

Normani went to protest but Lauren quickly spoke. "We need you to sit next to her to shut her up. She's being annoying as hell."

Dinah flashed her a grateful smile before glaring at her for her words.

"Everyone's so abusive here," Ally muttered from where she was sat in the armchair.

"Rude," Lauren scoffed and Ally looked up from her phone.

"But true," She smiled, sticking her tongue out.

"Fight me," Lauren challenged and Ally threw a pillow at her. Lauren dragged her off the chair in response, pinning her to the ground and wrestling her phone out of her hands. "Ooh, who's Jake."

"No one," Ally defended indignantly, trying to snatch her phone back but Lauren had it held out of reach.

"Dinah, look," Lauren tossed her the phone and Ally struggled to free herself.

"Don't you dare down anything Dinah," She yelled as quiet as possible so not to wake anyone, knowing Dinah all to well. She was proved to be right when she saw Dinah quickly typing a message. "Mani, take it off her!"

Normani went to grab it but Dinah put a hand up to stop her before reading, 'hey Jakey. I've been thinking we should take a step forward in our relationship. How do you feel about getting married in a church?"

"Dinah," Ally hissed.

"Calm down dwarf," Dinah laughed, "and send."

"Dinah!" Ally shrieked as Lauren let her go. She practically sprinted to get her phone and Dinah laughed as she got a reply.

Ally snatched it away before she could read it and ran back to her chair.

"Tell Jake I say hi," Dinah smiled sweetly and Ally scowled at her.

Normani fell asleep on Dinah not long later whilst the other three continued to talk.

"You two are boring," Dinah whined.

"I'm not playing tag Dinah," Lauren muttered absentmindedly as she looked at her phone.

"Pay attention to me," Dinah snatched the object out of her hands.

"Give it back," Lauren demanded, holding her phone out.

"Karma's a bitch," Ally sang softly, not looking up.

"Dinah! Give it back!" Lauren stood up from where she was sat on the floor, shooting Ally a quick glare.

When the blonde on grinned tauntingly Lauren made a grab for it, earning a scolding from a Ally.

"You're gonna wake Normani," She warned them.

"Dinah," Lauren whined as the girl moved her phone out of arms reach.

"Come and get it Lauser," Dinah smirked. Lauren leant forward, losing her balance and toppling down onto both Dinah and Normani.

Lauren rolled off of Dinah as quick as she could but not before a cry of pain left her mouth.

"I'm so so sorry," Lauren's hand flew to her mouth as Dinah pulled Normani into a tight hug. Normani's body shuddered as a shaky sob escaped her lips.

"Oh baby. I'm so sorry," Dinah whispered, smoothing her hair down.

"It hurts," Normani cried and Ally walked over to them.

"Can I see it?" She asked, placing a hand on her back. Normani nodded and Ally held it gently in her hands, examining it.

Her wrist was in a splint until the swelling went down when it would then be put in a cast.

"It's okay, it's just gonna hurt for a bit because of Lauren's heavy ass," Ally shot a look at the younger Latina who was knelt on the floor, rubbing Normani's back.

The soft creaks of the floorboards caught Lauren's attention and she turned to look in the direction of the hallway.

"Lauren?" Camila's groggy voice called out confusedly, although there was the tiniest trace of panic.

"In here," Lauren called quietly. There was the quiet noise of footsteps and then Camila was hovering in the doorway, looking beyond confused. "Come here munchkin."

Camila made her way over and hovered for a second before sitting by her girlfriend, not wanting to intrude.

"I'm gonna get some ice," Ally announced, flashing a small smile at Camila before going to the kitchen.

"O-ow," Normani gulped through sobs and Ally rushed back with ice wrapped in a small towel, placing it over the splint.

"Okay, okay. You're okay, breathe Manz," Dinah bounced her slightly, playing with her hair.

"What's happening?" Camila asked in a small voice, reminding everyone that she was in the room.

"It's just her wrist, she's gonna be okay," Lauren informed her, feeling guilty for not paying attention to her until now. Camila frowned slightly and Lauren reached out to push a piece of her hair away from her forehead.

"Camila?" Normani managed to choke out.

"Yeah, she's here," Dinah told her, shrugging at the questioning look she was receiving from both Lauren and Camila.

"Take it off," Normani tried pulling her wrist away.

"Leave it there baby, it'll make it hurt less," Dinah said calmly, although in honesty she had no idea what the ice was meant to do.

"It hurts," Normani repeated and Dinah bounced her slightly.

"It's going to, you've broken it," She told her, pulling her impossibly closer and placing a kiss on her temple. "Shh, stop crying. It's okay, please don't cry."

It was obvious that Dinah was starting to panic and Lauren stopped rubbing Normani's back to comb her fingers through her hair.

"Do you want anything? Do you want a drink?" Camila asked, deciding to try and help.

"Hey Mani, Mila's offering to get you a drink. Do you want one?" Dinah reiterated and Normani nodded.

"Yes please," She gulped and Camila went into the small kitchen, returning moments later with a glass of ice water. Camila went to hand it to her before realising that her good hand was clutching Dinah's t-shirt.

"Here, it'll make you feel better," Camila told her softly, gently cupping her cheek and tilting the glass to her lips. Normani took a small sip, breathing unevenly as she tried to stop crying. "Have another sip. Cold water always helps me stop crying because you have to calm down to drink it. I should know, I cry all the time."

Camila was making it up as she went along but Normani took another drink of water and half giggled at the joke she made.

"Should I be offended that you listen to Mila and not me?" Dinah joked, reaching out to wipe Normani's eyes.

"Yeah, look at me. I'm hot," Camila flipped her hair and Dinah shoved her playfully.

"Haven't you learnt your lesson about pushing people whilst Normani's in the way?" Lauren raised an eyebrow.

"Why? What happened?" Camila questioned, looking between the four girls.

"Dinah and Lauren were fighting and Lauren fell on Normani," Ally was eager to explain and Lauren hit her.

"No wonder you were crying with Lauren's fat ass on you," Camila joked sympathetically.

"You don't say that when we..." Lauren started off but was quickly shut up when Ally threw a pillow at her.

"Don't be so vulgar," She practically hissed and both Dinah and Lauren laughed loudly.

"You good?" Camila asked the older girl who nodded, wiping her eyes, "can I have a hug?"

Normani nodded again and leant forward from where she was still sat on Dinah's lap so she could be enveloped in Camila's arms.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" She sniffled confusedly.

"Because you're upset. And just because you've been a bitch it doesn't mean you deserve to be upset," Camila told her, rubbing her back. Normani nuzzled further into her and Camila kissed her head.

She fell asleep not long later, still leaning against Camila.

"You didn't have to do that, you know," Dinah said by Camila brushed it off with a smile.

"I wanted to. I don't like seeing her hurt," She looked down at the older girl who's face was half hidden in her chest, tear marks dried on her cheeks.

"Out of everything that's happened tonight, the most shocking thing is that Lucy and Vero slept through it all," Lauren announced and everyone giggled in agreement

They lasted about another ten minutes before they decided to head to bed, or in Dinah and Ally's case, the couch.

Dinah carefully lifted Normani off of Camila and the Latina stood up, saying her goodnights before following Lauren to the bedroom.

"You know. Every time I think you've reached the maximum amount of perfect possible you do something like that and I fall in love with you even more," Lauren told her once they were in bed and Camila's cheeks flushed pink.

"I'm not perfect," She argued softly.

"You are to me," Lauren murmured, pulling her closer and kissing the top of her head. "I love you."

"I love you more," Camila muttered in return and Lauren smiled.

"I love you most."

It was past eleven when everyone woke up the next day. When Camila woke up Lauren was still sleeping beside her, her hair covering her face and her mouth slightly parted. Camila smiled, brushing back her hair from her face and kissing her cheek before climbing out of bed and making her way out of the bedroom.

Lucy, Dinah and Ally were all stood in the small kitchen.

"Good morning," Camila announced and everyone turned to face her.

"Hey. Did you sleep well?" Ally asked and Camila nodded.

"How about you? Was the couch comfy?" Sh returned the question. Ally nodded whilst Dinah responded;

"It would have been if Normani wasn't laid on me the entire night."

"How is she?" Camila questioned sympathetically.

"She slept through the entire night. She probably tired herself out crying," Dinah shrugged and everyone offered sympathetic smiles.

"I'm ordering room service. I'm fucking starving," Lucy announced dramatically before disappearing to the living room.

By the time the food arrived everyone except Vero was awake and Camila was the one sent to go and wake her.

Needless to say, Vero wasn't impressed.

"The food best be good," She grumbled as she rolled out of bed.

"It will be. Plus the Dinah, Normani and Ally are here. They spent the night," Camila informed her.

"Oh, is Normani out of hospital?" Vero questioned, rather stupidly in Camila's opinion because is she wasn't she wouldn't be in their hotel room.

"Yeah, she broke her wrist. I don't remember how," Camila admitted.

"She went to grab a jacket for you and slipped down the hill on the way back," Vero recalled, proud of herself for remembering.

"A jacket for me?" Camila repeated and Vero nodded. "Shit."

With that, she walked to the girls who were all sat at the table on the balcony and stood in the doorway.

"When were you gonna tell me?" She broke the conversation and everyone turned to look at her, confused. "That it was my fault. That Normani broke her wrist because of me."

Lauren glared at a sheepish looking Vero who was hovering behind Camila before speaking up, "it wasn't your fault Camz. You never pushed her down the hill."

"I'm sorry," Camila ignored Lauren, instead turning to Normani.

"It's fine, it wasn't your fault," Normani assured her.

"But..." Camila argued but was cut off by a pair of arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her onto their lap.

"Don't stress about it Camz. She said it's fine, don't freak out when it's not necessary," Lauren said in her ear. Camila nodded and Lauren pushed her onto the bench next to her, "now, shut up and eat. We've ordered some fruit so you can have your hourly banana."

"Hourly banana," Lucy sniggered.

"She has to make up for all the dick she's missing," Dinah rolled her eyes, placing a piece of mango in her mouth.

"Oh yeah? And what about you? Does Mani have a secret dick we don't know about?" Lauren cocked an eyebrow with a smile.

"It's called a strap on boo," Dinah over emphasised. Everyone burst out into loud laughter and Normani hit her shoulder indignantly.

"It's called you're gonna be single, boo," She told her which only made everyone laugh harder.

"What? I'm just saying! Mila's never been dicked before, she needs to find out some way," Dinah protested.

"She doesn't need to find out. I'm great in bed," Lauren winked over exaggeratedly.

"I mean, I don't have anything to compare it to so," Camila shrugged, putting a strawberry in her mouth.

"I hate you," Lauren told her, narrowing her eyes.

"We don't use a strap on, just to confirm," Normani stated, shooting a pointed look at her girlfriend who nodded and mouth 'we do.'

"Look at her face, they so do!" Lucy exclaimed, nodding her head in the direction of Normani.

"Take tips Luce, you can wow Vero in bed," Dinah winked at her.

"You're all talk and no walk Dinah," Lauren scoffed.

"Oh shut up missionary," Dinah bit back quickly.

"Dinah, what the fuck?" Camila screwed up her face.

"I can tell that's as wild as you two get. In fact, I bet you're waiting until marriage. You're definitely waiting until marriage," Dinah decided and Camila threw a grape at her.

"You're so annoying," She shook her head and Dinah smiled, sticking her tongue out between her teeth.

"But cute," She added.

"I'm cuter," Camila disagreed and Dinah shook her head.

"No," She hummed and Camila nodded.

"Yeah," She countered and Lauren shoved a piece of banana in her mouth.

"We get it! You're both cute! Now stop arguing and eat," She laughed and Camila swallowed fruit before opening her mouth up again. "No chance princess, you're feeding yourself."

"Mean," Camila huffed.

"Verooo. You're ruining our selfie with your ugly face," Dinah whined.

"Dinah. You're ruining my appetite with your ugly fave," Vero quipped, moving so she was even more in the photo.

"Bish, get out," Dinah laughed, covering the Latina's face with her hand and pushing her away. "I only take photos of the important stuff. Like myself and Mani and Camren."

"Oh, wow. Very important," Lucy nodded sarcastically in agreement.

"It is. See, I've got me. I've got Mani. I just need Camren," Dinah turned her phone to the said couple, "smile!"

They both complied and Dinah squealed before showing the pair of them.

"Send me it," Lauren said simply and Dinah nodded, quickly doing as told.

It was just past one when they decided to leave the hotel. Vero and Lucy had already left and had taken Ally with them so it was just the four of them.

Camila was walking down the hallway on her phone, her hood pulled up to cover her face. Lauren was waiting outside for them and Dinah and Normani were trying to collect the last of their stuff so Camila was on her own.

The hallway was empty, much to Camila's relief because she didn't act very well under pressure.

She paused at the elevator, waiting for it to open, when she heard a door open.

"Do you need help?"

The voice was masculine and deep and Camila tugged on her hood anxiously before replying, "no thanks. I'm just waiting for the elevator."

"What're you doing here all on your own?"

Camila hesitated, trying to think of a good lie but the man had already spoke again before she could respond.

"Didn't your mama ever tell you it's rude to not face someone when talking to them?

"Didn't your mama ever tell you it's rude to hit on girls who are young enough to be your daughter?" Normani's voice filled the air and she stood in front of Camila, cupping her face in her hand. "Are you okay baby? Was he harassing you?"

"Yeah. He wouldn't leave me alone," Camila put on her sweet voice, her pout evident

"I don't appreciate random men coming onto my girlfriend," Normani told the man who looked taken aback at the information.

"I-I didn't know," He stammered in defence.

"Is it because we're both girls? Is that why? Are you homophobic?" Normani raised an eyebrow and Camila had to bite her lip to stop herself laughing.

"No! No, of course not," The man argued frantically.

"Is everything okay over here?" Dinah also joined them and Camila knew it'd only get worse from here.

"No. That man was harassing her. No one messes with my baby," Normani explained and Dinah turned to the man with an expression hard enough to scare anyone away.

"Is this true? Because if you mess with my friends, you mess with me too," Diann told him.

"I wasn't doing anything, I swear," The man declared desperately.

"Good. Because if you were, we'd have a problem," Dinah said lowly before adding sweetly, "oh, and maybe try and find someone your own age. You could be her grandad."

With that, the man went back into his room and all three girls burst out laughing.

"Oh my god," Dinah gasped, wiping her eyes.

"You so saved my ass," Camila stated with wide eyes when she finally stopped laughing.

"Consider it my return for making you cuddle me all night," Normani shrugged casually and it fell silent for a few minutes before Dinah spoke again.

"And this is why we avoid dick, ladies," She announced in a posh voice which caused Camila to snigger again.

"Apparently not you two with your strap on," She said and Normani glared at Dinah.

"This is why you should be gagged."

It wasn't until five minutes later did they realise that Camila didn't actually push the button for the elevator which explained why it took so long.

Lauren was less than amused when they finally made it to her but Camila kissed her face face repeatedly until she forgave them so she was annoyed for approximately twenty seconds.

The car journey home was pretty quiet.

Normani slept through pretty much the entire thing and the other three just quietly spoke so not to wake her.

"Are you staying?" Lauren asked once they'd pulled up outside of her house. Dinah considered it for a few minutes before shaking her head.

"I should get Mani home. She's gonna need some medicine when she wakes up and then she has to go and get a cast," She said and Lauren nodded in understanding.

"See you soon," She smiled, combing her fingers Normani's hair before climbing out.

"Bye DJ," Camila smiled before following her girlfriend.

They made their way inside, closing the door behind them.

"I need a shower," Camila announced, hating how her skin felt after the salt water from the ocean.

"So do I," Lauren agreed.

"I call it first," Camila shouted, making a run for the stairs.

"I call the big one," Lauren yelled after her.

There was a common debate whenever they took showers at the same time because they both wanted to use the one in the main bathroom, as it was bigger.

"Not if I beat you," Camila called from where she was halfway up the stairs already.

Deep down, Lauren knew she had little chance of beating her but that didn't stop her from trying as she sprinted after the younger girl. She had just reached the top of the stairs when the bathroom door slammed shut.

"Fuck you," Lauren yelled playfully as she made her way to her bedroom.

"You want to," Camila hollered back and Lauren laughed at her response.

When Camila walked back into the bedroom, wrapped in a towel, Lauren was already out, stood in front of the mirror in just her bra and panties whilst she brushed her damp hair.

Her music was playing softly and she was singing along to a song Camila didn't recognize, shaking her hips slightly. Camila bent over, tying her wet hair into a messy bun before looking at her girlfriend in the mirror. Lauren noticed she was in the room and stuck her tongue out, squinting her eyes and causing Camila to smile.

Lauren tied her hair into a ponytail and turned around to face Camila, a large smile on her face. Hey ponytail ended just above her shoulders, revealing the tattoo on her neck. Her baby hairs were framing her face in soft waves and her skin was tanned from the beach.

From her hair to her face to her matching red lace underwear set, she looked effortlessly stunning.

"Hi," She beamed happily, "come dance with me."

"I'm not dancing with you," Camila disagreed with a small smile.

"Yeah you are," Lauren told her.

"No I'm not," Camila laughed, shaking her head.

"Why?" Lauren pouted adorably and Camila walked towards her.

"Because I'm naked and I can't dance," Camila reminded her and Lauren grabbed onto her hand, pulling her closer.

"Everyone can dance," She argued, taking her other hand and pulling on them, causing Camila to sway.

"I hate you," Camila announced nonchalantly, even though there was a small smile on her lips. Lauren suddenly twirled her and Camila's back crashed into her stomach, Lauren's arm around her waist. "Jerk."

The song changed to one Camila knew and Lauren spun her back around.

To say Camila wasn't going to dance, half a song later she was twirling Lauren, both girls in fits of laughter.

By the time the song ended both girls were slightly breathless, matching grins on their faces.

"I love you so much," Lauren told her and Camila's smile grew impossibly bigger.

"I love you," She returned, wrapping her arms around the older girl's neck. "I'm so happy."

"I can tell. You can see it in your face," Lauren said and Camila rolled her eyes playfully. "Im serious. Look at you baby. You're glowing!"

Lauren turned her to face the mirror, wrapping her arms around her from behind.

"Look how beautiful you are," Lauren told her and Camila's cheeks flushed pink as she turned around in the embrace, "you're my happy, pretty, perfect girlfriend."

Camila gasped as she was lifted off the ground and twirled in circles, giggles falling from her mouth.

"Lauren we're gonna..." Camila didn't finish her sentence because Lauren tripped and came crashing to the floor, Camila on top of her. "You're so goofy, oh my god."

Lauren sat up, leaning back on her hands and Camila stayed sat in her lap.

"God, I love you," She muttered and Lauren smiled, leaning forward to peck her lips softly.

"And I love you," She said in return against her lips. Camila smiled into the kiss, moving her hands to rest them on Lauren's chest lightly.

Their kisses were broken by smiles and laughter and when they had to pull away for breath, they would rest their foreheads against each other, simply staring at each other before they could continue their kissing.

Lauren's phone vibrated, interrupting the kiss and Lauren pressed her lips against Camila's bare collar bone before checking her phone.

It was a Snapchat from Dinah.

"Mani got her cast," Lauren informed Camila, showing her her phone screen. It was a photo of the Normani that Dinah had obviously forced her to take due to the pained smile on her face. She had a purple cast on her arm up to her elbow and it was in a sling. The caption 'good thing she's right handed. We can still fuck," made both Latinas roll their eyes.

"She's impossible," Camila commented and Lauren hummed in agreement.

"But she's funny, so we put up with her," She reminded her girlfriend who nodded with a smile.

"Awe, just like I put up with you," Camila told her sweetly and Lauren shoved her shoulder.

"You love me."

"Yeah, I do."

Continue lendo

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