Gravity Falls The Pines Tripl...

Galing kay opal35416

356K 6.2K 16.5K

((y/n) means "your name") Dipper, Mabel, and (y/n) Pines are triplets who have been sent to Gravity Falls for... Higit pa

Tourist Trapped
Legend of the Gobblewonker
Head Hunters
The Hand that Rocks the Mabel
The Inconveniencing
Dipper vs. Manliness
Double Dipper
Irrational Treasure
Time Traveller's Pig
Fight Fighters
Little Dipper
Boss Mabel
Bottomless Pit!
The Deep End
Carpet Diem
Boyz Crazy
Land Before Swine
Gideon Rises
Into the Bunker
The Golf War
Sock Opera
Soos and the Real Girl
Little Gift Shop of Horrors
Blendin's Game
The Love god
Northwest Mansion Mystery
Not What He Seems
Tale of Two Stans
Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
The Stanchurian Candidate
The Last Mabelcorn
Roadside Attraction
Dipper, (y/n), and Mabel vs. the Future
Weirdmageddon Part I
Weirdmageddon Part II: Escape From Reality
Weirdmageddon Part III: Take Back the Falls
The Triplets' Guides
(y/n) and Nat's kids' story
Lost Legends with the Pines Triplets

Society of the Blind Eye

5K 106 164
Galing kay opal35416

One dark and mysterious night, Lazy Susan was at her diner, sweeping up the floors one last time before she left for home.

"Dum she dum, locking up" she sang to herself. She turned towards the sink to see several possums on top of the dishes that were soaking in the sink.

"Shoo, possums!" she exclaimed, using the broom to scare the creatures away. "Shoo!"

She then made her way towards the dining area, towards one particular area.

"Get, McGucket, get!" she exclaimed, as she poked the broom underneath the table.

Old Man McGucket came scurrying out of it on all fours as he ran back home to the junkyard.

Lazy Susan shook her head as she exited the diner and locked the door behind her.

"Goodnight, diner" she said cheerfully, as she started to walk home.

"Goodnight tree!" she said as she walked by a tree.

"Goodnight tiny men stealing my pie!" she said as she walked by several gnomes who were standing up on top of each other in an attempt to try and grab a pie that was sitting on the diner's open window sill.

She then froze when she realized what she had just said.
"Wait, what?"

She turned around immediately, and was so surprised at the gnomes that she lifted up her shut eye.

Jeff the gnome was standing apart from the other gnomes as he barked instructions at them.

"Lift with your knees!" he was saying. "Lift with your knees! If I go one more hour without eating, I'm gonna convert to cannibalism."

It was then that the gnomes finally noticed Lazy Susan, standing there watching them in shock.

Jeff tipped his hat off to her and smiled.


She screamed, and started to back up away from the gnomes.

"Little magic men! What does it mean? What do I do?!" she exclaimed, as she backed right up into a payphone.

She stuck a coin into the slot, and dialled a number. She held the phone up to her ear.

"Yes, hi!" she said with a panicked tone. "I'd like to report something!"

She was too distressed to notice some people secretly watching her from the bushes.

"I'm at Greasy's Diner!" she yelled into the phone. "You won't believe what I witnessed."
She didn't see the red cloaked figures secretly approaching her from behind with identical symbols over their hoods of an eye with an X over it. One of them was holding a small brown sack in their hands.

"It's unbelievable! It's indescribable! It's-"

Suddenly, one of the cloaked figures stuck the sack over her head, and the two of them started to lead her away as she screamed.

The two cloaked figures walked right past their leader cloaked figure.

"It is unseen" he said, as he walked along with them. The same eye symbol that was on their cloaks was spray-painted in red on the wall behind him.

The gnomes watched as the three cloaked figures dragged Lazy Susan away.

"Well, back to pie!" said Jeff cheerfully. The gnomes started to walk back towards the forest as if nothing peculiar had happened.

"I was this close to eating you, Steve."

Meanwhile that night, Dipper stuck a picture of a black figure with a question mark over it onto a huge corkboard, and circled the figure with a blue pen.

The board was labelled 'Who is the Author?' There were several clues and evidence that were taped to the board, along with pictures of the suspects.

"Alright, author" said Dipper to himself, as he stuck his pen into his mouth and started to absent-mindedly chew on it as he was thinking. "Who are-"

But before he could finish, the pen snapped in his mouth, and ink exploded all over his mouth.

"Bleh!" said Dipper, as he spit out blue pen ink and wiped his mouth. "Not again!"

He tossed the remains of the chewed pen into a box that was labelled 'Thinking Pens,' where there were already quite a few destroyed pens.

Just then, (y/n) walked up to her brother in a rather cheery mood. She was wearing sunglasses over her eyes even though it was night time.

"Hey, Pine Tree, how's it hanging?" she said in Bill's voice.

Dipper turned towards her immediately and screamed as he held the journal up to his chest protectively. He was so scared that he fell right off his bed and onto his face. However, he quickly scrambled back onto his feet, and backed up as (y/n) stepped closer to him.


(y/n) suddenly started laughing in her normal voice, and she flipped off the sunglasses, revealing her normal colored eyes that were free of slit-shaped pupils.

Dipper let his guard down when he saw (y/n) rolling on the ground as she laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha! You should have seen...your face!!!" screeched (y/n) between chortles, as she continued to laugh on the ground again.

He groaned.

"Ha ha. Very funny, (y/n)" he said. "But seriously, please don't ever do that again. What if it was actually Bill in your body? I wouldn't be able to tell the difference because you keep messing with me!"

"It's just a prank, Dip. I finally mastered Bill's voice, complete with the robot autotune sound!" said (y/n), saying that last section in Bill's voice. She wiped her eyes, got back up off the floor and made her way towards him.

"And please, Bill in my body? What kind of twisted deal would I make with him anyways?"

Dipper sighed, and then turned back towards his corkboard.

"What are you doing?" asked (y/n), as she hopped up onto his bed and looked at the corkboard that hung above it.

"I'm trying to figure out who the author is" explained Dipper. "I'm not very far, and I've got very few suspects but-"

"Wait, is that me?" said (y/n), pointing to a picture of herself that was underneath the suspects section.

"Yeah" said Dipper. "It's one of my theories, which is that it was you from the future who wrote the journal."

(y/n) laughed.

"That's one of the dumbest theories I've ever heard."

"(y/n), I'm serious" he said. "I first got the idea back during the zombie incident, when you said that if you had written the journal, you would have hidden the more dangerous parts in invisible ink, which turned out to be the exact thing that was in the journal" Dipper continued.

"I mean think about it. We already know that in the future, you invent time travel, so what if you got interested in the wonders of Gravity Falls and started to write them down in a journal? The author was obviously a scientist or an inventor who was insanely brilliant, which I know that you are. There are several sentences in that book that sound so much like sentences that you would write. Maybe the reason that you managed to memorize the entire journal so easily is because you become the author in the future."

"Dipper, no offense, but that makes, like, zero sense" said (y/n).

Dipper continued on with his theory.

"And what if future you discovered that there were people out there who would do anything to get their hands on your journals? So you spread them out throughout time using the time-travelling tape measure that you invented, and you planted Journal #3 right in this time period, during the time when we were spending our first Summer in Gravity Falls."

Dipper waited for her response. She paused to think about her answer, before finally speaking.

"Ok, that sounds very far-fetched" said (y/n). "And I have several counterpoints: 1) I do not have six fingers. 2) The shapeshifter clearly said that the author was a male. 3) That handwriting is definitely not mine."

Dipper frowned, realizing that she was right about all those things. He sighed as he went back to his corkboard and started to think about all the other suspects.

"Hey, guys!" said Mabel cheerfully, as she ran up to them and hopped up onto Dipper's bed. She held up a green bottle towards her siblings' faces. "Look what I've got!"
"Yay, a filthy green bottle" said Dipper.

"It's a bottle message from Mermando!" said Mabel. "Remember? He was part fish, and part shirtless guy..."

"It's called a merman, Mabel" said (y/n), looking at the bottle in disgust. She knew that Mermando was good, but she still couldn't help but feel protective of her sister.

Mabel suddenly gasped.

"What if he wants to get back together?"

(y/n) scoffed.

"Yeah right. Over my dead body."

"I wouldn't get your hopes up, Mabel" said Dipper uneasily.

"Too late" said Mabel, as she uncorked the bottles. "Hopes are way, way up!"

She plopped down onto the bed, and took the message from the bottle. Before she unrolled the message, she squealed excitedly and kicked her legs against the bed rapidly. She finally unrolled it and started to read aloud.

"Dear far so is with a heavy far so good...that I must inform you I'm getting married?!"

She looked down at the paper in shock, and read the words repeatedly to make sure that she had read them correctly. Unfortunately, it appeared that she had.

"Aaaand, there it is" said Dipper.
Mabel continued to read aloud, her voice cracking with upsetness as she read further on.

"In order to prevent an undersea civil war...arranged wedding...queen of the manatees?!"

Mabel held up a picture of Mermando and the queen of the manatees, who was wearing a pink dress and a crown.

"Yeesh" said (y/n). "What size is that, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX large?"

"And she's so beautiful!" said Mabel, as she started to tear up. "This can't be happening!"

"Oh, Mabel" said Dipper with a comforting tone. "You'll get over him eventually."

"Yeah" (y/n) piped up. "You don't need a boy to complete you."

Mabel sighed, and pulled out her Summer Memories book, where she kept all her photos.

"You don't understand, guys" she said, as she opened it to the Summer Romances page, where there were several pictures of her lost loves.

"You're right that I don't" said (y/n).

"On my first day here, I made this page here for Summer romances" she explained. "And look at my luck. Turned out to be gnomes, child psycho, made out with his own hands."

She then taped the picture of the unhappy Mermando with the manatee queen, and taped it over all the photos on that page.

"And now I could just forget about them forever" she said, as she used a red sharpie to write the word 'Failed' above the title 'Summer Romances.'

Mabel shut the book in her lap.

"Hey, if it's any consolation, my Summer mission isn't a huge success either" said Dipper, as he picked up the journal. "I'm still trying to find the author of this journal."

He placed the book onto the shelf underneath the window.

"But with his laptop smashed, I've lost any lead at finding him" he said, showing his sisters the remains of the smashed laptop that Bill in his body had destroyed.

Mabel started to examine the laptop through the green bottle she was holding.

"Wait a minute, Dipper look!" she exclaimed, holding out the bottle to him.

"Through your bottle?" asked Dipper.

(y/n) sighed, and grabbed the bottle from Mabel's hands when she saw that Dipper was not going to take it.

She then looked through it at the laptop, and gasped at what she saw.

"Wait, what is it?" said Dipper intently.

"Just do it!" said Mabel.

(y/n) slowly lowered the bottle, and handed it to Dipper, who took it earnestly and started to examine the laptop through it.

It took him a while to find it, but he eventually saw a small plate with two words that were engraved onto it:


"McGucket labs?" said Dipper. "Wait, Old Man McGucket?"

"Dipper" said Mabel. "You don't think..."

"No way" said (y/n).

"It couldn't be!" said Dipper, as he walked up to the board, where Old Man McGucket's photo was under the suspects section with the words 'Not likely' written across the picture.

"It doesn't make any sense" he said, as he took the photo and pinned it to the middle where the mysterious author's photo was.

"Unless..." he said, as he started to rearrange the board and the string on it to try and fit McGucket being the author onto it. He attached a string from the images of the plate on the laptop that said 'Property of F' to a piece of paper that with McGucket's full name on it: 'Fiddleford H. McGucket,' and then he attached another string between an image with the six fingers of the journal to an image of McGucket's cast.

"...then that means that this goes with this and this goes over here and then that would mean...Old Man McGucket wrote the journal?!"

It all made sense when he stepped back and saw his corkboard. All of the strings that served as leads and evidence pointed back to McGucket's photo in the center of it all.

"Am I blanchin'

Girl we blanchin'

I live up in the mansion"

The number one hit pop song was playing on a radio that as sitting on the counter as Soos swept the gift shop cheerfully and sang along.

"I'm blanchin, girl we blanchin' I live up in the mansion!" he sang, as he ended up walking right up to Wendy.

She groaned in irritation.

"I can't get that terrible song out of my head!"

"What, you mean Straight Blanchin' by Little Big Dog?" he said. "It's the catchiest song of the Summer!"

"What is blanchin'?" said Wendy. "Rappers can't just make up words!"

"Rappers are visionaries, Wendy" said Soos. "If they told me to eat my own pants, I would do it!"

As in on cue, the song suddenly sang those exact lyrics.

"Eat your own pants,

Eat your own pants!"

Soos shrugged.

"I guess I have no choice" he said, as he bent downwards and started unzipping his pants.

Suddenly, the triplets burst in through the 'Employees Only' door.

"Soos! Wendy!" exclaimed Dipper. "We've got to see Old Man McGucket!"

"We'll explain on the way!" said Mabel.

"Seriously, it is a very long story" said (y/n).

As the triplets ran past them, Mabel grabbed Wendy's hand and dragged her along, and Soos zipped up his pants as they all ran out the door past Stan.

"Hey, what about work?" he said rather irritably. "KIDS!!!!" he screamed, raising his fist in the air as they all disappeared out the door.

He then dropped his fist and looked at them with a rather confused look.

"Why is Soos eating his own pants?"

The five of them entered the junkyard, where they knew McGucket lived.

Dipper cupped his hands over his mouth.

"Old Man McGucket!" he called, as they all walked further. "Are you here?"

"Here Hillbilly billy billy!" yelled Soos.

The five of them stopped when they saw Nate and Lee spray painting words across the walls of a rather ramshackled shed. It appeared that the words were 'Mc Suck it!'

The two of them were laughing.

"It took an hour to think of this, but it was worth it!" said Lee.

The two teenagers then high-fived each other triumphantly.

Just then, McGucket walked out of the shed that was his home, and noticed the two teenagers vandalizing his property.

"G-get out of here!" he yelled, as he chased Nate and Lee away with a stick. "You salt licking, hornswoggling..."

He suddenly dropped his stick and looked down sadly.

"Mc Suck it. They got me good."

He then noticed the five newcomers, and instantly perked up.

"Visitors!" he exclaimed. He welcomed Dipper, (y/n), Mabel, Wendy, and Soos into his home. "Come, come! Pull up some rusty metal" he said cheerfully. "You're just in time for my hourly turf war with the hillbilly that lives in my mirror."

McGucket looked down at a metal bucket that was so shiny that he could see his own reflection in it.

"Quit staring at me when I bathe!" he yelled at his own reflection.

"You can drop the act, McGucket. I know you're the author" said Dipper, holding up the journal for McGucket to see. "You studied the mysteries of this town and wrote this book!"

"Dude, you're the genius Dipper's been searching for all Summer" said Wendy, as she reached into the backpack that Soos was carrying and brought out the smashed laptop.

Wendy held it out to McGucket as he came closer.

"That laptop took an entire night to fix" said (y/n). "Only to have it smashed to pieces later on" she muttered under her breath grudgingly.

"Not that I'm bitter, or anything."

McGucket examined the smashed laptop with confusion.

"Genius? I'm no genius" he said, turning around sadly. "I've never done nothing worthwhile in my life. Everyone knows that I'm no good to nobody."

McGucket then turned towards a newspaper that was hung in his home that was titled 'Local Coot Continues Downward Slide.'

"I can't remember what I was before" he said. "But I must have been a failure to end up like this."

He walked back towards the five newcomers.

"But the laptop has your name on it" said Soos.

"What about this book?" said Dipper, as he held it out to McGucket and opened it to a random page. "Are you sure you didn't write it?"

He started to flip through the pages.

"Here, look closely."

"I told you, I don't recall!" said McGucket, as Dipper continued to flip the pages in front of him. "Everything that happened before 1982 is just a blur. Just a heazy-"

Dipper then flipped to a page with an eye that had a huge red X drawn over it.

McGucket's eyes went wide with panic at the sight of it.

He leaped backwards and landed on his back.

"Ah! The Blind Eye!" he exclaimed. "Robes! The men! My mind! They did something!"

"Who did?" asked Dipper, as he shut the book.

McGucket paused, before rubbing his head in frustration.

"Oh, I don't recall!"

Mabel felt sorry for McGucket.

"Oh, you poor old man!" she said. "No wonder your mind's all pleh!" At that last word, she blew a raspberry and pointed her thumb downwards.

(y/n) elbowed her sister.

"Mabel!" she scolded.

"You've been through something intense" Mabel added quickly.

"What if McGucket learned something he wasn't supposed to know, and someone or something messed with his mind?" said Dipper. "We've gotta get to the bottom of this."

"Think, dude" said Wendy, addressing McGucket. "What is the earliest thing you can remember?"
"Eh?" said McGucket in confusion, before he pulled down another newspaper that had been hanging on the wall to show to the others. It was titled 'Disoriented Man Found At Museum.'

"This is, I think" said McGucket.

"Hey, I know that place" said (y/n). "That's the history museum where we found that clue about the pointing angel statue!"

"Then that's where we're going" said Dipper determinedly.

The five of them were now in Soos's pick up truck, and McGucket was sitting in the back of the truck.

Soos was driving with the triplets crammed in the middle, and Wendy on the end.

Playing in the car was the song 'Straight Blanchin'.'

Wendy groaned in anger.

"Soos!" she exclaimed, punching the eject button. The disc slid out, and Wendy grabbed it, throwing it out the open car window.

It wasn't until Soos was glaring at her that Wendy had realized exactly what she had done.

"I'll buy you a new one" she said.

They finally arrived at the Gravity Falls Museum of History, and were now climbing through an open window to get into the closed museum after hours.

"Hello!" Soos called throughout the entire building. "Anyone here?"

"Alright, keep your eyes peeled for anything suspicious" said Dipper.

"No, really?" said (y/n) sarcastically. "I thought we were here for the kid balloons."

Dipper ignored her and continued on his search.

Meanwhile, Mabel was walking sadly past a taxidermy puma in the museum as she sighed.

Wendy seemed to be the only one who had noticed.

"Mabel, are you ok?" she asked. "You just walked by a cat without petting it."
"Oh, Wendy" said Mabel sadly. "Everything I look at reminds me of my failed romances."

She pointed to a jar display that had a heart with an arrow piercing it floating in a yellow liquid inside it.

"That formaldehyde heart..."

She then pointed to a display of a man carrying a rather angry looking woman over his shoulder.

"...Romantic Diorama..."
Mabel then turned around to look at a corkboard, and hanging on it was a poster of Gabe Benson.

"...Even this poster of my most recent ex-crush."

She reached upwards and tore down the poster of Gabe, only to find a Sev'ral Timez poster behind it.

"Aw, come one!"

Dipper turned towards McGucket.

"So your last memory was here" he said. "Anything coming back?"
Suddenly, Soos pointed at a hall that was further down.

"Guys, look!" he exclaimed.

They turned to see a cloaked figure standing several yards away from them. It suddenly started to run off down another hall.

The six of them ran after the cloaked figure, heading down the hall that it had run down.

"Hey!" exclaimed Dipper. "Who's there?"
The hall spit them out into a new room with a rug, fireplace, and several eyeball displays that were everywhere.

The cloaked figure was gone.

"Well, kettle my corn!" said McGucket. "He vanish-ified!"

Dipper was looking around determinedly.

"It doesn't make sense!" he said. "Where did he go?"
"And more importantly, who has this many eyeball displays?" said (y/n).

McGucket seemed to be getting freaked out by all the eyeballs. He backed himself up against a wall in fear.

"I feel like all these eyeballs are a watchin' me!"

Dipper turned, and looked at several eyeballs that were inside a glass jar, and he pointed his finger outwards in the direction where they were looking.

"Wait!" he exclaimed. "They are!"

"And it looks like all the other eyeballs are too!" said (y/n), pointing around at all the eyeballs that were frozen on McGucket.

"Move aside" said Dipper, and McGucket obliged.

On the wall behind him was an old bronze plaque that was a triangular shape and had an eye engraved into it.

Dipper walked up to the plaque, and slowly pressed his hand against it, as if it were a button.

Suddenly, there was the sound of something grinding behind them, and they all turned around to see the fireplace getting moved aside, revealing a secret entrance to a long and dark hall.

"Jackpot!" said Wendy.

"A secret passageway!" said Dipper.

"We'll have to be stealthy" said McGucket. "I'll hambone a message of there's trouble."

He then started to randomly slap his legs and face, in a message that translated as 'Coyotes are coming for our sweetbreads.'

(y/n) squinted at McGucket in a confused manner.

"I don't think I translated that correctly. I got 'Coyotes are coming for our sweetbreads'."

"Wait, how can you understand that?" said Dipper.

(y/n) shrugged.

"I think it's some form of Ethiopian sign language" she said. "I read about it in a book at the Gravity Falls library all those weeks ago."

They all slowly started to descend down the secret passageway stairs, towards a pair of red curtains that were at the bottom of them, where there seemed to be some chanting coming from behind.

They managed to make it to the bottom, and Dipper peeked through the curtains.

They were all shocked by what they saw.

There was a huge room that looked like it might have once been the inside of a temple. There were six cloaked red figures that were standing in a circle around a small table that had a tiny chest on it. Standing a few feet away from them was a red chair.

The cloaked figures were chanting something in another language that no one could understand.

They all then placed a hand on the chest in the center, before pulling away as their leader came forth.

"Who is the subject of our meeting?" he boomed.

The triplets gasped.

Two more cloaked figures brought out a woman wearing a pink dress and a sack over her head.

"This woman!" they said, as one of them ripped the sack off her head. It was Lazy Susan.

"Lazy Susan?" said Mabel in confusion.

The cloaked figures led Lazy Susan to the chair, where they placed her arms on the armrest and then locked her wrists to them with leather straps.

"What is it that you have seen?" said the leader.

"Seen!" the other cloaked figures repeated.

"Well, I, uh, was leaving the diner, and I saw these, these little bearded doodads!" she said rather nervously. "And I was like, wha????"

"There, there" said the leader, as he walked over to the chest and opened it. "You won't be like 'whaa' for much longer."

He pulled out from the chest the last thing that any of them expected: the memory gun.

(y/n) gasped.

"M-my memory gun" she said, so shocked that she actually stuttered a bit. "What it is doing here? How did they get their hands on it?"

Because the triplets all knew the function of (y/n)'s device, they all knew what exactly was going to happen to Lazy Susan.
The other cloaked figures pulled their hoods further over their faces, if that was even possible.

"What is that gizmo?" asked Lazy Susan, as the leader typed in 'Little Men' into the device. "Are you guys barbers?"

He suddenly fired the device right at Lazy Susan, who screamed as it hit her right in the face.

When the beam died down, her eyes enlarged, then shrunk back to their normal size, her bad eye closing back up again.

She looked almost normal.

"Lazy Susan!" called the leader, who was turned with his back facing her. "What do you know of bearded men?"
"My mind is clear thanks to the Society of the Blind Eye" she said in a robotic voice.

"It is unseen!" chanted all the cloaked figures.

"Oh my gosh!" said Dipper. "They used (y/n)'s device to erase Lazy Susan's memory!"

Suddenly, McGucket appeared beside them, and he slapped the side of his face to create another message.

(y/n) frowned at him.

"Watch your language."

Lazy Susan was now asleep, and the cloaked figures were now unbuckling her restraints.

"Guys, are you seeing this?" said Dipper.

"How could we not?" said (y/n). "They used my memory gun to wipe her memory. How did they even get their hands on it?"

Soos only laughed.

"They should have wiped off that awful mascara" he said, laughing at his own joke.

However, it was not very well received at all by the three girls.

"I think she looks beautiful!" exclaimed Mabel.

"She's doing the best she can, Soos!" exclaimed Wendy.

"Not everyone can be as beautiful as you, Soos" said (y/n) scathingly.

"Oh" said Soos, holding his hands up in a surrendering gesture. "Touched a nerve there."

Lazy Susan was now waking up, and the leader was talking to her.

"Lazy Susan, how do you feel?" he asked.

"I feel great!" she said, as she got up out of the chair. "I can't even remember what was wrong!"

Two cloaked figures took her gently by the arms and started to lead her out as she continued to talk.

"Or what I'm doing here! Or why I'm wearing this awful mascara!"

"Oh your memories will be safe with us" said the leader, as he popped the cylindrical memory cartridge out of the gun and wrote '(Lazy) Susan Wentworth' on it.

"In the Hall of the Forgotten."

"Into the Hall of the Forgotten!" the other cloaked figures chanted, as the leader walked up to a tube that was on the wall. "Into the Hall of the Forgotten!"

"Good chanting, boys" he said, as he stuck the memories into the tube. "Have you been practicing?"

The instant that he had done that, the memories were shot upward through the tube, which ran along the ceiling, past the curtain that the triplets, Soos, and Wendy were hiding behind.

They all gasped, and let go of the curtain.

The leader put the memory gun back down onto the table on top of the chest.

"Meeting adjourned!" said the leader.

At that command, the cloaked figures all dispersed and disappeared, saying the phrase 'Unsee you later' to each other as they left.

When it was clear, Dipper motioned for them to go forth past the curtain, and they obliged, walking into the now empty room.

(y/n) walked straight up to the table, and snatched her memory gun back.

"I'll take that back!" she said.

"Amazing. A secret society of evil mind erasers founded on a device invented by my own sister" said Dipper. "I'll bet they erased your memory a long time ago" he said, turning towards McGucket. He then took out the journal from his vest. "If we could find where your memories have been hidden, it could be the key to unlocking all the mysteries of Gravity Falls!"

He then placed the journal back inside his vest, and turned towards the girls.

"Alright, Wendy, Mabel, and (y/n), you three stay here and make sure those robe guys don't come back."
Wendy ruffled Mabel and (y/n)'s hair.

"Whoo! Girls' club!"

"Aw, Dipper!" (y/n) complained. "You want me to stay here? But I want to go with you guys where all the action is gonna be! Just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean I can't help!"

"I know, (y/n), but that's exactly why I want you to stay" said Dipper. "In case anything happens, I want to make sure that you, Mabel, and Wendy are safe away from the danger. You're probably the most capable of the three. I need you to protect them for me, ok?"

(y/n) paused for a moment, and then reluctantly nodded in agreement.

"Ok, but if anything happens, I'm not leaving you behind" she said stubbornly.

Dipper sighed, but then turned towards the rest of the guys.

"Soos, you, me, and McGucket are gonna go find the Hall of the Forgotten" Dipper said, turning towards Soos, who was leaning his head towards another tube opening.

However, Soos's hat was sucked right off his head, and started travelling through the tube that ran along the ceiling past the curtain.

"Follow that hat!"

As the hat was travelling rapidly through the tube, the boys were chasing after it, which eventually led them in an open part of the museum, where there were multiple displays.

"HALT!!!" someone suddenly called, and the three of them froze. They caught sight of two shadows of cloaked figures on the wall. "Is someone there?"

McGucket screamed as Dipper and Soos ran to find a hiding spot. "What do we do? Where do we go?"
He followed after them just as two cloaked figures appeared in that section.

The society members started to look around for any intruders, and caught sight of a new display of an old hillbilly with a plump woman in a pink dress, who was holding a baby wearing a blue bonnet.

The hillbilly's eyes were facing outwards.

"Hmm" said one cloaked figure, as he made his way up to the hillbilly and straightened his eyes so that he was looking forward.

But the hillbilly's eyes turned back outwards again.

The cloaked figure tried again, but ended up with the same results.

"Man, these are really poorly made" said the cloaked figure.

"I could have sworn I heard someone" said the other one, as the two of them finally walked away.

"Probably just the janitor kissing that wax settler woman again."
"Woo! Remind me to erase that thing from my memory!"

When they were gone, the new displays relaxed and came out of their poses. Old Man McGucket himself had already looked like one of the pioneer displays, so the only thing different about him was that he had been leaning against a pickaxe. Soos had been dressed up as the woman in a pink dress, and Dipper had been the baby in the blue bonnet in Soos's arms.

All three of them let out a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, they caught sight of the tube on the ceiling above them, and Soos's hat travelled right through it.

"There is is!" said Dipper, jumping out of Soos's arms and yanking the bonnet off his head. "After it! Hurry!"

Soos ripped off his dress and McGucket dropped the pickaxe as they took off after Soos's hat.

The tube eventually went down a narrow tunnel that was going downwards, and Dipper climbed into it, using the tube as a fireman pole as he slid down it.

It wasn't long before all three of them were sliding down the pull after Soos's hat.

The tube eventually led them to a huge set of doors with a huge eye engraved in it, and a red X spray painted across it.

The tube went into the door through a hole at the top.

Dipper pushed the doors open to see what was behind it.

They watched Soos' hat finally drop from the end of the tube onto the head of a statue in the room. On the ceiling were many tube ends where memories would drop into the room.

Most of the memories were scattered in huge piles throughout the entire room where the bulk of the tube ends were hanging above, but there were a few memories that were stacked in neat rows on the statue where Soos's hat was.

"Whoa..." said Soos.

"Honey fogelin' salt lickin' skull duggery!" exclaimed McGucket.

Soos laughed.

"Man, you've got to teach me some of those old man swear words!"

Mabel, (y/n), and Wendy were now sitting on the stairs in the huge room. Wendy was picking at a stone pillar, (y/n) was slouched over with her head in her hand with a bored expression on her face, and Mabel was laying on her back with Wendy's hat over her eyes.

Mabel sighed sadly.

"I just don't get it, girls" she said sadly. "I hug a lot, I can burp the alphabet, I have scratch and sniff clothing, why does every boy leave me?"

"Pfft, who cares? Boys are the worst" said Wendy.

"I know, right?" said (y/n). "Especially if they're a creepy, psychopathic stalker who won't leave you alone."

"Yeah, Gideon was pretty crazy" said Mabel.

"I was actually talking about Nathaniel, but Gideon's a psychopath too" said (y/n). "I'm just glad we don't really have to worry about either of them anymore."

Mabel sighed sadly, and sat up straight. Wendy's hat was still perched on her head.

"Maybe I just come off too strong, you know?" she said.

"Well, what's your opener?" asked Wendy, as she took her hat back and placed it on her head. She then started to tuck her hair into it so that it looked much shorter. "Pretend I'm a boy."
She then tucked a strand of red hair underneath her nose to make it look like she had a mustache.
"Testosterone" she said, then turned to the side and spit.

(y/n) grinned.

"That's actually pretty good" she said.

Wendy shrugged.

"It comes with having Manly Dan as your father" she said.

Mabel got up onto her feet, and took in a deep breath before starting her opener.

She held out her hand cheerfully.

"Hi, I'm Mabel! I'm twelve and own a pig!" she said. "Wanna get married?"
Wendy and (y/n) both laughed.

"I think you were venturing into Nathaniel territory just a bit with that last statement" said (y/n) jokingly.

"Honestly, that was perfect" said Wendy, as he reached upwards and pulled her hat off of her head, freeing her red hair. "You should just forget about guys, man."

Suddenly, Mabel was struck with an idea.

"Wendy, that's it! Forget about guys!" said Mabel. She got up and ran towards the chair where Lazy Susan had been sitting previously. She hopped up onto it and sat down.

"(y/n), hand me your memory gun."

"What? Mabel, no" said (y/n). "Do you want to get your entire life erased?"

"Why not?" said Mabel. "I just need to type in 'Summer Romances' into that thing instead of 'Mabel Pines.' I won't feel bad about them anymore, and I'll still remember everything else!"

"Whoa, hold up, Mabel" said Wendy. "We don't even know what that thing does."

"I do, because I'm the one who invented that thing" said (y/n). "I know exactly what it is capable of, and I don't even want to run the slightest chance of accidentally driving you insane, or making you forget everything."

"Yeah" Wendy agreed. "You could forget learning how to read, or breathe, or..."

"Or one of those terrible Summer songs you can't get out of your head?"
Wendy raised her eyebrows as she started to think about that.

The boys were now looking through all the piles of memories, trying to find McGucket's.

"Man, look at all these tubes" said Soos. "People must be getting their memories erased all over town."

Dipper took a look at the memory tube in his own hand.

"Whoa!" he said, holding it up for them to see. "Look at this!"

He showed the others the memory tube he had that was labelled 'Robbie V. Memories.'

They managed to find an old computer with a gap labelled 'insert' that was meant for playing the memories. Dipper stuck it into the computer, and suddenly the monitor flashed and came to life, showing Robbie tied up in the chair that Lazy Susan had been in.

"Tell us, Robbie, what is it had you have seen?" said the leader in the memory.

"So I was attacked by this magic kung fu guy that was throwing, like, balls of fire at me" he said. "I kicked his butt though."

"Robbie, speak honestly."

Robbie looked down.

"I was saved by two twelve-year-olds."

"Why are they erasing people's memories?" said Dipper. "I still don't get it."

"Lookee, fellers!" said McGucket, who was standing in front of the statue pointing to a particular memory that was stacked on it. "It's those words what people call me!"

He was pointing right at a memory tube labelled 'McGucket memories.' The memory was at the very top.

"Dude, your memories!" said Soos, as he walked over there and reached up to grab his hat. He placed it back onto his head as McGucket climbed the statue so that he could reach his memories. "We did it!"

McGucket took his memories from its spot.

"Grabby grabby!" he said cheerfully.

However, he did not notice the weight detecting chip in the section where he had taken the tube from, and how it was starting to beep and glow red.

McGucket was laughing so triumphantly that he didn't notice the stone slab that was sliding up behind him, revealing a glowing red eye carved into the stone that served as a security camera.

"I've got it!"

"Wendy, not you too!" said (y/n). "Take it from the word from someone who's had amnesia: forgetting will not end well."

Apparently she had managed to convince Wendy, for she suddenly turned towards Mabel and tried to talk her out of her crazy idea.

"I don't know, Mabel, are you sure this is a good idea?" she asked with a concerned voice.

"All ideas are good ideas!" said Mabel. "Now hand over the memory gun, (y/n)."

"No" (y/n) refused, holding the device in an even tighter grip.

Suddenly, there was the sound of something beeping.

"Wait, do you hear that?" said Wendy.

The three girls looked up to see a red lightbulb that was blinking as it beeped: it was a signal of alert.

"The alarm in my brain is a ringing again!" screamed McGucket, as the eye camera focused in on him from behind.

It was then that he finally turned around and saw the eye camera. He gasped in surprise, and dropped his memories, which Dipper fortunately caught.

Suddenly, the doors flew open, and there were several cloaked red figures.

"Halt!" they exclaimed. "Who goes there?"

"Oh no!" screamed Dipper. "Run!!!"

He and Soos took off running as the cloaked figures came after them, and McGucket managed to scurry behind the statue to hide.

He watched the society members chase Dipper and Soos.

"Get back here!" yelled the members, as they chased the two of them off into the distance.

"Oh, you've really tarred it up now, Fiddleford. This is all your fault" he said to himself.

It was then that he looked down at his beard, and for the first time noticed the band aid that had always been sticking to it.

"Hey, why does my beard have a bandage?" he asked himself skeptically, as he held up his beard. "Does that even make sense? Why has nobody pointed that out?"

The red figures were running wildly in a line, trying to find the two intruders.

They ran right past a row of Egyptian statue, where Dipper and Soos were hiding behind. The two of them popped their head out. Dipper still had McGucket's memories in his hands.

"Ok, I think we're safe" he said.

None of them noticed the inconspicuous grey hands that were approaching them from behind. The hands suddenly slapped themselves over Soos and Dipper's eyes.

"We playing guess who? I know it's you, Dipper" said Soos, as he finally felt the hands that were over his eyes. "Such big, strong hands."

The hands yanked Dipper and Soos backwards, and they both screamed as they were pulled back.

All three triplets, Soos, and Wendy were now tied to a stone column in the middle of the room, and they were all struggling against the ropes.

The triplets were in the middle, with (y/n) in the center of the three, Mabel on her right, and Dipper on her left. Soos was on Dipper's other side, and Wendy was on Mabel's other side.

The red cloaked figures surrounded their captives and started to chant indiscernible words.

The leader took McGucket's memories from Dipper's hands.

"You shouldn't have come here" he said. "We do not give up our secrets lightly."

"Who are you bathrobe wearing freaks?" exclaimed Wendy.

"Why are you doing this?" said Dipper.
"And what's with your creepy British accent?" said Mabel.

"Well, I suppose since we are going to erase your minds anyway" said the leader, and he suddenly bent downwards and took the memory gun from (y/n).

"Hey! That's mine!" she yelled furiously.

The leader then stood back up, and nodded at the others.

Then one by one, the cloaked figures all pulled back their hoods, revealing who they actually were.

"Toby Determined?" said Mabel.
"Bud Gleeful?" said Dipper.

"That tattoo dude?" said (y/n).

"That farmer guy?" said Wendy.

"Creepy dude who married a woodpecker?" said Soos, as the man closest to him unveiled himself. His woodpecker wife was perched on his shoulder. "You too? How's that marriage going by the way?"
"Oh it's great, great" said the man uneasily, but then he leaned in close so that only Soos could hear his words.

"Not great" he whispered.

"And you've never met me before" said the leader, as he flipped his hood backwards. "And if you have, you wouldn't remember!"

The man had a very disturbing face. He had pale skin, and tattoos written all across his bald head. His eyes were two different colors, and there was a red X drawn over the paler coloured eye.

"I am Blind Ivan" he said. "And we are the Society of the Blind Eye!"

They all waved at their captives in one fluent motion.

"Formed many years ago by our founder...our founder...does anyone remember who he was?"
The other members scratched their heads.

"We've been using that ray on our own brains an awful lot" said Bud.

"What?! You people don't realize what you're doing!" (y/n) exclaimed. "If that memory gun gets used on one person's mind too often over the course of a short period of time, it could cause permanent brain damage! It's dangerous!"

Blind Ivan smirked, and bent down onto one knee in front of her.

"Oh, and how would a little girl like you know?" he said, putting his hand underneath her chin and raising her head upwards so that she was facing him, not like that was really necessary though.

(y/n) lashed out at the touch and tried to bite him, and he managed to pull back just in time.

"Because I'm the one who created that thing, you idiot!" she shouted.

Everyone in the society gasped in disbelief.

"It can't be!" said Toby Determined. "That thing is decades old! There's no way a twelve year old girl such as yourself built such an old invention."

"Yes, I did" said (y/n). "I originally built it so that I could erase Nathaniel's memory, but we had an accident with a time traveller, and I lost it in a random time period in the past!"

There was a long pause, before suddenly everyone in the society started to laugh, slapping their knees and holding their chests as they chortled.

"What? What's so funny?" demanded (y/n).

Blind Ivan wiped his eye and stopped laughing.

"Oh, (y/n), wasn't it? Gravity Falls is filled with all sorts of weird things, but I could have never imagined a tale as crazy as that actually happening!"

"But it did!"

"It looks like this one here really does need her mind erased."

"But why would you do all this?" said Dipper. "What would you have to gain?"

"As you have no doubt discovered, Gravity Falls is a town plagued with supernatural strangeness. No one knew how to stop the things that went bump in the night, so our founder invented the next best thing: a way for us to forget" said Blind Ivan. "We took it upon ourselves to help the troubled townsmen by erasing their memories of the strange things they've seen. Now the people of Gravity Falls go about their lives ignorant and happy, thanks to us."

"That's a lie!" said (y/n). "I invented that thing, not your founder."

But Blind Ivan ignored her, as did everyone else since no one believed her, and he continued onwards.

"And as a perk, we help ourselves forget things that trouble us. Everyone has something they'd rather forget" he said. "In fact, your own sister was about to use that ray on herself. Isn't that right?"
Dipper's eyes widened, for he knew which sister he must have been referring to.

"Mabel?" he exclaimed, as he turned towards her. "Seriously?"
She laughed nervously, and then looked down guiltily.


"If I hadn't been there, she might have actually succeeded in erasing her mind!" said (y/n).

Dipper then turned towards the society.

"Don't you see? This is ruining lives!" he said. "What about Old Man McGucket? He lives in a hut and talks to animals thanks to you. Don't you feel bad about that?"

"Maybe a little" said Blind Ivan, as he raised the device up to the side of his head and fired. He then smirked. "But not anymore."

He then typed in the word 'Summer' into the memory gun.

"You won't be telling anyone else what you've learned here" he said, as he started to walk closer to them. "Say goodbye to your Summer."

Their eyes all widened as he got closer.

"Getting your memory erased by your own memory gun" said (y/n). "Ouch."

Soos then turned anxiously towards the others.

"Guys, if we're going to forget everything, I've got some stuff I want to get off my chest" he said. "Mabel, for half the Summer, I thought your name was 'Maple,' like the syrup. No one corrected me!"

"I only loved some of my stuffed animals, and the guilt is killing me!" exclaimed Mabel.

"Sometimes I use big words, and I don't actually know what they mean!" Dipper admitted. "I mean, if I'm not the smart guy, then who am I?"
"Ok, I'm not actually laidback. I'm stressed, like 24/7" admitted Wendy. "Have you met my family?"
"Dipper, it was me who broke your video game console four years ago!" said (y/n). "I raided it for parts, and then framed Mabel."

"I knew it!" exclaimed Mabel.

"Wait, what?!" exclaimed Dipper.

The society members all pulled their hoods back over their heads.

"Oh stop being a bunch of babies" said Blind Ivan, as he took aim with the memory gun.

Suddenly, a pan came flying out of nowhere, and it knocked the gun out of his hand.

"Ow!" he exclaimed, as he cradled his hand. "Owie!"

Just then, McGucket ran towards the five of them dragging a trash can that was filled with mining tools.

"McGucket!" they all exclaimed joyfully, as he used a pickaxe to cut them all free.

"I raided the mining display for weapons!" he said cheerfully. "Now fight like a hillbilly fellers!"

The five of them hurried up to the trash can, and pulled out a weapon from it.

Wendy took a banjo, Dipper took a stick with a taxidermy raccoon on it, and Soos took a plaque labelled 'Dysentery: Plague of the West' that had a diagram of a human on it.

"Oh, nobody better mess!" he said.

The society members started to run towards the five of them.

"They know too much!" yelled Ivan. "Don't let them escape!"

"Get this song out of your head!" yelled Wendy, as she swung the banjo at the men, managing to knock two of them to the ground.

Soos held up the plaque to a nearby society member.

"Dysentery's gonna get you, dawg!" he said, chasing the cloaked figure as he ran away in fear.

Dipper caught sight of McGucket's memories. He ran up to them, and took them up his his hands.

"McGucket's memory tube!" he exclaimed.

"Oh no, you don't!" yelled the tattoo guy, raising his fist up into the air.

But (y/n) leapt out in front of her brother protectively, and held up the freeze-ray gun.

"Oh no, you don't!" shouted (y/n), as she fired it at the man.

The ice ray hit the tattoo guy, and froze him in a block of ice, his fist still sticking upwards.

Dipper stuck McGucket's memories into an opening in the travelling tube that ran along the wall.

"Mabel, catch!" he yelled, for the end of the tube was where she was standing.

Mabel dropped her weapon, and started to reach out towards the end of the tube just as McGucket's memories were starting to appear at the end of them.

However, the farmer guy managed to grab it before she could.

"I'll take that, thank you!" he said, as he started to run forward, only to be stopped by (y/n), who was holding the ice ray up to him.

"Give it up, girl" he said, all his attention so focused on (y/n) that he didn't notice Mabel sneaking up behind him and pulling the travelling tube off the wall. "You're no match for the unstoppable power of my-"

The tube suddenly sucked up his robe, and the farmer guy was now standing there in his underwear.

He cried out in surprise, and threw up the memories.

(y/n) and Mabel both stared at him with disturbed expressions.

The man glared at them.

"That's right. I don't wear nothing under my robe!" he said. "Not gonna apologize for that. Maybe y'all should apologize for being a bunch of prudes!"

"Ew!" exclaimed Mabel, (y/n), Wendy, and Dipper.

Soos, who had caught the memory gun, was now holding it up to the side of his head.

"Well, time to erase that forever" he said.

"Soos, no!" yelled (y/n).

But Blind Ivan shoved Soos aside and grabbed the memory gun.

He then turned towards Dipper, who had Mcgucket's memories.

"Give me that tube!"


Dipper threw it up into the air, where McGucket was aiming the end of a random tube down at the ground, and the memory was sucked up into it.

Both Dipper and Blind Ivan started to pursue the memory, which was now travelling through the tube.

"That memory belongs to McGucket!" yelled Dipper determinedly.

"The Society's secrets belong to us!" yelled Blind Ivan, as they raced towards the end of the tube.

However as they were getting closer, Ivan suddenly tripped Dipper, and then continued to run towards the end.

He reached it first, and grabbed the memory just as it fell out of the tube.

Just as Mabel, Wendy, (y/n), and Soos were running up towards Dipper, Ivan aimed the memory gun right at them.

"End of the line. By the end of tomorrow, this will all seem like a bad dream" he seethed. "Say goodbye to your precious memories."

He fired the memory gun at them, and the blue ray was coming right towards them.

Dipper held his hands in front of him protectively.


But it didn't appear as if the ray had hit them.

He opened his eyes and looked up to see Old Man McGucket standing right in front of him. He had taken the blow himself.

Dipper looked up in shock.

"McGucket" he said. "You took a bullet for me!"

Ivan fired again, and the bolt hit McGucket right in the face.

"Oh my gosh!" Dipper exclaimed. "Are you ok?"
McGucket blinked.

"Ok as I'll ever be!" he exclaimed cheerfully. It didn't appear as if the memory gun had even affected him in the least bit. He laughed as he started to make his way towards Ivan.

Ivan, who was now starting to panic, fired repeatedly at McGucket.


"Hit me with your best shot, baldie!" said McGucket, as he was hit yet again with another bolt. But he only continued to walk towards him, since it had not affected him. "But my mind's been gone for thirty-odd years!"

He was hit again, but continued to walk normally towards Ivan.

"You can't break what's already been broken!"

When McGucket was a foot in front of him, Ivan continued to fire the memory gun at him in vain, but none of them blasts seemed to affect the old man.

McGucket slapped the memory gun out of Ivan's hands, and then picked him up by the front of his robes.

"Say 'Goodnight, Sally'!"

And with that, McGucket pulled his head back, and then head butted Ivan so hard that he was knocked unconscious onto the ground.

The memories fell out of his hands, and rolled in front of Dipper's feet.

Dipper grinned.

Soos finished tying the last knot that was binding the entire Society of the Blind Eye to the column that they had been tied to previously.

"Unhand us!" demanded Ivan.

"Isn't so fun being tied up, is it?" said Mabel. She suddenly pulled out a marker from her sweater. "Hey, wanna draw on their faces?"


Mabel used the marker to scratch out one of the words that was written on Ivan's head, which happened to be 'knowledge.' She then wrote the word 'Butts' underneath it.

"Hey! Stop that!" exclaimed ivan.

Dipper and (y/n) could help laughing.

"That's not funny!"

But it wasn't long before Wendy and Soos were laughing as well.

"It's pretty funny" said Dipper.

"It's funny from Mabel" said (y/n).

"It's like objectively funny" said Soos.

"We'll have our revenge" seethed Ivan. "We'll never forget what you've done!"

"Is that so?" said (y/n) smirking as she held up her memory gun. She typed in the words 'Society of the Blindeye' into the screen.

She aimed it right at them, and they all started to scream and squirm against the ropes.

"Say cheese!"

And with that, she fired the memory gun at all of them.

A few hours later, the entire society was walking out of the museum without their robes, and as they left, they dropped money into McGucket's hat.

"Thanks for visiting the museum for gold miner appreciation night!" said Dipper. "Be sure to tip the gold miner on your way out."

Ivan was the last one out, and he paused and turned towards them, confused.

"I'm sorry, but what's my name?" he asked. "Where am I?"

"Oh..." said Dipper. "I might have overdone that one."

"Your name is Toot Toot McBumbersnazzle!" said Mabel, holding up a banjo and handing it to Ivan. "You're a travelling banjo minstrel, with a song in your heart and funny tattoos on your head!"

"Yes!" said Ivan, as he stroked a string on the banjo. "I am Toot Toot McBumbersnazzle. Cheers!"

And with that, he started to walk away and play the banjo.

"Toot Toot is my name!"

Dipper turned on the memory computer, and then turned towards McGucket.

"Alright, McGucket, are you ready to see your memories?" he asked. "Find out who you really are?"
"I...I'm not so sure" said McGucket, as he nervously tapped his fingers. "What if I don't like what I see?"

Mabel put a hand on his shoulder.

"We've come all this way" she said. "Go on."

"Yeah, before I make you go on" said (y/n), cracking her knuckles, though mostly as a joke.

And with that, McGucket walked forward and inserted the memory into the computer.

The screen flashed, and suddenly there was a video playing of a young-looking McGucket with long light brown hair, glasses, and a rather large nose. He was wearing a green suit and black tie, and seemed to be in some kind of lab. At the bottom of the screen were the words 'Day 1.'

McGucket in the memory appeared to be distressed.

"My name is Fiddleford Hadron McGucket" he said. "And I wish to unsee what I have seen!"

Everyone gasped.

"Sweet sarsaparilla!" exclaimed McGucket.

McGucket in the memory ran his hand through his long hair anxiously.

"For the past year, I've been working as an assistant for a visiting researcher. He has been cataloging his findings about Gravity Falls in a series of journals."

"Wait a second" said (y/n), turning towards her brother. "Dipper, pull out that journal, and turn to page 47. I'm pretty sure that's the page with only a part of a blueprint for a strange device."

Dipper did just that, and found that his sister was indeed correct.

"I helped him build a machine which he believed had the potential to benefit all mankind. But something went wrong. I decided to quit the project, but I lie awake at night haunted by the thoughts of what I've done" said McGucket in the memory. "Then one day while I was walking back towards the researcher's house to retrieve the rest of my stuff, I found a strange device in the snow."

He held up the memory gun, and everybody who was watching the memory gasped.

"I had no idea what it was or where it came from, so out of curiosity, I simply took it back to my lab. I managed to figure out that this machine was built to permanently erase memories from the mind" said McGucket in the memory. "Though, the identity of the creator of this device still remains a mystery."

Everyone looked at (y/n), who was watching the memory in horror, already knowing the next parts that were about to happen. The suspicion had always been in the back of her mind ever since they found the entrance to the Society of the Blind Eye, but she could feel herself slowly being crushed inside by the confirmation.

They all watched as McGucket in the memory typed in something into the memory gun, and then held it up to the side of his head.

"Test subject one: Fiddleford."

He fired the ray at his head.

The memory then skipped ahead to Day 5, and there was a rather excited looking McGucket.
"It worked!" he was saying "I can't recall a thing!"

The memory skipped ahead to Day 22, and McGucket appeared to be drawing on a black notebook with a red marker.

"I call it the Society of the Blind Eye!" he said, holding up the logo drawn onto the notebook. "We will help those who want to forget by erasing their bad memories!"

The memory skipped ahead to Day 74.

McGucket looked rugged and unshaven, and he had an anxious expression on his face.

"Today I came across a colony of little men, very disturbing. I would like to forget seeing this."

He held up the memory gun to his head, and fired.

The memory skipped ahead to Day 189.

McGucket was much older now, with gray hair and a broken arm that was in a sling.

"I accidentally hit another car in town today!" he said with a distressed tone. "I feel terribible. T-terrible" he corrected, adjusting his glasses. "I've been forgetting words lately. I wonder if there are any negative side effects of-"

The memory skipped ahead to Day 273.

McGucket was much older now, and he was starting to grow a white beard. There was a cast on his right arm.

"I saw something in the lake!" he screamed in a terrified voice, as he tore his hair out from the sides of his head. "Something big!"

The memory skipped ahead to Day 618.

McGucket now looked much more like the Old Man McGucket they all knew. He was wearing a ratty grey shirt and a scarecrow hat on his head.

"My hair's been a fallin' out, so I got this hat from a scarecrow!" he said cheerfully. "Hey, are my pants on backwards?"

The memory skipped ahead to Day ????

McGucket was now laughing maniacally, and he looked just like the McGucket from the present.

"Yroo xrksvi Girzmtov!" he yelled, laughing as he came closer and held his fingers in a triangular shape in front of one eye.

And with that, the memories ended, and the computer shut off.

For a long moment, everyone just stood there, staring at McGucket. No one really sure of what to say after seeing that.

"Oh, McGucket" said Mabel. "I'm so sorry."

McGucket walked up the the computer, and took his memories from it.

"Aw, hush, you kids helped me get my memories back, just like you said" he said cheerfully.

"But, did you want those memories back?" asked Mabel.

"After all these years, I finally know who I am!" said McGucket. "Maybe I messed up in the past, but now that I've seen what happened, I can begin to put myself back together again."

He tucked the memory into his overalls pocket, and then hamboned another message: 'Thanks for opening my eyes.'

(y/n), who had been deathly silent the entire time, finally spoke up, but she could barely find her voice.

"W-what do you mean 'thanks for opening my eyes'?" she said with a horrified tone. "Your eyes didn't need to be opened. I'm the one who dropped the memory gun in the past in the first place! It's my fault that you're like this!"

She was so upset that her voice actually cracked, and she could feel tears starting to well up in her eyes from the guilt that was starting to consume her.

But McGucket didn't seem to be the least bit angry at her. In fact, he was giving her a small smile.

He only said two words that pushed her over the edge completely.

"It's alright."

(y/n) could feel herself trembling as the tears started to fall. It wasn't like she was trying to break down. It was that she just couldn't help it. How could he not be mad at her right now after what he had just seen? She had ruined his life, and he didn't seem to be blaming her in the least bit.

The guilt was absolutely killing her.

"Hush now, lass" McGucket said. "So I'm not the only one who's made mistakes. You can't change the past, so why should you bother to dwell on it? The best you can do is learn from them, and move on."

(y/n) sniffed, and then walked away from him. She wiped away the tears and had forced herself to stop crying, but she was still looking down at the ground guiltily, thinking about his words.

Dipper then turned towards McGucket.

"So wait, you're not the author, but you worked with him?" he said. "Do you remember who he was?"
"It's beginning to come back, but I'll need more time" said McGucket, turning and seeing a pair of old glasses with green lenses laying on the table.

"And reading glasses!"

He picked them up and placed them on his face, but one of the lenses popped out of the glasses. He then spit into a nearby vase.

"I've got some remembering to do!"

Wendy took the memory gun from (y/n), and held it up.

"So, Mabel?" she asked. "Do you still wanna erase those failed Summer romances?"
Mabel looked at McGucket, who was holding up his memories, and then smiled and looked back at Wendy. "You know, no one likes having bad memories" she said. "But maybe it's better to remember the bad things and learn from them than to go all denial crazy trying to forget."

Wendy grinned, handed the memory gun back to (y/n), and then put her hand on Mabel's shoulder.

"That's some mature junk right there, Mabel."

"Yup. Ms. Mature, that's me!" said Mabel. She suddenly held up the poster of Gabe that she had taken from the corkboard.

"Hey, you wanna help me vandalize this poster of my jerky ex-crush?"
Everyone laughed as they all grabbed markers and started to draw all over the poster, giving Gabe an eyepatch and a mustache with buck teeth, drawing a mustache on both him and his puppet, making a speech bubble that said 'I kiss my puppets,' and changing the phrase 'Master of Puppets' at the bottom to 'Master of Jerks.'

The only one who hadn't joined in was (y/n), but no one seemed to notice.

They all then left the museum, and piled into the truck.

"Hey, you know, going on this adventure actually made me get that stupid song out of my head" said Wendy, as she climbed in and shut the side door.

"Nice!" said Soos, as he turned on the radio.

As if on cue, the song 'Straight Blanchin' started to play on the radio.

Wendy covered her ears.

"Oh, come on!"

On the drive there, Dipper had handed McGucket the journal, and he was now flipping through the pages.

"It's all so familiar" said McGucket. "It's almost as if I can remember..."

Meanwhile, Stan was in the basement, pouring gasoline into the machine to power it.

"Alright, you're getting closer" he said, as he walked back out in front of the doomsday device.

He was holding a pen and paper, and a coffee mug in his hands.

"Every day it's getting stronger" he said, just as all the items suddenly started to float upwards towards the machine, including his fez.

Stan screamed, and grabbed onto his fez, securing it to his head as the remaining stuff fell through the glowing blue circle in the triangular machine.

"Ha ha! Yes!" exclaimed Stan, so triumphant that he didn't notice a pipe flying towards the machine. It hit him on the back of his hand, and he cried out in pain.

There was now a bloody gash on the back of his hand, and he quickly wrapped a bandage around it.

"I don't care if it's dangerous. I don't care how long it takes" he said. "I'm gonna pull this off and no one's gonna get in my way."


The next chapter, "Blendin's Game" is currently scheduled for release 9/16/17 unless otherwise posted. Thank you for your patience!

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