Right Next To Me

By urbanstargazer

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They say true love comes just once in a lifetime. Cate Ryan never stayed in one place. Her childhood was spen... More

Chapter 1 My Summer Begins
Chapter 2 The First Boy of Summer
Chapter 3 Derek
Chapter 4 I am going.
Chapter 5 Topless Boy
Chapter 6 Seth
Chapter 7 A Day at the Fair
Chapter 8 The Lake House
Chapter 9 Cranky Boy
Chapter 10 The Inside Story
Chapter 11 My Kind of Summer
Chapter 12 A Family Dinner and A Box of Memories
Chapter 13 Always You
Chapter 14 At the White Luncheon
Chapter 15 The (Polo) Playing Field
Chapter 16 Dylan
Chapter 17 That (Awesome) Anniversary Dinner Party
Chapter 18 Operation Bring Back That Lovin' Feeling
Chapter 19 The Beautiful Ones
Chapter 20 A Day with Prince Charming
Chapter 21 Summer Getaways
Chapter 22 Surprise!
Chapter 23 His Point Of View
Chapter 25 A Lovers' Quarrel
Chapter 26 One Last Hurray for Summer
Chapter 27 Another Summer Ends
Chapter 28 The Birthday Celebrations
Chapter 29 Whose Birthday Is It Anyway?
Chapter 30 The (Best) Morning After
Chapter 31 On Courage and Sleeping
Chapter 32 Merry Christmas, War Is Over
Chapter 33 Happy New Year Dear
Chapter 34 My Cranky Valentine
Chapter 35 The Love Intervention
Chapter 36 The Sweetest Thing
Chapter 37 The Birthday Boy
Chapter 38 On A Night Like This
Chapter 39 What Happens in California...
Chapter 40 Decisions...Decisions...
Chapter 41 A Promise I Make
Chapter 42 Right Next To Me
Chapter 43 Cheesy Lines and Perfect Words
Chapter 44 Endless Summer
Forever Summer Series

Chapter 24 One Stormy Night

2.8K 37 4
By urbanstargazer

Chapter 24 ~ One Stormy Night

Even if Dylan is not my favorite person right now because he is hiding something from me, I am still excited to see him.

Kendall’s mom, Katie, was laughing at me because she said I couldn’t keep still in the backseat. I wonder if he would get mad at me for not waiting for him in the city or would he be psyched to see me sooner. I hope it is the latter.

“Why did Dylan go home without you?” Kendall asked, turning to me in the backseat. I was stretched out back. The drive is taking us longer than usual due to traffic. Even with the air conditioning turned on high, it still feels so hot and humid. Times like these, I want to be in a convertible and drive with the top down. That would be so cool. “Is he jealous of Felix?” She teased.

I shrugged and shook my head. “I don’t think he is jealous of Felix. Dylan wouldn’t tell me why he had to leave so soon. Seth won’t tell me too. Well, I am about to find out.” I huffed, crossing my arms to my chest. I don’t like secrets as much as surprises.

“Do you think there is another girl?” She asked, making a face. “I mean, Dylan is really gorgeous. There won’t be a shortage of women chasing after him. You also told me last night, you haven’t slept with him. If he isn’t getting any from you, then maybe he is shagging another girl?”

“Kendall! Do you really need to be talking about shagging and sleeping with whomever?” Her mom scolded her. She looks stern but I could tell she is stopping herself from laughing. Kendall is just like her, straight to the point.

“Mom, we are all adults here.” She reasoned out. “So?” She turned to me again, eyebrow raised.

I bit my lip. “There is this blondie who is chasing him. She lives around the area. They got together for a few months and then he split up with her after realizing he could not bear to be with anyone else but me.”

“Aww. That is so sweet.” Kendall purred. “Dylan is dreamy, noh? He feels like he is cheating on you even if you are not even together then. So, are you threatened by the presence of Ms. Blondie?”

I nodded, frowning. I am threatened by Julianna. I am threatened not because I fear Dylan will go back to her. I feel threatened because of what they said about her, that she is obsessive and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. What if she hurts me? Or worse, hurt Dylan? “Seth said she is obsessive and will stop at nothing to get what she wants.” I said, voicing out what’s in my head.

“And she has expressed that she wants Dylan back?” Kendall asked, calculating something in her head.

“Yup. Explicitly expressed.” I sighed and stared out the window. I hope she just backs off completely. I would back off if Dylan chooses her over me. Sure, I would cry. A lot. But eventually, we have to accept rejection, right?

“We should blackmail her, entrap her or something.” Kendall grinned wickedly. “We should entrap her doing something she will be extremely ashamed of and then blackmail her that we will expose her if she gets near your man.”

“Oh my goodness. I am a lawyer and my daughter is scheming like a criminal.” Katie commented.

Kendall and I just laughed. “We’ll see if we have to do it the extreme way, Ken.”

“Uh-oh. We better hurry. The rain will be pouring any time.” Katie said, glancing up at the sky.

It has grown dark and it is only almost 5 in the afternoon as per my phone. I noticed a message. I didn’t hear the message arrive. It is a message from Dylan asking me how I am doing and to take care of myself while he is away. I was composing my reply when my battery died.

I wanted to hurl my phone out the window. Then, I realized Ian will whip my ass if I do. I begged him to get me this latest handset. Plus, it was my fault. I forgot to recharge the battery. Why can’t they recharge by themselves if they’re so freaking expensive? I sighed. The reply will have to wait. Maybe I don’t really have to reply. Dylan will be at the villa, right?

I gave Katie directions towards the house. “This is me.” I said as we pulled up in the driveway. The rain has started to pour.

“Mom, remember her house so you could drive me back here or give me directions again.” Kendall said, turning to her mom. “I will visit you some other time, Barbie. We better get going before the rain gets heavier.” I nodded and alighted out of the car after kissing them both goodbye.


Good thing Dylan gave me a spare key to the villa. No one seems to be home right now. I let myself in and headed to an open window. The latch was not properly fastened so the wind might have blown the window open. I closed it so that the area does not get soaked any further. The rain is pouring in this direction. I put in some towels to dry the area, turned on the lights and headed upstairs.

The drive to the Hamptons was long and humid. I decided to soak in the bath tub. No one is definitely home. I wonder where Dylan is. I hope he is not driving in this downpour. I asked Kendall and Katie to wait it out but they are meeting someone and are in such hurry. I was browsing thru a magazine in the tub when there was a huge thunder clap and everything went pitch black.

Darn, I don’t know where the candles are. I waited a while to see if the lights would miraculously turn back on. I laughed at myself, feeling silly. Of course, it will stay off unless someone checks it. I got out of the water and felt my way towards my closet. I managed to pull out a pair of leggings and a knitted shirt. This would do. No one is here to see me anyway.

I got out of my room and stood in the middle of the hallway. The house feels creepy without any lights on. The only illumination is from the lightning that bounces inside the house.

I decided to head down to the kitchen, feeling my way thru the walls and carefully negotiating the stairs. I need to find Jessie’s stash of candles or maybe a flashlight. A tea light would do like the ones they used for Aunt Lily’s anniversary dinner. Heck, I need any light, even a lighter.

I almost screamed in fright when another thunder roared followed by a bolt of lightning. I don’t like thunderstorms. My parents died in a car crash on a night like this.

We attended Dianne’s wedding here one summer. After the reception, my father received a call that he needs to report back to the base. My mother went with him and left Ian and me in Aunt Lily’s care. They didn’t return. I sighed at the memory and continued to rummage in the kitchen.

I was checking the drawers when I heard something on the porch. I carefully approached the front door.

Someone is picking on the lock! Oh crap, what do I do? Who can I call? The battery of my phone is drained. Should I call 911? The telephone is in the lounge. I could punch them, I suppose.

Wait! Them? I can’t take more than three. Can I? I’ve taken down three people in a fight before. I haven’t tried more than that. I should not have skipped those self-defense classes Ian paid for.

Oh my god, will they kill me? I need to search for a weapon. Should I go back to the kitchen to get knives? And what do I do with knives?

I should just run to the opposite direction. Towards Seth’s house! I turned to scramble out of the house when I heard the lock click open.

Too late! The front door is slowly opening. I grabbed the nearest thing and swung it towards the intruder. I sure hope there is only one intruder because I can only hit one at a time with this. Maybe I can punch the rest, unless they have guns and then they would get me first.

I got him! He dropped to the floor and was still for a few seconds. Should I hit him again?

I realized I got hold of Uncle Aidan’s golf club. The man is groaning and is starting to stir. I braced myself. The man raised his hand in surrender before I could swing the golf club again. “Wait! Stop!” He almost whispered. Hmm, I got a powerful weapon in my hand then.

I froze as I recognized the voice. “Dylan?” I whispered, slightly confused. Why would he pick on the lock like a thief?

In a split second, the person was up and off the floor. The shadow was rubbing the back of his head and glanced up to look in my direction. It was still dark so I could hardly make out who is really in front of me. The voice seems to be Dylan’s but I am not so sure.

A spark of lightning illuminated the foyer where we stood.  We recognized each other then. “Cate, what are you doing here?” He asked in a scolding voice. His face is so angry. I stepped back. Why is he mad? I didn’t mean to hit him.

“I live here.” I said indignantly. I was offended by the question. I clutched my chest along with the golf club that I have not put down. I choked back my tears. I feel hurt that he isn’t happy to see me.

I heard him sigh. I saw him shaking his head. And is he chuckling now? What is so funny? You just scolded me, you…you…you cranky, moody boy! I scowled at him.

“Stay here. I will just check the fuse box.” Yup, He is definitely chuckling. He stepped outside again where the rain is still pouring heavily. He disappeared into the night.

When all the lights came back on, I ran upstairs to get him some towels. The place where he stood earlier has a small pool of water. I knew he is soaked. I heard him call my name and I hurried back downstairs.

“Do you ever listen to a word I say?” Dylan scolded me again as I reached where he stood. His brows are knitted. Ooh, chuckling one minute, scowling the next. I am in love with a mad man.

I pouted and handed him the towels. “I got you these. You should get out of your wet clothes or you’ll get sick.” I turned my nose up and left him standing in the foyer.

I went to the kitchen to prepare a soup and something else. I haven’t had dinner. I doubt that he has. I’ll talk to him when he isn’t mad at me anymore. I don’t even know what I’ve done wrong.

I heard him follow me to the kitchen. “Better remove your shoes too or Jessie will whip your ass in the morning.” I heard him sigh and I heard some shoes drop. I smiled to myself. I am not very good at obeying rules and orders but I am good at dispensing them.  It’s fun to be the boss sometimes.

I didn’t need to cook. Jessie’s fridge is full of goodies. She has chicken soup that I just need to reheat and some frozen garlic bread that I just have to pop in the oven. I worked my way in the kitchen while Cranky Boy sat on the kitchen stool. I will let him cool down for a bit.

I drummed my fingers on the counter while I wait for the bread to get toasted. I sneaked a side glance at Cranky Boy. He has removed his shirt and was drying himself. Hmm, great abs. Maybe I should have him for dinner. I smiled slyly, still pretending not to stare at him.

“Like what you see, pervert?” He snickered. I rolled my eyes at him. Why is he even talking to me? Ithought he was mad at me. I didn’t say anything.

I prepared food on the counter. I’m not in the mood to set the table properly. I got us each a bowl of soup and placed the loaf of garlic bread in the middle of the counter. I took the seat opposite his. “You haven’t answered my question.” He said again, crossing his arms to his chest. Oh, what a chest! That is what you call a treasure chest.

“I like what I see.” I said not looking at him. I took a spoonful of the soup. I am stopping myself from smiling. I knew that wasn’t the question that he wants me to answer. He flicked my nose from across the counter, grinning. “I thought you are mad at me. Why are you talking to me?” I gave him my best poker face. To be honest, I suck at poker.

He rolled his eyes. “I am not mad at you.”

“Yes, you are.” I insisted, turning my nose up. “You didn’t want me here.”

“OK. I am mad at you.” He admitted and I glared at him. “But that is only because you do not listen to what I tell you to do. I asked you to stay at the apartment in the city. You shouldn’t be here. You didn’t listen. What if it were really an intruder who got here and not me? What would you do?”

“I’ll hit them with a golf club then run the opposite direction towards Seth’s house.” I said before popping a piece of bread in my mouth.

He sighed again, obviously not convinced with my idea.

We continued eating in silence. I almost jumped from my seat when his phone rang. I knew it isn’t mine, ‘cause my expensive phone is not freaking working at this time. He stood up to get his phone from his jacket pocket that he hung on the stairs. “Jessie will really whoop your ass in the morning. You created another pool in there.”

He snorted, ignoring my threat. “Hey, bro.” I tried so hard to listen in. ”Yeah. She’s here…My little brat just wouldn’t listen…Yeah, she’s safe…No, it’s not over yet… I need to find out what happened in the morning…Ok…See you.” then he hang up.

I saw a red line forming on the back of his head. That is the part I hit with the golf club. He doesn’t seem to be bothered by it but I remembered swinging pretty hard.

I got up and checked the fridge for anything frozen to slap on his nape. I found a pack of frozen peas. This would do. I shouldn’t let him sleep soon, too. At least that is what I remembered grandma telling me when I bumped my head pretty hard before.

“What happens in the morning and who was that?” I asked raising an eyebrow. He pretended not to hear me and just sat back and continued eating again. “Dylan!” He chuckled. He is enjoying this, keeping secrets from me. “What happens in the morning?” I approached him to hand him the pack of peas. “Mind if I put these on top of your welt?”

“Little Miss Nosy, I’ll tell you all about it when it is over.” He said smiling to himself. He hissed when the frozen pack touched his skin. His smile completely wiped out.

“Sorry.” I said wincing, as if I was the one who got hurt. “Why were you picking on the lock anyway? I thought you were a burglar.” I ruffled his hair. I missed him even if he was only away for a night.

“I couldn’t see the lock. It was really dark so I couldn’t get the key in.” He shrugged and continued eating. I held the frozen pack on the back of his head for a few more minutes.

I stared at him, frowning. That was when I noticed the dark circles under his eyes and his stubbles. He looks tired but he is still amazingly gorgeous. How is that possible? I decided to keep my mouth shut and stop questioning him. He’ll tell me when he is ready. I hope he tells me soon because I am dying to know what is going on.

Maybe I could try a different tactic. I hugged him from behind, resting my chin on his shoulder. “How’s my cooking, love?” He smiled and brushed his nose against mine. “Not bad.”

“Not bad.” I pretended to look hurt. I really need to show him my cooking skills sometime.  “If you don’t like my reheating skills, maybe you’ll find my massage better?” I offered, wagging an eyebrow. “You look so tired, Cranky. ” I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing the top of his head. He smirked. “You like that, don’t you?” I pinched his side. 

“Cate, you’re such a tease.” He groaned.

“Am I?” I started massaging his bare back. He moaned and closed his eyes for a minute then he suddenly got up.

“Wait for me in your room.” He ordered. Now, that is one order I would gladly obey.

“Yes, Sir.” I said smiling and giving him a salute.

I hurriedly went to my room to fix myself up a little. My hair is in a messy bun and I am wearing an oversized knit shirt. Tsk, so not sexy. I brushed my teeth and changed into more mature lingerie. Darn, where is that barely-there satin sleepwear when you need it?

I think I spent about 20 minutes preening before I flopped down on my bed. Dylan is still nowhere in sight. The rain is still pouring heavily outside. I cringed as lightning gets in my room. I feel safe though. Dylan is just downstairs. I could scream any minute and I know he’ll be there to rescue me. My knight in shining armour.

Some summer, I sighed. Hmm, my mind is going a mile a minute. The last time I slept with Dylan, we literally just slept. Would something happen tonight? I bit my lip, excited at the idea. Kendall’s version of bed time stories last night got me curious and excited. I must have been staring at the ceiling for another 10 minutes before I heard a knock on my door.

“Come in.” I said, hoping it sounded sexy. I changed my position on the bed to pose sexily as well. I saw Dylan’s head pop in first before I saw his entirety. He is wearing his boxer shorts and nothing else. He brought pillows with him. He gave me that slow, sexy smile while he was looking at me from head to toe. I wagged an eyebrow at him. “Like what you see, love?” Oh my god, he is so fit.  Come to momma. Can he undress me with the way he is staring at me right now?

He took a deep breath and walked over to the bed slowly. Our gaze never broke as he came near me. He sat on the bed and pulled me close to him. I sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. He rested his forehead on mine. “I’ve missed you, baby.” He whispered, brushing his lips on mine.

I traced my finger thru his handsome features, smiling as I realized he took time to shave and take a shower. He must have remembered I get rashes from stubbles. There was one time my dad failed to shave and he went home after an overseas deployment. He kissed my cheek and I had a break out of rashes which lasted for days.

I ran my hand thru his hair, while he ran his hand up and down my spine. I shivered at his touch and my breath caught. “Sorry it took me a while to get here. I had to wash the dishes and dry some stuff.” He grinned. His breath smells minty like the toothpaste he used.

Gorgeous and thoughtful, I am one lucky girl. I nodded and bit my lip. So this is what getting hot and bothered means. I feel like jumping him right now. Why isn’t he kissing me yet?

I pressed closer to him and smiled. Sure, he isn’t kissing me yet but I felt some movement in his crotch area. Yup, I got him. I gripped his hair and teased him by kissing him lightly. I felt him smile against our kiss and he grabbed my hair and pulled me even closer to him. I opened my mouth to kiss him deeply.

I adjusted my position so I am straddling him now. He moaned and moved to lay me down gently on the bed so he hovered over me. I wrapped my legs around his waist, never wanting to let go. He broke the kiss which is just in time because I am really running out of air and I feel my head spinning.

“Now, about that massage…” He gave me that sexy grin again. I chuckled. I touched a pressure point at the base of his spine, making him moan again. “Damn it Cate, you get me every time.” I noticed him rearrange himself down there.

“Let’s do something about that.” I said, biting my lip. I don’t really think waiting until I’m 18 is such a good idea. I want him and I love him. So, what are we waiting for?

“I don’t think so…” He said, kissing my jawline and going down to my neck and my collar bone.

“Why not?” I said pouting at him and looking at him from under my eyelashes. He is staring at me now, tracing my face with his finger. I traced my finger thru his handsome features too. I still can’t believe how lucky I am to have him.

I clamped him down to me with my legs so he somehow lost his balance and our chests are now pressed together. I gripped his hair again and kissed him. He gripped my hair too and I felt his tongue meet mine. I can’t help but moan at the back of my throat.

Why isn’t he touching me like he did when we were at his apartment? Oh my god, is there someone else?  He didn’t want to sleep with me so where is he getting his…you know…uhm, release? I pulled out of the kiss this time, studying his face carefully.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Why won’t you sleep with me? Is there someone else?” He knitted his brows for a second and then a smile spread on his face. He looks so amused and started chuckling.

I lightly slapped him. “Stop chuckling, Cranky Boy. Talk to me.” I ordered. I pushed him off of me and I sat up on the bed, crossing my arms to my chest. I tried to look stern but I think I am failing because he hasn’t stopped laughing. “Dylan.” I glared at him.

He shook his head, still grinning and sat up on the bed. “There is no one else. Why would you think that?” He asked flicking my nose and pulling me close to him again. I ended up sitting on his lap.

I traced my finger thru his treasure chest, still pouting. “You went home without me. You won’t tell what is going on and you don’t want to sleep with me.” I ticked off each item in my fingers.

He kissed my forehead and looked into my eyes. “I left you in the city because you will be safer there. I will tell you what is going on tomorrow.” He said kissing my nose. “I want to make love to you but not at this time.” He ended kissing me on the lips.

“I am safer here with you, so don’t leave me again. Make sure you tell me tomorrow what is going on. You know, curiosity can kill the Cate.” I rambled running my fingers thru his hair.

I knew my little investigations would get me in trouble. Can curiosity really kill a cat? If Dylan were a real intruder, I might have been..uhm..killed. I shuddered at the thought.

“…and lastly, Little Cranky says you want to make love to me right now.” I ended, lightly brushing my hand in his boxer shorts. He groaned and winced. “What are we waiting for?”

I just realized if it was really an intruder that got in the house tonight, I might have been injured or worse dead. I frowned. I don’t want to die a virgin or not having tried being with Dylan. This is bad. I am thinking of getting laid instead of the fact that I put myself in danger for not following his instructions. I am getting slutty. This is all Cranky Boy’s fault. He is so gorgeous and thoughtful and smart and funny and hot…..

“I thought I’d wrap myself up and be your birthday present when you turn 18…” Dylan said, laughing. I immediately pictured him emerging from a huge box wearing only a bow tie like those male dancers they hire for bridal showers.  I laughed so hard.

“Cheapo.” I hit his chest playfully. “I don’t like partially used presents.”

He laughed harder. “Oh, you’ll love this partially used gift. It doesn’t come with the users’ manual anymore but it knows what to do.”

“So, I have to wait for my birthday?” I asked, frowning. Ugh. I hate waiting. He nodded, smiling. “Can Little Cranky wait?” I motioned to his other treasure.

“For you? We can wait.” He said and kissed me again.

After another round of make out session, he suddenly remembered to ask who brought me here. I told him that Kendall’s mom, who reached New York early, dropped me off here on their way home. He seemed to relax after knowing that I reached home just an hour ahead of him and that I hadn’t been alone for long.

“You scared the shit out of me today, baby.” He said softly as he kissed the top of my head. We were lying in my bed. My arms and legs are draped all over him. I was resting on his arm. I feel so safe in here. I have always felt peaceful and safe and worry free when Dylan is around. Even when we were younger, I knew nothing bad will happen to me if he is there. “Please listen to me next time. I don’t want to you to get into trouble.”

I looked up at him and kissed him. “Sorry, I just wanted to see you sooner and I was really curious to find out what is going on.”

He sighed and frowned. “Curiosity might kill the Cate. I wouldn’t want that.” He held my face and looked in my eyes. “I can’t lose you again, Cate. Please, please take care of yourself… for me. I don’t know what I will do without you.”

Oh, be still my heart. That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard and it came from the boy I have loved since I was young. I seriously want to cry right now. I am so happy I have no words to express how happy I am. I blinked back my tears and smiled up at him. “I love you so much.” I said planting a kiss on his lips.

“I love you more.” He said as he kissed me.  I felt his hand ran down my back and I scooted closer to him. The thunderstorm has not stopped and I cringed when lightning illuminated my room again. I heard him softly chuckle at my reaction and he kissed my forehead. “I see you’re still scared of lightning. Don’t worry, you’ll be safe.”

“I know that ‘cause you are here, Cranky.” I said and yawned. “I think you could sleep now. It has been almost five hours since I hit your head.” I said smiling apologetically again. I patted his head. “Feeling better?”

“Yeah, I am all good. My head is buzzing with all these kissing though.” He smiled. “Good night, baby. Sleep tight.” He said and kissing me again.

“OK, time to sleep through our horniness.” I said, running my hand thru his chest, stopping just by the waist band of his boxers. I heard him moan.

“Cate…” He sighed and shook his head. “I hate you.”

“You just said you love me.” I teased him, smiling.

“I hate you when you tease me like that.” He sighed. “Two more months.”

I chuckled. “Good night, Cranky.” I fell asleep in his arms, contented and happy.


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© 2012 by urbanstargazer

All rights reserved. 

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