Moonlight and Chocolate (A Yo...

By hp_flash

326K 9.2K 16.4K

Y/n l/n is a muggle-born sixth year Gryffindor who is best friends with Lily Evans and Remus Lupin. Ever sinc... More

Chapter 1: The Sorting
Chapter 2: Sixth Year
Chapter 4: The Plan
Chapter 5: Hogsmeade (Quick A/N)
Chapter 6: The Room of Requirement
Chapter 7: Full Moon
Chapter 8: After All This Time
Chapter 9: Together
Chapter 10: Halloween
Chapter 11: Living a Nightmare
Chapter 12: Remus' Condition
Chapter 13: Notes
Chapter 14: Monster
Chapter 15: Revenge Plan
Chapter 16: Crucio
Chapter 17: Explanation
Chapter 18: Why You?
Chapter 19: Hear Me
Chapter 20: Flashbacks
Chapter 21: I Solemnly Swear
Chapter 22: He Wouldn't Want This
Chapter 23: Missing You
Chapter 24: The Lupin Household
Chapter 25: The Funeral
Chapter 26: Work It Out
Chapter 27: The Holidays
Chapter 28: January 1st
Chapter 29: Seventh Year
Chapter 30: Meeting the Pick-Up Line Source
Chapter 31: Valentine's Day, 1978
Chapter 32: Spider-Remus?
Chapter 33: Quidditch & Lockhart
Chapter 34: Cliche
Chapter 35: The Beginning of the Prank Wars
Chapter 36: Smooth
Chapter 37: Late Night Thoughts
Chapter 38: The Last Game
Chapter 39: Sketchy
Chapter 40: The End of an Era
A/N: Reflections and Looking Ahead

Chapter 3: Potions

15.4K 412 1.2K
By hp_flash


*Two days later*

~~~~~•Remus POV•~~~~~

I woke up two hours before class and decided to hang out with Y/n in the Common room.

"Good morning Y/n."

"Good morning Remus."

"So Y/n," I inquired, "what is your schedule?"

"Well," she responded, "I have Potions first, and I just saw your schedule for this week and I'm happy to say I have all of my classes with you since we both got the same NEWTs."

"Oh cool," I was happy to hear this.

We sat in silence until she interrupted.

"Hey Remus I think we can go get breakfast now, wanna go with me?"

"Sure," I replied, I felt my face heating up a little, "I'm hungry and I'm sure you are too." Bloody hell Remus you suck at this.

We were walking to the Great Hall when we ran into Severus Snape, Mulciber, and Avery.

"Oh look it's a filthy little mudblood," snarled Severus.

I felt my fists clench because of him calling Y/n such a word. I was tired of all this stupid prejudice just because of blood status.

"Blood status doesn't matter," I snapped, "it doesn't matter if Y/n is muggle-born! Muggle-borns can be more powerful than you, your pureblood friends, and those Voldemort kissarses called Death Eaters! Actually Severus, last time I checked, you're a halfblood! And Lily Evans, remember her, one of your only real ride or die friends and how you called her that word, remember that, how you lost her? I can guarantee she is more powerful and better than you in every way. Y/n is also better than you. Good day Snivellus."

Y/n pulled me to the Great Hall so we could get away from them. "Thank you Remus," she said, pulling me into a hug, "this is why you're one of my best friends, along with other fabulous reasons of course." I felt myself blush a little. She had some chocolate that she shared with me, we both shared a common love for chocolate. A few minutes later, Lily, Peter, James, and Sirius came into the Great Hall. Lily sat down next to Y/n and they began whispering about something. I was kind of curious what it was about but I didn't want to invade their privacy.

"Werewolf?" Asked James teasingly.

"Therewolf." Responded Sirius, pointing at me.

Peter, Sirius, and James started giggling.

Thank god Y/n didn't hear, he was deep in conversation with Lily. I admired how soft Y/n's skin looked, if she was turned around I'd be staring into her mesmerizing e/c eyes. Remus Lupin you stop it this instant, you can't afford attachments, no one can love a monster like you.


*Time skip to Potions*

I walked into class and sat with Lily and Y/n. When class began, Professor Slughorn called the whole class up to gather around the table.

"Now," asked Professor Slughorn, "can anyone tell me about the Amortentia potion?"

I raised my hand.

"Yes Mr. Lupin?"

"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them. I smell chocolate, books, and some kind of sweet cinnamon that I normally smell in the.. Gryffindor common room.."

I blushed a little, I know Y/n uses cinnamon scented shampoo, soap, and conditioner. Nice Remus, just great, so much for no attachments.

"Correct Mr. Lupin, 10 points to Gryffindor."

~~~~~•Y/n POV•~~~~~

I walked by the amortentia to see what I smelled. I smelled chocolate, cinnamon, and the outdoors I guess? Strange. Potions went by quickly, Snape won the Felix Felicis offered as a prize for brewing the best Draught of Living Death potion. If he wasn't so obsessed with the Dark Arts and Voldemort, he'd probably be the next Potions Master in Hogwarts.

Remus and I were walking to our next class when Snape, Mulciber, and Avery surrounded us.

"If it isn't our filthy little mudblood and Lupin." Snarled Mulciber.

"Severus," smirked Avery, "I think we ought to teach them a lesson for talking to you in such a way."

"You're right," Severus raised up his wand and before Remus and I could get ours he yelled out a spell, "SECTUMSEMPRA!"

I immediately fell to the ground bleeding out everywhere. I was in so much pain I fell unconscious.

~~~~~•Remus POV•~~~~~

I watched as Y/n fell to the ground in pain. Tears began forming in my eyes as Snape, Avery, and Mulciber got closer.

"What's wrong Lupin," Severus beamed, "seeing your mudblood girlfriend like this is hurting you isn't it? Probably more than those monthly transformations do." I couldn't take it anymore, I whipped out my wand, "STUPEFY!" That probably wasn't the best move, Mulciber used the same spell Snape used on Y/n on me. I was bleeding out everywhere and moaning in pain, it was almost worse than my transformations. Avery was about to crucio me when Lily, James, Sirius, and Peter disarmed him and Mulciber before calling Professor McGonagall. I also fell unconscious.


I woke up feeling like I was being watched. I saw Lily next to me and Y/n. That's when I realized I was in the Hospital Wing.

"Lily," I began, "what happened?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing but I'll go first," she replied, "so Peter went to find you guys and found you surrounded, so he went to get us and by the time we got there with Professor McGonagall, you two were already down, I guess one of you took care of Severus, oh by the way I have the homework for you and Y/n. Oh and I almost forgot, Severus, Avery, and Mulciber have a one month detention now."

"Those bastards," I swore, "also, what happened was that Y/n and I were walking to the next class and we ran into them, they started calling her the m-word and got revenge for earlier when I said some stuff to Severus about how he shouldn't use that word. Then, he used this weird spell on Y/n and started making jokes about her current condition and my monthly transformations. So I stunned him and then Mulciber used that weird spell on me, Avery was about to use Crucio but that was when you guys canes with McGonagall."

We sat in silence for a few seconds when Madame Pomfrey came in and told us we could leave tomorrow.

~~~~~•Lily POV•~~~~~

"So Remus since Y/n isn't awake yet I want to talk to you about something."

"What is it Lily?"

"Remus, it's so obvious that you want to try to protect Y/n, and that's because you fancy her."

"Lily, I do not fancy Y/n."

"Oh okay then, I brought some chocolate milk for you by the way, do you want it?"

"Yeah of course Lily."

"Here you go."

"Wow this tastes better than bloody usual."

"Remus, do you fancy Y/n?"

"I already told you yes, I MEAN YES, BLOODY HELL WHY AM I SAYING YES?!"

Little did he know I slipped a little Veritaserum in his drink, only one drop though, even three would be too much.

"You keep saying yes because it's the truth, I may have slipped a little Veritaserum in your drink, but only one drop so don't worry."

"LILY! Blasted potion, I wasn't gonna tell anyone that, who would love a monster like me?"

"Remus, don't doubt yourself, Y/n doesn't know and wouldn't care if you're a werewolf, I'm sure she fancies you."

"Lily, I'm not telling her. By the way, she would never fancy or love me, she deserves better."

"Maybe to her, you are better."

"Lily, can we just change the subject? It seems like she's starting to wake up?"


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