Moon Child (Book 1) ~Yoon x O...

By AresEclipse

76.3K 2.1K 948

❤July 2017❤ Ranked #1 in the #Yona category [18/9/18] [COMPLETED] [EDITING] [Chapter 3 edited 27/08/2020] Jo... More

Tsukiko Character Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Mia's character profile
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
AUTHORS NOTE (plz read)

Chapter 16

2.6K 76 35
By AresEclipse

(HIII A/N at the beginning of a chapter woooaahhhhh. Just italics is thoughts. Underlined italics are voices inside Tsukiko's head NOW ON WITH THE CHAPTER!!! WOOOO)

~Third person POV~

The gang had made it a little ways away from the Seiryuu village, when Yoon realised they didn't know where they were going. 

"Kija. Do you know where the next dragon is?" Yoon asked facing the white dragon.

"That's......right......The next......of the four......dragons..." Kija collapsed.

"Kija?!" The group (minus Hak and Shin-ah) shouted in concern. 

"It... must be fatigue. It's because he was digging with all his strength earlier." Yoon explained, kneeling next to the man. Tsukiko took the stop as a chance to rest, her fever was still there and her wound was still bleeding. 

'What should I do? Yoon is looking after Kija, I can't just go over there and ask for help. That'd be selfish.' Tsukiko thought as she pulled her knees to her chest. The others had gotten up and followed Seiryuu who had ran away from Kija, due to him being creepy. So she was left alone. 

'I wish someone would think of me first...It's always Yona-nee.' Tsukiko sighed, tears started falling down her cheeks, her breathing became heavier as her chest ached. Decided she should find the others she pulled herself up and began walking towards where she could sense the group. When she found them , they were surrounding a wet shaking Seiryuu. 

"Let's start a fire to warm Seiryuu up...and cook the fish he caught." Yoon suggested, everyone nodding their heads in reply. 

The group sat around the fire that was cooking their food, Kija was resting. But Tsukiko was sat against a tree by herself, she stared at the group that were smiling and laughing together. None of them had even thought to check on Tsukiko, even Yoon seemed to have over looked her. It may have been to the fatigue or just simply her visibility to him wore out, but he hadn't called out to her since they had been at Seiryuu's village. 

Yoon passed everyone bowls of food, each accepting with gratitude. When he turned to give Tsukiko her portion he noticed her weakened state for the first time, her complex was paler than usual, bags under her eyes, she looked slightly thinner than normal. She seemed to be deep in thought about something too. It was then he realised that he hadn't talked to her since they were in the caves. 

His eyes widened and filled with guilt, slowly he walked over to her and plopped down on her left. 

"Tsu..." He called softly, voice full of guilt. She only smiled at him, but he could tell it was fake, her eyes were filled with sadness and loneliness.

"I'm sorry Tsu....I-" He started but was cut off as Tsukiko lent her head on his shoulder.

"It's okay Yoon. I'm used to being forgotten by now. Plus you were looking after Kija. So it's understandable." Tsukiko spoke quietly. 

"No Tsu. It's not okay, you shouldn't be used to something like that. I'm so sorry Tsu. I would never forget you." Yoon lay his head on top of hers. 

"Also here is your food. You haven't eaten in a couple of days and you had a fever earlier." He said handing her the food he had poured out for her. 

"Thanks Yoon, but I'm not really hungry." She spoke weakly.

"Tsu, you have to eat. You're getting weaker." Yoon forced her to take the bowl. 

"Please just eat a little." He pleaded looking into her eyes. She sighed, but slowly and shakily she scooped some of the food into the spoon and brought it to her mouth. Taking a breath she gingerly ate the food on the spoon. She gagged slightly and placed the bowl onto the floor. 

"I'm sorry Yoon. I can't." She whispered looking away from him. His face contorted in worry, reaching over he grabbed her hands, gasping at how hot they were. 

"Tsu....don't tell still have that fever...?" He asked her hesitantly, she only avoided his gaze, worrying him further. Gently he began pushing her down (Get your heads out of the gutter) so she lay on her back. Once her back touched the ground she gasped and winced, sitting back up again. 

"Tsu! You can't keep these things from me! How am I supposed to help you, if you don't tell me?!" Yoon shouted turning to face her fully. 

"You were busy so-" Tsukiko had started but was cut off as Yoon started shouting at her again.

"That's no excuse! Anything could've happened to you!" His voice held so much worry, this made Tsukiko feel terrible. She hadn't meant to worry him so much. 

'I'm such a burden to them.' She thought looking down at her hands that rested in her lap. Yoon sighed, calming himself down and looking at her fondly. 

"I'm sorry for shouting at you Tsu. But please tell me when something like this happens. I don't like seeing you in so much discomfort." Tsukiko just nodded her head in reply, still looking down at the ground. 

"Sorry Yoon..." She apologised solemnly. Yoon shook his head and smiled down at the girl.

"Don't apologise Tsu. It's okay." He lifted her head gently by placing his hand under her chin. 

"I know you don't feel it or think it. But you are important." He smiled brightly, she blushed, her face turning the colour of a tomato. She only nodded her head, too flustered to say anything. Chuckling Yoon reached over to his bag.

"Now let's get you fixed up."

~Le time skip~

Tsukiko lay on her front as not to aggravate the wound she had opened on her back. Everyone was doing their own thing, though Yoon and Yona sat together chatting away and laughing. Tsukiko felt something bubbling up in her chest, it hurt watching the 2 act so close. Yoon looked over at the young Princess and smile, causing her to blush and hide her face in her arms. The self proclaimed genius stared at the girl in amusement and confusion. 

Tsukiko peaked out of her arms to see Yoon blushing as he spoke to her older sister. 

'You're sister is far better than you.'

'You can never be like her.'

'Why did you think you were ever important to him?'

'He cares about Yona more.'

'Everyone cares about Yona more.'

'You're nothing but a shadow.'

'I know already. Please stop.' Tsukiko cried placing her head in her arms again. She heard footsteps fading but payed it no mind as she was currently dealing with her own problems. 

'I thought I was more important than her to someone. I guess I was wrong. No one will ever see me more than they see Yona-nee...' She began to cry more.

'I want to believe you, Yoon....but it's hard when so many things tell me otherwise...' Her chest got heavy as she quietly sobbed into her arms. Suddenly there was a wait on her head, making her stiffen. 

"It's okay to cry Tsu. Let it out. I'm here." Yoon's comforting and soothing voice broke through the silence. That's when she broke down, she sobbed loudly into her arms, Yoon stayed with her, stroking her hair until she calmed down. 

Slowly she sat up and faced the young boy. Her face was stained with tears and her eyes were red and slightly swollen. But Yoon still thought she was beautiful, he smiled and wiped away the last of her tears. Carefully he pulled her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist. She blushed brightly but smiled in content, she lay her head on his chest and slowly drifted of.

"Thank you...Yoon..Goodnight..." She said as she fell asleep. Yoon had a small blush on his cheeks as he lent down and kissed her head. 

"Goodnight Tsu." He replied fondly as he to drifted off into the land of dreams.

~Time skip to the morning~

"It's morning!" Yona shouted waking everyone up, Tsukiko and Yoon who had cuddled as they slept were blushing a deep shade of red. Yoon couldn't look at her without blushing due to what he had done when he thought she was sleeping. Remembering that he had kissed her head made her stomach feel funny. 

"Kija, how are you feeling?" Yona asked as she walked over to the sleepy white dragon warrior.

"..........." He sat up in a daze and stared out into the distance.

"Kija?" Yona called out to him.

"Green...I sense...Ryokuryuu..." Tsukiko and Yona's eyes sparked as they cheered happily. Hak and Yoon both stared at their favourite people with a fond look in their eyes and slight smiles on their faces. 

"Let's see...the direction where Kija sensed in this range. We'll end up hitting Capital Saika and Hiryuu Castle if we go straight. So let's confirm Ryokuryuu's location while we take a detour along the mountains." Yoon explained looking at his map. Everyone nodded and began packing up quickly. 

The group had stopped so that Shin-ah could look for anyone that happened to be passing by.

" there anyone there?" Yona called up to the blue haired male that was in a tree using his eyes to look for anyone that may be up ahead. Almost silently the man landed on the floor, straightening up he shook his head.

"Nobody? Then let's go." Yoon smiled as he turned around and pulled out his map, leading the group. Tsukiko walked beside him, their shoulders brushing against each others occasionally. 

"The ability to see far away is great! It's nice to search for places where people aren't around!" Yoon bragged. Tsukiko smirked and nudged his arm.

"You speak as if it's you that has the power Yoon." She laughed as he blushed slightly pouted. They continued to chat and laugh as they group made their journey around the mountains. Though everything went silent as they entered a very run down village. At this point Yona was leading as Tsukiko and Yoon trailed behind. 

"This place...It's a village that was the general and the king.. This area hasn't cultivated crops for years...and their's no water. It's likely because the able-bodied men were all brought to the capital to be trained as soldiers." Yoon explained as Yona looked stunned and saddened. Where as Tsukiko looked like she was going to start sobbing.

"Illness runs rampant...and only those without the strength to migrate are left to die here....Terrible." Yona looked down at the ground sadly. 

"The village I was born in was like this, too. The land of fire is vast, but almost all of it is barren." Everyone looked around sullenly as they continued talking. 

"Even with that, the head of the Fire tribe, General Kan Soo-Jin, keeps all the money just for the government." Yoon continued. 

"Idiot." Kija spoke bluntly. Suddenly a groan was heard from not too far away, this alerted everyone.

"Is he alright...?" Yona asked about to go over to him and help, but she was stopped by Yoon.

"You shouldn't get too close. You could get sick." Yoon told her sternly.

"But..." She trailed off looking at him. Yoon just walked away from her and over to the man himself, kneeling next to him. 

"It may not ease your pain, but here's some medicine and water. I also have an apple." He said as he set the things next to the frail man.

"Oh..." He weakly said in reply lifting himself up on his weak arms. Yona and Tsukiko had both walked over to help the man. Tsukiko sat the man up whilst Yona helped him drink the water. Yoon looked at them in shock before his gaze softened and he smiled.

"A..Are you people from Saika...?" The man asked them weakly.

"No, we're travelers." Yoon replied.

"I see...then have you been to Kuuto...? The new King that has risen...I wonder what kind of person he is...? The last King...Il was a horrible King." The man started, not aware that the old Kings daughters were right next to him. Yona looked horrified and her eyes were dead. Whereas Tsukiko looked down in shame her hair covering her eyes.

"When pressures from other countries mounted...he only cared about not making a ruckus. And while the other tribes grew...he didn't give aid to the citizens who were weak. Whose King was he? It'll be nice if this King is a good person...If he is someone who can...bring change to this country..." With every word he spoke Yona seemed to get more upset, Tsukiko hadn't moved and was still looking at the ground.

"Oh, thank you Miss. I don't know how long it's been since someone's touched me..." The man thanked Yona, forgetting that Tsukiko was there. Not that she cared at this moment in time. 

"No...please get well." Yona told them man, her eyes still void of emotion. She stood up wiping her tears on the sleeve of her dress.

"I-I'll be gone just a minute. Don't follow me, okay?" She said as she put on her best smile and then ran away. Whilst the group of males spoke Tsukiko continued to sit still, her knees pulled to her chest. She tried to think of something, anything she could do that could help, even a tiny bit. Her eyes widened and she stood up, not yet catching the attention of the group. Walking out into the middle of the street she took a deep breath and began to sing. 

(Play the video at the top. Then come back down XD)

"ah ah... maiku OK"
"ikku yo!"

minisukaato de shuugeki da! (kyun)
gyappu moe shite shougeki da! (kyun)
koi no mosou kairo bousou dema dema hora (buubuu)
"da, da, da, da, daisuki" kokutte choodai yo (hai hai)
dacchuu kedo kuuru ni ruuzu biito kikasete
baribari chuun

She had caught the attention of her fellow travelers as well as a lot of the villagers.

Pu! Pu!

Hey hey hey hey!

The group she had traveled with were staring at her confused and in awe. Yoon was surprised at how she plucked the courage to sing in front of them. To try and cheer the people up no less.

"ja ja ja ja~n!"

setsunakute mo yarusenakute mo
(kabadi, kabadi... Fight!) "mou!"
ano ko ni nante narenai kara
(kabadi, kabadi... Fight!)

ari no mama no jibun wo aisereba Que sera sera
ima wa hitoribocchi no kimi ni uta wo ageru
"hai! douzo!"

vivivivivi... Viva! Viva! Happy! (churu chu chu)
Viva! Viva! Happy! (churu chu chu)
iya iya arasoi wa shinai shugi
No No Non Non
Viva! Viva! Happy! (churu chu chu)
Viva! Viva! Happy! (churu chu chu)
poro poro namida shite
hitoyo hitoyo ni hitorigoto

By now she had everyone's attention, even Yona had come back. They were amazed at the confidence she had whilst singing and dancing.

(M I K U)

shikararete mo sekasarete mo
(kabadi, kabadi...) "uwaa!"
dasshu de kekka motome sugi yo
(kabadi kabadi... Fight!)

"joushiki" wa itsu made mo otonatachi no surangu
muishiki no uchuu kara kimi ni todoku sain

vivivivivi... Viva! Viva! Happy! (churu chu chu)
Viva! Viva! Happy! (churu chu chu)
kuta kuta suimin wa hachi jikan
yeah yeah yay yay
Viva! Viva! Happy! (churu chu chu)
Viva! Viva! Happy! (churu chu chu)
are kore shitai kedo "shitai!"
I my me mine kiri kiri mai

Some of the villagers had started to clap and sway along to the rhythm.

"happii ni furumau kimi ga suki da yo"

chotto junjou na piipoo chansu tourai mo gekichin
chuutohanpa na osekkyou kita "sonna ni seken wa amakunai! dakara..."
suruu de abataa ni chenji!
baachuru biinasu boosuto Bass de Born


Viva! ...Happy
iya iya arasoi wa shinai shugi
No No Non Non
Viva! Viva! Happy! (churu chu chu)
Viva! Viva! Happy! (churu chu chu)
poro poro namida shite
"sonna ni seken wa amukunai!"


Tsukiko bowed with a bright red blush on her cheeks as people clapped. She looked around at the smiles she managed to put on people's faces and she too smiled for she was able to spread a little happiness in this sad village.

Shyly she walked over to her group, her face still red from suddenly acting out like that. 

"That was amazing Tsukiko! You sounded so cute! You moved with such grace!" Kija shouted making her blush even more, her face looked like a tomato. Hak and Yona both smiled, proud of her for overcoming her shyness, even if it was just a little. Shin-ha ruffled her hair and smiled slightly. 

"That was amazing Tsu." Yoon complimented her, he too had a small blush on his face. 'She looked so cute dancing around with that smile on her face. Her voice was so pretty and cheerful.' Yoon blushed at his own thoughts, turning away from the silver haired girl and following the rest as they walked to somewhere that they would be resting. Tsukiko's smile got smaller as she watched him walk away from her.

She looked down about to follow them, when she saw Yoon's hand open by his side, waiting for her to grab it. Smiling brightly she ran to catch up, holding his hand in hers. She looked up at him, only to see him looking away, but she could see a red tint on his ears, which made her giggle and squeeze his hand. Yoon squeezed it back and looked down at the smaller girl fondly.

~Time skip to le morning~

The group had woken up, packed up camp and had walked Awa port. Yoon and Tsukiko had been together the whole walk there, where as the others walked by themselves or switched who they walked with (*Cough cough* Yona *cough cough*)  

"Whoa! It's a port city!" Yona shouted in glee.

"Hak! Hey, is that the sea? So pretty! It's my first time seeing it!" Yona blushed in delight as everyone minus Hak stared out at the sea. 

"Awa port of the earth tribe. Never thought I'd come here again." Hak spoke calmly.

"You've been here before, Thunder Beast?" Yoon asked the black haired man. 

"Gramps brought me here a long time ago." He answered. 

"Kija, does it feel like Ryokuryuu is here?" Yona looked up to the white haired dragon.

"Well...I sense him, but...Ryokuryuu's presence keeps shifting around everywhere...I feel dizzy just following it..." Kija fell to the floor in a daze.


The power of the dragons isn't omnipotent. Maybe their power suddenly plummets when they go over their limit. Now I want to experiment." Yoon stared at the 2 dragons with a creepy grin on his face. Tsukiko hit him over the head.

"Bad Yoon." She scolded him.

"But while I want to search for Ryokuryuu...we need to rest from our journey. I want to stock up supplies and food while we're here." Yoon thought out loud. 

"Okay! Let's go to the port!" Yona shouted in glee. Tsukiko shook her head at how naive her older sister was.

"NO! You guys can't come along!! Especially the one in the mask!" He shouted at them in reply, making Shin-ha sulk, Kija was quick to try and comfort him.

"Then I'll go." Hak suggested.

"You will?" Yoon asked.

"I want to look around for weapons anyway. I kind of remember my way around the town." Hak explained trying to remember the layout of town.

"Hak. I want to go, too." Yona stepped up to him. Hak only stared back at her blankly.

"Miss Princess, you've become awfully ugly lately." Hak told her bluntly, she was shocked at first, but quickly got angry. So did Kija.

"Hey! How dare you say that! The Princess is b-b-beautiful!" He stuttered out as he blushed cutely. 

"You have dark circles under your eyes...and your hands are hurt. You've worked too hard. Relax a bit." Hak patted her head. 

"I have no idea what you mean." Yona replied pouting. 

"I'll go with you Hak!" Tsukiko shouted raising her hand. Hak was about to protest when she cut him off.

"I'm not noticeable anyway and you'll probably forget everything we need." She said with a straight face.

"She's right. You will probably forget." Yoon agreed nodding his head.


"There might be people who will recognise you. Don't do anything to stir trouble!" Yoon ordered.

"You're the ones who need to lie low. Oh, this will stand out, so hold on to it for me." Hak said throwing his glaive at a clueless looking Yoon.

"Now, White snake..."

"You do not need to ask anything!" Kija interrupted pulling Shin-ha next to him as he stood behind Yona. 

"Hak. Hurry back." Yona told him as she looked up at him cutely. As they walked away Tsukiko nudged his side. 

"You loooove her." She teased him. He smirked back at her.

"You loooove Yoon." He teased back, making her blush a million shades of red. He laughed and continued down the street. 

"It's been a while since I've been in such a lively city."

"Hey Mister~~~~<3 Why don't you stop by?" A lady popped up.

"Anyways, I need to hurry back!" He reminded himself cheerfully, causing Tsukiko to laugh and hurry to catch up with him as he sped along the streets of Awa port. She looked around at the people living there, only to realise that their smiles were fake, their eyes held so much negative emotion. She pulled on Hak's cloak.

"Hak..." She trailed off, he nodded his head as he looked around.

"Yeah I know." He replied. 

"P-PLEASE STOP!!" Came a sudden shout.

"What? We're Awa officers."

"Just who do you think it's thanks to that you can go on living your life?"

"Tell me how much I can buy you for. That's not bad, is it?" 2 men were harassing a women in broad daylight. 

"You're bothering me...let me go!" The lady struggled. Tsukiko looked up at Hak pleading him to help her, but he just turned away. Her eyes widened and she grew angry. 'Fine. I'll help her.'  She thought as she stepped forward.

"Someone help!"

"HEY!!!" She shouted at the same time as Hak and a green haired man punching/kicking the man away from the women. Tsukiko stood in awe as the man flew a few feet. But movement on the caught the girls attention, she stared at the green haired mans back as a girl sat up stretching slightly. She had light brown hair tied in a ponytail, decorated with a butterfly pin. Her eyes were 2 different colours, red and blue.

"Wha?! Who are you?!"

"Argh...I did it." Tsukiko smiled, glad that he had decided to help.

"Hm..? The so-called seducer was ugly. So I couldn't help it." 

"Eh?" The 2 men had finally spotted each other. Tsukiko face palmed whilst the mysterious girl giggled.

"Oh geez.."

A/N WOOO new chapter not long after the other. OHHHH I wonder who tho mystery girl is? You'll have to wait until the next chapter to find out! I hope you enjoyed!

Disclaimer: I do not own Akatsuki no Yona, Kusunagi Mizuho does.

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