Moonlight and Chocolate (A Yo...

By hp_flash

328K 9.2K 16.4K

Y/n l/n is a muggle-born sixth year Gryffindor who is best friends with Lily Evans and Remus Lupin. Ever sinc... More

Chapter 2: Sixth Year
Chapter 3: Potions
Chapter 4: The Plan
Chapter 5: Hogsmeade (Quick A/N)
Chapter 6: The Room of Requirement
Chapter 7: Full Moon
Chapter 8: After All This Time
Chapter 9: Together
Chapter 10: Halloween
Chapter 11: Living a Nightmare
Chapter 12: Remus' Condition
Chapter 13: Notes
Chapter 14: Monster
Chapter 15: Revenge Plan
Chapter 16: Crucio
Chapter 17: Explanation
Chapter 18: Why You?
Chapter 19: Hear Me
Chapter 20: Flashbacks
Chapter 21: I Solemnly Swear
Chapter 22: He Wouldn't Want This
Chapter 23: Missing You
Chapter 24: The Lupin Household
Chapter 25: The Funeral
Chapter 26: Work It Out
Chapter 27: The Holidays
Chapter 28: January 1st
Chapter 29: Seventh Year
Chapter 30: Meeting the Pick-Up Line Source
Chapter 31: Valentine's Day, 1978
Chapter 32: Spider-Remus?
Chapter 33: Quidditch & Lockhart
Chapter 34: Cliche
Chapter 35: The Beginning of the Prank Wars
Chapter 36: Smooth
Chapter 37: Late Night Thoughts
Chapter 38: The Last Game
Chapter 39: Sketchy
Chapter 40: The End of an Era
A/N: Reflections and Looking Ahead

Chapter 1: The Sorting

27.2K 453 2K
By hp_flash

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of its characters, I only own part of the storyline and any additional characters if any. 

Yeah so my chapters are messed up, Chapter 3 will always be last for some reason, I tried fixing it. (Edited)


A/n: Author's note

Y/n: Your first name

L/n: Your last name

E/c: Eye color

H/c: Hair color

S/c: Skin color

H/s: Hair style

B/d: Your birthdate

~~~~~~~•Y/n POV•~~~~~~~

I awoke this morning thinking it was gonna be a regular day. Wait no, I thought, it was b/d, my birthday, my eleventh birthday to be exact! Eh it's still regular, it's not like something extra special is gonna happen today. Oh how wrong I was.

I walked downstairs to find my favorite breakfast, pancakes. "THANKS MUM AND DAD!" I sprinted up to them and gave them a huge hug. We went out and watched a movie and when we came back home we had cake. That wasn't even the special thing.

While I was eating cake with my family, there was a knock on the door. I answered it and saw an old man with half moon glasses and a long white beard.

"Mum," I began, "there's a stranger at the door again."

He stepped into the house and shook my mother's hand, "Albus Dumbledore, I need to speak with all of you about something."

This man, Albus Dumbledore, sat at the table with us and started discussing this school about Hogwarts and apparently I'm a witch which explains why I can do certain things like grow a flower in my palm and break things without touching them. I can't wait to go to my new school, but I'm also kinda worried.


I arrived at King's Cross Station but I couldn't find Platform 9 3/4. I was beginning to think this was all a joke when someone approached me. It was a cute boy with sandy hair and scars on his face, he had a book in his arms. "Remus Lupin," he extended his arm for me to shake, "you need to go through that wall with your cart, and before you think I'm mental, I'll show you." I saw him disappear through the brick wall. Woah. I walked through the wall and saw him waiting for me on the other side. "Thanks for waiting Remus," I held out my hand for him to shake it, "Y/n l/n." He shook my hand and I thought I saw him turn a little red, probably my weird imagination.

~~~~~~•Remus POV•~~~~~~

Y/n and I got into the only empty compartment on the train. A few minutes later two boys walked in. One of them had black messy hair and glasses. The other looked cute (no homo) and had long black hair.

"I'm James Potter," said the one with the messy hair.

"And I'm Sirius Sexy Ass Black."

"Sirius, we just met these people, at least pretend we're normal," James joked.

"I know but first impressions have the word impression for a reason, James."

"I'm Remus." I extended my arm to them. "And I'm Y/n."

The train ride to Hogwarts was wild. A boy named Peter Pettigrew had come into the compartment in the middle of the ride.

"So Remus," began James, "what house do you want to get sorted into?"

I hadn't really thought about it to be honest.

"Gryffindor or Ravenclaw."

"Nerd," said Sirius, "how about you y/n?"

"Oh," she began, "I don't really know about the houses, I'm muggle-born, I guess any house Remus is in is good for me."

I blushed a little and buried my head into my book to hide it.

"How about you Peter?" Asked Y/n.

"Oh I don't know, I guess anything is good for me."

After a while we got off the train and I ended up losing y/n in the crowd. Bloody hell.


~~~~~~~•Y/n POV•~~~~~~~

God damnit I lost Remus in the crowd. I was walking next to this red-headed girl with green eyes and this boy with greasy hair.

"Hi," I extended my arm to the girl, "I'm Y/n l/n."

"Hi," she began, "I'm Lily Evans."

Professor McGonagall escorted us to the Great Hall to get sorted. The Sorting Hat sang it's song and it began.

"Black, Sirius!"


I clapped for Sirius, the greasy hair boy who's name was Severus scoffed. The line was moving faster. Lily was up next.

"Evans, Lily!"

The Sorting Hat took a little longer for her.


I clapped for Lily too. Severus looked kinda sad, but still clapped.

"Lupin, Remus!"


I smiled and cheered for Remus.

"L/n, y/n!"

I walked up to the Sorting Hat as it was placed on my head.

Hmm.. very intelligent and creative, those are really Ravenclaw qualities. You're also cunning and ambitious. At the same time you're loyal and honest. You've also got some Gryffindor qualities, brave. Better be..


I walked to the Gryffindor table to sit next to Lily and Remus as they applauded me along with Sirius, James, and Peter, who were later sorted to Gryffindor. Severus was sorted into Slytherin and seemed both happy and sad about it. He sat next to fifth year Lucius Malfoy. I couldn't wait to see what Hogwarts had in store for me.

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