I'll Wait For You - NaNoWrimo...

By KateSunshineClarke

453 82 54

Charlotte "Charlie" Neal is a teen dancer. In her junior year of high school, things begin their downward spi... More

I'll Wait For You
The Wicked Witch of My Ballet Studio
Catching Up With Dear Old Mom
The Winter Solstice
The Three Little Wolves
A Discussion Over Cinnamon Rolls
The River Styx
Taking A Drive
The Wolf Toxin
Jello and Contourems
Brain Dead
The Awesome Alchemist
Escape From The Hospital
Grilled Cheese And The Return Of Dad
The Milkshake Obsession
Ricky's Litter and the Lightbulb
Nehmo And That Guy Named Mike
Birthday Planning
The Golden Question and First Kisses
Memory Lane
Truth Or Dare
Cards in Lockers
A Fiery Funeral
Lunch With The Wolves
Prom Talk
A New Look
Dare Completed
First Dates and Skipping School
A Discussion Over Cinnamon Rolls Part 2
Mind Wipe

Mind Talk

13 3 2
By KateSunshineClarke

"Another party?" I screech from the top of the stairs as she comes into the house, carrying several reusable bags full of soda and chips. Christy's big on recycling. Addicted to it, actually, maybe since Dad is too.

"Yeah. It's my senior year, and I'm going to party it up every chance I get, sister. And besides, it's New Year's Eve, and I can't not throw a party." The last time Christy had a party, it was the winter solstice. I look at the calendar posted on the fridge, which sometimes says when a new or full moon is. And today, there's a full moon. Peter should be a wolf by now. Is he really showing her tonight? Why didn't he tell me?

I stare at the calendar for another second, checking it against my phone's calendar. Yep , the full moon is tonight.

As I’m looking at the calendar, confusion fills my mind. He said he would tell me when the next full moon was. I sigh and start to turn away. It’s already about six, and I need to stock up on snacks since it looks like I won’t be sleeping at all.

As I grab the giant bag of goldfish, my head starts throbbing, and I scoff. Really? A migraine? Right now? But it increases in intensity. It starts at my temples, and pushes in, and pushes harder, and there’s twin ice picks driving down to my brain stem, and I fall, unable to take the pain.

“Charlie!” Christy says, but my hearing is out of tune and I can barely hear her. I wipe the back of my hand across my face, and when it comes back, there’s blood on it. “What’s happening?” She grabs a paper towel and holds it under my nose. I sob as the pain increases, until my vision goes black and I slump to the floor.


I wake up on the couch, paper towel under my nose, Christy holding an ice pack on my head, one of her more medically inclined friends holding a stethoscope to my chest. There’s still a massive headache, but it’s no worse than some I’ve had. I probably need a couple days of sleep and recovery and lots of water.

“Does she have a brain tumor?” Christy screeches. “Because I read this book called Tumor and Charlie has all of those symptoms. Charlie, don’t go towards the light!”

“I’m fine, Christy.” I mumble, moving the paper towel away and throwing it onto the coffee table. There are a lot of blood-sodden ones there to join it, but now the bleeding has stopped. I try to sit up, but I end up being too dizzy, and I lay back down.

“Do we need to take you to the hospital? Because you were passed out for a good hour and you lost, like, a lot of blood.” The medically inclined friend says, a concerned tinge coming into her voice.

“I need some headache medicine. And sleep.” Christy already has a couple pills ready, and I swallow them, ignoring the copper taste in my mouth. She picks me up and starts upstairs.

“Take the goldfish. Eating is good with blood loss. You need carbs and sugar, Charlie.” The friend says. Christy sets the bag in between me and her. With great effort, I fall into my bed, and wrap the blankets around me. She sits down in my desk chair, where Peter sat only a couple days ago.

"I’ll stay here. You know, to make sure you don’t die while you’re sleeping.”

“How nice.”

“Love you, Charlie.” My eyes fill with tears, and this time, it’s not from the killer headache. My sister may be a butthead, but she can be sweet when she wants too.

“I love you too, Christy.” I say, and roll towards the wall, closing my eyes.

And then I hear something.

How’s your head feeling, Charlie?

“It hurts.” I say, responding to Christy.

“What does? Your head?”

“Yeah. You just asked me if it hurts.”

“You’re hearing voices in your head, Charlie. Get some sleep.” I close my eyes again and stretch my foot out, letting the low temperature of the blankets try to soothe my fever.

Don’t respond out loud, like I can only assume you did. Yes, I am a voice in your head. It’s me. Peter. Remember what I said about telecommunication? Well, sorry about the killer headache, but I needed to talk to you, and I’m a wolf right now. If you want to respond, just picture my face in your head, and push your thoughts towards me. It might take a couple tries.


Hey. You got it! I’m so glad. I’ll admit I don’t know much about how this process affects humans, because my mom could do it before I was born. And I’ve never done it to anyone. So, I’m really sorry.

Christy thought I died. She’s convinced I have a brain tumor because I lost consciousness and a bunch of blood.

Accept my formal apology. Okay, I needed to tell you that you need to convince Christy to come out to the warehouse around an hour before dawn. You and Sabrina can tell her, and then if she doesn’t believe, just take her outside, and we’ll be there. Just a second or two before dawn. Like when you saw me. And I think I’ll tell Mom to make waffles.

I honestly don’t think that I can get out of bed anytime in the next month with this headache. I approve the waffle thing though. Those sound nice.

I’ll see you later. Good luck and feel better.

I close my eyes. It feels like lately, my life is coming apart, while my relationship with my sister is getting a bit better. I feel like she’s coming back down to Earth, where I’ve been the whole time. Soon she’ll know and we’ll be on the same page. For once in our lives.

And as for the rest, it will come together eventually. I have no doubt that it will.

I was totally annoyed with this chapter because all of my formatting didn't get transferred over.
Charlie's bold.
Peter's italicized.
If I messed it up, let me know.
And, if you like this, read Hiding In Plain Sight, my fanfiction about these characters. It's a lot trashier, but hey, people seem to like it, even without reading this story.
It's also a Selection Fanfiction, as well.
Thank you everyone.
Shout out to
directioner4473 for voting on all of the chapters of these chapters so far!
Read, comment, vote, and share!

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