In My Mind

By WrenSpellman

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I used to be normal. I had a good life, kick-ass friends, and teachers hated me. Now, I'm stuck going to a sc... More

The Monster Within
Chapter I: The Day Before
Chapter II: Just a Dream
Chapter III: Sienna
Chapter IV: Mate's the Word
Chapter V: Lulu
Chapter VI: Think Human
Chapter VII: Putain
Chapter VIII: Non-Independance's End
Chapter IX: Seperation
Chapter X: Mates All Around
Chapter XI: Day One, Part One
Chapter XII: Day One, Part Two
Chapter XIII: Day Two, Part One
Chapter XIV: Day Two, Part Two
Chapter XV: Day Three, Part One
Chapter XVI: Day Three, Part Two
Chapter XVII: Day Four
Chapter XVIII: Day Five
Chapter XX: Goodbye
Chapter XXI: Operation
Chapter XXII: Secrets
Chapter XXIII: Cars
Chapter XXIV: Bite Me
Chapter XXV: Bun in the Oven
Chapter XXVI: Hurting Hearts
Chapter XXVII: Occupancy
Chapter XXVIII: Breathe
Chapter XXIX: Shift In Power
Chapter XXX: Caught In The Act
Chapter XXXI: The Guest
Chapter XXXII: Hard as Stone

Chapter XIX: Day Six

478 7 4
By WrenSpellman

{Text} means that its in italic, for all you mobile app readers. AND on the side is the noise mentioned in said italic text. (at least, it should be...)

It all happened so fast, I could hardly keep up. One minute, I was lying in bed, cuddling with my pillow, and the next, I was getting thrown across the room. I hit the wall and heard a echoing crack on impact. My back splintered with pain. My ears started ringing. A faint scream made it to me. I opened my eyes to see Sienna being man-handled by a shadowed figure. I jumped up from the floor, black dots dancing in front of my vision. When it cleared, I jumped on the figure's back. I was ripped away and tossed back onto the floor. Blood dripped from my forehead. Grumbling curses, I slowly stood, facing the man that was blocking my view from my sister and her attacker.

I launched myself at him, intending to take him down, but ending up captured. He laughed quietly and dragged me out into the hall. There were other girls being dragged out too, some by their arms, and some by their hair. I'd go buck wild if one of these guys even touched my hair. There were screams and cries coming from every room and hall. The guy carrying Sienna walked ahead of the guy holding onto me. I tried fighting him off, but I wasn't in the greatest position, so nothing I did worked.

We were taken outside and lined up. It reminded me of the movies where prisoners were lined up and shot. A sudden bolt of fear struck me. I was going to die, wasn't I? This was horrible. I couldn't even say good-bye to my stupid parents that never told me anything about being a werewolf. Maybe I would have been a bit more prepared if they had. I looked around, trying to see some people I knew. Kes was about ten girls down, no emotion on her face. Erin was nowhere in sight. Sienna was right next to me. All of us were on our knees, not moving or saying anything. Our capters didn't seem to like that we weren't reacting the way they wanted.

"Aren't you girls afraid?" One of them demanded.

No one responded.

"Fine, if you're not going to react to us, let's see how you do whne we bring out the boys."

After a few more things were shouted, the boys were being herded out. No one I knew were next to each other. They were all scattered, excet for the twins. When I didn't see Lulu, my heart beat quickened. What did they do to him? My wolf started to push forward. They did something to our mate, and neither of us liked it. Finally, I saw him. He was being held by three different men, and fighting against them. He searched frantically with his eyes until he saw me. He looked me over, making sure I was okay. When he saw the blood, his eyes darkened.

"This is the next Beta." One of them told, who I guessed, was the leader.

"Oh, perfect. There is only one thing that would make this whole thing even better. Let's find out if the little bastard has a mate."

The man started down the line, gripping each girl by the hair and facing her to him. When he gave no reaction, he moved on to the next. Every once in a while, there would be growls from the guys when their mates were touched. I knew the only thing keep each one of them in line was the fact that their mates were in danger. It was soon my turn. The man reached for my hair.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I ground out.

He smirked and grabbed me by the hair, pulling me to my feet. "And what are you going to do?" He questioned. "With a leg looking like that, I'm surprised you can even stand." His grip tightened.

"Let. Go. Of. My. Hair." I growled.

A full fedged smile browk out on his face. "I can feel your power radiating off of you in waves. You must be the next Alpha." He pulled my hair, making my wince. Lulu erupted in snarls. "So I have found the Bitch of the pack."

The "Bitch", I had learned, was an insulting name of the Beta's mate. It pissed me off, but the fact that he had ahold of my hair, had my blood boiling. Where the hell were all the teachers? My parents? Erin and Toby? 

"Let go of her." That was Stone.

"Now." The twins.

They hated it when someone touched their little sisters. I hated it more when someone touched my hair. So guess who's temper ran out faster. That's right. Mine. I kneed him in his family jewels as hard as I could, which was pretty hard, considering Erin had us practice kneeing. He collapsed on the ground, cupping his crotch.

"I told you to let go of my hair." I said.

Everyone reacted at once. The bad guys tried to grab me, but Stone and the twins took them down. All the students started to fight against the intruders. The twins helped Lulu escape. The second he was free, he was at my side, pulling my to him.

"Are you alright?" He started wiping away the blood on my face.

"I'm fine. Just got tossed around a little bit." I said. "Where are all of the adults?"

"They got caught up on the borders of the school. These guys attacked with more numbers than we thought they had. They broke though and came straight here. Erin and Toby got called out and have been working for hours."

"Hours? How long have we been under attack?"

"Since midnight. I was running to find you when they broke into our dorms."

The pink tint to the sky told me it was aroud five-thirty in the morning. "I have to go make sure my parents are okay." I started running towards the school borders, Lulu right next to me. I was surprised he didn't stop me, but then I realized that his parents would be there too. "What do they do to all the children during this?"

"They're kept far away from here in a safe house guarded by several of our best fighters."

My leg was in a lot of pain today. Every step I took, it seemed to get worse. I ignored it the entire time. I could tell that Lulu knew I was hurting because every few seconds, he would glance over at me with a worried look. I could see another battle raging in front of us, except this one was far more intesnse and there was a lot more blood. Not only that, but there were wolves and panthers in the mix. Wait, panthers? I froze in my spot. Of all the animals in the world, it just had to be panthers.

{I reached my chubby toddler hand towards the pretty black kitty in front of me. It made a yowling sound and swiped at me. All I saw was blood, and I screamed as all the pain came rushing forward. My leg was in shreds, skin hanging off, or missing.}

I shook my head. Ever since then, I've had a phobia of panthers. it sounded stupid to most, but when a giant cat attacks you when you're only four, it scars you for life. One spotted us and charged. I let out a blood curdling scream that had many people and animals flinching. Lulu pushed me behind him and got ready to fight the animal, but he didn't get a chance. I was grabbed from behind. I struggled as best I could. The panther stopped and turned around to find someone else to kill. Lulu seemed confused until he turned and saw me in a strangers arms. He lunged forward, but was pulled back and held by a man that reminded me of S.T He was extremely muscled and tall. The man holding me started to take me away, and I couldn't do anything about it. What was the point of all that training when I couldn't even break free from a hold?

"Please!" Lulu yelled. "Let her go!"

"Mates, huh? You want to know what happens when we find our mates, kid? After they have two kids, we kill them. Get over her." I couldn't tell which one answered.

A hand was removed from around my neck, but quickly put back. This time, instead of just a hand choking the life out of me, it was a blade. He pressed it against my neck, making me still and afraid to breath. The metal was cold and sharp. I could already feel it cutting into my skin. It almost felt like a paper cut.

"Stop." A loud voice boomed.

I flicked my eyes over and saw a naked man. I promptly closed my eyes. Really? Why the hell couldn't he have just got dressed?

"That is the Next Beta and his mate. We need them."

The blade was taken away from my throat. "DADDY!" I screamed, earning a punch to the gut.

In response, I heard a short howl and snarling, so I opened my eyes. A large brown, almost rusted colored wolf was standing a few feet away. His head was low and his teeth were bared. I knew instantly that it was my dad.

"Daddy?" The naked man questioned. "Alpha Sin is your daddy? Well isn't this a catch? The Next Beta's mate and the Alpha's daughter."

Maybe being high ranking wasn't as good as I thought it was. My dad changed into his human form. I averted my eyes. There were just some things a girl could live without seeing, and this was one of them.

"Leave my daughter out of this." Dad growled, his voice still in the process of turniing back to normal.

"'I don't think so. I came here to claim a prize, and now I have two."

"You only need one!" Lulu exclaimed. "Let her go!"

The guy holding him clapped a hand over his mouth to muffle everything else he said. I got tired of being helpless and kicked my captor's knee cap. His arms dropped from around me and he fell. I kicked him in the face for good measer. Two others were running at me. They were both girls. One was blonde and the other was burnette. I fought them just like Erin had showed me. Just yesterday we were learning how to fend off more than one apponent. They were down in less than a minute. I spun back around and saw my dad and a panther, probably the naked guy. Lulu was unconscious, being carried away. I went to follow, but someone grabbed me around the waist and put some weird smelling cloth over my nose and mouth. The smell was strong enough to bring tears to my eyes, which were drooping.

Who carries around chloroform? I thought this kind of thing only happened in book and movies? This has to be the worst mating season in history.


So, what do you think?

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