All I Ever Wanted (Hunter Hay...

By smiles234

65.9K 1.1K 97

Shelby and Hunter have been best friends from the beginning. Hunter gets back with his ex girlfriend, Amber... More

All I Ever Wanted (Hunter Hayes Fanfiction
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Authors Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Authors Note
Chapter 20
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Authors Note
Chapter 27
Authors Note
Chapter 28
Authors Note
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 33
Authors Note
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Authors Note
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Author's Note
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Author's Note
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Author's Note
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Authors Note
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Author's Note!
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Authors Note
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Author's Note
Chapter 75
Author's Note!
Author's Note!

Chapter 54

662 18 1
By smiles234

-Shelby's POV-

"Sooo, where to next?" I asked all the boys. Hunter's last concert in Myrtle Beach just ended, meaning that it's time to get back on the road.

"We're going to Indianapolis next I think." Matt said, sitting down next to me on the couch. He put his arm behind my head.

Hunter shoved his arm away, and sat down on the other side of me. I giggled and he smirked.

"Hmmm, looks like someone is getting over protective...." Sam joked.

I laughed. "Are you kidding?! Hunter has always been over protective."

Hunter put his hand over his heart in mock-hurt. "I have never been over protective."

He must be joking. "Cameron. Aaron. You protect me from just about every guy out there!"

"That's only because I don't want anything to happen to you. The Cam and Aaron thing was to make sure nobody hurt you when I wasn't there to do that."

The bus was silent. I was seriously waiting for the crickets to fill the silence.

"Anyways..." Sam interrupted. "We only have one show in Indiana, so we will be leaving right after that concert for the next stop."

We all nodded.

"Well, I think I'm going to go to bed. It's been a long day. See ya later." I said.

"Bye!" Sam, Matt, and Devo said.

"Love you!" Hunter told me.

"Love you too!" I said before shutting the curtain that cut off the kitchen/living area, with the bunks.

I climbed into my bunk bed and closed my eyes. Soon enough, sleep consumed me.


"Shelby, wake up! We are here." I opened my eyes and Hunter was standing right infront of my bunk bed, holding a cup of coffee infront of my face.

I gladly took the coffee cup and began to sip at the coffee.

"You can get ready now. Nobody is in the bathroom. I'd hurry up before one of the guys takes it though." Hunter told me.

I nodded my head, and climbed out of the bunks, handing Hunter my half empty coffee cup.

I grabbed my clothes and makeup, and began to walk towards the bathroom door. Just as I was about to reach for the handle, Matt pushed my out of the way and entered the bathroom, slamming the door in my face.

"Matt!" I yelled.

"You snooze you loose!!" He said from the other side of the door.

I groaned as I sat down outside the door, hoping Matt would hurry his butt up!

About 12 minutes later, a newly dressed Matt came out of the bathroom. I smacked him on the shoulder before entering the bathroom. I locked the door and began getting ready for the day.

Around 15 minutes later, I walked out of the bathroom, finally ready.

"What took you so long?" Hunter asked.

I glared at Matt. "If it weren't for Matt, I would've been out here about 10 minutes ago!"

"I'm not even going to ask..." Hunter joked.

I sat down on the couch and huffed. "Good."

"Okay then..." Started Sam. "Let's get going!"

"But Sammyyyyyy!" I drawled out. "I just sat doooowwnnn!!"

Everybody laughed at me. "You are the laziest person I have ever met!" Sam said, reaching for my hand and helping me up.

I just shrugged my shoulders and walked out the door, leaving everybody behind.

"Where are you going?" Hunter asked.

"You said we need to get going!" I put my arms across my chest.

"Yeah, we do...But in the other direction..." Hunter told me, pointing the other way.

I groaned and stomped away in the other direction. This is just one fantastic morning! Dont you think?

"Don't be poutin! You've got a long day ahead of you." Hunter told me, slinging his arm across my shoulders.

"I have a few reasons to be pouting." I whined.

"Well, don't think about them. Let's have some fun today."

"Hunter, you have a show and then we are back on the road."

"Don't forget to mention the radio interview!" He corrected.

"Exactly, we have no time to do any extra things." I said matter-of-factly.

"That's not true. I'm going to the interview now, and then we have a few hours until sound check and about 2 hours inbetween that and the actual show."

I sighed. "Okay. Whatever!"

Hunter threw his arms in the air in victory. Then he put his arms around me, lifted me off of the ground, and spun me around in circles.

I giggled. "Hunter, put me down."

He shrugged, gave me one last spin, then set me back down.

"You're no fun!" He said, poking my nose and putting a pouty face on.

"I know."

"You need to be more fun!"

"I'm sorry."

"See! That's not a fun answer!"

"I'll try harder."

He pushed me, causing me to lose my balance and stumble backwards, but not falling on my butt.

I laughed. "I'm just joking, Hayes." This time, I poked his nose.

He then picked me up and threw me over his shoulders.

"You're really in the mood for picking me up today, aren't you?" I asked, not really feeling like complaining.

"Yes ma'am!"

When we got the the radio station, Hunter finally put me down.

"How did you like staring at Hunter's butt half the way here?" Matt asked, causing Sam to snicker.

"It was the best thing I have ever experienced in my life!" I said with a straight face, causing everybody to look at me like I was crazy, including Hunter.

I cracked a smile. "I'm joking guys!" That's when I started cracking up.

We all walked into the radio station with tears from laughing so hard brimmed our eyes. The people looked at us like we were crazy, but soon their expressions changed. That's only because they noticed Hunter.

"Hunter! It's so great to have you here! So, if you would just sit right here in this seat." A man in about his early 30's said. Hunter walked over to the chair and sat down. "In about 10 or so minutes, we will be live on the radio. I'm just going to ask you a few questions about your music and stuff like that and then I will send you away."

Hunter smiled. "Sounds like a plan."


"Let's go window shopping!" Hunter said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the stores.

"But I haven't eatin anything and I'm starving!" I said.

He huffed. "Fine."

We ended up at Applebee's, being that it was lunch time and we were all starving.

"Hello, I'm Tom. I will be your waitor for today. What can I get for you to drink?" The waitor asked.

"Ummm, can I just get a water?" I asked.

Hunter gave me a weird look because I usually order sprite.

I leaned over and whispered in his ear, "It saves money."

He nodded his head then said, "Yeah, me too."

I giggled a little as everybody else ordered their drinks.

"I will be right back with your drinks. In the mean time you can look over what you would like to eat from the menus."

After we got our drinks, we all ordered our food. It came out about 15 minutes later, and we are our food in about 30 minutes. We paid our check and got out of the Restaraunt.

"Where to next?" I asked.

"We want to head back to the bus and chill. You and Hunter can do whatever." Matt said.

I nodded my head. "Soooo, whaddya want to do?" I asked Hunter as the guys began to walk away.

"Window Shop. Like I said earlier." he said blankly.

"Oh brighten up. You have to admit you were hungry too." I said.

He smiled. "Okay, yeah I was. Let's go!" He grabbed ahold of my hand and we began walking along the little shops, pointing at cute little things that we saw.

Hunter chuckeled a little, breaking the silence between us.

I looked over at him confused. "What are you laughing about?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I was thinking about old memories and an idea came to mind."

"Well...." I said, stopping in my tracks. "Do tell..."

He started talking, making me walk again. "Well, remember when we were 9 and made a list of things we wanted to do before college?" Hunter asked.

I thought back on that memory and laughed. I do remember.

"Yeah! We were at your house and we were thinking about things that we wanted to do when we grew up, but not before we were too old. You got out a pen and a peice of paper and began to write down everything that we were saying. We turned it into a 'Things We Want to Do before we Start college list' because we said 'Before you die' was too sad, and everybody else did it."

We both laughed at the memory.

"Well, I was thinking...Since we dont have that paper anymore, and since we are away from home for the whole summer, why not make a new list and do it! Before this summer ends!!"

I thought. "Do you think that we could pul it off? I have some pretty crazy things that I want to do..."

"Good, the more crazy the better..."

Hunter took my hand, and we began running back to the bus. He grabbed a pencil and paper, and we sat down at the table.

At the top he wrote: Things to do before this summer ends.

I giggled then began to say what I would like to do.

Me:"Sky diving."

Hunter:"Start a concert in the middle of a store."

Me:"Get kicked out of a store."

Hunter:"Go Trampolining."

Me:"Go clubbing"

Hunter:"Drink 15 cups of coffee in one day"

Me:"Get a job and quit right after"

Hunter:"Race cars"

Shelby:"Be kissed in the rain"

Hunter:"Go muddin'"

Shelby:"Stand in 2 states at once."

Hunter:"Go Air Balooning"

Shelby:"Go to the top of the Empire State Building."

Hunter:"Go parisailing"

"What are yawl doing?!" Sam asked.

Hunter and I looked over at him. the whole band was staring at us.

"Saying things we want to do before the summer ends..." I answered.

"Okay..." He said.

Me:"Learn how to surf"

Hunter:"Meet Tim McGraw"

Me:"Have a whole day of just watching Disney movies!"

Hunter:"Have a special guest at one of my shows."

Me:"Prank everyone on this bus, besides Hunter and the bus driver."

Hunter-"Finish my next album."

I looked at Hunter like he was crazy. "Next album...Already?!"

"I said I wanted it crazy. Sooo, I'm giving you crazy."

Me:"Go go carting."

Hunter:"Have a concert in the rain."

"Hunter, it's time for sound check." Matt said, interrupted our train of thought.

Hunter nodded his head, then got up from the table.

"Are you coming?" Hunter asked me.

"I'm kinda tierd. I'm gonna rest for a little while. I'll see yawl after sound check."

Then after that, they left.

I then mentally added something to the list, without writing it down.

Tell Hunter I love him.

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