Blue Eyed Boy {Completed}

By BoOk_DrEaMeR

346K 9.4K 756

Blue eyes. I was always a sucker for blue eyes. Every guy I've ever gone out with has blue eyes. I've seen al... More

Blue Eyed Boy
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter One
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Two
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Three
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Four
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Five
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Six
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Seven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Eight
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Nine
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Ten
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Eleven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twelve
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Fourteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Fifteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Sixteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Seventeen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Eighteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Nineteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Twenty-One
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Two
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Three
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Four
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Five
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Six
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Seven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Eight
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Twenty-Nine
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-One
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Two
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Three
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Four
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Five
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Six
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Seven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Eight
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Nine
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Forty
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Forty-One
Blue Eyed Boy-Epilogue


5K 198 19
By BoOk_DrEaMeR

Hello my lovely, dedicated readers! If you didn't know, today is the one-year anniversary of the epilogue of Blue Eyed Boy. So, in honor of this, I decided that my fans deserved a special suprise for being so awesome! Whether you just finished a few moments ago or a year ago, I hope that you enjoy this future insight into the life of Tyler and Addison! (And hopefully you notice the improvement in my writing.)


Addison's POV

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Alex, I swear. Get your lazy butt out of bed before I get your dad to come in here,"I frowned down at the laziest seven-year-old I had ever seen.

"But mom!"he groaned, rolling over and squinting up at me, his bright blue eyes seen slightly through his lashes.

"But Alex,"I imitated him and made like I was leaving the room to get Tyler, who would not like to have to get woken up early on his day off.

He gave me an angry look and shoved his comforter off to expose his slim little body covered in camouflage pajamas. Then he swung himself out of the bed and walked a wide arc around me to enter the jack-and-jill bathroom that he shared with his sister, who was still deep in the innocence of slumber.

"Why do I have to get up and Anna doesn't?"he grumbled, his mouth puckered in a frown as he came back out of the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes and rasied my eyebrow at him,"Because your sister is lucky enough to have playing with her dolls at the top of her to-do list. While me and you, have work and school."

"Lucky,"he mumbled and slipped on the outfit that I had set out for him, a simple striped polo and dark wash jeans.

"Looking sharp."

Then we were downstairs, trying to remain quiet so that we didn't wake the two sleepy heads that were yet to get out of bed. We went through a simple morning routine, each of us eating breakfast and then heading back upstairs to finish up our hygiene.

When it was finally 7:30 and I saw Alex's bus meandering up the road towards our house, I helped him put his backpack on and kissed him on the head before guiding him out the door. I watched him as he got on the bus full of excited kids and returned the bus driver's way. Once the giant yellow bus was out of view, I shut the door and went upstairs to our bedroom.

I collapsed onto the messy bed, jostling Tyler in the process. He rolled over in all of his shirtless glory and gave me a squinty look that was very similar to Alex's.

"Hey beautiful. Why are you all awake and dressed?"he asked, his voice still thick with sleep.

I leaned down to give him a light kiss because I couldn't resist,"Some of us actually have to go to work today."

He gave me a sigh and wrapped an arm around me to keep me in the bed next to him.

"Just don't go to work,"his warm breath tickled my ear and his deep voice sent shivers up my spine.

I sat up,"You know what? I won't."

He chuckled,"I wasn't aware that I married such a rebel."

"Well, then maybe it's time to tell you about my criminal record and that my name is actually Juanita,"I smirked and he let out another full laugh, causing my smrik to be replaced by a giddy smile. Because I loved him. Always have, always will.

"Is Alex already at school?"he asked as I slipped out of my blouse and into one of his tees that was much too big on me.

"Yeah. Hang tight, I'm gonna go call work."

After I was back and laying in bed, I snuggled up next to Tyler and began to doze back off into the blackness of sleep. That is until a hard, bont body jumped on my back, causing an oof to escape my lips and blow across my husband's chest.

I rolled over and gave my evil three-year-old a playful glare, because it was hard to be angry with her when she was the perfect mix of Tyler and I. With her dark hair, dark eyes, and button nose, she at first seemed like a mini me, but if you hung around her long enough your realized that her mannerisms and facial expressions were so similar to Tyler's it was creepy.

"Anna. Why are you jumping on me?"I asked in my most serious voice.

"Because I'm hungy,"she complained, patting her stomach for emphasis.

"Okay,"I said simply and rolled out of bed, purposefully kicking Tyler in the process.

"Ouch,"he said, sitting up,"What was that for?"

"I'm making breakfast so if you want pancakes you better get your lazy ass up."

"Mommy!"Anna shouted from the hall,"You need to put a quarter in the swear jar right now.'

The strangest feeling is being reprimanded by your own child, especially at the age of three. But I still called back,"Actually it's a level-one word, so I only have to give a nickel.'

"Whatever. Just come and feed me."

She already sounded so much like a teenager that it was scary.

I didn't respond, but slipped a cardigan on and headed down to the kitchen, where she was already sitting at the table with a napkin and a bottle of yoo-hoo sitting in front of her.

"Anna, what did I tell you about getting the yoo-hoo yourself?"I asked, as I started to get out all of my needed ingredients.

"That I could break it because it's frakile."

"Yes, it's fragile."

The batter was already mixed and the skillet was heating by the time Tyler lumbered down the steps and plopped down next to Anna, but not before he placed a kiss on her cheek and stole a swig of her chocolate milk.

"Daddy, that's my hoo-yoo!"

"Well that is quite impossible because there is no such thing as hoo-yoo, bunny. I did, however, take a drink of your yoo-hoo,"he said smartly, smiling fondly down at our daughter.

She just shook her head and used both of her little hands to pick up the bottle and bring it to her lips. I brought over a platter full of pancakes and placed three plates, a block of butter, and the bottle of syrup on the table, all of us working together to get the food onto our plates.

Halfway through breakfast, Tyler got up and came back with two cups of coffee, handing me one. I took a sip and smiled, it was just how I liked it.

Eventually, Anna got down and headed into the living room to watch cartoons, leaving Tyler and I alone.

"Isn't it perfect?"he finally broke the silence.

I gave him a confused tilt of the head,"What?"

"This. Our life. It's perfect,"he smiled happily and it melted my insides because the feeling of someone feeling perfect with you was possibly the best feeling in the world.

"Well, perfectly imperfect anyway,"I smiled.

And with that annoying clanking sound that ceramic coffee cups are famous for, we knocked our cups together in a toast.

"To our imperfectly perfect life,"he said.

I leaned forward and gave him a long, sweet kiss on the mouth,"To us."

Hope you liked it <3

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