Hello, Stranger...

By Sskcin

17K 972 359

Fleetwood Mac are getting ready for yet another tour (2009) and things don't go to plan. More

Why now?
What is he doing here?
You should leave
Never get away
One thing
It will be fine
More to come
I believe you
Are you going to stop me?
Just checking
The invitation still stands?
I realized...
You ended it
Where you should be
Say it again
You haven't changed
Don't want to hear it
It hasn't disappeared
Is there a chance?
I have never
Let me help you
Forever yours


543 37 4
By Sskcin

Taking one last look at herself, Stevie was satisfied with her appearance and turned to head out of her and Lindsey's bedroom. He was already waiting downstairs, spinning his car keys around his finger. Another day of rehearsals awaited them and Lindsey wasn't too sure why Stevie insisted on looking as if she was going to a party afterwards, her hair and makeup done, but that was just how she was. You never know, Linds, she said.

As Stevie was descending the stairs, the front door opened and in came Karen. "Morning." She greeted them both with a nod.

"It sure doesn't seem to be a good morning." Stevie said, her eyebrow raised. "What's up? Have I forgotten something?"

"No." Karen shook her head, holding up a folder, she then handed it to Stevie. 

Stevie didn't even need to look inside, she guessed what it was. Still, it took her a moment, as she swallowed uneasily and took the file from her assistant.

"Is that what I think it is?" Lindsey had the same suspicion. 

Not right away, but Stevie nodded, having made sure. "Divorce papers."

Nobody said a word, while Stevie was reading them. Karen glanced at Lindsey and they locked eyes briefly, she then said. "Well, once you've had a chance to really read them, give me a call and I'll pick 'em up."

Shaking her head as if this was nothing, Stevie looked up. "Can one of you give me a pen?"

"Steph, maybe you should-" Lindsey began, but got cut off mid sentence.

"What, it's not like I'm going to change my mind." She shrugged. "Everything written here is as clear as day. Besides, we had a prenup anyway. I'm sure Joe doesn't want to make a fortune out of our divorce and there's something between the lines."

"Don't you think you're being a bit haste?" Karen asked as well.

"No." Stevie said firmly and kept looking at the two in front of her expectantly. "That pen? Please?"

Karen gave a long sigh and rummaged through her bag. A moment later Stevie had signed the divorce papers, closed the folder and thrust it back in Karen's hand. 

"We'll be late." Stevie told Lindsey, who was at a loss of words. 

"I'm sure Mick won't mind if you don't come in today. You've just si-"

"Lindsey... I know." Stevie gave him a pointed look. "Please, don't make a big deal out of this."

"Are you sure?" He asked, still finding her reaction to be rather strange.

Smiling, Stevie nodded and gave Lindsey a chaste kiss on the lips. "I'm sure. I'm fine, really."

The whole time in the car Lindsey kept glancing at Stevie, while she pretended not to notice, looking out the window. She then felt his hand slip in hers, causing her to finally look at him.


"I want you to be completely honest with me, Stevie." Lindsey turned to her, having stopped at the red light. "Are you really okay? You've just signed your name to end your marriage with Joe. It's not just all talk anymore. This starts a very serious, life changing process."

"I know." She nodded once. "I realize that, but I've been sad about it already, Linds. It was a shock when he told me we're done, I cried and it hurt, but..." Stevie shrugged and gave Lindsey's hand a squeeze. "Now? Now, I'm okay. I've accepted it and I know I've caused it. Besides, it brought us back together. I wouldn't change a thing, Lindsey."

"You mean it?" Lindsey raised an eyebrow at her and Stevie rolled her eyes back at him.

"Yes." She insisted. "How many more times do I have to tell you?"

"One more?" A smiled tugged at his lips.

"I'm fine and I'm happy to be with you, to soon be a free woman." Stevie repeated once again, however, not without an exaggerated sigh.

Lindsey seemed to have been convinced by the time they arrived to meet up with Mick and John. Stevie didn't appear to be troubled at all, so he decided not to obsess over it either.

"Someone's phone is ringing." Mick said, when all of them had sat down for lunch. For some reason, everyone's eyes were on Stevie.

"Have I got something on my face?"

"No, you're the only one, who wouldn't recognize their ringtone." Mick joked, but there definitely was truth in that.

Getting up from her seat, Stevie walked over to where her handbag was. She blindly searched for her cellphone, giving a long sigh, having trouble grabbing it.

"Way too many things you women carry around." Mick laughed and Stevie childishly stuck her tongue out at him.

Finally grasping the small device, she was surprised by the caller's ID. 


"Hi. It's me."

"I know, it says so on the screen."

"So, you haven't deleted my number yet?"

"What is it, Joe?" Stevie asked him back, folding one arm under her chest. 

"Nothing, sorry. I... I just wanted to call and say thank you for signing the divorce papers so quickly. I didn't believe you would, but you could have prolonged the process for whatever reason people do that sometimes."

"You're right, I wouldn't have. What's the point in doing so? Anything else?" She asked when there was silence on the other end.

"Goodbye, Stevie."

She knew it wasn't a goodbye to just end this conversation. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she echoed. "Goodbye, Joe."

Tossing the cellphone back into her bag, Stevie turned to rejoin the others, but she suddenly felt a wave of emotions flood over her and she abruptly turned away again. Lindsey jumped to his feet and approached her, enveloping her in his arms. 

And she finally broke down.

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