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[Book 3] Three months later. It's time to tackle a new city, new college, new people, and best of all new rom... More

You With Himโ„ข
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Behind The Scenes
3 months later...
๐–ž๐–”๐–š ๐–Œ๐–”๐–™ ๐–’๐–Š

Chapter 35

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•New York | June 30th, 2023 | 05:28am•

"you got Micaiah's medicine?" I asked Deivys as I brought down my suitcase

"it was the first thing I packed, you done yet we gotta make our flight?" He asked while standing by the door with Storm

"yeah, take this to the car. let me go get Micaiah"

I left the suitcase there then ran up the stairs. He was in his crib playing with one of those rattle toys that make mad noise.

"sup lil man, you excited?" I asked

He just started to laugh so I'll take that as a yes. I picked him up then turned the lights off on my way out. He's gotten so big in just this one month. I guess that procedure really did make a difference. He was still looking 3 months at 8 months old but now he's 10 months looking at least 1 year old. Plus he's walking and kind of learning to talk.

"alright, Disney world here we come"


"this place is dope" Vontez said as we walked through the resort we're staying at

Yeah we let him tag along too, he's been lonely as fuck and I sometimes feel like I'm neglecting him so I had to make it up to him some how.

"welcome to the villa of Grande Cypress" The lady said as she led us inside

This place honestly was nice, like a somewhere a millionaire would live. I feel like a Kardashian right now.

"we also got the baby crib you requested, it's in the room right across from the master bedroom"

She showed us around the house then gave us three sets of keys before leaving. I was in love with this place, this week is gonna have to take it's time because I'm not ready to leave.

"what we doing first?" Vontez said as he walked in our room

"nigga we just got here, lemme unpack damn" I said while hanging my stuff in the closets

"let's go for lunch, I'm pretty sure you guys are hungry" Deivys offered

"see someone who's with the shit's. imma go get the kids ready" He said before leaving our room

"he needs some pussy...or dick fast" I said while shaking my head

"as long as it ain't yours I don't give a fuck"

We finished unpacking then met with Vontez and the kids in the living room. Micaiah was running all over the place as usual. I swear ever since he learned to walk he's been running 24/7. Deivys says I might have a track star on my hands, who knows?

"come on buddy, I know you're hungry" I said lifting him up

This boy is really my heart, both of my kids are. Even though Storm may not be biologically mine, she will always be my daughter 100%. The only problem I face now is whether or not I tell her when she's older. It's not like I know who her father is so me telling her I'm not her father won't exactly help her if she won't know who her blood father is. I tried getting it out of Wyatt once but he claims to not know either. I haven't even spoken to him since...I just can't get over what he and Nyah did to me.

•April 1st, 2023 | 9:23am•

The phone rang a couple of times until finally being answered.


"uh he's in the bathroom, what's up Mac" August said in his enthusiastic tone that he can never turn off

"put Wyatt on the phone" I said sternly

"I said he's in—"

"August...now" I said cutting him off

"fine damn...by the way those flowers are still coming"

"when they come throw them shits out, and next time tell the delivery person to stop bringing them"

"aight...Wyatt Mac wants to talk to you"

I could hear water falling in the background which meant he was taking a shower.


"when were you gonna tell me that Storm isn't daughter?" I asked

The line went silent, even the water was turned off but I could hear breathing so it wasn't like he hung up.

"nigga I hear you breathing, when were you gonna tell me?"

"I-I didn't know" He said

"you're her twin, she tells you everything. she would've told you so don't play with me"

"I didn't...well. she only told me there was a possibility. I thought you were her dad though I mean look at her, there's no denying you guys sorta look alike" He struggled to say

"well according to a DNA test she not mine. who's her father then?"

"I don't know, honestly. she showed me a picture but I don't know his name or anything about him"

"fuck this, I got too much to handle right now. someone broke in my apartment last night, I can't deal with baby mama drama right now. I might call you later"


I haven't spoken to him since and I don't plan on it anytime soon.

"Malachi let's go, Evontez is in the car already" Deivys said while holding onto Storm's hand

We rented a car for our stay here, nothing expensive or anything. Vontez wanted us to get a lambo but because of the kids we had to settle for a soccer mom car.

"so we out to any parks today or?" Vontez asked as he started to drive

"let's just chill today, tomorrow we'll do all that" I said while playing with Micaiah in my lap

"daddy I wanna see princess" Storm said as she played with a cinderella doll Shay got her

She's been really tryna make Storm girly now so she send new dolls and shit like every week. I don't have a problem with it, I just don't want her to feel like she needs to because of societies standards of what a girl or even a boy should be. I'm not raising her to be gender fluid, I'm just raising her to be and like whatever she wants without feeling like it's wrong.

"we'll go see the princesses tomorrow, I promise"

We drove around Orlando, Florida for a while before finding a small restaurant to eat lunch at. Then we went around some more before going home to cook some dinner. Finally we put the kids to sleep and now Vontez, Deivys and I are in the hot tub chilling and just having some good conversation. awkward...yes, but also good.

"so Kai, which one of us got better dick?" Vontez asked before taking a sip of his liqs

Deivys began to chuckled then looked at me waiting for my answer. This is exactly why I don't put them in the same room, they claim to be cool with each other then one of them gotta ask questions.

"V he got a bigger dick than me, and I got a bigger dick than you so use your imagination. you make up for it in girth though I'll give you that"

Deivys burst out laughing while Vontez looked unsatisfied with my answer.

"nigga I didn't ask who's dick is bigger, I asked who's dick is better. you can have a smaller dick and still do so much with it than have a skinny long dick that just occupying space and making you feel wall less"

Him saying that started to make me think. I don't really like to compare niggas I've been with like that. I can definitely say that both Vontez and Deivys are the best sex I've ever had. Markus was great too, but I feel like it was only good because he was my first and the love of my life at the time. Maximus I never actually had sex with so he's out the equation. Kenny I feel like it was good sex but it wasn't all that, I kinda felt like a booty call if you get what I mean.

But Vontez and I just felt so natural. The way our bodies moved on that locker room floor in footlocker was just amazing. It was uncomfortable yet we still found a way to make it pleasurable.

Then Deivys which literally had me exploding with pleasure. He knows just how to make my body tingle and make me cum 4-5 times back to back. He's a sex god and there's no denying that. God really took his time on every inch, and those inches is long.

"what do you care, you're not even gay. or you having second thoughts?" I asked trying to avoid answering the question

"nah I'm just tryna make sure he fulfilling my best friends needs" He said with a bit jealousy

"trust me, I fulfill them at least three times a night" Deivys said while biting his bottom lip

"okay...let's play a game" I said trying to save them both from embarrassment because I can make them both look stupid right now

"nigga go get your kids to play truth or dare or whatever childish shit you tryna do"

Someone's butt hurt.

"when did I ever say truth or dare?"

"so then what game?"

I honestly was gonna suggest truth or dare but now that he says it it does sound childish as fuck.

"why'd you a Syd break up, you never told me?" I asked

"you never asked" He said getting defensively

"because since we're so close and all I thought you'd tell me when you're ready, but it's been months now"

Vontez looked up at Deivys then down at the water splashing it around.

"I'm gonna go make sure Micaiah's good" He said while getting out the hot tub

I guess he got the message.

"what happened?" I asked once Deivys was gone

He sighed before looking up at me with a tear in his left eyes.

"she broke up with me bro" He said while shaking his head

"I get that, why though?"

I was reading his body language and I could tell he didn't want to say it or was too embarrassed to say it.

"she thinks I'm gay, or bi. she said she want's me to figure myself out" He finally said

"why would she think that, you think Amber told her about our wrestling matches?" I asked while laughing in my head, I'm surprised she actually believed that

"nah, she thinks I like you though...'in love with you' as she put it"

"w-why would she think that...did you like—"

"I moaned your name out while we was fucking...three times" He said while rubbing the back of his neck

My face turned red as a tomato. This nigga didn't. I used to be scared that I'd moan out Vontez' name while Deivys and I were having sex but Deivys know how to make me remember who dick in me. He got the good supply, you can't even mistake it for someone else's.

"I mean that doesn't...but she..." I shut up realizing there was no covering that up

"yeah so she said I should figure myself out before we get serious and I decide to show my true feelings later in life" He explained

"so why don't you just tell her it was a mistake. you're not gay so she shouldn't be worried about it"

"Malachi am I really not though? I mean come on I won't lie I was feeling you that whole time we was messing around. I kinda still am feeling you now, can you blame me? what we got is special...well had before he came. I don't want to lie to her and say I'm not when I know I got some kind of feelings for you. maybe a break is what I need to figure this shit out"

Again my face was beet red from hearing him say he has feeling towards me. Deivys wasn't lying when he said that. I'm not oblivious, I knew Vontez obviously wasn't straight but I didn't think he actually liked me. I thought it was just about sex to him, I never knew he wanted me like that. Then again he did mention it once.

"the way you smoke is just so...beautiful. like your lips...and the mole on your chin...that nigga Markus or whatever his name is fucked up leaving yo ass. If I was into niggas like that then I would definitely cuff your ass. You one of them niggas that you can't let get away"

I feel bad now because he was probably trying to send signals but I just kept being stupid as always. I'm 100% happy with Deivys but this just makes me think how happy would I have been with Vontez. It's too late now though, Deivys is the one for me and I am completely sure of it.

"Hey" He said scooting over so we were barely touching "I hope what I said don't make you change your mind about him. He a really good dude and I support you guys fully. He makes you happy, happier than I could ever plus he also makes your kids happy too. Us being together wouldn't be good, not at this time anyways. Sydney's right, I needa figure my sexuality out before I go leading anyone on. You already been through too much and I don't want you to have another Markus repeat of me denying you. I don't think that would be possible but just in case"

"yeah 'cos if you did that I'd fuck you up" I said causing us both to laugh

"I could never, I can't lose you Malachi. you're one of a kind...irreplaceable" He said while looking in my eyes

That look right there was about to make me risk it all. I've never been a cheater or a fan of people who cheat but I was about to lean in and kiss the shit out of them pink plump lips.

"Malachi...let's go to bed" Deivys said causing me to come back to reality

"yeah, coming"

Damn that was close.


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