You Pinky Promised Me Forever...

By makedammsure

582K 10.2K 1.1K

Anndraia Michaels never forgot the first friend she had ever made, whom she spent almost every single living... More

You Pinky Promised Me Forever
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Two
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Three
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Four
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Five
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Six
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Seven
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Eight
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Nine
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Ten
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Eleven
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Twelve
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Thirteen
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Fourteen
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Sixteen
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Seventeen
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Eighteen
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Nineteen
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Twenty
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Twenty'One
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Twenty'Two
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Twenty'Three
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Twenty'Four
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Twenty'Five
You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Twenty'Six
Wandered a Bit

You Pinky Promised Me Forever - Fifteen

19.6K 340 7
By makedammsure

Dear Wattpad readers,

I love summer :)

Sincerely with all of my love,




That one word just puts a smile on my face, I mean without them keeping me stable, I think I would had entered myself in a mental institute or something after a week of this hell hole.

"So Emma, how you doing?" Mickey asked while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ew gross, don't hit on my friends. That's weird."

The down side to female friends though, is when I bring them over to the house.

"It's called flirting Andy, you should try it one day." Jarred elaborated while looking down and up Leia like she was a piece of meat.

Leia on the other hand looks like she's about to faint.

"I think I'm going to the the the kitchen, to get some water." Leia stood up quickly and headed towards the kitchen.

"Looked like someone didn't like your flirting." We all laughed.

"Maybe her leaving for the kitchen is code for 'let's have some alone time.'" Emma looked down at Jarred and raised her eyebrow in response.

"Honey no. I'm pretty sure that's code for 'stay the hell away from me.'" Emma and I high five each other. "Nice one."

And my other brothers yelled out 'burn.'

Jarred didn't care he just ignored us, "psh yea right." and then tried to prove us otherwise and left for the kitchen too. The room became silent when he left, everybody took this opportunity to adjust things to make themselves more comfortable.

Mickey was laughing on the couch, with Emma sitting down on the ground leaning her head against the same couch Tony was on. Tony was spread out all over the couch, surrounded by pillows and blankets. Me on the other hand I was sitting on the lazy boy chair horizontally, with my legs dangling off the edge of the armrest. Our living room was completely renovated compared to what it was a couple weeks ago, it had this lukewarm feeling to it now.

"GGGGUUUUUYYYYYSSSSSS." Jarred yelled while coming out of the kitchen with Leia. Despite his flirtatious moment before, him and Leia seemed perfectly fine now.

I wonder what he said to her.

Jarred held out a carton of chocolate ice-cream.

"Do you know what this is?"

He said holding out the carton of ice-cream.

Mickey craned his neck out to see what the whole commotion was about. "It's ice-cream."

"I know it's ice-cream dumbo, but does anyone see the situation?


Tony and I made eye contact and he looked even more confused than I did. "This is it, Jarred has finally lost his marbles! Call dad." Tony proclaimed.

"No guys come on. Can't you tell that this is an empty ice-cream carton."

We all looked at him.

"So Andy how was school?" Tony said trying to change the subject.

"It was school. Nothing big happened - ah wait. In bio class we were studying frogs and five of them escaped. Yea, there was a major freak out apparently, the whole class went into a hysterical fit."

"Sounds cool."

"It was pretty cool-"

"Guuuuyyyyyyyysssssss, we need ice-cream." Jarred whined on and on and on and on. "How are we suppose to have an awesome super duper night?"

"Jarred this is a girls night."


"So that means no boys."

"I'm hurt Andy." Jarred placed his hands over his heart and placed a frown on his face. "Moving onto more important means, can someone please please please go buy some ice-cream?"

"Why don't you do it you big baby?" Emma questioned Jarred's question, which turned out to be a really good reply in my opinion.

"Because I'm not allow to drive." Emma was confused now and Mickey propped himself up with his elbows.

"It's because he got his second speeding ticket yesterday."

"When did he get his first one?" Leia asked.

"Um about a day and half before yesterday." Tony said. "Yep that seems about right. So then dad took his car keys away and now wa-la he's stuck at home tormenting the rest of us even more."

"Why is everyone picking on me?" Jarred muttered to himself.

"Well who wants to get the ice-cream then since Jarred isn't going to let this go?"

Everybody was quiet now. Leia looked at Tony, Tony looked at Mickey, Mickey looked at Emma and Emma looked at Jarred.

Then everybody looked at me.

"I vote Andy."

"I second."


"Hear hear!"

"Shame!" I yelled out. "I'm not allow to drive either guys!" I tried to defend my case but they wouldn't hear it.

"Now, why can't you drive?" Leia curiously asked.

"Let's just say it was no biggie."

Jarred faked a cough, "yea right."

"Just ride your bike to the convenient store." Tony said.

"But I don't want to."

"Whose fault is that then?"

"Not mine." I argued.

"Just get the ice-cream will ya?"

"FINE. I'll get the freaking stupid idiotic ice-cream." Tony threw his wallet at me and I caught it. "Hopefully you didn't leave your credit card in here." I gave him an evil grin.

"Wait no Andy-"

I ran out of the house before he could stop me.

"Haha sucker."

I walked towards the garage and noticed the endless mess that seemed to have piled up. My bike stood out like a blueberry in a pile of oranges. After crossing and jumping over piles of scooters, more bikes and skates, I finally made it to my blue mountain bike.

Dad got it for me last summer, it was a present for our father daughter trip that we were suppose to go on for a whole weekend. Unfortunately he couldn't take leave so we never went on it.

It made me sad, knowing that we could have had a lot of fun.

I grabbed the bike and picked it up over my head as I went through this jungle mess.

I placed it back on the ground and got on it. I pedaled down the driveway and noticed that even though I was moving, the bike started shaking.

I placed my fingers and pulled the brakes.

My foot went down as a stand and I glanced down, then saw the flat tire.

"You gottah be kidding me."

Here I am still, ten minutes passed, and I'm still stuck here.

I walked over near the mail box and propped my bike against it as I attempted to think of a plan.

I'm not allowed to drive anymore, that's a give.

Well I have scooters, but they're for kids.

There's some skates, I looked down at my feet, last time I checked I was a size eight not a freaking three.

The other bikes are too big for me to ride.

Freaking A. This is hopeless.

You could always transport.

 Yea right, if I was the Green Martian. But I'm not am I?

Jeez trying to help, cranky much?

 Sorry Jarred just want his damm ice-cream and everybody agreed that I should be the one to get it. Of course they pick the girl who can't drive.

Wow, sucks to be you.

That's when I finally noticed a car coming down the street, the sun setting in the background made it even more dramatic.

"Where have I seen that car before-" That's when the car pulled into the Adam's driveway. "Yep, never mind."

When he got out of that car looking all derailed, there was something about it that made me want to just reach out to him. His tall frame swayed from his car to the front door before he noticed that I was starring at him.

"Aw shit." He caught me starring at him again. How are you going to explain this one Andy? Oh yea I know we practically dislike each other but I can't help but notice you have nice muscles. Psh yea right.

Josh on the other hand threw his bag inside the house and came walking right back outside. At first I thought he left something in his car but he didn't stop.

I mean he didn't stop at all.

He kept on walking.

And then all of a sudden he was right in front of me.

My gaze dropped down to the ground and I found my checkered vans even more interesting than before. I felt my heart beating even faster than before, the pumping of my blood reawakening all of my senses as I awaited for him to open the conversation.

He didn't say anything at first, but I could tell that he had to debate what he was going to say at first. His hands kept on moving from being balled up, laying flat against his sides or massaging the back of his neck as he determine the next move.

"I'm, I'm really sorry about what I said before."

"Uh-huh." I knew he was looking at me, but I was too busy looking down. He watched me intently as I squirmed under his penetrating stare.

"What I said, there's nothing that I could do or say that could take it back." His voice, matched with his appearance. Suave and deep. "But I can't so I'm doing the next best thing and apologize in person."

He shifted his attention to the newly lit street lamps, indicating that night was approaching.

I was beginning to relax, thinking that he was going to leave at anytime.

Please please leave, I can't handle you right now.

That's when he asked me something.

"Can we start over? I mean of course I can't erase the memories you had of us and I wouldn't be exactly able to remember what you remember. But I think it's best-"

Slowly the facts were beginning to seep through the layer of shock. It was hard to tell if he was being truthful or telling a bunch of bull to my face.

Everything considered, I should have just walked away and gave him the bird.

But instead I continued on.

"You happen to think that a lot of things is best for us. Huh? Why can't you just make up your god damm mind?" The conversation at first was tense at first, but his presence just kept on probing everything. I tipped my head to the side, reflectively, avoiding looking him in the face. "And no! I don't want to have anything to do with you."

I don't know what hurt more.

The shallow slow breathes I was taking or the fact that I felt that my heart was breaking into pieces.

His expression was bland - and his voice unemotional as far as I can tell, he covered up whatever he was feeling now pretty well.

"Anndraia you're making things so much-"

"ANDY." Another voice entered our conversation and we both snapped our heads over to the direction of the voice.

On the front porch stood Mickey and Jarred, arms crossed.

"Where's my ice-cream?"

Oh mayne, I forgot the dang ice-cream.

Mickey and Jarred senses that i've never left the house when they saw the my bike leaning against the mail box with a flat tire.

Jarred seemed disappointed.

Of course not in me, he seemed pissed at me all right. Just disappointed that he didn't get his ice-cream. Big baby.

"Hey Josh." Mickey yelled out. Wait was Mickey doing- "Do you happen to have some ice-cream?"

Two kids sat on the counter top that stood in the middle of the kitchen eating a delectable frozen sweet, known as ice-cream.

"Andy -" Joshua said with his mouth full of ice-cream, "do you think your mom will get mad at us?"

Behind Joshua and Andy on top of the counter top was a messy mixture of cherries, whip cream and ice cream that didn't make it to the bowl.

Andy thought about it for a minute.

"Nopah. I'll just tell her Mickey and Jarred did it."

Joshua thought about it for a minute.

"Yep, that'll work."

Imagine this, you just had the biggest fight you've ever had with a friend, 'childhood friend who can't remember me at all' in my case. Words were exchanged and some words shouldn't have been exchanged at all. And then because of a certain thing they said, you don't acknowledge each other at all for about a week. And every time you notice that he's becoming farther and farther away from you, you feel like you're loosing your grip on reality and can't seem to find your serenity on not knowing what's going on.

Then all of a sudden, there's your 'friend' sitting right across the from you.

Laughing up a storm with your brothers.

The 'friend' you had that monstrous fight with, is now in your living room.

And thinking what the hell just happened?


Lucky me.

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