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[Book 3] Three months later. It's time to tackle a new city, new college, new people, and best of all new rom... More

You With Himโ„ข
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Behind The Scenes
3 months later...
๐–ž๐–”๐–š ๐–Œ๐–”๐–™ ๐–’๐–Š

Chapter 33

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•New York | May 25th, 2023 | 04:37pm•

"congratulations class of 2023, I hope you all achieve your dreams and reach for the stars"

As soon as chancellor Martin said those words all the red caps were shot up in the air.

"we did it, we really did it" This blonde chick sitting next to me said

"yeah, I guess we did"

Everyone started saying goodbye to their friends and walking back to their families. Vontez came up to me and opened his arms giving me a big ass hug.

"bro we're college graduates" He said "damn time goes by mad quick"

"congratulations" I said to him as we continued to hug

Deivys approached us holding Storm's hand and in his other hand a bouquet of flowers. Storm had a similar bouquet of flowers but in a different color.

"congratulations baby, I'm proud of you" He said while handing me the flowers

Storm ran up to me and hugged my legs then went over to give Vontez his bouquet. She looked so cute in her little white dress and chocker Deivys picked out for her.

"where's Micaiah?" I asked when I noticed he wasn't with them

"he's with—"

"grandma" My mom said cutting him off as she appeared from behind him

"mom, what are you doing here?" I asked while taking Micaiah into my arms

"why would I miss my baby's graduation? I'm kind of disappointed that I had to find out from your boyfriend, again" She said looking at me like 'come on'

"sorry ma, it just didn't seem important for you to fly all the way out here, I know you don't like planes like that"

"boy shut up, you graduating college is more important than my little fear of planes. I'm so proud of my baby boy, you're all grown up"

She pulled me in a hug squishing Micaiah and I in her arms.

"picture timeee" The voice of my sister sang

"you brought her too" I whispered to my mom loud enough for her to hear

"I heard that" She said rolling her eyes

"why everyone look better than me on my graduation day, is there a photoshoot I wasn't invited to?" I asked

"I look good all the time, what you mean?" She said before starting to do spins in her outfit

"I wasn't talking about you" I joked

She kissed her teeth and continued to walk around here like she was some type of model.

We got a random dude to take a family picture and then we each took our individual pictures. I meant it when I said everyone was looking good. Deivys was up here dressed like he was going to an award show or something.

"you look sexy baby" I whispered into his ear while we were taking a picture together

Out of nowhere he pulled me to his body and lifted me up, hands on my ass and my legs wrapped around him. Shay took the picture and everyone started saying 'aww'. I looked down at him and planted a kiss on his lips before he finally set me down.

"so what's the plan?" Vontez asked as we walked to the parking lot

"go home, I'm tired" I said

"baby brother, I didn't waste my time laying these edges all morning just for us to go home"

"let's go out to eat, my treat" Deivys offered

"keeping my sons stomach full and balls empty, you a good one" My mom said causing everyone to laugh but me

"mom!" I said slapping my forehead in embarrassment

We all got in separate cars and drove to whatever restaurant Deivys had in mind. I think this is where he's gonna propose at. I ain't gonna lie, me knowing about it sucked. I've been thinking all day 'when is he gonna do it'. I wish it was a surprise but I'm happy Vontez told me instead of letting me believe he was cheating because I probably would've broken up with him without even trying to figure out what's going on. I've been hurt too much to even argue and possibly get lied to so I would've just let him go.

"you're unusually quiet, everything good?" He asked

"nothing bad has happened yet so yeah I'm chillin"

"and nothing bad will happen. the more you speak like that the more likely it'll happen, just try and be positive"

In twenty minutes we arrived at the restaurant which was nice as fuck, well from the outside at least.

"you know we could've just went to applebee's and got the two for twenty right? you didn't have to do all this"

He began to laugh then grabbed onto my hand.

"I know but I wanted to treat my nigga and his...our family to a nice dinner"

I smiled then started to walk towards the restaurant. We were the first ones to get here since they were all following our car. They got here in a minute though so we were able to get our table. I'm actually glad my mom is here because she takes care of the kids like her own which gives me a little freedom.

A waitress came over and started us off with some wine and garlic bread, apple juice for the kids. It was nice being able to eat here like a family, I can't remember the last time my mom, Shay and I were in the same room together.

"before we start ordering I would like to make a toast" Dievys said while standing up with his glass in hand

This corny ass nigga.

"I just want to say, Malachi...and Vontez, we are so proud of what you both have accomplished. not many have been able to continue their education this far without giving up. Malachi you've been through so much yet you still strived to prove to your children that education is key. you are the strongest person I've ever met and I just want to thank you for teaching me a thing or two about the importance of not only never giving up but creating a path for yourself"

This nigga had me cheesing like crazy making my cheeks hurt and shit.

"cheers" I said while raising my glass

"cheers!" Everyone followed after

Deivys sat down and everyone started to look through the menu. All this shit was expensive, even the appetizers were $30 or more. This food better cure cancer 'cos we coulda stayed our ass home and cooked good ass food for free.

"so Evontez where's your family, do they not live in New York?" My mom asked

Now that I thought about it, Vontez' mother didn't show up to graduation. Even Sydney came to support and they're not even together anymore.

"she had work, she's been struggling for the past few weeks so I didn't want her missing work just for my graduation" He explained

"aww, well you can always think of us as your second family" She said

The waitress finally came over and took our orders. I was over here picking out the cheapest thing tryna be nice but everyone else was taking advantage that he was paying, these bitches.

As we waited for our food to come we made small talk. Shay was telling us about what it was like for her when she graduated, how it's like to be in the fashion industry and giving us some advice on life. Vontez was also telling us about his plans after college. He says at this point he's not sure if he'll continue his education but he knows he wants to do something creative with his life, not working a 9-5 boring job behind a desk.

I always knew that's the kind of path he would want to take, he just doesn't seem like someone who would want to work for someone else. I wouldn't either but bills gotta get paid and I don't want to put the burden of fame on my kids. Whatever he decides to do though I'll support and respect it fully.

As we continued to talk I noticed I got a couple text's from people but one stood out. It was Markus. I was about to leave him on read but he was only saying congratulations so I hit him back with a 'thanks?'.

When he said that shit about loving me though is when I left him on read. I don't have time to play his games, it's been over and I don't want to keep repeating myself.

"you good?" Deivys asked

"yeah, I've never been better. thank you for today. you encouraged me to come and it wasn't so bad after all. I got the chance to be surrounded by my family on an important day which most people can't say the same. I appreciate it"

"don't thank me yet" He winked

Our food later came and after that we got some dessert. It was an overall good experience, we got to talk and act like a normal family for once, something I haven't had in a long time. But now it's time to start my own little family with the love of my life and our two beautiful kids.

"let's go for a walk, to burn some calories" Deivys said as we got outside the restaurant

Everyone agreed and started pulling out their phones. I guess he told Shay and my mom too because they looked excited. He held onto my hand and we took the lead walking in front of everyone else.

"you love me right?" He asked

"with all of me"



We continued to walk through the streets of Manhattan until we got to this little park area with a nice ass fountain in the middle. There weren't too many people around, some were just walking by.

Deivys had us sit on the edge of the fountain but everyone else stood a couple of feet away from out holding their phone up for picture and video. They're making this shit mad obvious, but I still had to pretend like I didn't know what was going on.

"Malachi, before I met you, I had a plan. I had a way that I was going to be. Then you walked into my life, or I...I showed up at your job, and you changed everything. It may have not seemed like it but I was in darkness. But with your kindness, your generosity, your compassion, your intelligence, your wit and your trust, you brought me into the light. You let me know that I deserved it. You were that light. And I don't know if I still deserve that trust, if I deserve you but whatever has happened, whatever will happen, the way that you make me feel is the best part of my life. You can ask me to say that I don't love you, but I would never in a thousand years be able to. You are my always, and I just want the chance to be yours"

He got down on one knee and pulled a small little box from his pocket. As soon as he opened it I could've sworn I was blinded. Vontez didn't lie when he said the ring was big, fuck that, it's huge. It put the little ring Markus proposed to me with to shame.

"Malachi Richardson, will you—"

"damn straight...I mean yes" I said interrupting him

They all started cheering and taking picture having the camera flash and shit. He looked so happy like his life had been changed as he slid the ring onto my ring finger.

"I love you so much words can't even explain" He said as he stood up

I pulled him down to me and kissed him before saying it back. I'm getting married!

He pulled back and looked at the time on his watch.

"perfect timing, look up" He said

Just as I looked up fireworks started to light up the sky. Imagine if I had said no, that would've been awkward.

"daddy colors!" Storm said as she ran into my arms

"yeah Storm, colors" I smiled as we watched them go off

This was the perfect moment, being here with my mom, sister, best friend, beautiful kids and the love of my life. Past graduations sucked, but this one was truly one to remember.


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