Her ≫ Fairy Tail Fanfic

By celestia-starlight

46.8K 1.6K 1.2K

The day she disappeared was the day a part of him left with her. ... More

Arc One: Hate and Infatuation
Chapter 1: Fragile Promises
Chapter 2: My Heart
Chapter 3: Not Mine
Chapter 4: Goodbye
Chapter 5: The Reason
Chapter 6: Leaving
Help 1
Help 2
Help 3
Arc Two: Reignite
Chapter 7: Death Plan
Chapter 8: Memories
Chapter 9: True Possession
Chapter 10: Feelings
Chapter 11: Ideas
Chapter 12: The Plan
Chapter 13: Hooded Figure
Chapter 14: Thoughts
Chapter 15: Final Plan
Arc Three: Like Never Before
*** Chapter 16: Eternal Destiny ***
Chapter 17: Building
Arc Four: Regret
*** Chapter 18: Dragon Mating Season ***
Chapter 19: Just An Infatuation
Chapter 20: Mate
Chapter 21: Threats from E.D.
*** Chapter 22: Let Her Go ***
*** Chapter 23: Funeral ***
Chapter 24: Forget
*** Chapter 25: Winged Fate ***
*** Chapter 26: Photograph ***
Chapter 27: New Magic
Arc Five: Once Again
Chapter 28: the GMG's
2K: Special Oneshot
Chapter 29: Ulna
Chapter 30: Prelims
Chapter 31: Shocking
Chapter 32: Who?
Chapter 33: Participants
Chapter 34: If Only
Chapter 35: Her Death
Chapter 35.5: Thank you, Eternalis
*** Chapter 36: So Much ***
Chapter 37: Heaven And Hell
Chapter 39: Powerful
Which one?
Chapter 40: Ready
Chapter 41: Miss Fiore
Chapter 42: Danger
Author's Note of Sadness
Arc Six: Wounds of War
Chapter 43: The End
Aohturs Ntoe
*** Chapter 44: The Price ***
Chapter 45: Preemption
Chapter 46: Fury
Arc Seven: Reconcile
Chapter 47: Us Back Then
25K: Special Oneshot - Part One
Chapter 48: Never Again
Chapter 43: Amnesia

Chapter 38: Eavesdroppers

511 21 6
By celestia-starlight

After the Night Games had finished, Aurora and co. decided to take a stroll.

"Hah," Morgiana whispered self-mockingly. "Last time we were here, I had a sword to a certain someone's throat and her life in my hands."

Steia blushed at the memory. "H-Hey!!" She protested. "I was just a weak little mage back then!"

Celisa and Josa giggled while Aurora patted the two on the back. "There, there." She cooed, as if silencing babies. "Don't argue, Morgiana, Steia. You're both strong, so let's forget about the past."

Out of nowhere, the exceeds and Mavis appeared.

"Ma-I mean, Master-san...!" Celisa gulped. Had anyone heard that and deciphered it, their act would be over. Hopefully, if anyone did, they would just think she pronounced "mah-ster" as "mai-ster". Not a big deal, unless her soulmate was around...

A chilling glare was sent her way. "Ce..."

"I'm sorry!" The petite girl squeaked, hiding behind Josa. "Josa, save me! Aurora's gonna murder me!"

Immediately, the glower on the elemental goddess's face disappeared as she looked at the demon goddess. And the summoning goddess who was hiding behind her.

"Relax. The only person -- people, actually -- I'd want to murder is the Fateium."

At this, the atmosphere stiffened and the temperature seemed to drop 30 degrees.

Actually, it probably had. Ice was crawling up the buildings, covering the cobblestones, frost whispering in the air.

"Hah." Once again, Morgiana whispered once again. But this time, it was menacing and contained enough venom to drown the entirety of Earthland. "And Fairy Tail."

"Aww," Steia continued, their strange "twin" mind link taking affect. "You forgot those two b****** from Sabertooth and Mermaid Heel."

Just as she finished, Mavis silenced them. A soft pink, silvers and gold magic circle appeared in her eye, and she gasped. "S***! How could I have not seen this...!"

By now, everyone accept Mavis and Aurora were confused. "What?"

Aurora answered as she stepped through a swirling link/gold/silver portal Mavis had made.

"We have some... visitors," they all understood immediately. Then, six beams of peace/elemental/summoning/demonic/darkness/light magic shot out towards where the Fateium were hiding.

Er, actually, Aurora and Mavis knew where they were aiming, and thanks to their speed-of-light reactions, the others followed and thus knew where to aim too.

A muffled "Damn!" Could be heard before a big flash of  black and white enveloped the area. As quickly as it came, it disappeared, along with the Eternalis/Fateium and everything in a 5-mile radius.

--A while ago--

Natsu had finally cracked a grim smile. Though forced and tiny, it lifted the thick blanket of tension in the air.

"Phew," Gajeel clapped him on the back, chuckling. "I thought this depressing mood was going to last forever!"

The reply the elemental god gave shocked him.

"Let's go spy on the Eternalis."

"I want a kiwi!"


"I'm the smartest exceed out of all of you. Right, Laxus?"

"Is that a good idea though?"

"Aye, sir!"

"Spy in the Eternalis...?"

"I'll do whatever Sting-kun does!"

"Fro thinks so too!"


"Natsu Dragneel, what a..." the guild turned their eyes to their Master as he gave his verdict, breaths held in anticipation. Zeref Dragneel wasn't someone you wanted to piss off.

"f****** great idea."

Grins slipped onto their faces, and with two words, they were off into the night, invisibility shields on full power.

"Let's go."


When they found the Eternalis, they silently followed behind them. The protection wasn't up to full, so they could still hear their conversation. Guess they hadn't expected any eavesdroppers with powers on par with theirs.

"Hah," the one with a dark purple mark on her cloak whispered self-mockingly. "Last time we were here, I had a sword to a certain someone's throat and her life in my hands."


Rogue stiffened. "That reminds me of Kagura."

Sting snorted. "What, revived from the dead? In your dreams, dude."

Laxus elbowed them while Gajeel snickered. "Shut up."


The one who reacted had a white mark on her cloak. Was it... Steia...? "H-Hey!!" She protested. "I was just a weak little mage back then!"

The one with the blue mark and the one with the silver mark giggled while the one with the gold mark -- Aurora, according to what she had said at the Night Games -- patted the two on the back. "There, there." She cooed, as if silencing babies. "Don't argue, Morgiana, Steia. You're both strong, so let's forget about the past."


"Oh. So the one with the purple mark is Morgiana." Happy murmured, only to be silenced with a glare from Natsu.


Out of nowhere, some exceeds and a shorter cloaked figure appeared.

"Ma-I mean, Master-san...!"


"Mai...?" Zeref questioned, suspicion woven in his voice. "Why did she call her master "mai-ster?"

"Maybe she has a weird accent?"

"No," Zeref slapped himself. "Sorry, it just reminded me of Mavis."


Aurora sent a chilling glare towards the blue mark cloak girl. "Ce..."


"Ce...? Is that her name?" Gajeel wondered, running his han through his hair.


"I'm sorry!" The petite girl squeaked, hiding behind the one with a silver mark. "Josa, save me! Aurora's gonna murder me!"


"They can act like normal people!!"

"Yeah, Lector. What'd you think?"

"Honestly, I also thought that they were like rocks."

"Well, on the outside, we also act like rocks."

"Fro thinks so too!"

"Not helping, Fro."


"Relax. The only person -- people, actually -- I'd want to murder is the Fateium."


"Why'd she wanna murder us?"

"It should be the other way around. She killed Lucy."


At this, the atmosphere stiffened and the temperature seemed to drop 30 degrees.

Actually, it probably had. Ice was crawling up the buildings, covering the cobblestones, frost whispering in the air.

"Hah." Once again, Morgiana whispered once again. But this time, it was menacing and contained enough venom to drown the entirety of Earthland. "And Fairy Tail."

"Aww," Steia continued, hatred in her voice. "You forgot those two b****** from Sabertooth and Mermaid Heel."

Just as she finished, their master silenced them. A soft pink, silvers and gold magic circle appeared in her eye, and she gasped. "S***! How could I have not seen this...!"


"S***! We were discovered!"


By now, everyone accept Mavis and Aurora were confused. "What?"

Aurora answered as she stepped through a swirling link/gold/silver portal Mavis had made.

"We have some... visitors," they all understood immediately. Then, without warning, six beams of peace/elemental/summoning/demonic/darkness/light magic shot out towards where the Fateium were hiding.


"Argh, damn!"




And other profanities were tossed around as they all jumped through the swirling red and black portal Zeref had made. Just as they all got a across, a big explosion could be heard and a good chunk of Crocus disappeared with it.


"We make s***** eavesdroppers."

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