The Messenger

By MelixPink

1.2K 67 75

Silver Wellwood is not your average teenager. She lives a normal life. She goes to school and has to do home... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
I'm a Boy!
Here Goes Nothing
Last Breath
His Vision

Zombie Attack

15 2 0
By MelixPink

                    I look around examining the area. I make sure there's no zombies around and then I start leading. We all stay silent. It was kinda nice being able to walk around outside. Except, it was heartbreaking at the same time because of the wrecked town. If could just look at the sky and the beautiful clouds I could try to ignore the scene, but I have to keep my eyes open for a new place for us to stay.

All we continuously see are restaurants and hotels. All the restaurants are filled with moldy food. We need to find some type of grocery store. This is a really huge town so there has to be some type of grocery store. It's going to be weird living without all the important things we had at our last "home".

We had showers, beds, clothes, guns, and everything we needed. Maybe it'd be a good idea if we were to find food and just back to that same mall, but as far as we walked from there, maybe it's a bad idea. Besides, it's already a huge risk just walking around here. 

"I'm hungry, lets take a break." Dylans interrupts the silence. I nod my head in agreement and we take out a little bit of our food. 

"How long we been walking?" I ask sighing, "I'm tired of walking."

"2 hours." Anabelle answers me with her mouth full of chips. I laugh at her.

"That is way longer then I thought. How huge is this city!" I exclaim. I turn to Barry, who's silently looking down at his fruit. I scoot by him.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, putting my arms around him.

"Yeah, i'm fine." He looks at me, "It's just that it's really bothering me!" He says frustrated. 

"About what Barry? You're okay now." I try to smile.

"It's not that, I know i'm okay. It's just bothering me how I don't remember my past. I remember people, like how everyone was happy. I also remember shopping, going to the movies, being in love." He pauses at love.

"You were in love?" 

"Yeah, I remember her. But it's all just weird because I don't remember myself. I don't remember my parents, my name, my school, my age or how I became what I was!" He looks away disappointed. "What if it never comes back to me and it all just eats me alive?" he says with a tear streaming down his face. I can tell how much this is bother him, but I don't know what to say. I can't say it's okay when it's not.

I can't say everything will be fine when it may not be fine. So I just stand up and help him stand up and I just give him a really big hug. I can tell he appreciates it by the way he's holding me so firmly. I then give him a reassuring smile and then we turn around. We totally forget about the others who were here. They were listening to our whole conversation. Barry and I laugh and it kind of knocks off the awkwardness. That was so weird how it felt like it was only me and Barry. It felt as if we were the last people on Earth. 

I shake off the feeling. I then spot a small restaurant called Luca's. That was my favorite restaurant back at home, my real home. I look back the others who are eating their food still. 

"I'm going to go check Luca's out. You guys can stay here. I'll be back quick!" I run fast before anyone can volunteer to come with. I stand outside the store crossing my fingers for there to be a hot fresh plate of spaghetti and meatballs waiting for me, but I know it's not likely to happen. I open the doors and start looking around. I can tell that there hasn't been any zombies in here. The place is clean as if nothing has happened. I sit in one of the booths and just imagine the smell of spaghetti. I then shake my head and try to find the kitchen. 

I walk behind the  counter and I find a door. I open it and peek through and just see boxes. So I open the door. I grip the gun I have in my hands even tighter just incase. I know how to use a gun because my dad use to take me hunting every summer. I miss him. I miss everyone. While i'm walking in the room I hear footsteps behind me. Dylan or Barry must have followed me in. 

"I said you guys could have wai-" I'm interrupted by a huge zombie attacking me on to the ground.

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