The Gang Leaders Angel

By QueenKeely

6.8M 179K 40.7K

"He was bad. He smoked, he broke the law, he drove too fast for his own good. He didn't care because no one t... More

Chapter 1- Monster
Chapter 2- The gang
Chapter 3- Hatred
Chapter 4- Titus' possesion
Chapter 5- Escaping
Chapter 6- Ninja
Chapter 7- Revenge is sweet
Chapter 8- Drag racing
Chapter 9- Scaring people
Chapter 10- Scared and alone
Chapter 11- Bachelorette party
Chapter 12- sassy Comebacks and beach trips
Chapter 13- Agreements
Chapter 14- Jasmine
Chapter 15- Ball and preparations
Chapter 16- Dresses
Chapter 17- The wedding
Chapter 18- The wedding part 2
Chapter 19- Secret messages
Chapter 20- The call
Chapter 21- An angel
Chapter 22- Amarrad
Chapter 23- Therapy
Chapter 24- You before me
Chapter 25- Gone Mad
Chapter 26- Pain
Chapter 27- Pretending
Chapter 28- New years eve
Chapter 29- Sleeping in the city
Chapter 30- Downfall
Chapter 31- hitting lovers with motorcycles
Chapter 32- "Who is this Valerie?"
Chapter 33- You're beautiful
Chapter 34- "How do babies get formed?''
Chapter 35- Who is Polly!?
Chapter 36- I'll be a girl
Chapter 37- Things are changing
Chapter 38- Claudiac
Chapter 39- The dam
Chapter 40- I like you
Chapter 42-Urgent
Chapter 43- Zac the raging bull
Chapter 44- Someone's protective
Chapter 45- Love
Chapter 46- Never have I ever
Chapter 47- Breakfast with Nova
Chapter 48- Something's wrong
Chapter 49- The country
Chapter 50- Coming home
Chapter 51- Doctor trips
Chapter 52- Baby shower
Titus and Emberly bonus chapter
Breaking Titus
His Bratva Princess

Chapter 41- The Truth

71.6K 2.6K 569
By QueenKeely

"Y-you l-love me?" I'm a stuttering mess and Valentino just stares at me, chewing on his lip. The curtains are wide open so he looks outside and past the balcony, into the darkness. "Val?" My voice is soft waiting for his reply, for the reassurance.

"Yes Willow, I love you. So much. And I don't deserve someone as good as you, you're too special. You're too innocent, I'm the devil and you're the angel. There's a difference, the angel is meant to be free and get what she wants but the devil will never get what he wants because of all the sin." His has clenches and he looks down, blinking quickly. I press my palm to his cheek and rub my thumb slightly, he looks at me with watery eyes. "I don't deserve you Willow, no one does."

"You're saying this but you can't tell me why you killed my brother? I need to know Val, I deserve to know!" I exclaim. Of course I feel happy that a person from the opposite sex loves me, but I'm not happy about the fact that they won't tell me why my brothers dead.

He sighs in frustration and runs a hand through his hair, "Willow... I want to tell you, but I can't. Not yet at least."

I sigh and snuggle into the covers, feeling slightly hurt and angry with myself for letting this happen. It's all my fault. I made him love me. You may not realise it, but something you do will make someone fall for you. The way they treat you, act, the way they look at you and touch you. It all eventually means something. How can people go from telling each other everything, flirting and touching to nothing? I don't want that happening.

"Willow?" Val questions. I peek up at him, blue staring into the muddy brown filled with emotion. "Do you think you could ever grow to love me back?" His voice is soft and nervous. I stare at him and move closer towards his body.

"Maybe one day Valentino, maybe one day..."
"Please tell me why Valentino keeps looking at you like that," Nova's voice comes from behind me as I stare at my phone. Phone... it's crazy what I could do with this thing and they're trusting me. I could call the cops. I snap out of my daze after realising I'm staring at Nova like an idiot.

"Like what?" I ask in confusion. She points over to him and I follow where her hand is pointing. Valentino has his elbow on the desk while leaning on his hand with a longing look on his face. I sigh and rest my head on my arms, remembering everything that was said last night. I turn to Nova and stare blankly at her as she raises an eyebrow in questioning, I shrug my shoulders.

"Well?" She purses her lips when I don't respond. Mike wonders over and rests his hands on her shoulders, she looks up at him and smiles slightly. "Hey babe," she mutters. He bends down to give her a peck on the lips and then looks at me, does he know? Oh god, Valentino told him! I bet he did. No, have faith Willow. Have faith. But Mike is like one of his best mates.

"Willow, Val wants you." Those dreaded words, what could he possibly want? Things have been very very awkward, maybe because I've been making them awkward. I'm an awkward person when it comes to feelings being shared, well when those feelings have to do with me.

I stand up and wonder over to Val, taking my time. "Will, could you walk any slower?" He says in an agitated voice. I smile sheepishly and sit down in front of him. "Willow...."

"I'm sorry for being so awkward. I don't know, I'm just not good when people tell me their emotions. It's a flaw of mine, but I'm working on it. And I'm just sorry," I cut him off. But it needed to be said. He puffs his cheeks out and rests his large hand on top of mine, something's wrong.

"Willow.... It's time for me to tell you everything," my back straightens and my heart beat accelerates. "That includes why I killed your brother, " Val seems extremely nervous. But I would be too. "We need to go somewhere more private," I nod and we both stand and walk up to his room. He stays standing while I take a seat and look up at him, he starts pacing.

"Val, calm down and just tell me," he sighs and sits down noisily and roughly.

"He killed Jasmine. He raped her. He hurt her. He kidnapped her. It was him. He took her from us, do you expect us to not kill him for killing Jasmine? She was so special to us, she was family! And your brother took her from us! Do you know how much that hurt? No, you don't. The whole time you were mad at me because I did something that put our minds at peace. Did you even care when he died? It sure didn't seem like you did, so why has it taken you this long to realise you like me?" My heart is beating so fast. He's getting mad at me for something that isn't my fault! Kayne killed Jasmine, that's why no one told me who killed her. It was so obvious but I was so oblivious.

"Stop it. Please stop! Of course I cared about you killing my brother! How could I not? He was the only person I had left, and last time I checked you're not meant to tell the person that kidnapped you how you feel. It's not like I was going to sit down, have a cup of coffee and tell you how I feel. You should have told me this earlier, I deserved to know Kayne was the one. And I'm sorry for that, but how is this my fault? Should I say sorry for hating you? Should I say sorry for not liking you sooner?" I shout all of this. How could he say that? Maybe he's just taking all of his anger out on me, I'm the one that's related to Kayne. But I'm not going to be mad at him because he was scared to tell me that Kayne killed Jasmine. I wouldn't have told me either. I was sensitive and fragile for a while. I keep telling myself to be understanding and I'm trying.

"Willow... I don't know what to do. There's like this pain in my chest.... and it doesn't go away. I-It never goes! Everything hurts a lot, all the time. But when I'm with you, my heart feels lighter and I actually laugh. What is wrong with me?" He places his elbows on his knees and puts his head in between his hands.

I move closer to him, both of us are crying. I hook my arm through his and use my other hand to move his head to look at me. "Maybe it isn't me that needs to see someone, or to talk to someone about your feelings. You need to see someone," he shakes his head vigorously.

"No, no, no. I'm not talking to anyone, or seeing a fu****g therapist. Don't make me, I won't go," he closes his eyes tightly and stands up quickly.

"Okay Valentino, I won't make you go. Just-" I sigh and run my hand over my face. "Just help me, what do I do? What can I do? Let me help you Tino, please!" His lips quiver and his face scrunches up in pain as he lets out a heart wrenching sob. I stand up quickly and hug him tightly, his forehead presses against the top of my head.

"Just being here helps me, you don't realise how much I love you and how much being near the person you love can make you so happy. Does it sound bad that you're the only person I've ever really loved?" He pulls back and looks at me.

My lips quiver and I sob, pressing my head into his chest. "You're the only person that's ever been there for me, when Kayne died... I thought there'd be no reason for me to live anymore because there was no one."

"I'm s-sorry for taking the only p-person you had left away from y-you," he starts sobbing uncontrollably and that makes me cry even harder.

"I-I think I love you too, V-Val."

He smiles and bends down to kiss me on the lips, "I love you so much Willow."

"I love you too Valentino."
I haven't updated in forever and I'm so sorry! But I hope this chapter was enjoyable for all!

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