Dazed [BTSxReader]

By SleeepySuga

284K 10.8K 3.8K

The best friend, the nerd, the bully, the neighbour, the boss, the new kid and the stranger all have their he... More

Chapter 1 [A Phone]
Chapter 2 [A Beginning]
Chapter 3 [A Book]
Chapter 4 [A Kiss]
Chapter 5 [A Carer]
Chapter 6 [A Job]
Chapter 7 [An Assignment]
Chatper 8 [A Lie]
Chapter 9 [A Deal]
Chapter 10 [A Mistake]
Chapter 12 [A Paper]
Chapter 13 [A Friendship]
Chapter 14 [A Date]
Chapter 15 [A Dinner]
Chapter 16 [A Sickness]
Chapter 17 [A Question]
Chatper 18 [A Wave]
Chapter 19 [A Call]
Chapter 20 [A Cloud]
Chapter 21 [Dazed]
A Nerd
A Boss
A Friend
A Bully
A Stranger
A New Kid
A Neighbour
Im sorry ok

Chapter 11 [A Lift]

9.7K 415 281
By SleeepySuga

Wait! Slow down!" I huffed as I groggily walked behind the group. Namjoon turned to me, I stared at him with desperation in my eyes. My feet ached and I just wanted to go home. Namjoon turned around in front of me, motioning to his back.

"Get on," he commanded. I jumped on his back without hesitation and smiled to myself.

"I'm only doing this because I made you cry last night." Namjoon said with a sigh.

"I didn't cry!" Namjoon had to stop to push me further up his back. "Whose idea was it to go hiking in the first place." I whined. Jin turned around and pouted. "Sorry Jin," I whispered to myself.

"I understand," Namjoon said, grinning. "You're just not as sporty or fit as us..." I scoffed in disapproval, even though it was probably true. "...Or good at dancing, or as smart, or good at cooki-"

"I get the point, Namjoon," I groaned. The soft sounds of birds chirping and the solitude of the bush made me sleepy, I rested my head on Namjoon's shoulder and closed my eyes. I can't lie, it was pretty comfortable.

Slowly, I woke up, but wasn't quite ready to open my eyes yet so I decided to listen to the sounds of nature.

"I told you that you two would get along." I think Yoongi was speaking. I took a peek out in front of me. Hobi and Jin were pretty far ahead.

"Yeah," I could tell Namjoon was smiling as he spoke.

"But don't get along too well," Yoongi chuckled. Woah, did Namjoon just laugh? I can't believe my ears I thought to myself. In all my years I-

"Y/n," Yoongi said. Damn it, did I just get busted? Oh no...

"Wake up y/n," oh thank god, he thinks I'm sleeping. I let out a fake yawn and looked over at him with tired eyes.

"We're nearly there, do you want to walk the rest back?" He asked.

"But I'm comfortable here." I said into Namjoon's back.

"I could carry you," Yoongi said partly to himself.

"Just leave her," Namjoon said in a slightly annoyed tone. Suga looked kind of mad.

When we got back the sun was beginning to set and we were beginning to pack our clothes to go home.

"We're going to get home late because of your little detour," Hobi said while scowling at Jin.

"I'm not the one who threw the map off a cliff!" Jin snapped back, but ended up laughing at the end.

"I must've missed a lot while I was asleep," I whispered to Yoongi as I packed my clothes away. He nodded in response.

We ended up leaving at 8pm. The drive was mostly silent but I couldn't sleep because of the nap I had earlier. I felt something soft on my shoulder. I turned to see Namjoon had fallen asleep on me, I giggled to myself while running my fingers through his hair, it was surprisingly soft.

"What?" Yoongi asked as he turned to me.

"I just think it's cute that he has dimples when he smiles," I said while grinning. Yoongi stared at me emotionless before laying his head in my lap. I sat there for a few moments, not knowing what to do before Suga grabbed my hand and ran it through his hair a few times. I finally realised what he wanted me to do. I smiled softly as he drifted off to sleep and put my hands besides me.

"Don't stop," he groaned. I continued to play with his hair for the rest of the drive home with a smile on my face. Namjoon woke up just before we dropped him off and recoiled away from me, leaning on the window.

"You were all smiles while you were sleeping." I teased.

"That's because I was dreaming," he said in a low, sleepy voice.

"About?" I asked curiously. He looked like he was about to say something but turned away.

"Nothing." We soon stopped out the front of his house and Namjoon left, soon after, Hobi did too.

"Yoongi," I said while shaking him. His eyes slowly opened. "We're out the front of your house." I said, smiling.

"Oh, see you guys," He got up and grabbed his suitcase. "Hey, one more thing," he said while motioning for me to come closer. I shuffled along the seat to listen.

"Don't you ever wake me up again." He whispered before turning away and walking into his house. I closed the car door and stared at the ground. One minute he's cute, the next minute he's horrifying. But at least I can finally go home.

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