The Informant

By Xcor94

427K 10.2K 1.3K

"You insulted my côck, Mia. Yes?" Heat engulfed my body, setting my blood to boil. I'd never been handled so... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chater Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Authors Note
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twelve

12.9K 379 23
By Xcor94

Mia's POV

He never did call that night, or the next morning, and I couldn't help but sit and think that maybe it was all a show. You know, the important call and all? How many times had I used that with my friends while out on blind dates? The whole, "Get-me-the-fûck-out-of-here call.

I knew my body was sub-par at best. And honestly wouldn't really doubt he'd just been sparing my feelings.

Thankfully having Julian around left hardly any time at all to sit and dwell on the negative all day. But Samantha was back again with, "Day wine" as she called it, and I could hardly get my mind off Dantè. I really could never get her out of my house. Plus, who the fûck drank wine at four in the afternoon?

"Oh come on you big pussy, it's five o'clock somewhere, right?" She whined.

I rolled my eyes; something I did a lot around her, and took the bottle. "You wanna chill it for a bit?" I asked.

"Yeah, we should at least wait until J goes to sleep. Lord knows you're a lightweight and I could out drink a fish."

She probably could. I put the bottle in the fridge and gave a small snicker because it sat next to a pumped bottle of breast milk for Julian.

"So why the hell you moping around, Mia?" Samantha hollered from the living room.

I hadn't even noticed I was portraying a disappointed expression until she had said something. I'd been trying so hard all day not to even think about why he wasn't calling. Don't get me wrong it wasn't like I had feelings for him or anything, for Christ sakes I'd just met the guy. And like I'd promise myself I wouldn't get too involved, or too attached. But being the first time I'd been with anyone sexually after Logan, I couldn't stop thinking about if It was as good for Dantè as it was for me. And at this point I was having serious doubts.

What if this was normal though, what would I know about dating, anyways? What if not calling for a day or two was totally normal, you know make em' wait kinda thing.

Leaning on the door frame of the kitchen and living room I asked, "Remember the guy I was with last night?"

She fanned herself dramatically, "Shit yeah, dude was a fine piece of ass. Why?"

"Last night after, you know, we were done? He got one of those calls where they just have to be somewhere. Said he'd call me in the morning. He hasn't." I shrugged.

"Babe, seriously? It hasn't even been 24 hours yet. Guys don't wanna seem desperate, they like to take their time calling back. I honestly wouldn't even worry about it. And if he doesn't call you back, fûck him." She flopped herself down on the couch. In all the years I've known her it was always like her body was extremely exhausted when she sat down, never actually sitting but more like her legs were just giving out from under her. "You're a fûcking catch, babe. Any man on the face of this earth would be lucky to even suck your big toe let alone have a whole night of hot steamy sex with you."

I grinned and rolled my eyes again, "I swear you're the most dramatic person I've ever met."

She laughed, "Dude, I'm so serious though."

I sat next to her, shoving my cold feet under her ass and listened to Julian play with his train set in his bedroom and I knew he'd be the only male to ever stay.

Samantha and I talked for hours, like we usually did when we were with one another. Eventually, I put my sweet Julian to sleep and had some much needed wine time with Samantha. She really was my person. I always hated drinking the next day but the moments where we both are laughing so hysterically at something that probably wasn't that funny to begin with are the moments I realize just how much she means to me.

She got a call from her boyfriend and decided to take a cab to him. Sometimes I missed that feeling of absolutely freedom. Of the chance to just drop everything for someone else or even myself and not have to worry about another person, tiny little helpless person at that. I had always felt so extremely guilty when I thought of things like that because Julian was my life, my rock. The little bugger that kept me going no matter what.

The apartment grew abnormally quiet once Samantha left. Leaving me to my thoughts, and cleaning. I was still wondering about Dantè. As I washed what little dishes we dirtied from our takeout Chinese food tonight I thought about what he might be doing right now. I pondered weather or not I should just call him instead and get it over with. And if he doesn't answer my texts or calls then I know for sure his true feelings, right?

I finished up the dishes, and put all of J's toys away, and wiped down all surfaces. Stalling, that's exactly what I was doing. Trying to build up the courage to just text him already. I headed to my room down the hall, and put my hair up. I flicked the light on in tiny bathroom directly to the left of the bed. I brushed my teeth, then cleaned my face and crawling into bed.

My phone on the charger on the night stand mocked me for a good five minutes, "Fuck it." I muttered.

I tried at least a hundred things, but always ended up erasing them until my phones normal stock ringer had my heart hammering in my chest. My breathing coming out in quick pants, and my underarms starting to sweat a bit. But I answered his call anyways.

"Hey." I breathed, almost a whisper I wasn't sure he heard.

"Hey, Bellissima." His voice gravely and oh so sexy. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Just climbed into bed, had a little wine with a friend. You?" I tried to play it cool not asking at all the questions that flew to the front of my brain.

"Same here. Sorry I didn't call sooner, Cara. I've been really busy." He apologized.

"Oh, no that's okay. I mean we all have lives right. No worries." I fumbled with the hem of my T-shirt, not really knowing what to say.

"Bella, what are you wearing?" He whispered.

His words nearly choked me, but I immediately squashed that embarrassing cough trying to come out of me. Almost killing myself from the lack of air. I cleared my throat, -away from the phone- and tried to answer as sensual as I could. "The same I wear every night to bed." A smile tugged my lips as I teased him.

"And what's that, Mia?" His voice grew husky.

"Panties, and an old, flimsy little T-shirt."

"Mm, that sounds nice. And what about a bra under that flimsy little tee?"

"Nope, all nude. But enough about me, what are you wearing, Dantè?" I questioned, truly curious.

He chuckled softly into the receiver, "Also the same thing I wear every night. Want to know what that is, si?"

"Yes," My words we're now coming out heavy. The huskiness to his voice sprinkling some kind of magic all over my libido.

"Nothing, seduttrice."

I wondered what that meant before giving in and finally asking. "What's that mean? What you just called me."

"Seductress. You're my little seduttrice, no?" He purred.

"Yes." I whispered. My hands now traveling slowly down my neck.

"Are you touching yourself, Bella? He asked.


He groaned and shifted the phone to what sounded like the other ear. "Where?" His question was a little more demanding than the voice he had been using. And I knew I was soaked at the juncture between my thighs.

"Tell me where you want me to touch myself." I whispered once more, hoping he wouldn't notice just how nervous I was.

"Mio Dio, sei davvero una seduttrice." He rattled off in his native tongue, leaving me completely dumbfounded and yet extremely wet. "Put your finger in your mouth for me, mia, si?

I did, feeling so damn giddy and let him know when I had followed his order. "Now take that wet finger and go down your neck, between your breast. Take it under the left breast then circle that sexy little nipple. Imagine it's me, Mia. Imagine I'm sucking you there, pinching and twisting lighting with my mouth."

I followed orders to a T, letting my eyes fall closed to picture it all so much better. To picture him above me, licking my nipples firmly, yet not enough to cause pain to my sensitive buds. I moaned airily.

"Fuck." He groaned, " You're making me so hard already, baby. I bet you're so wet for me right now, no? Move those fingers down just a bit, Mia. I need to know if you're ready for me."

My entire body had chills, yet I was heated to the core. I knew my face was flushed along with the rest of my body. I could feel the fire blazing, yet his delicately spoken words ran chills up my arms and spine. I faintly trailed my fingertips down south, just barely gliding along, picturing only his hands on my warms skin.

I moaned again, this time more loudly, as my dainty digits stroked my clit. I hadn't felt sexier in my entire life when I heard him moan again. I wondered if he was stroking himself to the sounds of my own pleasure.

"Dip them inside that tight little puśsy, Bellissima. I want to hear you. Tell me, are you wet?" He urged.

My breathing grew quicker, heaving my chest up and down rapidly as I came so close to the edge of a mouthwatering climax. "Yes, yes I'm so, so wet for you, Dantè. I wish you were here, I'd have your big beautiful cock between my lips."

More shifting on his end, then his breathing too was just as heavy, exciting me even more.
"And when you were almost there, guess what I'd do?" I asked.

"What baby, tell me." He was becoming frantic,

"First tell me what you're doing to yourself."

"What do you think, Mia? I'm squeezing the life out of my cock, trying to hold off until you're closer. You don't think I've been stroking since I first heard your voice?"

"God why is that so hot?" I murmured, still pushing my finger in and out. "Just as you're about to finish in my mouth I'd stop." He groaned.

"And then I'd pushed you to the bed, Dantè." I continued.

"Slip another finger inside, Mia. Now speed up for me." I did as he said but continued on.

"And once I have you flat on your back, I'd slowly climb on top. I'd bury your thick côck so deep inside me. Can you feel it baby? I can. So, so deep. I'm almost there, Dantè."

I couldn't hold on much longer and frankly I wasn't really trying to hard not too. I needed this, needed to cum so bad and so hard. "Cum for me right now, Mia." His voice was rushed, but the words sent me over the edge swiftly.

I weakly screamed my release, not wanting to be too loud but loud enough for him to know what he did to me. He grunted quickly after my pussy clenched around my fingers. I imagined him inside me, my hungry cunt clenching around his member, milking him dry, filling me up.

For what seemed like minutes, we both came down. Trying to calm our breathing, "You're even incredible over the phone." I laughed.

"That was all you, sei davvero una seduttrice." He replied.

"I want you again." I said, totally and completely relaxed, my heavy lids disobeying my wants and starting to close on their own accord.

"Your wish is my command, Bellissima. Get some sleep, and I'll call you tomorrow."

This is unedited. Fuuuuck, I'm so sorry it's been so long guys. BUT IM BACK BABES! I swear I will update more now. I'm thinking I've finally got a whole plan for this story now instead of just trying to 'go with the flow.' Don't fucking do that... it doesn't work. Annnnnyways, enjoy my little nasties! ♥️♥️😘

Don't forget to vote and comment. Feel free to comment on any of my mistakes!

Also, thinking Dantè's POV next?! Let a girl know! 😘😘

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