Twins of kalos (5th place in...

بواسطة Frozenbeenie

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Rated R Includes the following: Bad language, violence, murder, blood, drugs, black market, gangs, etc. Sin... المزيد

Chapter 1: Arrival.
Chapter 2: Hiding.
Chapter 3: Fear.
Chapter 4: Respect.
Chapter 5: Photography.
Chapter 6: Forest.
Chapter 7: Accessory.
Chapter 9: Battery.
Chapter 10: Skates.
Chapter 11: Lab*
Chapter 12: Sleepover*
Chapter 13: News*
Chapter 14: Elevator*
Chapter 15: Hidden*
Chapter 16: Mirror*
Chapter 17: Prescription*
Chapter 18: Daycare*
Chapter 19: Shell*
Chapter 20: Wind*
Chapter 21: Flare*
Chapter 22: Key*
Chapter 23: Meeting*
Chapter 24: Camo*
Chapter 25: Desert*
Chapter 26: Attack*
Chapter 27: Album*
Chapter 28: Kidnapped*
Chapter 29: Princess*
Chapter 30: Café*
Chapter 31: Palace*
Chapter 32: Streets*
Chapter 33: Freedom*
Chapter 34: Paralyzed*
Chapter 35: Protect*
Chapter 36: Pancakes*
Chapter 37: Disguise*
Chapter 38: Showcase•*
Chapter 39: Stolen*
Chapter 40: Punk*
Chapter 41: Snow*
Chapter 42: War*
Chapter 43: Sundile*
Chapter 44: Hospital*
Chapter 45: Labs*
Chapter 46: Cocoon*
Chapter 47: Yveltal*
Chapter 48: Confession*
Chapter 49: Sinnoh*
Chapter 50: Dance*
Chapter 51: Shards*
Chapter 52: Home*
Chapter 53: Future*
Chapter 54: End•
Legend of the Princesses

Chapter 8: Skates.

147 15 0
بواسطة Frozenbeenie

It took awhile of no sleep, luckily I was asleep for a whole day that I didn't have the need to sleep while I was searching for the people who took my Pokémon and Viola's camera, but I finally made it back to Viola's studio and walked inside after getting stared at by many people walking by

Viola, Calem, a police officer, and another woman I never seen before were talking in the middle of the studio before hearing the automatic doors open. They saw me carrying a pair of skates, covered in light blood and had a bit of my hair messy out my scarf. Calem was the first to approach with a serious look on his face

"Where the hell were you?" I only stared at him "I've been looking for you all night! You just suddenly disappeared from the hospital and I had to hear from Viola that you went off to find a small gang of people who snatch things? Do you have any idea what could had happened to you? You don't know this region, and you jumped into a scenario where you could have gotten hurt!" I was a bit surprised that he was talking down at me, which doesn't happen at all with me. Because I was relieved that I found my Banette, I wasn't going to snap at him for doing so

"You don't know me, you don't know what I'm capable of" He kept staring at my calm expression as I threw Viola her camera back to her "here's your camera back"

"W-what did you do..? You're all bloody" I looked at my arms

"Oh... so I am" I shook it off like it was going to do something "anyways, if you want to know where the people responsible for this crime are, check the old skating ring on the other side of the city" the officer rushed outside as I said this. Calem and Viola were just staring at me. Viola looked more horrified and worried than how Calem looked, which was unreadable

"Sorry I took so long" I took B from my bag and cuddled it against my cheek "I couldn't let them have my little accessory" B moaned in its sleep

"What did you do to have blood on you?" Viola nervously asked again

"You don't want to know..." Calem sighed and offered his hand, confusing me

"You're a lot of trouble, aren't you?" I huffed and took his hand, thinking he was going to take me somewhere. He looked at Viola and nodded. Understanding, she lead us to the back of the studio surrounded by so many cool looking pictures of Pokémon. They were very beautiful...

"You sound like my agent" I snorted, a little amused "you let me join you on this search in order for me to understand more of this region just a little bit, and I left you without saying anything" he didn't say anything. I looked at his hand holding my slightly bloody one, not even affected that I was covered in someone else's fluids

"Shauna and the others went on ahead. I told them I was going to stay with you" I sighed, walking up some stair cases to a normal looking home. So not only is this building a studio and a gym, it's a home

"Don't worry, since I'm a fast learner, I'll be able to get out your hair pretty soon"

"That's not the point" huh? I looked at him to at least find a way to understand what he meant, but he just looked forward, gripping on my hand firmly

"You can take a shower in here" Viola pointed me to the restroom. I peaked over at the woman behind me, staring at me hard. I tried ignoring it the whole time, but she was getting closer "Alexa... stop that, you're scaring her" Viola sweat dropped "I know, I thought the same thing" Alexa... I looked at her surprised

"Oh! I'm sorry, I just feel like I grabbed a interesting scoop! Can I interview you, dear?" She asked politely. I looked way, walking the the restroom

"No" I slammed the door shut and sat on the floor, looking at the skates I had in my hands

"Why not!? You single handedly beaten the Skating Rascals! How did you do it?!" Her voice sounded just like the reporter who snuck into the building and begged a interview from outside my penthouse door

"They're dismembered now, that's all that matters. They had no chance against me" I played with B still sleeping in my hands "leave me in peace... I had a long night" nothing was said after that. I took a shower in Viola's home and finished after what felt like probably a hour. I was hoping to see my new clothes ready for today, but B was still sleeping

"Hey, wake up" I sweat dropped. B sleeps a lot if it wasn't obvious, but it's usually during the day "I have to put on some clothes, aren't you suppose to help?" It opened a eye and quickly shut it "oh?" I smirked "are you pretending to be sleeping?" I pressed my finger on it's stomach, making it flinch and hiss in laughter. I snorted and watched it open it's zipper mouth to cough out my clothes I put together earlier yesterday

B is not only a tiny Pokémon that can fit in the palms of my hands, but it can also be used as storage. It's mouth holds a unusual portal that can get me access to all the clothes I had given it. Because it's always sleeping, I figured to use my own bag for my own things instead of trying to wake it up all the time for new clothing

Even if I seem like I'm using B and calling it a accessory, it's still my Pokémon and I technically didn't lie to Serena about loving Pokémon. I really do, I love watching them and the artificial Pokémon were really the only ones I could handle. B was originally my first pokédoll my dad gave me. It's precious no matter what

Hating to put my own design that wasn't for me in the first place and not even my style, I put on a dress and comfortable shoes that could do well on walking on adventures like this, and walked out the bathroom... only to see Calem sitting next to a piano, staring hard at me before I groaned

"What's your problem?" He stood up and crossed his arm

"You went out at night, knowing your clothes were in ruins, and you suddenly changed into something new..."

"So? I got spare clothes, you know? You think I'm going to stay around with one outfit?"

"No, but what I've been wanting to know is why exactly do you wear that scarf around your head?" Where is this coming from? I changed the design of my scarf to match my clothes, but why is he asking so many questions?

"This is random. If you're really that curious about how I really look, that's too bad. You're not going to see anything" he tilted his head confused

"Why not?" I frowned, looking down

"I'm sure you'll be disgusted if you saw how I really looked" even if I'm the older sister, Serena was the star of everything. Everyone loved her! If they saw that we have a similar face, and knew of my horrible personality, they'll be disgusted. That was only one of the reasons why I don't want anyone looking at me. Like I said before, I don't want anyone comparing me and Serena at the slightest

"Awe come on" he leaned closer to my face, giving a close eyed smile "how bad can you look? I'm sure you're not that ugly" I glared and pushed him away, making him laugh. I don't need jokes right now

"My appearance doesn't matter. Our little conversation is a waste of time right now. We have more important things to worry about!"

"You act like I haven't seen what you looked like in the forest" my blood dropped "though it was dark" he held his chin to think "It's too bad I couldn't see much, but I got enough" he smiled "even when it was dark, your eyes had a shine of a beautiful shade of blue" my drum started racing very rapidly again. I held my chest and moved away, hoping he didn't hear

"Quit that! We have no time to joke around. I have to look for Serena!" I covered my eyes, noticing he was staring right into my soul.

Viola and Alexa came into the room. Their faces lighten up for a moment when they saw my outfit. Viola held her chest as if she had a heart attack "oh my Arceus" she laughed nervously "for a second there, I thought you were someone we knew" I looked at Calem smiling at me, knowing what she meant. I rolled my eyes and looked at Alexa taking out her notepad

"How are you feeling?" Alexa asked

"Fine" I said sternly and faced Viola, completely ignoring Alexa, and bowed to Viola "thank you for letting me come into your home and letting me take a shower"

"Oh! Stop that!" She waved her hand "it's the least I can do for you saving my camera!" I wasn't going to backtalk her and tell her I actually didn't really do it for her, I did it for B "you... didn't get hurt, did you?" She looked at my hands and knees "the blood you had is gone" I cracked my knuckles with one hand

"No, I'm fine" the girls nervously laughed. Calem was being his usual self. I straightened up my scarf and turned to him, holding my hips "come on, we don't have a lot of time. Time to get more information on Serena. I got a bit of information from those skater thugs" Alexa gasped loudly like she was having a heart attack of her own

"Really!? Please!" She lifted her notepad "do tell!" I turned my back towards her

"It's none of your business, find out on your own" I thought for a moment, remembering that she was the one that told my agent about Serena's disappearance. I at least owe her that. I turned back at her looking disappointed with Viola trying to cheer her up "on second thought" I crosses my arms "why not give you what I know?" Calem looked surprised

"Really!?" Alexa gasped

"What made you change your mind?" Viola asked. Before I was going to talk, Forgetting that I haven't ate in so many hours, my body out of nowhere failed on me and I fell backwards. My stomach suddenly growled really loudly. Calem caught me and I was nearly out of it

"Sophia!" Calem gasped. Viola lead him to lay me on the couch. I moved his hand away when he tried feeling my head after putting me down

"I'm fine, just a little dizzy" I did a lot of... exercise... before coming here. The hot shower didn't help, since it made me more weaker "from how much activity I did in the hideout of those losers, I might had overdid it since I haven't ate since yesterday morning" Calem lifted my head so he could sit down and lay my head on his lap "w-what are you doing!?"

"You took care of me in the forest, so I'll get to take care of you" I couldn't control how fast my blood was rushing. I hate to admit that it was my heart that was the one beating so hard and fast, but my heart was never involved in anything... why is it starting now? What's going on here?!

"Shut up! We're behind schedule. Go ahead so you can get a head start on the search and catch up with the others. I'll be fine on my own" he shook his head

"No way, we're in this together" I lifted my head a little to look at him like he was crazy, but I couldn't make a serious face. I felt nervous for some reason

"N-no we're not..." he held his smile. I huffed and looked away "idiot..." I decided to let it go and looked at Alexa sitting in front of us while Viola wandered off

"Why don't we start by asking who you are?" Alexa asked

"Why does that matter?" I could see a sweat coming fast on her

"Never been so nervous to ask questions before..." she whispered to herself "so! What's your name?" I sighed, holding my head and closed my eyes, telling her my name "Sophia, very good! So please tell me what made you lead to take care of the Skating Rascals?"

"They took... Viola's camera"

"Lier" Calem said. I glared at him not letting me say what I want

"They took my accessory, and Viola's camera happened to get stolen as well. Might as well help her while I seek revenge on who took what's mine"

"Your accessory?" I took B out my purse, seeing that it was still sleeping like always "that's a Pokémon? It's so small!"

"Yeah, it's a extra small Banette. I made the guys who took it pay for what they did" I thought back at what happened last night when I first left Viola. I followed Z all the way into the back alleys of Santalune, on the other side of the city, where it was very dark with very little light to shine the way, and made my way to the front door of a abandoned building holding up a sign that was almost detached and couldn't hardly be read

Z and I hid to the side of a building to see a few skaters laughing together up front. I didn't see who exactly was the one that took my B, but I'm dedicated to make them all pay

Not wanting to waste anymore time, I looked at Z to give a sure nod and walked over towards the losers laughing up a storm until they notice me. They stopped laughing in a instant and smirked, all beginning to circle around me with their skates

"Look what we have here!" One yelled out

"Looks like someone found out our hideout! That can't be good!"

"What do you think we should do?"

"Let's have a little fun! Hey girl, let's make a deal!" They stopped skating and all stood in front of me in a line "if we beat you in a battle, you lose your privilege of getting out of here alive!" Some of the skaters giggled at the joke "well, I won't go that far! But you can't leave here anytime soon, knowing where we hang"

"She doesn't look local though..." they stared at me up and down. One of them found their way to look at my eyes, flinching and skating back a little without anyone noticing

"She might not even know who we are" everyone looked at each other confused, trying to see what they can do. I smirked and cracked my knuckles with one hand. They took this as a challenge

"Oh, I've heard of you enough. Still want that fight?" The guy who first saw my eyes looked around in panic. Funny how he held such a confident smirk before. That shows how intimidating my expressions can be towards anyone. When my agent tries to decline a offer a scammer tries to make and can't succeed, I would always be the one to put them in their place with a simple glare. That one guy is smart and lucky for noticing before anyone else

"Bring it on, shortie!" The main guy who did all the talking took out a Pokéball and threw it out to send out a strange pink fairy looking Pokémon. Everyone but the scared guy send their own Pokémon out that I never seen. I was one against six... which wasn't a problem at all

"You might as well give up now!" Another guy laughed

"Let's just get along and you give me back what belongs to me" I smiled

"Oh, I get it... sorry little lady. Finders keepers, losers weepers!" The guys laughed and high five each other. I hid my arms behind me and stood on the back of my heels

"That's too bad. You're going to be very sorry" I looked at Z starting to shake in excitement "oh? It's been awhile since you've been in a battle like this! Let's show them how we deal with people who piss us off!" I pointed at the main guy looking serious

"W-wait... guys?" The guy in the back waved nervously "I-I don't think this is-!"

"Use psychic!" Z elevated the Pokémon towards the sky and pushed gravity down to the ground hard. Everyone stared at their Pokémon, knowing their attacks weren't going to work with all the energy disrupting their Pokémon. As everyone was distracted, I made my way to the main guy and grabbed his collar, immediately startling him

"Don't make this worse on yourself. Your little gang stole something very precious from me. I'm giving you a chance to make the right choice. Do you want to do this the easy way, or hard way?" He glared at me, grabbing my wrist

"Try to get pass us" I smiled widely, intrigued

"Okay!" I brought his face closer to mine "I'll show you what it means to be in a gang" I lifted my fist and swiftly made my way pass every guy who tried blocking my path. Bodies dropped to the floor, knocked out with either broken noses or lost a few teeth. As soon as I was done and watch the last guy whimper, running away, I entered the building with my knuckles bleeding. I haven't felt this rush in years...


Did I give something away? Hm... so what do you think of this bad ass? She's awesome huh?! Man! I can't wait for you guys to see more of what she's going to show!

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