Time To Pretend

Par merder_dempeo_feels

13.3K 525 102

Okay so this idea came to me while I was watching a youtube video of Nestor Carbonell giving a tour of the Ba... Plus

Chapter One: Black & Blue
Chapter Two: Not What It Looks Like
Chapter Three: Heads Will Roll
Chapter Four: High On You
Chapter Five: Can't Stop Won't Stop
Chapter Six: Feel Something
Chapter Seven: Boy Talk
Chapter Eight: Whispered Secrets
Chapter Nine: Choose
Chapter Ten: About Today
Chapter Eleven: Outbursts
Chapter Twelve: Sweets
Chapter Fourteen: Drink Up
Chapter Fifteen: Goodnight
Chapter Sixteen: Key Party
Chapter Seventeen: Show Me
Chapter Eighteen: Soak It In
Chapter Nineteen: Make It Up
Chapter Twenty: Spontaneous Love

Chapter Thirteen: Sleep Deprived

458 24 3
Par merder_dempeo_feels

Vera and Nestor's friendship had repaired itself almost completely. They were back to their old selves, goofing around and flirting innocently.
Work had taken off as they all rushed to get the filming finished in time. Vera had been working nonstop for about two days, sleeping when she could, where she could. She even fell asleep on the steps outside of the house.
Relief filled her entire body when she finally closed the door of her trailer and flopped onto her bed. As soon as her head hit her pillow, there was a knock on her door. She groans into the fabric of her pillow, trying to decide whether to answer the door or not. The visitor knocked again, making her decision for her.
When Vera opened the door, she came face to face with Olivia.
"Hey." she says perkily.
"Hi." Vera says in a tired voice.
"Did you forget?" Olivia asks.
"Our sleepover! Crap!" Vera says with realization.
"I'm sorry. I've been working and-"
"We can reschedule." Olivia suggests.
"I mean you can sleep here but we would be going to sleep now." Vera says.
"That's okay. I'll let you get your rest. See you tomorrow." she says, walking away. Vera sighs and shuts the door, walking back into her room. Right before she can even touch her bed, there is another knock. She groans and turns back around, expecting it to be Olivia again.
"You can sleep here if you want. Just decide-"
Vera stops herself when she realizes it's Nestor, not Olivia.
"Oh. You." she says.
"We are needed on set." he says.
"Now? We aren't on the schedule." she says with exhaustion.
"Yeah, now. Kerry asked me to get you. She said she wants to film a scene with Norma and Alex." he says.
"About what?" she asks.
"I don't know, that's why we have to go there."
"Nestor, I haven't slept in the last two days-"
"I'll give you a cookie." he says with a smirk. She pauses before sighing and walking out, closing the door behind her.
"It better be a big one." she mumbles grumpily as she follows him to set.
"You needed us?" Nestor asks, approaching Kerry and Carlton. It is very early in the morning so there are only a few crew members on set.
"We added a scene. There aren't any lines." Kerry says with a smile.
"No lines?" Vera asks with surprise.
"We are using it for Norman...when he finds out about you two." Carlton says.
"Then shouldn't Freddie be here?" Nestor asks.
"No. It doesn't involve him." Kerry says.
"Just spit it out." Vera says, earning surprised glares.
"She's a bit cranky. She hasn't slept much." Nestor says, placing a hand on the small of her back.
"It's a simple scene. We will direct once you're in your costumes." Kerry says, sending them off. Vera wore a simple white dress with colorful flowers on it while all Nestor had was a nude slip. He walked out with confidence until he saw Vera wearing a dress. She looks at him with confusion and then down at her dress.
"Did I get the wrong costume?" Nestor asks, covering up with his hands.
"Nope. You both look good. Except..." Kerry trails off.
"One flaw." Carlton finishes, walking to Vera. He unzips her dress, making her gasp.
"Now you're good." Kerry says with a smile.
"Pardon?" Vera asks with confusion.
"Shouldn't I at least have pants or-"
"Get in the bed." Kerry says, walking to set. Nestor follows, slipping under the sheets. Vera slides in beside him, confused as to why she has clothes on.
"They need more sex scenes from us?" Vera asks with surprise. Nestor shrugs.
"Actually Vera, we need you on top of Nestor." Carlton says. Vera rolls over, laying on top of him.
"Sitting up. Like straddling him." Kerry says. Vera raises her eyebrows but does as she is told, straddling him.
"And face the other way." Carlton says.
"You want me facing...okay." she says, turning herself around so that she is sitting on Nestor facing the other way.
"Good?" she asks.
"Perfect!" Kerry says.
"Now in this scene, we need you to be moving up and down as if having sex. Nestor, you have the easy part. All you have to do is feel up Vera." Kerry says.
"You're good at that." Carlton adds with a smirk, making Kerry laugh.
"Now Vera, you need to be sexy-"
"Which you're good at." Carlton says, earning another laugh.
"Be sexy, touch your hair, your chest, whatever. And then turn back with your head and look right into the camera." Kerry says.
"Right on." Vera says with a nod, putting her hands on Nestor's thighs.
"Okay, we will see how this looks. Action." Kerry says. Vera begins moving cautiously, the friction feeling very familiar from the last time they had a sex scene. Nestor's hands rub up and down Vera'a bare back while she touches her neck and chest. After a while, she turns around and stares right into the camera as she was told.
Vera stills herself while Nestor stares at the ceiling, trying to contain himself. She was right on him so if anything...grows down there, she would feel it right away.
"Vera, when you look into the camera, give us a soft smile but make sure you're still displaying a certain amount of pleasure." Carlton says.
"I mean you're riding Alex Romero, it has to be hot." Kerry says.
"I'll do my best." Vera says, repositioning herself on Nestor, unknowingly rubbing right against a sensitive part of his body.
"Try not to move around so much when we aren't filming." he whispers, putting a hand on her back. She looks back at his especially dark eyes and smirks, purposely moving her hips again.
"Bitch." he whispers with a smirk.
Vera moves again, this time pushing herself harder onto Nestor. His hands rub her back and he allows himself to scratch her skin gently as his hands move down. She gasps and arches her back, her hands flying down to his thighs to squeeze them.
"Cut!" Carlton says, stopping them.
"I'm sorry." Vera says quickly. Nestor chuckles and she glares at him.
"It's alright. It's late...or...early. We are all sleep deprived. Let's go again." Kerry says. Vera nods, trying to be professional. Kerry and Carlton turn away for a second and Vera quickly reaches down and hits Nestor in his private. He gasps and sits up, his knees propping up while his chest hits Vera's back as his hands wrap around her waist to hold his parts.
"Nestor? What're you doing?" Kerry asks, looking at him as he appears to be hugging Vera.
"I..." he wheezes out, trying to regain composure.
"Nestor we are trying to be professional here." Vera says seriously, pushing against his chest. He glares at her before laying back down.
She moves again, her movements feeling extra sensitive due to Nestor's injury. Nestor grabs her hips, guiding them against his waist, pushing her onto him harder. Her hands fly to her hair, her fingers messing with her wig as Nestor's hand runs down her back.
Vera turns and gently smiles into the camera.
"Cut! That'll be all. Vera you may sleep but be back here by 7 tonight." Carlton says. Vera jumps off of Nestor, glancing at the clock which read 3:47 in the morning.
"Come on!" Vera says, grabbing Nestor's arm and pulling him off of the set.
"Vera." he says, trying to stop her.
"It's right there." she says with excitement, staring intently at the door of her trailer.
"V, wait-"
"No. I can't." she says. Max and Olivia watch as they run past. Nestor watches their confused faces as he runs past in nothing but the nude fabric.
"It's too early for this." Olivia mumbles.
"I need more coffee." Max says, downing the rest of his coffee.
"Vera we haven't changed out of costume." Nestor says as she pulls him into her trailer. Vera turns around and looks down at his almost completely naked body. She begins to laugh like a mad woman as she realizes he ran across the lot in the small fabric.
"You probably looked crazy." she says between giggles.
"Okay, goofball, do you have any clothes I can use?" he asks.
"I do, actually." she says, walking back into her room. She walks back out with a pair of nike sweats and boxers. He grabs them and looks at them with confusion.
"Are these.."
"Yours? Yeah. You left the sweats here once and...i don't know. I kept them. And the boxers were from when you knocked the wine bottle all over me." she says.
"Does Chris know?" he asks as he pulls his boxers over the nude slip.
"No. And he doesn't have to because...well you have them back now." she says. He nods and slides the pants on, letting them rest just below his underwear waist band.
"To bed!" she says with excitement.
"Goodnight." Nestor says, walking to the door.
"What?" she asks with a hint of hurt in her voice. He looks back at her, his hand on her door handle.
"Are you going to bed?" he asks with confusion.
"Yeah...come on." she says.
"You want-"
She grabs his hand and pulls him away from the door and into her room.
"Don't think too much of it. We are friends. We used to take naps together all the time." she says, getting into bed.
"I know." he says with a smile. They turn and face each other, both smiling widely.
"Goodnight." she whispers.
"May you fall asleep in the arms of a dream so beautiful, you cry when you wake." he whispers back.
"Sweet dreams would've sufficed." she says with a smirk. He rolls his eyes.
"Sweet dreams." he says. She giggles and closes her eyes. He watches her for a moment longer before closing his eyes and joining her in sleep.

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