Hello, Stranger...

By Sskcin

16.4K 972 359

Fleetwood Mac are getting ready for yet another tour (2009) and things don't go to plan. More

Why now?
What is he doing here?
You should leave
Never get away
One thing
It will be fine
More to come
I believe you
Are you going to stop me?
Just checking
The invitation still stands?
I realized...
You ended it
Where you should be
You haven't changed
Don't want to hear it
It hasn't disappeared
Is there a chance?
I have never
Let me help you
Forever yours

Say it again

586 41 17
By Sskcin

Coming back from the restroom, Lindsey retook his seat at the bar and reached for his beer. "Oh, I left my phone."

"Yes, someone called." The bartender said. "It was probably wrong of me, but you've got a very annoying ringtone, so I answered. Nobody said a word though."

Taking his phone, Lindsey saw it was Mick who called him. But he didn't say anything? Maybe Mick called by mistake. 

"It's my bandmate. I wonder what he could have wanted at this time." Lindsey decided to dial Mick's number after all. 

"You called?"

"Uh, not me exactly. Stevie did. She's here with me, sobbing her heart out." 

"What the hell? What happened?"

"Well, I think it's best if you come over to my place and collect her. That is if she's going to go with you anywhere. Stevie's positive you've got some other woman in your bed."

"Shit!" Lindsey cursed loudly. "Tell her it was the bartender and I'm on my way!"

Slipping his phone in the back pocket of his jeans, Lindsey almost literally jumped off the bar stool, but the bartender stopped him. "You've been drinking, I can't let you drive."

"I've got to go!"

The woman shook her head, giving Lindsey an apologetic look. "Call yourself a car or I can do that for you if you like."

Grunting, Lindsey agreed, knowing the state he was currently in wasn't fit for driving anyway. 

"Sorry for getting you in trouble." She then added, when Lindsey sat waiting, his knee bouncing up and down.

The drive to Mick's never seemed to have taken as long as it did this time. Once the car stopped, Lindsey thrust what he knew was enough money into the driver's hand and opened the backdoor, nearly sprinting to Mick's front door. 

"I'm getting real tired of you two." Mick sighed, letting Lindsey through. "I didn't invite you back for Rumours part two, Lindsey."

But Lindsey hardly listened, his eyes on Stevie, who very obviously had been crying for a while, the remnants of her tears still visible, her hair loose and a little tangled and still, she was the most beautiful woman in his eyes. 

"I didn't do anything, Steph. I was at a bar, having a drink. Forgetting my phone, I went to-" Lindsey started explaining, but Stevie cut him short. 

"Mick told me." Hugging herself around the middle Stevie said, sniffling. "I believe you."

Sighing in relief, Lindsey smiled just a little. "You do?" Stevie nodded. "Come here." He opened his arms and Stevie couldn't be wrapped in his embrace fast enough. 

Mick had left the two of them alone already.

"What's going on, Stevie? I... I couldn't wait to see you and Mick said you were with Joe." Lindsey sounded upset and rightfully so as he drew back, cradling Stevie's face in his hands. "I felt like someone took hold of my heart and fucking crushed it."

Shaking her head slightly, Stevie dropped her eyes low. "I thought I owed Joe another chance." She looked up again. "I tried. Spending over twenty years with someone is a long time. I didn't want to just throw it all away. Those couple of days were nice, but that's just what it was. I knew I wasn't being fair to anyone; Joe, you or myself." Circling her arms loosely around Lindsey's waist, Stevie continued. "I told him that I'm in love with you." Lindsey took in a sharp breath and Stevie smiled. "I am in love with you, Lindsey."

Again, Lindsey pulled Stevie closer, holding her tightly to himself, pressing kisses to her hair. "I've never thought I'd hear you say that again."

"It's how I feel and I can't deny it any longer." Stevie shrugged her shoulders, smiling against Lindsey's chest. "He... he asked me to leave. Joe said that I ended our marriage the first time I agreed to see you."

"Steph, are you... the two of you..." Frowning, Lindsey wasn't quite sure how to finish.

"Our marriage is over." Stevie said with finality in her voice. "I don't know what's going to happen now, I didn't even get a chance to think it all through, to decide what I want to do, when Joe told me to go, but I can't say I blame him."

"Why didn't you call me? Why did you come see Mick instead?" Stevie was certain she could hear hurt in Lindsey's voice.

Shrugging her shoulders again, she stuttered slightly. "I'm not really sure if I'm honest. I guess, I didn't want you to think I've got no choice left but to come back to you."

"I would have never thought that, Steph. You know me better than that." 

"I'm sorry..." Looking away, Stevie whispered, but Lindsey couldn't be really mad at her, taking into consideration the bigger picture.

Tilting her chin up with the tip of his finger, Lindsey smiled. "Say it again."

"Wh-" Stevie started, but she knew. "I love you." 

"I love you, too." Lindsey's smile widened and he leaned in for a proper kiss, not like the one they had previously shared at his home. "So, are we going to stand here in Mick's hallway any longer or... maybe... you'd like to come home with me?"

Stevie stared at Lindsey for a second longer, before facing the direction where Mick had gone off to. "Mick, we're leaving!"

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