The Storm Empire (Completed)

By SoulSkye

183 11 3

The age of humans have passed, and the only survivors still lure around Arian, searching for a chance of life... More

Guide to Arian
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
About the Authors

Chapter 3

4 1 0
By SoulSkye

 "Okay, let's start the ceremony," exclaimed Gray. The clan gathered around the skullrock, their eyes widened in curiosity as they peered at the human girl. Crystal stood next to her and whistled impatiently as she awaited the ceremony. Charlie looked around, eager yet intimidated by the large amount of cats studying her.

"I've never seen a human before!" One of the younger nekos whispered.

"Me neither!" Another one yelped.

Gray beckoned her tail at the clan, "Everyone quiet down please, we have a lot to go over."

The clan quieted down.

"As you know we have a human with us today," she continued while pointing to Charlie, who gave a nervous wave, "Her name is Charlie Willow, but today she will no longer be known as that identity. Her past is no longer of value, for she will be leaving behind her old home and joining our clan to live her future. It is time to begin the transformation ceremony."

The clan stood silently. It was an exciting moment, one that could be captured in a snapshot. The last transformation ceremony had been decades ago, so this was of great significance to the nekos of Storm empire. Crystal sighed, rolling her eyes at the nekos, staring like there was a rare jewel was in the middle of the intricate circle. She raised the staff, which glowed brighter and brightly in line with the jewel. Slowly, she chanted words in a language she had studied for years, the familiar word slowly rolling off her tongue, each word as precious as gold to the ceremony.

"Cretila thera Igrealls optahe Arian, neko comsumea itr igrega itrla," the only 2 familiar words were neko, the type of animal everyone in the room was, and Arian, the world they lived in.

At the same time, Gray slowly started her own part of the ceremony. Even though she no longer had to do the ceremonial part, the leader had an important part of the ceremony as well, although it was not exactly flashy. Taking a breath and her mind racing a bit as she did the ceremony, full of light, her crystal eyes seem to glow as her voice as full of power and strength, shouted out the words she had prepared.

"Today, you have been reborn in the eyes of heaven. You are no longer of the same breed nor the same being you were before. Therefore, you shall receive a new name to celebrate the being you have become. Charlie Willow, you shall be known as Acornleaf, warrior of StormClan!"

The clan burst into a rapid celebration, as nekos chanted the new name, throwing their fists into the air. Acornleaf grinned, then looked down at her body. She had grown ears and sharp claw like nails. The back of her legs suddenly grew itchy, so when she went to scratch it she gasped when she felt a short, furry stub.

"It's your tail," Gray purred, "Don't worry, it'll grow out in a few months."

Charlie nodded nervously, then threw her hands up into the air. The celebration continued, as more noise flooded the room.

Suddenly, a shout erupted from the crowd, "THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE SKY!"

The cheering had began to calm down when Crystal notice a familiar winged figure in the corner of the room. She grimaced at the figure. It was a washi, part of the Sky Kingdom. They were usually friendly and not known to have an evil side. Crystal rolled her eyes as the washi landed on the ground, dust flying from the floor as he landed a little off balance.

As the cheers slowly died out, the figure spoke, "Am I intruding?" The voice was a bit deep, but signaled that he was fairly young. He cast off his cloak, revealing the glory of his feathered wings, beautifully shining the same color as his eyes, a strange gray-blue. His eyes glowed a very dark blue. "I am a representative of Sky Kingdom." He looked around the same age as Crystal, even their eyes has a strange resemblance for a second, but in a blink, it was gone.

"Who... is he?" Acorn's whisper was only heard to the nearby Graystar. Acorn's jaw was too close for comfort to the ground. Her eyes were as big as plates, not at the wings, but at the person himself.

"Hawkwing of Sky Kingdom. It is not the best moment, but what are you here for?" asked Graystar, her eyes showing that she knew just who this intruder was. Crystal also looked at him, who happened to be her brother of the same father. Although she knew him, she did what was most professional by giving him a slightly hostile look. Obviously, she saw no threat from this intruder, unlike Red who had a long sword by his side.

"Get off our land, eagle! You're not welcome here," Red pulled back his sword as he spoke, positioned as if the eagle may attack at any second.

Hawk shook his head, amusement gleaming in his eyes, "That's no way to treat your leader's sister's brother... whose technically your leader's half brother, which I guess is her dad's second-wife's child-"

"Hawkwing, we get the point" Crystalfur addressed her brother, "But I do not believe that any person gave you passage into this kingdom. I advise that you stay out. You have no claim to our kingdom. I believe you have better things to do. Such as stick your head in an oven."

"Of course, Crystalfur of the Storm Family," answered Hawk, his eyes gleaming with amusement for unknown reasons. A small smile curved on his lips, unreserved while Crystal lifted her head, trying to act proud, even as the boy slyly moved around her, flying to Acorn's side. He smiled at her and spoke to her, "Also I'd like to greet the new beautiful warrior of my half-sister's clan. I watched your ceremony from the sky." He bent down on his knee, kissing her hand with a devilish smile as she nearly fainted from the gesture.

"Stop this nonsense," Gray growled, "Just because you're my half-brother, doesn't mean you can fly your way over here for any unknown reason. Tell me what you're really here for, or else I'll have my warriors escort you out."

"I offer to take him out whether he has a reason to come here or not," Crystalfur offered, her icy blue eyes glowing with anger at her half-brother. She was born within 4 hours as the young boy, from the same father. Her father wasn't really close to her nor her mother. Just thinking about the thoughts made her shiver. Horrible memories flashed through her mind along with a person who she regretted the most.

Hawk laughed, "What did I do to make you hate me, little sis?" He cleared his voice, "Anyway, the real reason why I came here is because my leader wanted to know who you were bringing to the gathering."

"Does he think this is my first gathering?" hissed Graystar, her crystal eyes flashing. "Your leader has no right to ask this question. They have no claim to our private information."

Hawk rolled his eyes, "Do you really think I would let my leader screw with my half-sister who's also your mother's husband's second wife's child, and the clan leader's-"

"Okay, okay! Fine, I'll tell you." Gray muttered, "I'm bringing... Redscar."

Red puffed his shoulders, and straightened his back, "Of course, Gray."

Hawk nodded, then took out a stone tablet in which he scribbled down the names with one of his jagged eagle claw.

" well as Crystal, since she is our ceremony holder," Crystal grinned, something she rarely did. Gray leaned in to Crystal, "I'm only bringing you because whenever me and Hawk are together, something bad happens." Crystal frowned.

"Frost, one of our best." Frost's eyes gleamed with pride, since this was her first gathering, since they had not been invited for many years. "Eclipselight, Fawnwhisker, and Hawkheart." The healers dipped their head."Blueflame, and....

"Acornleaf," Gray nodded firmly, as she spoke the last cat's name.

"Me?" Acornleaf raised her brows, "Why me?"

"Because I want to introduce you to the other clans and it'll be a great experience. Be glad, because it's a huge honor. Not many nekos get invited, especially those who have just joined."

"Aww, I wanted to go!" complained an apprentice, who was hushed with a stern look.

"You'll go next time Strikepaw," Redscar narrowed his eyes, "I expect good behavior from you while I'm gone."

Strikepaw nodded, as she licked her mentor on the ear.

"Okay then," Hawk exclaimed, "I'll see you all tomorrow morning then."


The next morning, it was time to go the the gathering. The people who has been chosen had more or less casual clothing on. Even the cold Crystalfur had taken off all of her piercings. She usually kept tied hair in a long straight style to cover her ears, combing it one last time before she left. She wore a sleeveless dress with a cover on top, glittering a pure white. Even with this, her golden bow glittered at her side.

Gray noticed that all of the people had their weapons. She knew that they had to appear powerful, but whatever they had in store would stand no chance against the other empires. The Storm empire had never really stood a chance against the other animal clans, because they were only cats against savages. She sighed, letting them all take their weapons anyway and even materializing her long blue handled knife at her side.

"Everyone ready?" Gray mewed, as the group gathered by the clearing.

Frost nodded, gripping the slingshot she had possessed in her pocket, "Yes, I assigned patrols for the day and made sure there was enough fresh-kill to last for the whole day."

"And I left Strikepaw in charge of the other apprentices. She will be hosting a group training session with all of them," Red remarked.

"Your apprentice?" Eclipse suddenly mewed, "Are you sure that's a good decision?"

"Yes. She can be a bit impatient, but she has enough energy and is responsible when needed," answered Red, suddenly defensive.

"...Isn't she the one who decided to put frogs in my sleeping bag when I came into the kingdom?" wondered Crystal

"It was a misunderstanding! She thought that you were a traitor!" Red suddenly stopped and decided to be honest. "Okay, I helped her plan it."

"I find it funny how you're deputy, and probably the most intelligent tom in the clan but still decided to use frogs," sighed Crystal. "Well, just saying, you two better never do it again!"

Gray crossed her arms, "Oh come on. All this ramble and ramble about pranks and frogs will do us no good in the gathering later. Now let's get going before we miss-"

"Wait!" A voice came from behind the group. Behind them was Acornleaf, who was struggling to put on her silk cardigan.

"In the name of Arian.." Gray fumed, "How did we forget about you?

"I want to know that too!" Acorn sighed, walking up in a tan dress. She looked good in it and it was a borrowed dress, since she didn't have any tail openings in her human clothing.

"Um, hehe, not to stress anyone out here but we only have approximately ten minutes, and 28 seconds until the gathering starts," Fawn, the healer's apprentice, shyly spoke.

"Let's get going then," Gray tucked her knife into the back of her denim pocket, and scurried out of the camp. The nekos followed her out, and away they walked towards the sky that welcomed its morning sunlight into all of the empires in Arian. 

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