
By ShelbyWinds

4.2K 699 22

Trinity is Hawk's son, but he never asked to be in this life. Sure he gets the girls and is the star quarter... More



64 11 0
By ShelbyWinds

Trinity goes back to the bar. He doesn't think he'd better have any more alcohol, he's starting to feel the affects of what he's already had. He decides to order a drink many might consider a bit on the female side, a daiquiri. He takes the cool sweetness and lets it slide down his throat. He wishes he didn't have to order it a virgin though.

"Hey, there," a woman says as she sips on her own drink. Trinity looks over at her and gives her a lazy smile. The red headed woman is definitely his type, non bitchy.

"Hey," Trinity replies and stands straighter. From the corner of his eye he can see Yvette making her way over to the bar.

"Can I get you a drink?" The woman asks Trinity and he smiles at her again.

"Make it water, I want to stay and play a bit longer and the alcohol I've already had is starting to make me sleepy." The woman laughs and buys him a water with her own order of something fruity.

The woman hands him the water as she sips her drink. "Thanks." Trinity's drink felt good on his throat but now he needs the water to clear the sweet out of his mouth. He downs  half the bottle in one go.

The woman seems to purr as he does so. Trinity smirks to himself. He whispers something in the ear of the woman and she smiles. They walk to a darker area of the club. The woman is a bit too forward for his taste, but he doesn't mind in this instance. Trinity though, is tired of playing this game and wants things to end. It's not that he minds the sex, he rather enjoys that, but there are other things he'd rather do. Like go to bed and sleep being the main one.

Wow, did he really just think that? He thinks that maybe he shouldn't drink anymore, it makes him too tired. He went five years without drinking he thinks that he shouldn't have broken his streak tonight.

Even distracted his hands and mouth know what to do and even over the sounds of the loud music he hears the woman's moans. His own body reacts. 

There are alcoves scattered all over the area with curtains for privacy. Trinity maneuvers them into one of the alcoves and pulls the curtain.

It takes them both a few minutes to catch their breaths after they finish. They both get dressed once more in silence.

"I have to say, I hope to run into you again sometime. Thanks for the lovely time." 

"Thanks for the water, have a good night." The lady is more blase about casual sex than any female he's ever come across and that includes Janice. 

He's never felt more like a man whore than in that moment. He hopes Yvette will make her move soon, he really wants to get some sleep. He decides if she doesn't make her move in the next half hour he's going to leave. Hopefully that will intrigue her enough to come back. Or if she is hunting him then she will be forced to come back.

"Water," he orders from the bartender when he makes it back to the bar.

He takes the proffered bottle and nearly downs the whole thing in one go. He decides it's too hot in here and starts to make his way out of the room.

Yvette moves into his way. Putting her hand on his chest she stops him. "How about a dance, handsome?"

"Sorry, didn't really come here for dancing, not my thing." Trinity moves around Yvette and continues on his way to the door. She follows.

"You come to a dance club and don't dance?"

Trinity smirks at her confused tone. Ana's taught him pretty good, Yvette's lying through her teeth, it's all part of the game for her.

Trinity smiles and moves a  bit closer, "I don't come for that kind of dancing." He motions to the dance floor.  He might be her prey, but the hunter is intrigued by it.

"Perhaps, that isn't the kind of dancing I had in mind either," she purrs. She moves to get in front of him once more.

Trinity shakes his head smirking to himself once more. The player wants to play.

"Sorry already had my fill. I think I'll head to my room and go to bed. I find myself a bit tired, maybe some other time." With that Trinity pushes past her and heads out of the club. He has to force himself to breath and not hold his breath waiting for her to follow. He's nearly to the elevator bank before she catches up to him.

"My name is Yvette," she tells him as they wait for the elevator to make it to their floor and open its doors.

Trinity is already bored by this game. He has to force himself to give a damn. "That's nice." But his tone and actions say just the opposite. This Yvette reminds him of the head cheerleader from his senior year. The one he kissed Ana to piss off, and it had worked beautifully too.

Yvette is getting frustrated by his lack of interest. He knows she saw him with other females and it wasn't that hard for her to figure out what he'd done with them. 

The elevator comes and several people get off. Trinity and Yvette are the only ones getting on. The night is young for most people around their age. Trinity figures that Yvette is a couple of years older than he is. Javier was closer to Damon's age so it makes sense he guesses. It doesn't really matter. If he had been interested it wouldn't have mattered then either, but since this is an assignment it really doesn't matter. He really hopes Damon had gotten the syringe to his room like he'd promised.

Once the elevator doors close Trinity politely asks, "Which floor?"

"Which ever one your room is on," Yvette purrs back and attacks him. She backs him into a corner and starts kissing him.

He finally pushes her back a bit, "Put the brakes on Yvette. Going from zero to one hundred twenty isn't my style." He takes his key card out and the elevator is off to the penthouse. The elevator won't stop before there. His needs take precedence over other guests here at the hotel.

He's trying to think of the best way to deal with this. He reluctantly decides that he won't be able to distract her with the pool or hot tub first. He's too tired to think this through clearly. Damn, this isn't the time to be fuzzy headed.

Yvette just raises her eyebrow as she step off the elevator, "Nice room."

"Yes, it has a lovely view of the city. Would you care to look?" Trinity motions with his arm towards the window and moves that way himself. He really needs some time to clear his head and some distance from the bitch.

It doesn't take Yvette long to join him. He can practically hear her teeth grinding in aggravation at his not being cooperative. He hides the smile that comes to him at the frustration building in her. Damn, this is starting to get fun.

He's never played with a player before and getting her all hot and bothered without actually touching her is proving fun enough to wake him up a bit.

She comes up behind him, wrapping her arms around his torso and looking over his shoulder to the view. "It is a lovely sight. Up here you don't see any of the ugliness. Just the beauty of the lights below."

Trinity decides that it's time to actually get things moving a bit. He runs his hand over her arm and is pleased by her shiver of desire. It could be an act and he has to keep that in mind, but she didn't need to pretend.

He uses light touches just on her arms and hands to show his interest. Soon she is doing so as well. He holds back a sigh of relief, his body is responding even though his brain can't stand her.

"Can I get you a drink?" His voice is deeper and huskier than it had been before.

"I'm good." He hears the satisfaction in her voice, she thinks that he's caught.

Every time Yvette tries to take things fast he slows it down. It's like she wants this over with as fast as she can. That gives Trinity the understanding that he really is nothing more than an assignment for her as well. It actually makes him breath easier knowing that.

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