The Contract That saved my Br...

By sel_evelyn

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What are you willing to help your only sibling? Would you do anything? Well, Alexandra didnt quiet had option... More

The Contract... that saved my brother but not me
Chapter 1: My new life & home
Chapter 2: Ian and Kyle
Chapter 3: He likes me?
Chapter 4: Alex + Ian= love ?
Chapter 5: Engaged
Chapter 6: How about we try?
Chapter 8: Too good to be true...
Chapter 9: Kyle
Chapter 10: Hoping
Chapter 11: Getting better...
Chapter 12: Uncle Luis
Chapter 13: Three more days
Chapter 14: Disaster comes knocking
Chapter 15: My wedding day
Chapter 16: Honeymoon
Chapter 16: Extended
Chapter 17: Going back home
Chapter 18: The Truth Comes out
Chapter 19: After the truth
Chapter 20: Hope
Chapter 21: What should I do?
Chapter 22: Auction and Love
Chapter 23: Finding peace?
Chapter 24: Cheated
Chapter 25: Past and Present
Chapter 26: I am free
Chapter 27: Life goes on
Chapter 28: Wrong deal
Chapter 29: Baby surprise
Chapter 30: Another surprise???
Chapter 31: I still want him
Chapter 32: The truth finally comes out
Chapter 33: Time flies
Chapter 34: Finding Alex
Chapter 35: Continue Finding Alex
Chapter 36: Babies Time
Chapter 37: Finalizing
Chapter 38: The start of the end Part 1
Chapter 39: 38 continued
Chapter 40: Missing
Chapter 41: The start of the end Part II
Chapter 42: The Final Result
Time Passes By: The End
Ending Two (Alternative Ending)

Chapter 7: Our first date

8.8K 335 12
By sel_evelyn


I tell Johnny about my decision to try it with Ian. He quickly gets upset and angry at me. "What? Alex, they are criminals! Ian is just playing with you!"

"Johnny! Please, you don't know him, he isn't like Richard. He works at marketing and real estate. Ian doesn't want to be like his father." I say.
I made the decision. I won't be happy with Kyle either. He made it clear that he doesn't care about us anymore.

"How can we make sure he isn't playing with you? Alex, please think about this. It is just a contract; you don't have to be involved with him," he says. He hugs me, "Please, don't fall in love with him."

"I don't know if that will happen, but please trust me." I say. I kiss his cheek and go outside to my date.

I check myself on the mirror in the hallway. I put my hair in a bun and a simple black dress. My bangs make my look edgy since I am wearing black eye shadow.

I open the door to the outside world. Then I see Ian wearing a tuxedo besides a dinner table. There are lights hanging from the trees that look like stars.

I slowly walk towards Ian. I am getting nervous every step I am taking. His cheeks widen and I see his white teeth.

"You look great," he smiles.

I lightly smile. He pulls out my chair and I sit down. I put the napkin on my lap and so does Ian.

"Ms. Perez, I am glad you decided to really try this out. So because of that, I present you an Italian dinner," Ian says. He claps his hands and waiters come in with silver plates on their hands. I receive traditional spaghetti and meatballs, and Ian spinach soup with bread sticks. One of the waiters gives us a glass of champagne and water, and another waiter starts playing the violin.

"Enjoy," Ian says as he holds up his glass. We say a cheer and start eating. It's delicious! The pasta is perfectly cooked, the meat is lamb, and I get a slice of pizza!

We finish eating, well not quite yet. A waiter brings us chocolate coated strawberries and bananas with sugar.

Ian pushes my chair closer to him. We are like a foot from each other.

"Okay, did you enjoy dinner?" Ian asks.

"Yeah, it was great. Never had an Italian dinner before, thanks," I answer.

He chuckles and asks me to guess who did the dinner. I look around, "Hmm, maybe my mom?"

"I did everything Alex," he says.

Wow, really?

My mouth is in an O shape. "Well, you certainly gain points for this."

He laughs, "Yay for me."

Ian gets a strawberry and offers me one. I bite into it. We are few inches away from each other now.

"Thanks for everything; it was nice of you to do this." I say. I feel guilty for even thinking about Kyle before. I grew too attached to him in a short time. He was the only kind person at first.

"I only want to show you that I am serious. And heck, I like bragging about my excellent cooking," Ian smirks. I roll my eyes at his remark.

Suddenly, slow jazzy music comes dancing in the air. Ian stands and offers me his hand. "Would you like to dance?"

Why not?

We walk to the middle of the garden and start to dance. He puts his arm around me while holding my hand on his other hand. I bring our hands to his chest and lay them there.

"You look beautiful tonight," he whispers.

"And you don't look bad yourself." I say.

I am not lying. Ian looks like a celebrity. His black hair is somewhat pulled back, his tuxedo fits him perfectly, and his brown eyes sparkle.

We just stare at each other for a while. I finally get shy and pull away from his stare. He was telling me something that was too intimate. I put my head on his shoulder and we dance a little bit more.

The song ends, Ian kisses my cheek, and we start to walk.

"So Alex, did you have a boyfriend before?" Ian asks.

"Do you really want to know?"

He says no and chuckles. He hugs my hand with his and runs dragging me with him.

He opens a door and we get inside the house. All you hear is our chuckling and my heels hitting the floor hard.

"Where are we going?" I exclaim.

He finally stops and turns to me. He is breathing heavily like me. "I want for you to see something."

He opens the door to his room and gets me inside. The lights turn on and I see the regular room I saw this afternoon. Ian walks to a mini closet and takes out a shoe box. He tells me to sit down next to him on the bed.

"What is that?" I ask as I am taking my shoes off. I jump next to him and get the box. He takes it back and tells me to respect his stuff.

"I want you to meet my mom," he says.

He opens the box and I see pictures and papers. He takes a while to get the right picture.

"My mom's name is Malinda Wilson. She was only 28 when she passed away," Ian said as he finally finds the picture. He just stares at it, with very sad eyes. He touches the photo with his index figure slowly like if he is afraid to rip it.

Wow, his mom was young.

"My mom married my dad out of interest, not because he was rich but because he was foolish to fall for her. My mom needed someone to take care of her baby and herself," Ian says.

"Your dad was the right man to take care of them, right?" I ask.

"Yeah and like I said foolish to think the baby was his."

Wait, Ian isn't Richard's son?

He notices my big question mark on my forehead. He gives me the photo to see Malinda.

She was beautiful! Her long brown hair with some curls at the end, it stops at her chest, the beautiful sky blue eyes that shine in the sunlight and that smile. The same smile as Ian's.

She is at the beach siting down on a rock. She has a light blue bathing suit with a white long sleeve on top.

"According to my grandmother, men kissed the ground she walked in. I guess that's why my dad felt in love with her because of her beauty." Ian says.

"How did she die?" I ask.

Ian sighs, "She disappeared, just like that," he snaps his fingers, "I didn't even finish elementary school when she left."

"So she is alive?"


"I'm sorry," I say.

"It's okay, she was a stranger. She left when I barely understood the world around me. Then she appeared just to watch her die," he says.

I lay my head on his shoulder. I ask him if Richard cried when she died.

"No, I don't remember him crying or sad when she left. But he was in denial when he saw my mom on the floor dead. He thought she was asleep," Ian answers.

I think about Richard crying and it is impossible. He has a stone face; yes it does express anger and happiness but never sadness. I wonder if Richard truly loved her.

"Thanks for sharing this with me, you didn't have to," I say.

"I needed to tell my future wife about my mother, and well I trust you Alex," he says. He cups my chin and leans. He kisses my upper lip then my cheek.

"You really do?" I ask in disbelieve. A few days ago, he didn't trust me to be alone with any guy!

"I am beginning to trust you,"

Maybe he does like me, why can't I be happy with him? I have nothing to lose only five years of life.

He asks if he can kiss me. I just nod.

I press my lips into his fast. He kisses my upper lip and I kiss his lower lip. His lips are smoother and more passionate than before. He stops while his lips are still with mine.

"Our first kiss," he says as he pulls away. "And now our second." Ian grabs my neck and pushes me to him. He slowly relaxes his hand on my neck. We kiss for another second then it's too much for me. I felt his hand going down to my hips.

"Sorry, I didn't meant to," he says. I shake my head and stand up.

"I think it's time for me to go," I say.

Ian nods and stands to get the door. I get my shoes and walk to the door. I look at him and kiss his cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow then," I say.

"Goodnight, see you tomorrow," he say. I walk to my room.

I go in and turn on the lights.

"So, it's official. You are in love with Ian," Kyle says.

I get startled and jump. "How did you get in here? What do you want?" I ask.

He stands and puts his hands on his pockets. He has his normal black pants and white long sleeve button shirt with a black thin tie. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, and his first three buttons are unbutton.

I ask him again what he wants. He just grins.

"I can't believe you are really falling in love with Ian."

I look away and tell him to leave.

"No, I want to talk to you Ms. Perez. Richard said that you need to see him tomorrow. He is inviting you for lunch." Kyle says.

"Okay, thanks. I'll met him in his office."

"Yes miss," Kyle says.

I am waiting for him to leave but he is just standing there looking at me.

Kyle walks to the dresser in front of my bed. "You know that I still like you and want you, why are you with Ian now?" he asks in a whisper.

Is he really asking me that?

"I thought you were over this. And I don't owe you any explanations Kyle. Just leave now before I start screaming."

He looks at me with those puppy eyes. He quickly walks to me and embraces me. "Why are you with him now?" he asks.

I look like a worm trying to squeeze out of a hole. It is a useless effort though, I can't get out.

"Let me go!" I exclaim.

I punch his chest with both hands but Kyle doesn't feel anything. I feel his uneven breathe on my face.

"Ian is just kidding around with you," he says.

"Well that's my problem Kyle," I say. "Besides this was never going to work, we need to move on,"

I finally break loose and go to the other side of my room. He doesn't know what he wants; he doesn't know what to do.

"Just go away Kyle, you are my bodyguard and you have to obey me. Besides you are with Kayla, and you don't need to be here begging for me." I say. I cross my arms across my chest and try to look snobby. Maybe my attitude will irritate him and he will go away.

"You are right Ms. Perez. I am sorry for ever believing that you could be my girl. Goodnight," Kyle says. He goes away slamming the door behind him with all his might.

I drop to the bed like a stone. My life is just a mess. Am I doing right thing by trying with Ian?

Only time will tell me if I am...

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