Ms. Billionaire //Complete//

By lillycollins2000

383K 12.1K 305

No. 9 on #girlpower as of 19th May 2018. She stands alone facing the world. She's never had friends, never ha... More

Important Notice
The End


7.9K 283 0
By lillycollins2000

Inertia Louis
"The food was delicious." I said as Blake walked me back to my door after the date.

"I'm glad you like it."

"Yeah, the date was truly amazing."

"Just a question. Was this your first date?"

"I---I---" I stuttered.

"I'm sorry. Wrong questions. A woman like you must have had several dates."

"No, this was my first date."

"W---what? I mean you've never dated? Like though your high school years or anything?" Blake asked.

"I never had the time." I accepted shyly.

"Wow. I'm so glad I took you on your first date." Blake smiled.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"You were nervous and you are never nervous." Blake said.

"Well, then. I think I should get in my room yea?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." He said but leaned on slightly.

At that gesture, I leaned in too. He placed his lips onto mine and we kissed. It was a proper genuine kiss unlike the ones I have had with my one night stands. This one felt pure if that makes any sense. Slowly, I pulled back for air.

"Thank you, you made my day." Blake said.

"No, thank you for keeping me entertained this evening." I smiled.

"Well then see you later."

"Bye." I said and entered my room.


I hate mornings! Especially I gotta pretend to listen to Zach and avoid our conversation. Yup, you're right. Today is when I see Zach's presentation for our company's plan. Blake is watchng Aakash's presentation and I asked him if we could switch but he said the marketing department was my responsibility.

"Morning, should I start with my presentation?" Zach asked.

"Yeah, go ahead." I replied monotonously.

He began with the plans and stuff but I couldn't concentrate on a word he said. The thoughts of our conversation the previous night kept bugging me. Zach too wasn't unaffected. I could see he was struggling to keep his actual self down and only focus on the work at hand. But then, his exterior broke.

"Okay let's cut it. We need to talk." He said.

"Mr. Miller, we have no other thing to talk about but the marketing strategies." I said.

"Inertia. Stop."

"It's ma'am or Ms. Louis to you." I said coldly.

"Look, I know I went a bit to far Inertia but I couldn't see you with another guy." Zach said and now my blood boiled.

"You are saying this?! How dare you! I will not tolerate your crap. You go sleep with anyone you want and that's okay because we're not fucking dating. I go on a date with someone that has to be okay too! We're not dating!" With every word I stab my finger into his chest and he keeps moving backwards until he hits the wall.

"Then let's date. Give me a chance." He says.

"No. And now stop chasing me." I say try to walk away. He about to hold my hand but I beat him to hit and twist his hand and push him back at the wall.

"Don't even try." With that, I let him go and walk back to my room. Why does this have to happen this way? Why are my emotions suddenly going all over the place? I was careless before, selfish, didn't give a darn about the world. But now, why is everything affecting me?

I lay down on my bed thinking how to seperate emotions from work. The only option I could see was firing Zach. However, Blake would need a valid reason and I wasn't ready to tell him all this. Or wait, I could be friends with Zach. Yeah I know the whole friendship thing isn't my thing but I can try. That will sort everything out. Yes, I'll do that this evening after Cassie's presentation.

Blake and I went for lunch together. We mostly discussed what all Zach and Aakash had thought of and from the looks of it, everything was going really well. I was confident that the factory would be ours but Blake however was concerned about our competitors.

"It's been three days and they haven't replied yet." Blake stated.

"Let them take their time. Our competitors are totally out of business in this field. Right now in fact they are in debts. There's no way they have so much capital to buy this factory." I said.

"I hope so. Otherwise we'll have to find a new location and do everything from the construction of the building." Blake said.

"Hey, calm down. We're here to have lunch and chill okay? Just forget about it for now."

"How about you make me forget?" He smirked.

"Blake, we've been on one date." I said.

"Well then say you don't like this." He pressed his lips onto mine very briefly and then pulled away.

"Okay fine. I like it." I accepted in defeat.

"Then kiss me." He said and I did, boy did it feel right.

In he evening I viewed Cassie's presentation and I found several errors. However, I couldn't let my bias cloud my judgement so I asked Blake to review. Well I just hope Blake does find errors too because otherwise it means that I'm seriously losing it. Anyway it's time to face Zach. Again. I walked to his room and knocked at his door.

"Who's it?" He asked.

"Inertia." I replied and the door opened but only slightly. Not enough to let me in.

"First tell me are you here as my boss or any other person." He asked.

"Any other person." I said.

"So nothing I sat right now affects my job?" He asked.

"Since when do you care?"

"Since now. Just please answer me."

"No. It's won't affect your job." I said.

"Great then this conversation is over." He was about to shut the door but I put my hand in the middle and it got crushed between the space.

"Fuck." Zach cursed and helped me inside.

"Are you stupid?!"

"No, I just want to talk." I said. His anger tore away and sympathy filled his eyes.

"Let me get this done first." He said. He took out the first aid box from the cabinet and rubbed the gel on my hand. I observed him quietly as he wrapped the crape bandage around my palm and wrist.

"Why help me? Aren't you mad at me?" I asked.

"I still like you. I can't hate you."

"Can we talk? To sort this out?" I asked and he nodded.

"Let's go." I said.

"Where?" He asked.

"Dinner. I'm buying." I walked and he followed.

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