
By Cinnymoon

655K 13K 765

Destinee is a young girl adopted by Charlie. Since she met Jacob, she had a crush on him. But you know that J... More

More Characters
~15~ (Twilight end)
~27~ (New Moon end)
~43~ (Eclipse end)
~50~ (Breaking Dawn Part 1 end)
๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ†New Year๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ‡
66 (Epilogue)
๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ†New Year's Special๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ‡
Not a chapter
Serious matter


9.9K 198 3
By Cinnymoon

Jessica popped a volleyball in the air, doing practice serves. Angela took a picture of her, then pointed her camera around, looking for another shot. Eric studied some fliers advertising the prom.
"Monte Carlo? That's our prom theme?" Jessica asked.
"Gambling, tuxedos and Bond. James Bond", Eric replied.
"Oh. My. God."
Angela, who had been scanning for a shot, had frozen. Jessica and Eric saw Bella and Edward arriving together.
"First Destinee and now Bella?"
All eyes on the campus were turning to them, filled with curiosity, jealousy or envy.
"Everyone's staring", Bella mumbled.
"Not that guy over... yeah, he just looks", Edward said, motioning to a boy.

Meanwhile a hunting party, Charlie included who held the leash, was tracking through the forest. The hunting party with several dogs and half a dozen armed men were moving fast.
"Guys, we got something..."
The Deputies hurried to Charlie. They gathered around a footprint. The dogs started pulling them in a certain direction. The posse took off at a sprint. They were watched by James from a distance atop a knoll. Standing next to him was Laurent. Victoria jogged up.
"They took the bait."
"By tomorrow they'll be half way to Winnipeg."
Victoria lasciviously grabbed James' shirt and pulled him to her.
"I love when men chase me."
He grinned, then started taking off her clothes. They pulled each other toward the woods with carnal lust. It barely registered with Laurent, who continued to watch the posse with concern.

Meanwhile Bella hurried toward the entrance of the coffee shop, trying to keep the joy on her face in check, with minimal success. Outside the door, she passed Mike, hanging out with several of his basketball teammates.
"Yo, Arizona. So. You and Cullen."
She shrugged, non-committal, but couldn't entirely hide a smile, as she hurried inside to Charlie's table and slid in. Destinee already sat at the table.
"Sorry I'm late. Biology project."
Cora set a top sirloin steak in front of Charlie, a vegetable bowl in front of Destinee and a plate of seafood in front of Bella.
"Ordered you the seafood combo", Charlie said.
"Order one for yourself next time. You should cut back on the steak."
"I'm healthy as a horse."
Destinee liked the humor of her adoptive dad. Cora turned to Charlie concerned.
"Say Chief, boys want to know, you find anything down by Queets River today?"
Charlie was aware of the loggers at the counter which were listening. He framed his answer carefully to keep everyone calm. Destinee listened closely.
"The suspect's moving east. Kitsap County Sheriff is taking over from here. They're putting extra guys on", he said.
"Hope they catch him fast."
'Or it', Destinee thought.
Cora moved off, with a measure of relief. Charlie and Bella passed each other the salt, butter for bread etc..
"Your friends are flagging you."
She turned to see Mike and the guys horsing around outside, straws in their noses, making faces at her. She smiled. Destinee snorted and tried the best not to bite her hand while she tried to not burst out laughing loud.
"It's okay you wanna join them. I'm just gonna turn in early anyway."
"Yeah, me, too."
"It's a Friday night. Go out. The Newton boy's got a big smile for you. Nice family, the Newtons."
"He's just a friend."
"None of the boys in town interest you?"
"We're not really going to talk about boys, are we?"
"Looks like it", Destinee mumbled.
"Just... you should be around people. I leave you alone too much."
"I've never minded being alone. Guess I'm a lot like my dad that way", Bella said with genuine affection.
Charlie smiled. Cora returned to their table.
"Berry cobbler, three forks."
She set it between them.
"So Desti, I heard about it. Next round, huh? Excited?" Cora asked Destinee.
"Yeah, totally. I hope I will get through this. I'm going to a training camp for one week."
"Wow. Good luck girl, I will cheer for you."
"Thanks Cora."
"You're leaving in two days right?"
"Yeah. I'm excited already."
Destinee was feeling a little bit uncomfortable with Bella at the same table. She cleared her throat.
"I think I should go home and pack already."
"Okay sweetie."
She kissed him on his head and jogged out. On her way home, her phone rang. It was Alice.
"Hey Alice, what's up?"
"Oh nothing much. Only that you should take the blue top with you instead of the other one."
"I can see the future", Alice answered in a 'duh' tone.
"Oh, okay. Thanks."
"Why is that camp in two days already. We wanted to play baseball."
"You asked the wrong person, I don't know."
"Well, at least have fun and keep in touch. Tell us everything, how it is there and such, okay?"
"Okay Alice, I will."
They hung up.

It was already night when Destinee and Bella were dressed for bed. Destinee was already laying in her bed in a deep sleep while Bella looked out the window as she talked on the phone with Renée. Bella's euphoria lingered in her eyes.
"So spring training's going well?"
Renée was talking on her cell. Phil was in the background, doing post-batting practice, chowing down with a couple of teammates.
"Phil's working hard. We're looking around for a house to rent, in case it becomes permanent. You'd like Jacksonville, baby."
"Actually, Forks is kind of growing on me."
"Could... a guy have something to do with that?" Renée asked, knowing that there was more.
"Maybe...", Bella said with a small smile.
"Tell me everything! Jock? Indie? Bet he's smart. Is he smart?"
"Well... he is kind of a history buff", Bella tried to avoid the lies.
She turned to find Edward sitting on her bed, smiling. She nearly dropped the phone.
"I, uh... have to go", Bella stammered.
"No way, we gotta talk boys. Are you being safe?"
Edward shot her a look. He had heard that. Bella was mortified.
"I'll call you later, Mom."
"No, wait tell me more about..."

"... Destinee?"
But Bella had already hung up.
"How did you get in here?" Bella asked Edward.
"The window. As always", he answered.
"You've been here before?"
"What else is there to do at night?"
She pushed him. He grabbed her hand and playfully pulled her onto the bed, wrestling.
"You're a peeping Tom! Perv!" Bella exclaimed.
"Shh! The Chief will hear you!"
But the electricity of their physical contact quickly overwhelmed them, their laughter quieting. He studied her face.
"I just... like watching over you."
He rose his fingers to her lips, sending a thrill up her spine.
"There's something I'd like to try."
She nodded, bedazzled by him. He took her face in his hands and hesitated to test himself, then he softly kissed her. What neither of them was prepared for was her response. Her breath came in a wild gasp. Her fingers knotted in his hair, clutching him to her. Lips parted as she breathed his scent. Then his hands gently, but forcefully pushed her face back. She opened her eyes to see that his eyes were wild and his jaw clenched. Bella looked at him mortified.
"Oh... I'm... oh."
He relaxed slightly while looking at her blushing face.
"I'm stronger than I thought."
"Wish I could say the same. I'm so embarrassed."
"Don't be. But we have to be careful. I can never lose control with you. Ever."
She nodded, then carefully laid on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her.

The next day Charlie called a cab for Destinee. She was leaving that day for the camp. She was very excited. Her things were already packed since the day before and now she was in Charlie's right embrace.
"Have fun sweetie."
"Thanks dad."
"I already miss you."
"Oh come on. It's only a week. And there exists something which is called phone."
"Yeah yeah. Greetings to your friends."
"I will tell them."
She kissed him goodbye on the cheek and got into the cab. It drove off with Charlie watching. Bella was just standing at the window with an emotionless expression.

Time skip

Bella entered to find Charlie cleaning a rifle. He started to say hello but she just blurted out:
"I have a date with Edward Cullen."
He suddenly looked like he's having an aneurysm.
"He's too old for you", he said.
"We're both juniors. I thought you liked the Cullens", she replied.
"And I thought you weren't interested in any of the boys in town."
"Edward doesn't live 'in town.' And it's in the early stage and... whatever, he's outside right now."
"Now? He's out there?"
"He wants to meet you. Officially."
He cocked the rifle in mock-seriousness.
"Be nice, okay? He's... important."
Charlie gave his daughter a reassuring nod... then she opened the door to reveal Edward in a parka and gloves.
"Chief Swan. I wanted to formally introduce myself. I'm Edward."
Edward extended his hand. Charlie took it, but grunted a hello, resisting him."
"I won't keep Bella out late tonight. We're just going to go play baseball with my family."
"Bella's going to play baseball?"
He now had something to tell Destinee. Bella was equally surprised, but hid it.
"Yes, sir, that's the plan."
"Well. More power to you, I guess."
Edward looked him in the eyes.
"She'll be safe with me, sir, I promise."
As Edward exited. Charlie held Bella back.
"You got that pepper spray?" he whispered.
She went out the door. Edward and Bella climbed into a massive Jeep parked in the drive.
"Your father thinks you should go to an all-girl's school", Edward said amused.
"Its not fair to read Charlie's mind", she said.
As they climbed in the Jeep, Bella noticed a baseball bat.
"And since when do vampires like baseball?"
"It's the American pastime. Plus, there's a thunderstorm coming. It's the only time we can play. You'll see why."
Storm clouded gather in the sky as Bella and Edward pulled up in the Jeep. She took in a rough baseball diamond which was set into an enormous field in the lap of the Olympic peaks. Esme and Emmett came to greet Bella.
"Good thing you're here. We need an umpire."
"She thinks we cheat", Emmet shot with a big crooked grin.
"I know you cheat. Call 'em as you see 'em", Esme told Bella.
"It's time", Alive announced just as a deep rumble of thunder shook the forest.
Bella stayed by Esme who played catcher. Alice pitched with a lightning-fast speed. Edward and Emmet took positions in the outfield. Rosalie smashed the ball with the aluminum bat. It cracked like thunder and was followed directly by a real thunder.
"Now I get why you need the thunder", Bella said to Esme.
The ball shot deep into the forest, rocketing through the trees. Edward disappeared after it.
"That has to be a home run."
"Edward's very fast", Esme told her.
Rosalie darted around the bases while Edward raced out of the forest with the ball and whipped it to the home plate. Esme caught it a millisecond before Rosalie slid in.
"Yer out?"
Esme nodded. Amazed, Bella watched as Carlisle hit a line drive. Edward and Emmett raced for the catch, diving 15 feet and colliding with such might that it sounded like enormous boulders falling. They missed the ball. Jasper whacked the next pitch deep into the forest. But before Edward could chase after it, Alice suddenly gasped.
"Stop!" she yelled, "I didn't see them."
They all stopped. Edward was immediately at Bella's side. The family instantly gathered at the home plate.
"They're traveling so quickly..." Alice began.
"You said they left the county", Rosalie interrupted.
"They did, but then they heard us."
Edward looked at Bella.
"Put your hair down."
"Like that'll help. I could smell her from across the field."
Edward ignored Rosalie as he arranges Bella's hair.
"I shouldn't have brought you here. I'm so sorry."
She'd ask why, but suddenly, they all turned as one toward the edge of the forest. There was a faint rustle, then James, Victoria and Laurent emerged. As they neared, Bella saw their bare feet, then the deep burgundy of their eyes. Laurent held up the baseball.
"I believe this belongs to you."
He tossed the ball to Carlisle who easily caught it and smiled politely.
"Thank you."
"Could you use three more players?"
"Of course."
"I'm Laurent. This is Victoria. And James."
"Would you like to bat first?"
Laurent picked up a bat. The Cullens took the field. Carlsile was the catcher, Edward was on first, with Bella behind him, near the Jeep. Bella saw that Edward's eyes were locked onto James. Laurent was at bat first.
"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us."
"Our apologies. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed."
"Yes, we maintain a permanent residence."
The three newcomers exchanged a look of surprise.
"Really? Well, we won't be a problem any more."
"The humans were tracking us, but we led them East..."
Jasper pitched the ball, Laurent slammed it, but Alice was up a tree is a flash and the ball slammed into Alice's hand. Laurent was pissed, but James smiled ever so slightly, delighted at the discovery of worthy opponents. James was up next and he power-slammed it with amazing force. He ran past first, past Edward and Bella. The wind from the ball ruffled her hair, carrying her scent which floated to James who suddenly screeched to a halt. His head whipped around at her and he lurched into a crouch, his nostrils flaring, excitedly, eyes locked on Bella.
"You brought a snack", he said.
Edward sprung in front of Bella, baring his teeth. A feral snarl ripped from his throat. James growled back. In a flash, the Cullens rush into position behind Edward. Laurent and Victoria lined up behind James.
"The girl is with us", Carlisle said.
"We won't harm her", Laurent tried to defuse the situation.
"Just try it", Emmett warned, hungry for a battle.
"I think it best if you leave", Carlisle suggested.
"Yes, I can see the game is over. We'll go now", Laurent agreed, "James?"
But James' eyes didn't leave Edward's. Laurent put a hand on James' shoulder, which made James back into the woods with the other two. Once they're gone, Esme immediately gathered up the bats.
"Get Bella out of here. We'll follow them."
Carlisle, Jasper and a resentful Rosalie raced off after the three vampires. Edward scooped Bella up and whipped her into the Jeep and strapped her in.
"James is a tracker. I saw his mind. The hunt is his obsession, and my reaction set him off.
The tires spun as Edward whipped the jeep around.
"We're a large clan of strong fighters all protecting one vulnerable human. I just made this his most exciting game ever."
The last part was underlined by darkness and disgust in his voice. Bella blanched with the dawning realization of what she has just wrought up on them all. It was a jolting and death defying ride as the Jeep careened down the dirt mountain road, splashing through creeks, until they reached a mountain road. The Jeep sped wildly down the road.
"The first place he'll go is your house. He'll track your scent there."
"What?!?" Bella exclaimed, "Charlie's there. He's in danger because of me. Because of us!"
"Then we'll lead the tracker away from him. Somehow", Edward replied calmly.
He angrily whipped around a bend what caused the mud to fly.

Charlie was on the phone with Destinee and a baseball game was on the TV.
"She's really playing baseball? Or better,... she's doing SPORTS?"
"Yes, I have surprised too. But I must say,... I don't like Edward that much."
"You got it, dad."
"So Destinee. How's it over there in Phoenix?"
"It's great here. I'm in a room with Anni and Yana."
"Already had training?"
"No, not yet. Tomorrow morning. It will really useful. I hope. I think I'm too excited.
So... how is Bella?"
Then the door suddenly bursted open to reveal Bella, crying, and Edward, devastated.
"I said, leave me alone!"
"Bella, don't do this. Just think about it, please..."
"Get out! It's over."
She slammed the door. Charlie had risen, baffled and concerned.
"Bella? What happened?" Charlie asked.
"I have to get out of this place. Out of Forks. I'm leaving. Now."
Bella ran upstairs. Charlie hurried after her. She slammed the door behind her. Edward was already there, pulling things from her drawers and shoving them into a duffle faster than humanly possible. Bella leaned against the door.
"I can't hurt him", Bella said in a pained whisper.
Edward gave her a look. There was a knock. Charlie was on the other side. It was agony for both of them.
"Bells. Did he hurt you?"
"No, Dad."
"Then what? Did he break up with you?"
"I broke up with him."
"I thought you liked him?"
"That's why I have to leave. I don't want this. I want to go home."
"I'll be in the truck", Edward whispered.
He disappeared out the window. Bella gathered strength to continue her performance. She opened the door to reveal Charlie. He followed as she carried her duffle. Bella charged down the stairs Charlie followed.
"Your mother's not even in Phoenix."
"She'll come home. I'll call her from the road."
"You can't drive home now. I'll take you to the airport in the morning."
"I want to drive. I need time to think. I'll pull into a motel in a few hours. I promise."
She headed down the stairs. Charlie followed. Bella reached the ground floor with Charlie on her heels. She was almost to the door but he blocked her.
"Bells, I know I'm not around much, but I can change that. We can do more things together, with Destinee. I know you don't like her that much. But please."
She took a breath, hating herself for what she was about to say.
"Like watch more baseball on the flat screen? Or go to the Coffee Shop? Same people, same steak, same berry cobbler every night? That's you, Dad. Not me."
This hit Charlie hard. She could barely stand it, heads down the stairs, as he rook a second to recover.
"Bella... I just got you back."
It broke Bella's heart... and forced her to deliver the final blow.
"And if I don't get out now, I'm going get stuck here like mom did."
Charlie was stunned and wounded. She took advantage of his shock and pushed past him out the door. Bella exited and headed to her truck. Fresh tears sprung to her eyes. They didn't know that Destinee was still at the phone which Charlie had in his hand and that she heard every single word.
Charlie jumped and looked at the phone. He realized that the call wasn't ended yet.
"You heard everything what was said?"
"Yeah. I'm sorry dad. That's too cruel. And thanks for asking her to be nicer. Even if it doesn't work with her."
"No problem sweetie. Let's just hope that Bella comes to her senses."
"She said that she was going to Phoenix. I know you're not on each other's best sides,... but could you try and talk to her?"
"Of course dad. I'll try my best."
"I know, thank you sweetheart. Good luck with your training. Good night."
"Goodnight dad."
Trees, branches... and a pair of deadly eyes between them. It was James. He watched from a distance as Bella pulled out. The truck moved off and so did James, leaving Charlie alone with his pain, staring out the window. Bella drove, wiping tears away. Suddenly Edward was outside the car, near Bella's window.
"He'll forgive you", she heard Edward suddenly say.
She was startled.
"Slide over."
Bella slid over to the passenger side as Edward opened the door, sliding in, and took the wheel. Bella slumped.
"His face... I said the same words my mother used when she left him."
"It was the only way he'd let you go."
Edward floored it.
"Your father's safe now, Bella. The tracker is following us..."
Suddenly, there was a boom. A dark figure leapt onto the bed of the truck. Bella screamed.
"It's alright. It's just Emmett. Alice is in the car behind us", Edward told her.
She caught her breath. It killed him to see her so frightened. She looked out the window as they drove through town.

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