Loving Him || l. t. ||

Da wonderlandrose_

9.9K 298 75


C h a p t e r 1
C h a p t e r 2
C h a p t e r 3
C h a p t e r 4
C h a p t e r 5
C h a p t e r 6
C h a p t e r 7
C h a p t e r 8
C h a p t e r 9
C h a p t e r 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (PART 1)
Chapter 20 (PART 2)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 14

285 12 9
Da wonderlandrose_

Blood smeared on the walls. Glass from the tv, vases and picture frames were shattered on the ground. I looked up and saw Louis looked angry and sorry at the same time. By now I was pissed, confused, nervous.

I didn't feel safe anymore. This was no longer my safe haven. This was now my place of fear.

The man that had talked to be was Owen. A bloody, cut up, bruised Owen. Had Louis done this? Why? Oh because of that stupid party?

I was getting myself all worked up. My mind was racing, I need to get away. I ran as fast as I could out of the door. I heard Louis yell for to stop and that he had to explain.

What was there to explain? It was pretty obvious what he was trying to do.

I got to his car and reached in my pocket. Oh no, I dropped the keys in the house and ran out without picking them up.

Tears streaming down my face, I turned to see Louis running after me. No, I can't let him catch me.

I abandoned the car and ran down the drive way. I decided to take a left which brought me near a big field. I neared the field and hopped the fence. I was still running when I heard the screeching of tires.

I didn't look back as I knew it was Louis.

I picked up my pace, getting lost in the big grassed field.

"Kalel! Stop we need to talk!" I faintly heard Louis yelling.

I don't know what got it to me. I stopped running and fell to the ground and started having a mental breakdown. I was crying so hard by the time Louis reached me.

I felt his arms wrap around my waist and his legs straight out in front of me. I wanted to stay there but I couldn't. I started to jerk to try and break free from his grasp. I failed as I felt the sharp pain in my shoulders.

I moaned quietly in agony. His grasp tightened and he laid his head on my shoulder. This made me furious.

Why was he being so cute after having his girlfriend walk in to see him beating up a guy? What's wrong with him?

"Louis let me go...now!" I said through gritted teeth.

"No, we need to talk," he said softly.

"Well guess what, I don't ever want to talk to you again!" I screamed.

I knew that hurt him. But at this moment in time, I am so done with him. Maybe I just need time to cool down or for him to explain but not know.

We were silent for what seemed like ages and the silence was killing me.

"Just let me explain, maybe then you'll want to speak to me," I heard the hurt in his voice.

I was keeping strong to what I had said, I'm not talking to him. He just sighed and continued to talk.

"I'll start from the beginning," he said," after you left this morning, I just wanted to set him straight and to tell him to stop hitting on you, you're my girlfriend! So, he came over and started to irritate me by saying how hot you are and he'd like to 'tap that'. That's when I started punching him. We didn't care what we threw at each other or what we hit. We just want to hurt each other... I'm... sorry I shouldn't have hit him, I love you."

Those words filled the air as I sat there shocked. I understood why he did that I mean, he was getting jealous. But at the same time, Owen was on the ground bleeding out and suffering for just saying a few words.

I feel like I didn't here the whole story. That something was missing.

I didn't have any words to say. Half of it being I didn't know what to say and the other half being I didn't want to say 'I love you' back, I'd be lying if I said that.

"Kalel, say something, say something now! Anything! Just tell me that you love me," he said panicked.

What I was about to do would hurt both of us.

I sat in complete silence, not even moving a muscle. I know I was giving up my boyfriend but, I felt like I just needed time. Time to think.

His head was still on my shoulder so I could feel his warm tears dripping down on my shirt.

Now I officially look and feel like the worst person on the planet.

I tried to get up again and he let me. I walked away from him, from us. I walked back to my own apartment. I didn't care that it was an hour away, I just wanted to go home.

Luckily, Louis didn't chase after me. I'm sure he is still in that field crying.

God, what have I done?

By the time I got to my place I was beat, tired, sad and lonely. I first went over to the candle a switched it off. But I didn't feel done yet. So I only had one thought in mind, I was going to make a visit to an old friend. No, this friend is not a person.

*Louis PoV*

I've ruined everything. My girlfriend just walked away from me, she didn't even say anything just walked away. I felt an urge to run after her and kiss her like there was no tomorrow. But I couldn't, my body was motionless.

After a long while I made my way back to my car. The whole way back I was hoping maybe Kalel was back at my place. In my bed, wearing my boxers. I had a tiny bit of hope left in me.

I walked up to the front door and opened it. Owen, by know had left. But the bloody mess still remanded. I hurried up the stairs and to my bedroom.

I slowly opened the door--the bed was still made, untouched. I slammed the door behind me. She was gone, gone forever. Then my eye saw something, the candle I kept for myself.

Mine was still lit. That's the way I wanted it to be. My love still is burning for her. But the real question is, is her candle still on, or has she turned it off?

No, no, it's to soon to think that.

After a long while of thinking I came up with a plan and this is how it would pan out:

Tomorrow (Day 1)- I will do nothing to communicate with her. She needs room, but if she contacts me I will reply.

Day 2- I'll try to call her,but only once. Not text because that might seem shallow.

Day 3- I'll call and text her as much as I can that day. Telling her I'm sorry and that I love her.

Day 4- Give her space.

Day 5- I'll visit her, make sure she's okay and hopefully by then she'll love me again.

I was happy with my plan. No matter how much I wanted to skip to day five I would resist and keep to the schedule.

I sighed and laid down on the bed, my eyes slowly shut.


By now the first 3 days have past. I've tried all I could but she wouldn't answer my calls or reply to my texts. I was down to 1% on hope for us. Today I was giving her space.

I was happy that tomorrow I would possibly get to she her. First thing I'd do is kiss her, hard. After that tell her how much she meant to me. Then, I'd hold her in my arms.

On the first day, since I had nothing to do, cleaned up the living room. I got new everything. New tv, coach, vases, picture frames, table, rug and carpet.

When I got the new carpet I lied to the man and said that a friend tripped and hit there head, causing them to bleed. The man seemed to buy it.

"So how's the friend?" he had asked me.

Me being my stupid self replied," What?"

Then I realized what I had said," Oh I mean she's doing um, well."

After that I disappeared into my bedroom. I really didn't want to blow my cover so I avoided further questions.

And now today, I'm finally getting the furniture to fill the empty space. I tried to get the same, or similar things as I had before. The company told me there men would be there at, to quote them,"12 o'clock sharp." I looked at my watch.


Then I looked up and out the window. And what do you know there they were, right on time.

I let them in and told them where I wanted everything. I sat in the kitchen and watched then as the came in the door with furniture and out the door for more stuff.

After the last trip back to the truck, one guy came in and handed me a paper to sigh. I took the clipboard from him and sighed it, then he was off.

I walked in to the living room that was no longer bloody or empty. It wasn't the same though.

Kalel and I hadn't made memories sitting on this coach watching this tv while our feet were propped up on this table. No, it was all different. We needed to make more, new, memories here.

Tomorrow is all I thought


I know cutting is a sensitive subject, and I don't want to offend or hurt anyone. Don't hate me for this chapter! Okay you can, but I'll make up for it. Any ideas on what's gonna happen next?? Ah, a little heads up, the next chapters going to sad but then happy so yeah! I love you guys so much <3

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What can I say, it's my first Larry fic ;) If you wanna know more, read on forth. Love you all, -Ness
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