Charming Charlie | ✔

By Tabitha_Blackwell

80.6K 2.2K 329

After the death of her parents Charlie Beckett has to move from rainy Washington to sunny California. It's h... More

1. Empty
3. Fate
4. Clingy
5. Soaked
6. Sick
7. Practice
8. Dinner
9. Date (pt1)
10. Date (pt2)
11. Competition
12. Sorrow
13. Intimate
14. Halloween (pt1)
15. Halloween (pt2)
16. Forever
17. Thanksgiving (pt1)
18. Thanksgiving (pt2)
19. Epilogue
20. Alternative Ending One

2. Holden

6.4K 160 12
By Tabitha_Blackwell

^^ That's absolutely NOT what I picture Holden to look like I promise. My Holden has messier black hair and hazel eyes.



The rest of the summer vacation passed by in a flash and it did not feel like a vacation. It was more like a foggy haze in Charlie's mind as she walked the path to the high school she'd spend her last year at. Fellow teens were wondering about in shorts and tank tops seeing as it was hot even though it was morning. Charlie was dressed similarly to the others, why be different when it's so much easier to blend into the background. It wasn't like she was joining in the middle of the year so she doubted anyone would notice her presence anyway.

While others were finding their friends and catching up Charlie ignored them and walked into the office building. The school wasn't one large building like back in Washington, they were all separate buildings. Going by the signs, she made her way to the office, it was between the D and E buildings. Inside was air conditioned, which didn't surprise her. Since Charlie didn't plan to come to this school since it was a last minute transfer, she had to go pick up her schedule and school ID. She gripped the strap of her school bag and and walked up to the front desk. The attendant didn't notice her so she tapped on the counter. He glanced up and waited for her to talk. She moved her hands, introducing herself to see if he understood. He didn't.

"Hang on." He said before holding up a finger and picking up the phone next to his computer and pressing a button. He made silent conversation before he hung up the phone. He held up his finger again and Charlie held back the urge to roll her eyes. She could hear him, she was mute, not deaf. She nodded her head and stood there as he tuned back to type at the computer. The office was quiet except for a few wandering students here and there. The counselor's office was straight ahead from the front desk, the nurses office was to the left. It was a simple layout.

Eventually, someone walked out of the counselor section and Charlie almost missed the fact that the short woman was using sign language.

'Hello, I'm Mrs. Hartel, I'm your counselor.' She signed with a warm smile on her face, her hazel eyes inviting.

'I'm Charlie Beckett, I'm here for my schedule.' Charlie quickly signed, hoping it wasn't too fast. Mrs. Hartel mentioned for Charlie to follow her so that's what she did. She followed Mrs. Hartel into her open office. Windows lined the walls and the empty spaces were filled with pictures stapled into a collage of different kids but there was one kid that was a recurring figure.

Charlie took a seat on of of the two chairs in front of the desk while Mrs. Hartel sat at the one behind the desk. Before she could sign anything Charlie beat her to it, 'I can hear you but I can only sign.'

"Oh, alright." She said out loud and moved her computer mouse to light up the screen. "Honestly, I would say we don't get transfers often but we had about twenty cases last year. I guess Hillview is getting popular with the beach and everything." She rambled on, typing on the computer, glancing at Charlie to see if she wanted to sign something.

"I'm going to put you in regular classes but I'll tell the teachers to not call on you, I don't think any of them know sign language and the substitute teachers will have to be warned before hand, also. Just so you know that this isn't a hassle at all." She said typing into the computer to sort out Charlie's schedule, "now I want you to show each teacher your schedule because there's a note on it and if they don't read it then they'll get an urgent email anyway. And I'm letting you know now so you're not the only one to show up, study hall is another free period. It seems you have 10:42 to 12:53 off before you come back for your last class. This is an open campus so you can leave and come back before your last class at one." The printer got a paper ready before the schedule was printed out on it.

Mrs. Hartel handed her the paper before asking Charlie if she had any questions. Charlie only shook her head in response and stood up, gripping her bag that she never removed from her shoulder. "Do you need someone to show you around, I can call up my son." She said, pulling out her phone. Once again Charlie shook her head and turned to leave the room. But before she could Mrs. Hartel called her name. This was it, this was the pity part. Charlie turned her head to the side but not her body.

"You can come in if you're ever feeling lonely, okay?" Charlie didn't sign anything she only turned to look straight ahead of her and walked out of the office building. She glanced at her schedule before looking up at the buildings. They seemed to go in alphabetical order. She had AP English Literature first period. The building was conveniently near her in the 'E's. Glancing at her schedule she noticed that each subject went along with the building. E of English, B for Biology, M for math and so on so forth. She put her schedule in her bag and proceeded to E12 for Mr. Hall's AP Lit.

By the time fourth period rolled around she found herself confused about what to do with her free period. Charlie walked around the bare campus, well with the exception a few students lingering about, late for their next class. She found herself wandering by the athletic buildings but it seemed no one was near, did this school even teach athletics? Every school had to, right? Next to the athletic building was an open, empty pool. Glancing around, she didn't see anyone near by so she moved between the narrowly opened gate. The pool was uncovered and no one was in sight. Charlie took her bag off of her shoulder and leaned it against an open wall and walked over to the pool.

The clear water stood still, there was no wind or person inside. She sat down on the hot pavement, hissing at the bare contact between the cement and her leg. She moved closer to the edge and took off her sandals, placing them next to her. Charlie set her feet in the water, watching the ripples spread out. The water danced around her leg and she moved it around, creating slight waves. She closed her eyes and laid back on the hot pavement, throwing her arm over her eyes.

But it seems every time that Charlie wants to be alone by the water she always gets interrupted.

"Hey, you can't be here, swim is about to practice." A deep voice said as the gate to the pool creaked a bit at he opened it. Rushing, Charlie sat up and looked in horror at the stranger. He was wearing tight swimming shorts, sandals, and no shirt. Her cheeks heated up, a mixture from the heat and embarrassment, and she hurried out of the pool.

She put on her sandals but her feet were still wet so she slid around in them as she hurried to her school bag. Without looking at the stranger she tried to pass him but he grabbed her arm, spinning her to face him. She turned towards him but stared at the ground.

"You're the girl from the beach." He stated like he found out valuable information. That day was a haze in Charlie's mind and she didn't remember it much, she didn't want to remember it. She raised her arms to sign but figured he wouldn't understand and put her hands down. She pulled her arm out of his loose grip and turned to walk away.

"Hey, at least tell me your name, I'm Holden." He called. She stopped and turned around, this time looking into his hazel eyes from the short distance.

'Charlie.' she signed and walked away, going down to the beach that was around the corner.

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