Killer Rogue

By Xpaigeygirl29

15.4K 331 29

Odelettle Riley is a killer, but before you freak. She is a rogue killer; Meaning she is a werewolf. When she... More

Fighting, Killing and Old Friends
My Name Is..
Bow Down Before the Princess
Crowning Ceremony?
The Past.
Crowning and Breaking
You think WHAT?! (NOT EDITED)
The Gray Wolf
Who are you? Who is he?
Who's Dante?
Take Out
No Way.
Please read!
Come's with a Price.
Story # 2
It's up!

That's what I had to tell Him..

702 15 1
By Xpaigeygirl29

"Odelette? You ok in there?" I heard Raina call for me outside of my door. I slipped on my pj's and opened the door quickly. "Yes I'm fine."  I must have startled Raina cause her conserened look quickly turned into a scared expression.  

"O-Okay. You were taking a long time in there." She told me. Was I? 

"I was?" I asked her. She nodded slowly and started to laugh. 

"Yes, amlost 15 minutes." The other girls started laughing with her, I just slowly chuckled with them. 

"I have to ask. Do you guys have mates?" I quickly changed the subject.  

"No.. not yet." Ashley told me, she seemed sad that she hadn't found hers yet. 

"None of you?" I asked just to be sure; they nodded their heads side to side telling me no. "Do you want them?" I asked trying to hope one would say no but thats the not the response I got. 

"Of course. A mates someone who will love you unconditially forever and no matter what, thats why your extreamly lucky and the reason why all of us are a little jelaouse of you." I started laughing at Spence's response. "You're jelouse of me?" I asked in disbeif. 

"Yes." They said inusione. 

"I mean Axe, he's your mate." I stiffened up at his name, and my wolf growled. 

"What? Did I say something wrong?" Ashley asked? 

"Um no. But there is no Axe and me." I told them. "But there might be Dante and me." I watched there mouths drop open from the shock.

 "You and Dante? Dante and You?" Spence asked me.

 "What about your dad?" Raina asked. 

"He could be dangerous!" Ashley told me.

"One at a time you guys. 1st of all I don't know what's going to happen between me and Dante yet, its all very confusing, 2nd I didn't get that dangerous vibe around him when he kissed me and, 3rd dad doesn't care he seemed happy that he was my mate." I told them and let out a sigh of relief. 

"HE KISSED YOU?!?!" They started getting extremly close to me which made me nervous. 

"Maybe I shouldn't have told you that." I said skepitkly. 

"Ok, you need to start from the beginning." Spence said. 

"When after you guys left I got slammed into a tree and got called a bitch, then he rejected me I accteped and kicked his ass, then Dante showed up in werewolf for and was like RAWR (a/n:not dino rawr) and started attacking him so naturally I took off running in the other direction btw running in a huge ass dress is no easy boat ride, but then Dante caught up with me and then once again I was slammed into another tree and we faught a little and then he kissed me. But when I opened my eyes he was gone." I finished. 

"That's so SWEET!" Raina sqeaked.

We all looked at her with odd expressions. 

"What?" She asked in a tone as is she was a small child that said the wrong thing at the wrong time. 

"Wait so what happened in your dad's office?" Ashley ask. 

"He said he was sorry for going all Alpha tone on me then he asked if Dante was doing ok, I told him he was umm, then he told me that since Axe and Dante were twins and that his father who was Beta would have to pick who would get the spot and he dad picked Axe but my dad hoped  that he would pick Dante and he said that if I wanted to see Dante that he would make sure that I would be able to without getting pressure from the pack." I finished once again. 

"Awe." The girls said at once. 

"God, you're suck romanics aren't you?" They all nodded happly. 

"Yea." They sighed happly. 

"Oh shit." I said rubbing my hands on my temple.

"What's wrong." Ashley asked me. "Remember when I said that Dante went all werewolf on Axe?" I asked  them. "Yes." They nodded. 

"Well I think he might stell be out there." I told them. 

"Should we go check on him?" Raina asked. 

"Yes. I have to tell him something." I stood up and slipped on a pair of yellow neon flip-flops the girls did the same thing. We slipped out of the house and through the back door, and out to the woods. We found the spot were all of this mess started and sure enough there he laid still pasted out/knock out. 

I kicked him in the arm to wake up, he stirred a little but finally got up and stared shocked at us. 

Then I punched him and then he dropped to ground with a loud thud. 

I walked away simple and left him there. 

"Thought you had something to tell him." Spence pulled on my arm to stop me. "Thats what I had to tell him, now come on before some one catches us out here." I started walking again and the girl linked arms with me. 

We got back up to the house slipped in as quietly as we could and back into my bedroom with out getting caught.

"Ok. I'm going to bed." I crawlled in, and was almost a sleep until I the sound of something hitting my window woke me up from the sleepy state. So I got up and walked over to my balconey and opened the doors, I stepped out and heard. 

"Hey Rapunzel let down your hair...!" 


Hey my lovely readers! 

This is a Birthday presant from me because my birthday is tomorrow. So this is my Gift to you guys. :D 

A couple of things 

1. I'm sorry for such  a long wait! But I've been crazy busy with my High School Art Show but thankfully that is done. 

2.The voting, comments, fanning, sharing and everything else is just amazing. 

3.Keep up  the voting, comments, fanning, sharing and things of that nature. 

4. I hope to update this weekend. :D 

Love and Hugs


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