The dancing queen meet her ki...

By N0nanaxxx

3.9K 153 21

a enemy .....a love story More

first meeting
leaving with boys?
what ???
why me??
a new friend or enemy
becoming friends
first love only a dream
one door close another open : part 1
one door close another open : part 2
hyoyeon 's fan boys
living with a lie: part 1
living with a lie: part 2
meeting my family
Jessica's leaving (OT9 forever)
Hyoyeon's solo act
eunhyuk is back
sm town without hyohyuk
let's put an end....
snsd ot5?
moving with sunny
sm town Halloween
snsd reunion
Running man (gnomeo & Juliet)
We Got Married special
WGM part 1
wgm part 2
wgm part 3
wgm part 4
wgm part 5
wgm part6
wgm part 7
wedding canceled?

new babies

63 2 0
By N0nanaxxx

hyo was so happy that she was dating ,that she  didn't even complain about having so many schedules ,the others girls thought it would be great to get the holiday escape ticket at that time....

tae :edra from tomorrow you we have our own schedules so focus and try to relax until the summer...

hyo:well I am ok  xaxaxxa

jess;you are the only one...we all want to spent time for ourselves....

soo;thanks god from tomorrow I don't have anything to give me that much stress and exhausting me...

tiff :talk for yourself

seo;unie what time is our rehearsal?

tae;oooo 9 o'clock later the practicing room is for the new babies

yuri:yah did you saw them?

yoona;they are so handsome

sunny;when I saw them I believed they were our age not younger ...

jess;don't wake me up tomorrow ....

hyo:nde oppa ,aa arraso then come by here I will meet you at the café


hyo;oooo oppa ,he is here for our last rehearsals ...

soo;gree ....can we see?

hyo;yah we didn't even start ...

tiff;then good luck ....

seo;unie wouldn't be great if hyo uniee danced our opening in this week goodbye stage?

tae;gree lets do that ...hyo are you in?

hyo:well I have to ask oppa if we can  and have time for that ....

tiff;hyo plz it will be perfect....

hyo gree I don't have anything to lose....

jess;yah are we leaving ?I am hungry ....

hyo:tae  send me the song while we are eating ....

tae;gree lets go...

when they finished eating a man enter the building ...

hyo:oo is oppa edra see you later....

tiff;yah talk about the thing....(hyo was walking away)

oppa:hyo  anio...kenchana?

hyo:gree oppa lets go ...this way

they took the elevator and went to the 3 floor were the practice rooms were .....hyo was about to enter in their practice room were she notice that there was someone inside.....

oppa;lets go in....(open the door and saw one couple dancing)

hyuk:noona ....(close the music)

boa:ooanioseo....(both now)

oppa:anioseo biane  if we bother you we will look for other room ....

boa:ndoukou?(hyo show her self)

hyo:anioseo sunbenim (bow)

hyuk:oooohyo...long tie no see...(wait so he is that man ?he is  not big deal from close)

hyo:nde...bian we were looking for a free room....

boa:ani is ok ....I think next door is free ...

hyuk:ifis not come here we can share it right noona?

boa:what?(why he said that ?)aa nde kromio.....but lets keep it secret ok?

hyo:ani is ok continue  we can find a place...

oppa;hyo lets do what they said it will be better than what you have in mind....(is she really thinks to practice in the Corridors)

hyo:ok then lets go and see first(why him ,why  ?I thought I would be ok now what is going on)

as soon as they left

boa:eunhyukshi what was that ?you know that we just started right?

hyuk:arra but she  needs it more ....she is her last dance performance and it have to be perfect...

boa:and us ...don't forget is my solo  comeback....

hyuk:aa noona I will work hard just let this one go ooo?

boa;eunhyuk whats wrong with you ?do you like hyo?

hyuk:ani I just ...want to help her...

boa;yah everyone notice you two acting all weird whenever you meet you?

hyuk;noona lets go back to practice...

boa;aaaaa tell me...I want to help I know hyo since she enter the company ...

hyuk;nde...I like her ...but now she is dating him...

boa;her partener?it want be for much I know people like him...they get near idols dating them for the time being as they work and when they end their job and see that there isn't anything special anymore they get away...

hyuk;i hope is not true ,if he do something like that he is dead

boa;axxaxaxax lets continue with the dance before they come in...

hyo one the other hand went to every practicing room to see if there was free,but no luck

hyo:oppa this is the last one ,lets hope for it....(enter the room,they saw a group of young men dancing )

oppa;who are they they are handsome...(wow saranda....they are so pretty too)

they ended and stopped the music for a minute to take their breaths...

D.O;hyong lets stop here so tiring ....(hyo enter the room all boys was amazed and bow Immediately  )

exo;anioseo....(wow she is so pretty ,why she is here?)

hyo:ooo anioseo (bow)get up is ok  I am not that scary axxaxaxa

sehun:edra 1..2...3..

exo:(bow again)anioseo ouri exo immita....

hyo:aaa gree you are the new babies

oppa;hyo lets go I have to leave soon ....


hyo;nde..(wow he looks familiar ...)

kai;can you see us and say what we can do to improve this performance?

hyo:eee ,I....

oppa;hyo ..we need to rehears

kris;only for a minute ..


hyo:aaa cute how can I say no ..lets see ...

oppa:hyo(even though they are pretty she should think our work first)

kai;edra fighting (they all were nervous about showing their song to their sunbe...that they perform with their all)

when they end they received  clap from their audience ....

oppa;wow is good...hyo lets go...

hyo;mmm it was good but ,guys I know you are tired but when you danced I felt  tired too...

D.O;i really hard to catch our breaths....

hyo;xaxaxa you tell me xaxaxa

kai;can you show us something?

oppa;ani she have to go and practice....anioseo...(get hyo;s hand)

sehun:why don't you show us one that you recently did?

hyo:gree oppa lets do that in five minutes we can right?

oppa;hyo you told me that you wanted to do and that for the girls we don't have time...

chan;then make it here and show it plz...

oppa:i...(saw hyo and the boys looking at him like begging)ok

hyo come here...

exo:we will get a break then...

after 5 minutes...

exo:are you ready?

hyo:nde  ....put the music pls..

exo:wow is too fast can she handle it?

hyo:how was it?


oppa;hyo lets get going now...we have the other one ....

hyo:gree....edra it was nice meeting you but I have to go ,hope we meet again in big stages ,until then exo fighting....

exo;wouhooo.....snsd....snsd....(hyo was laughing at their cuteness, while she was going away)

kai;she is nice...(noona i finally meet you)

D.O; she is cool too

chan;she is real ,like on tv

sehun;right now lets get back at practing you saw how many time she practiced out to make it work for 5 minutes long .....

oppa;they were cute but now...

hyo;arraso(knock the door)

boa:nde...hyo come in ...(saw how eunhyuk's eyes were sparkling and hyo's,they are cute)

hyuk:you didn't find any space?


oppa;but we got late so lets get going hyo....

hyo;nde....pls continue don't worry about us...(what's his problem is he only care about his career?)

they both were practicing eunhyuk was taking a few secret view of hyo while she was learning the choreography ....boa notice it and she was making fun of him.....

hyuk;noona....focus...pls I need to go home...

oppa;hyo lets end it here today you need to take a break..

hyo:gree...(why they are playing around? Are they together?)

boa;aaa you finished?

hyo:oooo we are letting it go  for today xaxaxa you?

hyuk:us too ....

boa;hyo can you stay behind for a moment? I don't think your partner will have problem(look at him)

oppa;ani is ok I will see you tomorrow hyo....(pfew I don't need to hide anymore)

hyo;gree...what is it?

boa;can you plz see our dance?

hyuk:what?(unde why?)

hyo;mmm I love too

hyo;wohooo is nice(fake smile,why he is so close to her?they are so close when they are dancing ...why I fell like that I thought I ended it )



hyo:ooo gromio you two look good together...(boa laughed at her cuteness)i have to  my manager is waiting for me ,aniogeseo...(left)

hyuk:why you laugh?

boa:you didn't see it?

hyuk:mboo the only thing I saw was you trying to give me heart attack

boa;xaxaxxaa you are ,xaxaxaxax yah hyo wasn't smiling

hyuk:mbo...she was I saw her...just now

boa;aaa sindja you cant tell the fake from the truth? I thought you two were close enough I guess not...

hyuk:what?we are ....what you mean fake?

boa;you don't notice that she just smiled and not show her teeth ?also about the stare I think she saw you a couple of times and when you saw her....she notice it....

hyuk;mbooo....sindja?why ?she is that guy why she...I don't get it ....

boa;dont overthinking it ....bye...

hyuk:noona wait....

after few days hyoyeon finished filming dancing with the stars but it wasn't aired because of managing problems....when she have done the filming hyo and the girls who went to support her went straight to the airport to  get back to seoul,the girls fall asleep but hyo couldn't because of all the stress she had more energy than ever....when they returned home they found all the girls sleeping in the coach waiting for them ...

hyo:ooo cute ....I will get blankets....

seo;uniee must be tried ,she didn't sleep at all the way back....

yoona;she must be ......she gave her all tonight and every day she was in this ....

seo;we were just tired we fly there and saw the show and get back ,she was doing this for weeks to do rehearsals and the show ....

yoona;shhh they will wake up....

tae;mmm bore?you came?


soo;edra eiraona they are back..

yuri:hyo otii?

hyo:ooo you all waked up...biane....(her eyes was sad)

tiff;were you crying?

hyo;ooo it melt me see you all waiting for us come back ,biane...(they all hug her)

tae;you are crazy

jess;what did you get..?(hyo show them the 2nd place trophy)

hyo:biane that I didn't win ,I should try harder ....

suuny:ani uniee.we are proud of you ,you prove that snsd is strong enough to fight anyone ...

yoona;gree we are proud of you ...

tae;you must be tired goo and take some sleep....

hyo:lets take a photo all together first (she grab the trophy and they took some photos before they go to their beds)

the next day the girls were already up and they were about to cook their meal while hyo was still sleeping....

tae;hyo is still sleeping?

jess;ooo she must be really tired ...

seo;she didn't sleep at all they here ....

yuri:then lets leave her sleep more...

yoona;unie lets order food is easier than cook again...

tae;gree lets do that ....(they start writing down what they want to order)

seo;what about hyo uniee?

tae;yes hello I would like to order for take away ....nde....

soo:ooo hyo's phone...I will take it (went to hyo's room)hyo ironna...hyo ...hyo

hyo: mmm(sit at her bed )what ?(her eyes was half open)

soo;telephone .....(give it to her)

hyo:nde yobouseo?

secretary:nde miss hyoyeon sm reception is calling

hyo:aa nde anioseo(bow,and then fell back to bed)

secretary:we know that you came back with the trophy so please pass by to give it to us...also the chairman want to see you...

hyo:nde I will be there ...(close the phone,and get to the kitchen)


hyo:goodmorning ...

tiff;who was it?

hyo:sm want me to go there to sent the trophy...

yuri;watch out ...

hyo:mmm (open her eyes )koumao...

seo;uniee you didn't sleep much time you should rest ....

hyo:ani is ok I will go take shower and go to sm 

soo:do you need anything to eat?

hyo:ani I will eat there ....(went straight at her room and get ready to leave)

manager:hyo you ready ?

hyo:ooo (she was wearing casual clothes with a hat and sunglasses to hide her sleepy eyes..)edra anioo..

snsd;ano uniee....

manager:edra don't eat much arraso?


after a while hyo and the manager arrived to the sm ...hyo went up to 7 floor to meet with the chairman...

chairman:come in...(hyo enter, she bow and greeted him)gree where is it?

hyo:eee....a nde okii...(give him the trophy)

chairman:2nd place ,you should have worked more,couldnt you get 1st place..?anyway thanks for bringing it you may go....(I know some of you might hate me ,making sm look bad )

hyo:nde,that was it ? what ?he could said that I did good at least...

manager:all ok?

hyo:nde ...oppa you can go ...(get in the elevator)

manager;you sure?

hyo:nde go to your wife she needs you...

mnager;koumao ,but how you will get back?

hyo:i will call another manager don't worry just go....

manager;gree koumao(as the doors opens a group of boys enter the other one )ooo is exo but were is hyong?

exo manager:edra wait....(he was tired running)

hyo:oppa kenchana?

exo manager;aa nde .....

manager;what happen?

exomanager;well I told them to take something to eat but they don't listen to me

hyo:were are they going now?

exo manager;back to practice they didn't stopped a minute ...only now to come here for this test interview....

manager;hyo I...

hyo:gree oppa go...(her manager bow and left)oppa why don't you take a break I will take care of the boys that ok?

exomanager:but ...they have big day tomorrow...they have to rest ...and eat something...

hyo:oppa just go I will take care of them (she knew well that manager because he was her first manager too)don't worry just tell me what they drink...

exo manager;booo they cant...

hyo:i mean coffee oppa

exo manager;no the last time they drink coffees they didn't slept ,take them orange juices ...

hyo:gree arraso ,aniogeseo(left and went to the restaurant were she ordered one coffee and 12 orange juices ,also she ordered 4 pizzas ,after she took her orders she went to the practice rooms....she looked around and finally she found them)

before she entered ....the boys were rehearsing again and again....

lay :lets take a break...

D.O:i cant take it anymore.....

chan:is it today the dancing with the stars?

kai:ooo nde is going to start ...hyong lets see it oooo...?

sehun:greee lets take that as break....(they all sat down and were watching the tv show, while they were doing that hyo enter secretly with ought anyone notice her...)

kris;wow I want to be that good....

lay:nda doo

bae:she is pretty...(hyo continue listening to the boys )

kai:wow that was amazing....

chan:who will win?

D.O;hope is noona....she work really hard...

hyo:grotso...(they all turned and saw her smiling to them)axaxaxa anioo.....ande   freeze.....(they all stopped moving)axxaxa who want pizza and juice ?(give each one their drinks and one piece of plastic plate....)

kai:anioseo....when did you came in?

hyo:aaa from the start....

suho:did you hear everything?

hyo:nde and I am happy that you all have me as your idol ......xaxaxxa

lay:noona take this off(take her glasses)

xiumin:wow you seem tired...

hyo:krotsio axaxaxa its ok I have pasted harder ....

sehun:did you win?

hyo:ani I came second but is nice not only the winning that matters is the travelling and the experience you get from what you doing ....

kai:then lets eat for noona....

hyo:now you will eat?

chen:noona what you said?

hyo:oppa told me that you didn't eat anything and you only practiced today palle mogo ....(give each one a piece of pizza)


kai :noona was it always hard for you?

hyo:well ....kinda....don't forget if you get something easy is not much worth as the one that you worked hard to get will also feel it later the way why aren't you eating?

chan:we shouldn't .....tomorrow we have debut stage and we will look fat if we eat this...

hyo:oooo that's why .....(all the members were looking at the piece of pizza and thinking, just then they notice hyo getting next to chan and make him eat a piece of pizza)just eat it nobody will notice it ,and don't tell oppa ....shhh


hyo:edra ...palee mogo.....I shouldn't eat to but I have to gain strength right now to continue the good work so you too....

D.O;noona how was it when you debuted?

hyo:mmm well I will tell you something that nobody knows it ok?


hyo:the day before our debut stage we were so nervous that we couldn't sleep so we wanted to go out .....but we had to stay in or we will be we went to a dvd store and buy some movies...then we get to our dorm and watch the films ....we didn't get a sleep at all....the next day we didn't have energy at all....but because we were so nervous and we promised to each other to do our best  we performed with all our energy....but when we finished we all fell asleep in the waiting room.....

exo:axxaxaxxa sindja?

hyo:ooo oppa was trying to wake us for the results announcing even when we weren't in the voting section.....

kai;so what we should do?

hyo:you practiced enough for today go home and take bath and relax......I bet your energy is gone by now....

sehun:nde....we all said that ....(she stand up...)

exo:noona where you going?

hyo:i have to get back .....I need to rest too....

kai:please stay with us a little longer .....(hyo agreed ,so they continue playing around ,after few hours)

hyo:edra is time to leave ....don't forget get rest ....exo fighting ....(why I fell like that not normal...)

exo:nde you too noona...snsd fighting(she is like a real noona )

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