Ours Baby

By outlash

53.6K 1.5K 178

"I'm so sorry you even met me, but what I'm not sorry for is, falling in love with you, Emily Baker." He spok... More



2K 59 3
By outlash

As I walk through the hallways. I coutinue to think about what Derek said to me earlier. I smiled to myself when he comes to my mind. I walk towards my locker and put my books away and began to walk to gym. I see Kasey sitting on the bleachers in the gym as I walk in. I make my way over to her and sit beside her. She acknowledges me and smiles.

"I have so much to tell you." I said looking at her.

"About what?" She asked looking at me.

"About Derek." I said biting my lip.

She laughed. "I already know." I looked at her and raised my eyebrows.

"You do?" I furrowed my eyebrows. She nodded.

"The whole school knows by now." She said. I looked down and blushed. I saw the teacher walk into the gym and told us to get changed. Kasey and I walked into the girls locker room and changed. She came out wearing black yogapants and a oversized shirt while I wore black excersise shorts and a muscle tee with a sports bra underneath.

"I just want you to be careful." Kasey said as we walked out of the locker room.

I nodded. "I will." She looked at me and smiled. I look over the gym and see Derek walking out of the gym wearing basketball shorts and a white shirt with his brown hair pushed back. He walks over to his group of friends while they laugh about something. I smile to myself as I watch him goof around. The teacher blows her whistle and catches everyone's attention.

"Today we are going to play volleyball. I have the volleyball net set up for everyone to play. Boys on one side and girls on the other. Play ball!" She blowed her whistle as the boys went on the other side of the net as the girls walked to the other. A girl serves the ball while we all go back and forth hitting it over the net. Boys were winning by four points. I bend over to pick up the ball while I hear boys whistle at my ass.

"Hey, keep your eyes off my girl." I heard Derek scoff at the guys that whistled at my ass. I looked at him as he winked at me. I blushed and bite my lip.


The game was finally over and the boys won. As I was about to walk into the locker room i felt someone grab my wrist. I look up to see Derek looking down at me. I smile at him while he smiles back but then his face turns serious.

"I'm gonna have to tell you to not wear those shorts anymore in gym." He says as I frown.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because too many guys are looking at you and you distract me very easily." He says. I laugh at him while he furrows his eyebrows.

"Jealous?" I say playfully.

"Don't play with me." He scoffs as I laugh again. I walk into the locker room and change into my clothes and walk back out to see him already dressed waiting for me. I wave at Kasey as she walks off smiling. I walk over to Derek as he lays against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

"Are you busy today?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Nope." I said popping the 'p'

School had finally ended and Derek was leading me towards his motorcycle. I groan as I come in contact with his motorcycle. He gets on as he hands me his helmet. I look at the helmet with disgust and put a hand on my hip.

"What?" He says.

"I'm not getting on that death trap again." I scoff.

"Get on." He says.







"Fine." I say as I put the helmet on and get onto the back of his bike as I put my arms around his waist as he drives off to god knows where.


15 minutes later we arrive to a lake. He hops off his bike as he offers his hand to me for me to get off. I get off and took the helmet off my head. I look around in confusion. He holds out his hand for me to grab which I grip onto. We began to walk over to some trees which lead to a lake. Once we went through the trees we arrived to the breath taking lake. I stare at it as if it were pizza.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I heard him speak as I continued to stare at the gorgeous lake.

"Very." I said. He leads me to the grass and sits down. I later sit down after him. He looks straight ahead to the lake as if it were his kingdom. I stare at him as I noticed how beautiful he actually is. The way his percing green eyes look at the lake, the way his lips pout, the way his brown curly yet straight hair blows in the wind, and the way his jaw clenches. He's a masterpiece, a beautiful masterpiece. He looks over at me and I look down. He brings his fingers underneath my chin to lift my head up to look at him. I look into his eyes while he leans in as I do the same. We kiss passionatly and pull away smiling.

"I used to take my sister here.." He spoke up. I looked at him and frowned.

"Do you still take her here?" I asked. He looked down and shook his head.

I frowned. "Why not?" I asked. He clenched his jaw and his eyes looked like he was about to cry.

"She died." He looked down playing with the grass. I looked at him, hurt.

"You don't have to tell me this.." I say reaching out for his hand to hold. He looked at me and frowned.

"I want to." He amitted. I nodded.

"I used to bring here all the time because she use to love it here.. and then one day when we came here.. we went for a swim.. I was on the grass talking on the phone.. I told her to wait for me to go into the water for a swim but she didn't listen.." He said as he broke down. I felt tears in my eyes as I hugged him.

"She drowned all because of me.." He cried more. I shook my head and brought his face into my hands.

"That wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself Derek. It was an accident. You didn't kill her.." I said sternly and he looked at me.

"You make me insane.." He said as he wiped his tears. Can't believe bad boy broke down in front of me.


We arrived at my house as I stepped off his motorcycle. I handed him his helmet as he pulled my closer. I smiled at him as he kissed me.

"Thank you for sharing that story with me.." I said looking into his eyes.

"It was nothing." He said looking down.

"It meant a lot to me." I looked at him and he smiled at me. I kissed him one last time and said goodbye. I'm falling for the bad boy..

A/N: Another chapter! Sorry it's so short! I'll post again some more later on! I hope you guys are enjoying these chapters. I've been listening to Taylor Swift songs while writing this. I adore her guys. I reccommened the song "The Last Time" by Taylor Swift ft. Gary Lightbody to listen to while reading this chapter. Keep voting, commenting, and reading guys!

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