A Collection of Stories

By JaneKiley713

4.1K 104 6

Hello my lovelies! It's me again. So, this is a collection of stories that either are currently in my head a... More

A Collection of Stories
More Than A Name Yours Too
Love Actually
Love Actually
Love Actually
Love Actually
Love Actually
Trust Me
Anonymous II
Anonymous II
Elementals II
Elementals II
Elementals II
Immortal Love
Immortal Love
Immortal Love
Immortal Love
Immortal Love
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
Loving Mr. Billionaire
Loving Mr. Billionaire
Loving Mr. Billionaire
The Fake Engagement
Begin Again (First Draft)
Begin Again (Story)
The Royals
Recent Events

Immortal Love

25 2 0
By JaneKiley713


Love hurts

Henry and I had been living peacefully together since I came home. Even though the most contact we had was him holding me at night. The threat of Calliope was scaring him, even though he never would admit it. He hardly spoke to me, even if was just to say hello or goodnight. And it hurt, really bad.

Henry never understood why I hardly smiled anymore, or seemed like I was enjoying myself. Mom and Avery tried to talk to me, and they both told me the same thing; Henry loves you, just give him time. And I have been giving him time, like four months to be exact. I’ve gotten nowhere just waiting for him to make a move.


I sat on our bed as Henry walked in, he didn’t acknowledge me or anything. He just walked into the bathroom and freshened up. When he came out, he looked at me, no smile, no nothing. I stood and looked at him, wrapping my arms around myself.

“Henry, I can’t take this anymore.” I said softly. He stiffened, his beautiful gray eyes turning stormy.

“You can't take what anymore, Isobel?” He asked, his voice strained. I swallowed and looked at my feet.

“This, Us, Henry. You’ve barely talked to me since I got back. You haven’t touched me, kissed me. It’s like we’re not even together anymore.” I told him. He let out a sigh of relief. I looked up at him, he looked more relaxed then he was before. He walked close to me, close enough to touch me, but he didn’t.

“Isobel, it’s not safe for you here, I wish it was. But it’s not. Calliope is getting stronger and angrier by the day and with Cronus with her… I’m afraid they’ll take you away.” He said, whispering the last part.

I swallowed and looked at my hands. “Henry, she won’t get to me, you know that. The Underworld is so secure; I’m not even sure how to get out of it.” I said; my weak attempt of a joke. Henry’s throat constricted as he tightly swallowed, staring at the ground.

“Isobel, you know I’m trying my hardest.” He said quietly. That made me snap. Like hell he was trying. Like holding me at night and hardly ever talking to me is trying.

“Henry, this is the most we’ve talked in months, and it’s almost time for me to leave again, and the thing is… The thing is I don’t want to leave, but you're not leaving me any choice because you won’t talk to me. I love you Henry, I do. But doing nothing isn’t trying. It’s avoiding.” I said, my voice cracking at the end.

Henry raised his head and looked at me, his beautiful gray eyes boring into mine. He stepped closer, close enough to wrap his arms around me and kiss me. “Isobel, I’m terrified.” He whispered, like if he didn’t whisper it, someone other than me would hear. “I’m terrified that I’m making all these mistakes and driving you away. That I’m going to lose you like I lost Persephone.”

I looked at his eyes, opening my mouth to tell him he won’t lose me like he lost Persephone, but he raised a finger to my mouth to shush me. “If I was a better man, I would give you the love you deserve, that I would be capable of showing, but I’m not and I can't. But I am trying, so please Isobel, don’t hate me. Don’t yell or get mad at me because it doesn’t seem like I’m trying, because I am.” He whispered, wrapping his arms around me and resting his head against mine.

My breath caught in my throat. After four months, this was final happening, again. My husband was telling me everything I needed to hear. I guess I just needed to hear it from him and not my mother or Avery or anyone else. Henry looked at me, running his fingers through my hair. I looked at him, smiling faintly.

“We really need to work on talking to each other, or I wouldn’t be having these stupid doubts.” I told him softly. He smiled softly at me, kissing my cheek lightly.

“I promise from now on, you will have no reason for doubt anymore.” He said, softly but sternly. “I will do everything I promised you I’d do in my vows. I plan on keeping them.” He added, holding me against his chest. I nodded slowly and closed my eyes. I was trying to think about everything that has happened in the past few months. Why did Persephone kiss him, why was Calliope still trying to kill me? Right now, I didn’t care, just as long as I had Henry, everything was alright.

I looked up at Henry, brushing my fingers through his hair. He looked into my eyes, taking my hand and holding it to my cheek. I leaned in enough so there was still an inch or two of space between our lips.

“Isobel, I know it’s still early in the day, but can I give you a goodnight kiss?” He asked softly. I smiled so hard, my cheeks hurt.

I nodded and he leaded in, kissing my lips softly. I kissed him back, melting into his body. He tightened his arms around me, supporting my weight. This felt so right, so… natural, I loved it.

He laid me down on the bed, running his hands through my hair as he kissed me. I undid his shirt, letting it fall open as he pulled my shirt off. I pulled back slightly and looked at him, taking a deep breath.

“Henry, do you want to do this?” I whispered, running my hands through his hair. We had only done this once before, brought on by an aphrodisiac. I didn’t want to make him do something he didn’t want to do.

Henry leaned in and kissed the corner of my mouth chastely, tightening his arms around my waist. “I’m a hundred percent sure, Isobel. I was giving you time when you got back, but I wanted you then too.” He whispered in my ear.

I wheezed in relief, smiling against his cheek. “And here I thought you’d rather sleep on burning coals then with me.” I half joked, but I did think he’d rather be with anyone but me. He chuckled softly and kissed my lips again, his hands wandering down to my ass. I gasped softly and pulled him close, sliding my hands down his chest to his waistband. I felt him shiver under my hands; he pulled me closer and kissed me more.

Henry ran his hands down the length of my body, stopping at me jeans and pulled them off. I pulled him close and undid his pants and pushed them down, letting Henry take over from there.

          Hell on Earth

Hattie and Calliope had kept me as a captive against my family, waiting for Elyzabeth to have her baby. I was amazed that Walter found us, but I doubt he could get me to the Underworld or all of us back to Olympus. Hattie made sure my baby was going to come today. How long until it came out, I had no clue.

Walter walked over to me, touching my cheek. I clutched my stomach, looking at the ceiling. I wanted to go back to Henry, to my family. I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them, we weren’t in my prison. We were in his study, with Elyzabeth and Henry and Griffin. Henry rushed over to me, leaning over and kissed my forehead.

“Isobel, I am so sorry.” He whispered, touching my stomach. I smiled weakly at him, finding his hand and lacing our fingers together. Emma and Dylan appeared with Hattie and Calliope. I stiffened, not looking at either of them. Moments later, unstoppable pain shot through my body. I gasped and tightened my fingers around Henry’s. Calliope smirked. She was enjoying this, causing me so much pain. Walter grabbed Calliope’s and Hattie’s arms, dragging them out of the room.

Avery rushed over to me, spreading my legs apart. I cried out, Hattie and Calliope using their joint powers to make labor harder for me. Henry kissed my forehead, murmuring something in Greek. I knew he was trying to dull the pain, but it wasn’t gonna work this time. Not with the both of them doing this to me. I cried out again, curling over my stomach. They were trying to kill me, trying to take my baby from me. Henry growled in frustration, looking at Avery.

“Isobel, you have to push.” She said, looking at me. I whimpered and looked at Henry, freaking out. He looked at me and kissed my forehead softly.

“Please Isobel?” He whispered, tightening his hand around mine. He sounded so calm and reassuring, I needed that.  I nodded slightly and he kissed my knuckles, smiling at me.

It took a few hours, but my baby finally came out. Avery immediately handed it off to Henry and healed me, making my stomach flat. I looked at Henry as he dropped to his knees next to me. “It’s a boy.” He whispered, looking at me. I smiled at him, pulling my boys close. “I love you, Isobel. With all my heart,” He whispered, kissing my nose.

After everything we’ve been through together, this was really happening. We had a family. We were okay for once, no psychopathic person trying to kill me, just perfection. I looked at Henry, running my fingers through his jet black hair. Our son was gonna have his hair, I was sure of that, and light eyes.

“I love you too, Henry.” I whispered, resting my forehead against his. Henry looked into my eyes, searching for something.

“Isobel, are you alright?” He asked softly, kissing my cheek. I nodded, smiling at him.

“I was just thinking.” I said, looking at our son. “Vincent.” I whispered, looking up at Henry. He smiled faintly; looking at Vincent, then back to me.

“It suits him well.” He whispered, taking one of his hands and touching my cheek. I smiled and leaned in, kissing him softly. He kissed me back, pulling me close. I missed him so much. Nine months without him was like an eternity. He pulled back and looked at me, running his fingers through my hair.

Elyzabeth and Griffin walked over to us, a baby in Elyzabeth’s arms. She sat next to me, smiling wide. I looked at the baby; she looked so much like Elyzabeth. I smiled at Elyzabeth, she deserved happiness. Henry looked at Elyzabeth, nodding slightly.

“Yes, we’ll go.” He said softly, standing and taking my hand, pulling me up quickly. Elyzabeth and Griffin moved closer to us, Elyzabeth touching Henry’s shoulder. I closed my eyes for a moment, and when I opened them, we were back home. I leaned into Henry, looking at him nervously. He handed Vincent to me, kissing my forehead softly.

“I will seal the underworld off, including the manor above, if you feel like staying up there, Elyzabeth.” Henry said, his eyes a stormy silver. Elyzabeth nodded and took Griffin’s hand with her free hand, and then they were gone. Henry looked at me and pulled me close.

“Are you alright? Calliope or Hattie didn’t hurt you?” He asked softly, running his fingers through my hair. I smiled at him, holding our son close.

“They didn’t hurt me… Cronus made sure of it.” I whispered. Henry stiffened, wrapping his arms securely around me.

“C-Cronus was with you?” He whispered, looking at me. Cronus was the one immortal that could kill us all; he had a heart, amazingly. He didn’t let Calliope kill me or touch me for the matter. But he always stayed with me, touching me when the moment presented itself. He really gave me the creeps.

I looked at Henry and nodded. “He was, but I promise, he won’t come near us.” I whispered. Henry nodded stiffly, burying his nose in my hair. I closed my eyes and leaned into him, inhaling his scent. I loved how he smelled, it comforted me. He picked me up and started walking slowly. I leaned into him, cradling Vincent between us. He was sleeping peacefully, unaware of anything going on around him. If only he could stay this little forever.

Henry walked into our room, setting me on the bed gently. I looked at him as he sat next to me, smiling faintly. I smiled back as I leaned into him. He took Vincent from my arms, rocking him gently as he started to wake up. Vincent immediately started crying, hungry. Henry produced a bottle out of thin air and started feeding him, shocking me. He was a great father already. I watched Henry and Vincent for a little bit before dozing off, leaning into Henry.


I woke up a day or two later, snuggling into a warm chest. I felt familiar arms wrap around me, running his fingers through my hair. I smiled and opened my eyes slowly, looking up at him. Henry smiled back, leaning down and kissing my lips softly. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulled him close. Henry pulled back slightly, nuzzling my nose.

“Good morning, Isobel.” He whispered. I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair. He looked so breath taking.

“Good Morning, Henry.” I whispered. He smiled and tightened his arms around me.

“Vincent is still asleep.” He told me softly. I nodded and curled into his chest. Henry was so warm, and I felt so cold. He held me close, saying nothing. I rested my head on his shoulder, looking at Vincent. He was bundled up and resting on a feather pillow. It looked like nothing could wake him at the moment. I looked at Henry, tracing his face with my finger. He smiled faintly and caught my hand, kissing the center of my palm.

What was going to happen now? How would we keep him safe from Calliope and Hattie and Cronus? He’d be a teenager eventually, wanting to rebel against us. We wouldn’t have control over what he did, where he went within the protected areas. The future scared me badly, but what could I do?

          What happens, happens

As Vincent and Anastasia grew, Calliope, Hattie and Cronus were less of a threat. They were safe, for now. Walter was able to keep peace with the Romans, allowing Anastasia to see her Roman family. Henry and I grew closer as the years passed, letting nothing but our little Vincent get between us. We ruled our realm together, and our son, never letting jealousy get in the way of my feelings for him.


Henry walked in, carrying Vincent on his shoulders. It was his third birthday and we wanted to celebrate it with Elyzabeth, Griffin and Anastasia. I was in drawing room, setting up a table with Elyzabeth. Henry walked up behind me and wrapped an arm around my waist from behind, holding onto Vincent with the other. I smiled and leaned into him, looking at him. He kissed my temple, smiling faintly.

“How is everything going?” He said softly, adjusting Vincent on his shoulders. The two of them had grown so attached, it was almost impossible to separate them.

“Just waiting on Mom for the cake, Walter will be joining us, and so will a few Romans. Where’s Griffin and Anastasia?” I asked, turning around in his arm and wrapped my arms around his waist.

Henry smiled at me and kissed my forehead softly. “Griffin is cleaning Anastasia up. She fell in some mud.” He said softly. I smiled and nodded. Anastasia was so much like Elyzabeth, headstrong and a tomboy. I took Vincent off Henry’s shoulders and rested him on my hip. He giggled and hid himself in my hair, hugging my neck tight. Henry chuckled and kissed his head. “He loves his mother just as much as I do.” He whispered in my ear.

I smiled and nuzzled his cheek with my nose. “I love you too, Henry.” I whispered. He turned his head and kissed my lips softly, holding me against him. I kissed him back, wrapping an arm around his neck, pulling his head down to my level. I set Vincent down and wrapped my other arm around his neck, stretching up on my tip toes. Henry pulled me against his chest, kissing me deeply. I knew Elyzabeth would watch Vincent. I was so absorbed by Henry; all I could do was focus on him.

I didn’t hear Mom come in, or Walter, or anyone else come in. But Henry must have, he pulled back, looking up at the door. I turned around, smiling at everyone. Walter had the cake in his hands and Mom and Vincent in her arms. He was smiling and babbling away, I could tell he was excited. I smiled and leaned into Henry, listening to him. Mom walked over to us, nodding her head in response.

“Gwandma! Daddy frew me in—in da aiha and cawght me, and we wan awound wif Ana and Unka Gwif- Gwif—“ Vincent stuttered.

“Griffin, sweetheart,” Mom said softly. Vincent grinned and nodded, hugging her neck. She smiled at him, kissing his forehead. “He’s getting bigger, Izzy.” She said to me. I smiled and nodded. “He starting to look a lot like Henry, except for the eyes, they’re blue like yours.” I looked at Vincent, then Henry. Mom was right. Vincent was Henry’s spitting image, except for the eyes. They were like mine. Henry took my hand and kissed my knuckles, lacing our fingers together.

“You’re right, Diana.” He said, looking at Vincent. Vincent smiled at Henry, reaching out for him. Henry took him from Mom and rested him on his hip. Vincent giggled and held onto his shirt.

“Daddy, whoth Diana,” He asked in a silly whisper. Henry smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

“Diana is your grandma.” Henry said to him. Vincent nodded and played with the buttons on Henry’s shirt. Griffin and Anastasia walked in; actually, Griffin was running in after Anastasia. Elyzabeth laughed and caught her daughter, bouncing her on her hip.

“Hello silly girl.” She said, blowing a berry on Ana’s cheek. Anastasia giggled and blew a berry on her mother’s cheek. “You’re getting faster, Ana.” She said, walking over to us. Griffin walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around Elyzabeth’s waist. “Hi Aunt Diana,” She said, leaning over and kissing Mom’s cheek. Mom smiled and kissed her cheek, then Anastasia’s.

“Why, you are getting bigger too, Miss Ana. You are so much like your mama, you remind me of her when she was growing up.” Anastasia giggled and buried her face in Elyzabeth’s neck. I smiled and rubbed Vincent’s back, resting my head on Henry’s shoulder.

“Who wants some cake?” I asked as Griffin’s father and sister walked. Ethan walked in behind them, wrapping his arms around the girl. Vincent and Anastasia grinned and shot their hands up, giggling madly. Henry chuckled and kissed Vincent’s head, putting him in his seat. Elyzabeth did the same, sitting next to Anastasia.


Everyone ate cake, including Henry, and opened presents that our families brought. After that, everyone but Walter and Mom left, they said they needed to talk to the four of us. After Elyzabeth and I laid Vincent and Anastasia down, we all sat in the drawing room, looking at Mom and Walter.

Walter looked at us, rubbing his face slowly. “We saw the Oracle before we came here.” He said slowly. I stilled and looked at Henry. He took my hands in his and squeezed them gently. “He saw Anastasia and Vincent, older, possibly in their teens. They’re going to fall in love, no matter what gets in their way.” I sighed in relief, smiling faintly.

“She also saw Anastasia being killed or put in a coma. Calliope will create a weapon that can kill immortals.” Mom added quietly. Elyzabeth stilled her eyes wide. “Calliope will have created a weapon that can kill immortals. She captured or allured her away and held her captive. I’m so sorry, Elyzabeth.” Mom said.

Elyzabeth swallowed and got up, storming out of the room. Griffin followed her, neither of them okay. I looked at Mom, my mouth agape slightly. “How can we prevent this?” I asked. I didn’t want Elyzabeth to lose her daughter. None of us did.

Mom ran her hands through her hair. “As soon as she’s old enough, move her down here. I’ll talk this over with Elyzabeth, knowing her, she’ll go for it. We’ll make sure Calliope and Hattie don’t know where they are.” Mom said slowly, thinking it over in her head. I nodded and leaned into Henry, closing my eyes. He held me close, kissing my hair.

This was just horrible. How could this happen to a sweet little girl like that? I didn’t want Vincent get hurt either; I knew he’d fall in love with Anastasia relentlessly, no matter how much we’d try to keep them apart. We just have to make sure they’re safe.

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