A Collection of Stories

بواسطة JaneKiley713

4.1K 104 6

Hello my lovelies! It's me again. So, this is a collection of stories that either are currently in my head a... المزيد

A Collection of Stories
More Than A Name Yours Too
Love Actually
Love Actually
Love Actually
Love Actually
Love Actually
Trust Me
Anonymous II
Anonymous II
Elementals II
Elementals II
Elementals II
Immortal Love
Immortal Love
Immortal Love
Immortal Love
Immortal Love
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
The Girl Who Signed
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
One Year
Loving Mr. Billionaire
Loving Mr. Billionaire
Loving Mr. Billionaire
The Fake Engagement
Begin Again (First Draft)
Begin Again (Story)
The Royals
Recent Events

Immortal Love

36 2 0
بواسطة JaneKiley713

Uh- Oh…

The past month sucked.

Every Moment I wasn’t with Brian or Avery, I was thinking about Griffin. He was the bastard that made me cry, that broke my heart. But he made me feel something I’ve never felt before, and I wanted to feel it again, with him.


I was curled up on the couch with a box of tissues, watching a sad movie.

My normal for the past month.

I heard the front door to Avery’s apartment open and shut. “I’m on the couch Avery.” I said, wiping my eyes with the tissue. “Avery?” I asked, sitting up. Instead of seeing Avery, I saw Griffin. “What the hell are you doing here?” I asked, grabbing a pillow and chucking it at him. He turned towards me and caught it.

His eyes were red, like he had been crying for the past month. He was unshaven, ragged. His hair was longer, just barely touching his shoulders.

“Elyzabeth, I’m sorry.” He said, just barely a whisper. He dropped the pillow and walked around the couch, kneeling in front of me, “I never meant to hurt you like I did, and I never thought I’d fall for you like I did.” He whispered, taking my hands. “Lyz, I need you.” He hesitantly brought my knuckles to his lips and kissed them, closing his eyes as he did. He opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off.

“Griffin, I—“

“Lyzzie, please, let me finish.” He whispered, kissing my knuckles again. “I understand if you hate me and never want to see me again. But I need you, Lyzzie. I need you so much.” He whispered, looking at me. My lower lip trembled slightly. “Lyz, please don’t cry.” He whispered.

“I need you too.” I whispered, letting a few tears slide down my cheeks. Griffin smiled slightly, wiping the tears away.

“Lyzzie, you don’t need to cry.” He whispered, wiping the tears away. I smiled a little, stopping his hand and holding it to my cheek.

“Griffin,” I whispered, smiling.

“Yes, love?” He whispered, smiling back.

“Kiss me.” I whispered. He smiled a little more, leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. I smiled and kissed him back. Griffin pushed me on my back, climbing on-top of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, melting into him. He hovered above me, kissing me gently, lovingly. I pulled back when he didn’t go any farther.

“Don’t you want me?” I whispered, looking at his eyes.

“I do Lyzzie, more than anything in the world.” He whispered, kissing my nose. “I just don’t know how far you want to go.” He added softly. I smiled softly, running a hand through his hair.

“I want you.” I whispered. “So take the hint.” I added, running my hands up under his shirt. He smiled and captured my lips again, running his hands up and down my body. I smiled as he slid his hands under my shirt, sliding it over my head. I pulled back slightly, pulling his shirt off. His chest was chiseled, defined, and perfect. He cupped the back of my neck, sending electricity up my spine.

“Are you alright?” Griffin whispered when I shivered. I nodded, smiling.

“I’m fine, perfect.” I whispered, touching his cheek. “I just wanna text my sister quickly.” I whispered, grabbing my phone out of my pocket.

‘Avery, could you and Nicholas spend the night’—I moaned as Griffin kissed my neck repeatedly.—’at the house? I’m reconnecting with a really great guy.’ I texted quickly then sent to her. I turned back to Griffin.

“I’m all yours.” I whispered, pulling him back to me. He smiled and captured my lips, letting his hands go past my waist.


I felt Griffin’s hot breath on my neck as I woke. He hovered above me, a blanket wrapped around us. “Good morning, Lyzzie.” He whispered, kissing his forehead. I ran my hands down his chest, smiling.

“Good morning, Griffin.” I whispered back. He stroked my cheek lightly, pulling me closer.

“You’re sister… Avery called an hour ago. She said she was coming home with Nicholas.” He said, watching me cautiously.

“When are they coming home?” I asked looking at the clock.

“She said they were driving home together, and then Nicholas was leaving for work. She said you’d know when she’d be home.” He said.

“She should be walking up the stairs.” I whispered, looking at him.

“Do you want me to hide? Or get dressed?” He asked with a smirk.

I smiled and kissed his nose. “Stay here with me.” I whispered, nuzzling his neck.

I smiled as he pulled me closer with one hand, and wrapping the blanket tighter around us with the other. I heard Avery unlock the door and open it.

“Lyz, I’m home!” She called, dropping her crap in the kitchen. “Where are you?”

I smiled and Griffin kissed my neck softly. “We’re on the couch, Avery!” I called, Griffin pulling us up into a sitting position.

“So, who’s your guy? Did the clothes stay—my god Lyzzie!?” She shouted when she saw us. I blushed deeply and hid my face in Griffin’s shoulder. “Did you tell Daddy you wanted to be released of your vows?” She asked, sitting next to the two of us. I slowly shook my head.

“Is that bad?” I whispered.

“Sort of, you may be pregnant. And your girls, they may have lost their immortality.”

“Technically, I did. It was subliminally implied but I still told him I wanted to be released from my vows. And he promised he’d let my girls keep their immortality.” I said, looking at Avery.

“Okay, Okay. But you could still be pregnant.” She said. I bit my lip, holding back tears. Griffin rubbed my back, kissing my hair.

“But that’s not a likely chance, right?” He asked.

“Well, since this is her first time doing it, it’s very likely.” She said. I bit my lip and Griffin rubbed my back. “Lyz, I may be wrong, but it won’t hurt to check, ok?” I nodded meekly, hugging Griffin closer. Griffin kissed my head, murmuring something in Latin. I closed my eyes, hugging my legs to my body, holding back tears. Avery touched my back, sending calming warmth through her hand.

“It’ll be okay Lyzzie.” She whispered, kissing my head. I nodded, pressing closer to Griffin.

“I wanna test.” I whispered. Avery nodded and Griffin stiffened slightly. I looked up at him and touched his cheek, tilting his head down. “What’s wrong?” I whispered. He looked down at me with a haunting gaze.

“My family will kill you and the baby if you’re pregnant, Lyzzie.” He whispered, holding me against him. I stared at him with disbelief, tears running down my cheeks.

“No, that’s not true; they can’t do that to an innocent baby.” I whispered. Griffin shook my head.

“It’s a hybrid, Lyzzie. It could be dangerous; having no side to call its own if a war breaks out between our families. It could choose to fight on either side, or be a spy, or kill all of us, Lyzzie.” He whispered.

I shook my head, pushing away from him. I pulled my clothes on and grabbed Avery’s hand. “You’re wrong! It won’t kill us all.” I yelled at him, pulling Avery out of her apartment and slamming the door shut, I looked at her. “Let’s get the test.” I said to her, pulling her down to her car.


We bought the test at the local drug store and did it there. It took forever, but we finally got the results. I almost fainted when I saw the plus sign. I couldn’t be a mother. I just couldn’t. I didn’t have a mothering bone in my body. But I wanted the baby; I knew I couldn’t give it up. Avery held me close, stroking my hair as I stared at the stick. His family couldn’t know about the baby. They’d kill my baby and they’d kill me, starting a war no one wants.

After a few moments, Avery reached in my pocket and pulled my phone out, calling Griffin with the news. I couldn’t listen to them, so I got up and walked to the closest bar and just drank my troubles away. It wouldn’t affect the baby since it was immortal, but I was terrified. I knew Ethan drank at this bar frequently, but I didn’t care. He could find me here for all I care; I just needed to drink my nerves away.

Ethan came in a couple hours later, just as the bar tender cut me off. I grumbled as Ethan came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my middle. “Lyz, what are you doing here?” He asked, picking me up.

“I got some bad news.” I mumble, snuggling into him. He sighed and carried me out to his car.

“I know. Avery told us you’re having a baby.” He said softly. I moaned and nuzzled his neck, closing my eyes.

“Please don’t say that.” I whispered. I didn’t wanna be reminded of what would happen to me and my baby. That scared me more than anything. I didn’t want to tell my family what would happen to me, or let the Romans know about my baby.

“Why not Lyzzie,” He whispered, looking at me. I shook my head and pressed my face into his neck. I really didn’t want to talk about this. “Lyz, you can tell me anything, you know that.” He whispered in my ear.

“The Romans are going to kill my baby.” I whispered, tears streaking down my cheeks. Ethan tightened his arms around me, kissing my tears away. I don’t remember what happened next, I was too drunk to remember. All I remember is getting home somehow.

My whole family was there when I woke up, crowded in Daddy’s library. Daddy was sitting next to me, stroking my hair. I smiled faintly at him, curling into a ball. Calliope stood behind him, a disapproving look on her face. She and Daddy haven’t been very cordial to each other in eons, but at least they could stand in the same room without bickering for five minutes.

Calliope looked at me, shaking her head. “How could you put our family in danger like this? How could you introduce a baby to this?” She asked in a steely voice. She never liked any of Daddy’s other children. She only favored Dylan and Nicholas. Daddy glared at her and I heard a faint growl in the back of the room. I got up and glared at her.

“You have no authority over me, this baby was an accident. I never planned to start a war or have a child, now if you excuse me; I need to find a hiding place.” I said, pushing past her. She started walking after me; I could sense the waves of anger rolling off her. I turned around and stopped her with my powers. “You still have no power in this family. I suggest you stay away from me while Dad still lets you live.” I growled, shoving her back and storming out of the room.

I stormed up the stair, only stopping when I heard someone following me. I cursed silently and grabbed an ancient spear and turned around quickly, ready to harm Calliope. I was shocked when I saw Griffin, not Calliope. I lowered the spear, my mouth open slightly. “What are you doing here?” I snapped. “Do you not understand you’re in a house filled with Greeks!?”

Griffin looked at me, shaking his head slightly. “They let me in, Lyz.” He said softly, taking the spear from my hand. I stared at him, my mouth shut tightly. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

“So I’m a Dad?” He whispered and I nodded, looking down at my stomach. He hesitantly put his hand on my stomach, looking at me. “Lyzzie, I’m gonna stay and I’m gonna help and I won’t leave you.” He said softly, pulling me close. I looked up at him, resting my hands over his.

“Won’t your family wonder why you aren’t home?” I whispered, wondering if he had a plan or something. He kissed my forehead, holding me close.

“I’ll go home and visit often, otherwise, I was planning on staying with you.” He said softly. I leaned into him, closing my eyes. This was so much more than I was expecting. It was freaking me out. Griffin rubbed my back, looking at me. “I’ll always be here for you, Elyzabeth. I promise.” He whispered. I looked at him and smiled, kissing his cheek. He smiled and rested his hand on my stomach. I could feel his hand curling over my bump.

Wait, my bump? My eyes widened and I pulled my shirt up and looked at my stomach. I was showing already? I looked up at Griffin, freaking out. “I can’t be showing.” I whispered, folding my hands over my stomach. This wasn’t good. Griffin gathered me in his arms and rushed me back down stairs, holding me close. I was so freaking out right now.

Griffin sat me in Daddy’s study and got Dad, Emma, and Avery. They checked my over, trying to figure out why I was showing. They didn’t have an answer, of course. They tried an ultra sound, but it didn’t work. My baby was a mystery.

          The cradle will rock…

The more my baby grew, the harder it was for me to move. It was draining my energy by the day. Griffin and Ethan moved me into Daddy’s study. I could get to the kitchen and bathroom easily. But I couldn’t do it without help. By the time I reached nine months, I needed Griffin or someone to help me get around, and it sucked. Griffin visited his family often, lying about where’s been.


Griffin came home from his family’s home fairly quickly. I could hear him talking with Daddy, but I was too busy talking with Avery about baby names. I knew it would be born soon, but I didn’t know exactly when. I rubbed my stomach, looking at the door frequently. When was Griffin gonna come in? I looked at Avery and started to get up; she grabbed my elbow and helped me up the rest of the way.

“Where to Lyzzie,” She asked. I rested my hand on my stomach and opened my mouth to say bathroom, but I stopped and looked at the bed. There was a wet spot on it. I looked at my pants and there was a wet patch there too.

I looked at Avery, clutching my stomach. “Avery, the baby’s coming.” I said quickly. She sat me back on the bed and went to get Griffin and Daddy. This wasn’t right. The baby wasn’t supposed to come for three more weeks, I think. Calliope was manipulating my pregnancy. I forgot who she was these last few months. She wasn’t just Daddy’s wife, Queen of the Gods. She was the goddess of women, marriage and fertility.

Daddy, Griffin and Avery rushed in. Griffin looked panicked, like something bad was happening. I reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him close. A sharp pain shot through my body. I bit my lip, refusing to cry out. Once it was over, I looked at my family.

“Calliope is… manipulating… birth,” I managed, clutching my stomach with my free hand. Daddy stiffened, transporting Calliope here faster than the next contraction started. She turned her head to look at me and smirked.

“I see you got my little… present.” She remarked. Griffin growled and started to lunge for her, but Avery held him back. Daddy turned to Calliope.

“Why?” He asked slowly, as if talking to a child. Calliope smirked.

“I want a war, so does Hattie. Henry’s wife is also in labor. Once Hattie calls me with the good news… You’ll see.” She said smoothly, smirking more.

Daddy stilled, his eyes blazing. Avery gritted her teeth, trying to concentrate. I knew she was trying to speak to Henry. He thought Isobel was trying to find Gaea to help us in the war. He almost lost Isobel once; we knew what lengths he would go to, to protect Isobel. I gripped Griffin’s hand as the contraction grew stronger. Calliope was doing this on purpose.

“Where is Isobel?” Daddy growled, bawling his fists. We all cared about her, especially Henry, Avery and her mother. Calliope smirked and made the contraction more painful. I cried out, almost breaking Griffin’s hand. Daddy looked at me, biting on his lip. I pleaded at him with my eyes. I wanted my baby out. He turned to Calliope. “Calliope, stop hurting Elyzabeth, she can only take so much.” Calliope shook her head, smirking more.

Avery spread my legs and pulled my pants off. The pain got worse and worse, even when my baby ripped through my body. I sighed and folded my hands over my plat stomach. Griffin was holding our little one, Daddy had removed Calliope from the room, making sure she never got a look at the baby. Griffin sat next to me, tears streaming down his cheeks. I reached up and thumbed them away, kissing his forehead.

“Griffin, what’s wrong?” I whispered. He kissed my nose, then the baby’s forehead.

“They know about her. My family is coming to kill you, Lyz.” He said brokenly. My breath caught in my throat. Calliope was trying to take me away from the people I love. I pulled him close, tears streaming out of my eyes. I leaned my forehead against his as I looked at our daughter.

“When are they coming?” I whispered, running my fingers through his hair. He looked up at me, kissing my nose.

“They’re coming by sunset,” He whispered, pulling me close. I bit my lip and looked at him. He had to hide our baby.

Griffin, please, hide her. I thought to him. Tell her about me and never let her forget about me, okay?

Griffin stiffened and looked at me. “No, I’m not gonna do that. You are going into hiding, Lyz. I’m not raising her without you.” He said shakily. I looked at our baby.

“But she could be put in harm’s way.” I whispered. I looked at her, stroking her head softly.

“Not if I hide you both. Henry and I could hide you, Isobel and the babies in the underworld. We could keep you guys safe.” He whispered. I nodded, looking at my baby. She needed a name.

“Her name is Anastasia.” I whispered, leaning down and kissed her forehead. She smiled at me, not crying once. Griffin smiled faintly and nodded. Our baby’s name was Anastasia.

Henry stormed in seconds later, making our attention his. He looked distraught, ready to kill anyone in his way. I pulled my pants on and went over to Henry, taking his have in my hands. “Did they find her?” I whispered.

Henry nodded and pulled me into a tight hug. “Walter made Calliope take him to Isobel. He took Emma and Dylan to apprehend Hattie. They found Isobel in the middle of labor. They don’t know if they can get her back to Olympus in time.” He whispered. I kissed his cheek and held my uncle close.

“Shh, she’ll be fine, Henry. They’ll get her back in time.” I whispered. He hugged me close. I could feel how nervous he was, his immortal heart beating hard in his chest. Who knows what he would do if something happened to Isobel? He’d probably tear the world in two, kill Hattie and Calliope, find his child and keep it safe in the underworld.

Griffin walked over to us, cradling Anastasia close. “Henry,” He said softly. Henry looked at Griffin, nodding slightly.

“Yes, I can do that. I’ll keep them safe, along with my wife.” He said softly. I pulled back and looked at Griffin. He asked my uncle to keep me and my daughter safe. I looked at Henry.

“Uncle, you need to keep him safe too. Please.” I said softly, going over to Griffin and pulled him close. I looked at Henry as he nodded slowly.

“For you, Elyzabeth, anything,” He said softly. I was always his favorite niece, even if Daddy wasn’t his favorite sibling. Now all we had to do was get Isobel back.

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