Candy Heart (Yandere x Reader)

By RadiationFever101

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Halloween is your favorite holiday. The moment you were introduced to all of the spooky costumes, perfectly s... More

Chapter One - Only a Crush
Chapter Two - You Were Lured
Chapter Three - Can I Sniff Your Hair
Chapter Four - Summoned for a Reason
Chapter Five - I'm Going to Destroy that Book
Chapter Six - It's his Last Name now
Chapter Seven - He Won't be Leaving
Chapter Eight - You will Taste him
Chapter Nine - It Won't Hurt you Anymore
Chapter Ten - Sobbing Mess
Chapter Eleven - He's Been Caged
Chapter Twelve - One Power Lost, one Gained
Chapter Thirteen - Betraying a Liar
Chapter Fourteen - Stronger than Death
Chapter Fifteen - His Candy Apple
Chapter Sixteen - Just Swallow it
Chapter Seventeen - Good Morning
Chapter Eighteen - I'm Markus
Chapter Nineteen - Tongues and Crimson
Chapter Twenty - The Scythe
Chapter Twenty-One - Ray Sunshine Satterthwaite
Chapter Twenty-Two - Festival Faunas
Chapter Twenty-Three - Ray's Love and Laughter
Chapter Twenty-Five - Bloody Asphalt
Chapter Twenty-Six - Midnight Drainage
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Tainted Blood
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Definition of Love
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Stranger Danger
Chapter Thirty - I Missed You
Chapter Thirty-one - I Promise
Chapter Thirty-Two - Waiting
Chapter Thirty-Three - Repeat
Chapter Thirty-Four - The Almighty Plan

Chapter Twenty-Four - Happy Halloween

356 17 22
By RadiationFever101

(I have a random question for you all in the comments.

Who do you love the most?

Markus Hemphill?

Ray Sunshine Satterthwaite?

Xavier (L/N)?

More importantly: Who do you ship together the most? ;) )

"Sebastian Colas-"

Markus furrowed his brows at the cut-off writing, staring down at the newly sent photo of a cut off signature, leaving letters severed off abruptly in the supposed writer's last name. "Hmm..." He hummed to himself, setting his phone aside once again as he now tried ignoring Ray's other messages of, 'Brah', 'Brah u still there', 'Brah i showed u my dick respond pls XD'. The last one made him visibly cringe, the wadded up piece of tissue stuffed in his previously bleeding nostril luckily catching the second nose bleed that occurred, the tech geek's cheeks heating up in embarrassment afterwards. "He's such an idiot... Gross..." He muttered to himself, opening up his laptop and logging in to begin his research on the cut-off signature, hoping to find the ending of his end and more information afterwards.

In the beginning, it was definitely tough. He had a hard time figuring out what the signature ended with, or if his "translation" had been correct in the first place. He switched several letters around, wondering also if certain punctuation were just formal add-ons, seeing how each letter fit together, and what accents were there.

"Come on... This is ridiculous..." He muttered, running his fingers through his shaggy light blonde hair in an irritated manner, huffing out a breath of air. He did manage to find the creator of the book, although it was definitely a stretch. "Sebastian Colasanti", writer. That was nearly all he found.

The only speck of information he had dug up on the author of the book, or possibly a portion of it, or Hell- he could even be just a publisher of the damn thing. He had searched up his name, earning nothing but random only slightly related names as the computer tried correcting him, saying, "Did you mean Sebastian Castellanos?", and proceeding to hand him bits of information on people of similar names. He only sighed in response, his ears beginning to ring from how many times he had heard his phone buzz and go off in the past hour thanks to Ray.

Son of a- And suddenly, he heard a loud ringing erupting from his phone, sending the male into an aggressive state of action. "Stop trying to talk to me about the dick pic, Ray!" He exclaimed the moment he pressed answer, making a horrible mistake of not even glancing over to his phone screen before doing so.

"... Uhm... This is (Y/N), not Ray... I didn't know you swung that way." You chuckled, Markus' meanwhile lighting up like a tomato, his face burning as his hand tightened it's grip on his phone.

"W-Wah?" He let out quietly, biting ahold of his lower lip as he felt the tissue stuffed up in his nose go from a tinted pinkish red to a crimson in mere moments as his nostril bled once more, the male murmuring and fumbling over his words to explain what exactly was going on, embarrassment welling up in his body.

"W-Wait- N-No! I didn't mean- He-" He stuttered, feeling sheepish and ashamed as he tried explaining he wasn't swinging in any direction other than straight. "He sent me a dick pic out of nowhere!" He finally let out with a breath that sounded exasperated, you having a momentary laughing session at the way he spoke, Markus meanwhile slumping down in his seat as he now noticed something else. His glasses were fogging up the longer this continued, the male immediately reaching up to fix this new problem.

"Alright, alright- So he sent you a dick pic?" You questioned with a smile as you sat in your bed, already feeling cheered up the moment you answered the phone to this little miss-hap. Markus' nervous behavior could cheer you up pretty easily. "Why don't you send one back? He's probably flirting." You teased, making Markus nearly choke on his own tongue at the thought.

"What!?" He exploded, you having to put the phone away from your ear for a moment so he didn't bust your ear drum. "No! Th-That's gross! What the Hell, (Y/N)!?"

"Hey, you were the one to yell at me about a dick picture." You chuckled to yourself, hearing a groan on the other line in embarrassment.

"W-Well you should send a-" He began, probably lost in his heated anger and shame, although quickly his nervous attitude kicked back in, making his voice cut off almost before he started saying the next word. You chuckled at the silence he now gave instead, already knowing what he was planning to say.

"Send a what now?" You smirked slightly.

"... No-Nothing..." He finished, calmly beginning to retreat inside his hoodie. What is wrong with me- You don't just- Well, she should know how it feels- Oh geez- No-... The embarrassment was coming in high numbers today. As he held the phone to his ear, just listening to you laugh it up, there was now a small beep on the other line.

"... Oh would you look at that." You chuckled, Markus meanwhile arching a brow in the darkness of his hoodie, face barely illuminated up by his phone.

"... Wh-What?"

"You're boyfriend is calling. I should make this a conference call." Your finger was already lingering above the "Add to call button" a playful grin on your face as you now heard the begging screams of Markus as he fumbled to end his own call.

"Yo! Good morning, brochachos, I see my boy Marky-Mooski is here too, you still having a fit, pal?" The cheerful voice of Ray broke in with a chuckle, leaving you, Markus, and Ray on the line all together like a dysfunctional family.

"N-No- I'm not h-here- I was just hanging up!" Markus' heart was racing at this point, feeling disturbed at how easily Ray was just speaking to him again after literally allowing and sending over a picture of his penis. His penis of all things, for fuck's sake.

"Markus over here was just telling me about how much he appreciated the picture."

"No! I don't enjoy staring at men's-... Their-... Man parts-" Markus tried explaining, the word 'dick' feeling weird to say in front of Ray, now. It probably wouldn't matter what he would've said in the end however as you and Ray were far too occupied laughing and giggling up a storm in the background to care for Markus' quiet pleads that he was absolutely straight.

"Hey man, aren't we all a little gay from time to time?" Markus chuckled, soon adding, "I mean- I probably wouldn't be bending over anytime soon but I don't see why I can't put my dick in-"

"Alright that's enough!" Markus exploded, covering his face with his free hand as he huddled up inside his hoodie with his phone. "Look-... Can't we talk about something useful?... P-Please?" He murmured, hearing you laugh a slight bit before finally giving him a proper response.

"Alright, alright... Ray you can stop making him freak out, now..." You muttered, Ray meanwhile softening his laugh.

"Okay, fine... Markus needs to calm down though, you know... He's being kind of a candy-ass, no offense, Markus, but you definitely need to mellow and hang loose once in awhile. All that stressing is really going to put you over the edge, you feel me?" He explained with a calm tone, sounding more worried than actually annoyed, Markus meanwhile huffing out a breath of stubbornness.

"I'm not feeling anything of yours..." He muttered, but before either of you could say anything else, he now carried on the conversation, allowing his mind to settle and become solemn once again. "I found the signature's owner. You know, from the other picture you sent me." There was a small, muffled chuckle off from Ray. "Sebastian Colasanti. The bad news is, he's been dead for a year now, murdered. I don't know how, and it doesn't say who did it, but I'm getting a bad feeling that we might find out soon..." He squinted slightly, glaring at the phone. "You feel me?"

"Yeah, I feel you, broski!" Ray spoke back happily, making Markus almost want to sink his teeth into his phone from the lack of a reaction out of the man. You meanwhile now spoke up, trying to ignore the obvious hostility that Markus now showed towards Ray that somehow managed to drift over Ray's head, or just didn't bother him.

"Alright, so the guy's dead? And all you found out was that he is the writer, and was murdered a year ago?"

"Basically, yes."

"Well, only one thing left to do." Ray added.

"What's that?" You quickly responded.

"I'll be going back to digging in my books, man... That's all we can do, brochachos."

"... Yeah, I'll continue digging through the internet, see what else I can manage to find with this name. (Y/N), really- You just got to keep that monsteroccupied so he doesn't murder someone else. Alright?"

"... Alright.."

For the rest of the day, you occupied yourself loosely. You tried helping like the other's, even attempting to find a few things online using the man's name as well, quickly texting a couple of web pages that'd most likely prove useful to Markus' attempts. Markus of course had already found most of the ones you'd texted him, but you did manage to slip a few over that he failed to find himself. Even though he didn't admit that you were useful or right, he did give you an, "That's interesting..." before not responding anymore. Probably off having another nosebleed, or just stubbornly accepting that he was gay now. You chuckled at the thought.

Even though you couldn't do much except wait for the beast known as Xavier to return, Ray did manage to keep you company. At least every two hours he'd make sure to call back and have a short conversation with you each time. He'd sometimes tell you what he's been finding, and that he'd be happy to continue hanging out once this whole thing was over. As he had done with Markus as well, giving him a strange nickname and all, he now tended to sometimes refer to you as Mary Jane instead of your proper first name or use the normal terms he used such as brochacho, bro, man, and so on. You didn't mind it, simply enjoying his company throughout the day as he continued to check in on you.

Markus of course, also did the same thing. He just did it more subtly. He'd ask Ray half the time if you were okay, and Ray of course would always happily to reply to his, "Brochacho tech geek-o" quickly. Even though Markus had to suffer through his hours of nonstop talking, at least he was slightly useful. But only slightly.

As the day progressed slowly, the sun soon began falling in the sky as you awaited for Xavier to arrive. You wondered if the monster of a spirit had somehow gotten himself killed out there. You had told him he could come back in the morning, but here he was, waiting until the evening. That was definitely... Surprising to say the least. As night began settling in, with it's black velvet self cast over the sky, you now awaited for the demon known as Xavier to come back, and do as he desired this Halloween. It was nerve-racking, you just sitting down in silence on the side of your bed, sighing and waiting.

Thankfully however, Xavier did show up after leaving you trapped with your own thoughts throughout most of the day, and you wondered if you wouldn't survived the isolation if it weren't for Ray's caring and talkative self. You perked up slightly, hearing the teleportation sound as he appeared, most likely off in the hallway from how close the noise was. Meanwhile, as you heard his footsteps across the floor, and the usual happy tone in his audible introduction of returning home to his love, you felt your heart almost explode. It was racing, a million different futures flashing through your head at the thought of what he had planned for you, most ending in monstrous and disturbing ways that you weren't sure you could cope with, even with Ray and Markus for comfort.

"Happy Halloween, (Y/N)." He murmured gently, stepping in through the unlocked bedroom door, a smile on his lips, those two chocolate brown eyes warmed and soft as they found you settled down on the bed hunched over slightly as if you were hiding from his gaze.

"... Happy Halloween, Xavier." You glanced up to him, nervous, but you kept a slight grin on your lips so he didn't become suspicious of your plans, and plots against him.

"... Come on," He held out his slender hand with a strangely calm smile, you glancing from him to his arm for a few silent moments, wondering exactly what he was planning. You didn't say anything, soon just taking his hand in your own somewhat reluctantly, understanding and knowing perfectly well that Xavier was skillful at hiding his true emotions on the inside while on his face was displayed a mere hollow mask most likely. Yet even with this knowledge, as you stared into his eyes, you somehow felt as though his emotions were real this time. Like they once had been, back when you first met the innocent boy. Maybe he still was? You hoped for it to be true.

As black smog engulfed you both in their cold bitterness, you were held close by the demonic spirit, his body smelling of sour candies and crimson as usual, his arms wrapped around you tightly and possessively. After the transportation moment, you now found yourself standing atop a roof, the sky high above twinkling brightly with it's thousands of little stars, clouds meanwhile covering the moon in a gentle film that Xavier appeared to have taken great notice to.

"... Here." He spoke with a small smile as he held your hand, now calmly walking over to the edge, leading you shortly after himself. He lead you off to the edge of the roof, your heart beginning to speed up as your body began shaking, the obvious fear of falling and taking a tumble down towards some hard asphalt being present in this moment. However, Xavier kept his grip tight, as if trying to mentally show that he'd catch you if you happened to fall, no matter what.

As he now settled down, sitting with his legs hanging over the side of the roof rather casually with his scythe placed off to the side, you now cautiously began mirroring his actions to do so. He kept his arm rather protectively on yours, making sure you didn't slip and plummet off the skyscraper's high roof, cars down below racing on by, a few honks and engines heard even though they were rather faint from this high up.

"... What are we doing up here, Xavier?" You murmured finally after a long silence, glancing over to his relaxed figure, the man meanwhile gazing up into the sky with a smile. He only squeezed your hand gently.

"Well... I think it'd be nice to just spend this Halloween... Resting. Having a relaxing evening with my sugar-bell, I guess. You were probably bored in that home..." He purred lovingly, glancing over to you with a caring, and fond gaze. You however were far too confused to return the favor.

"... Don't... Don't your powers reach their strongest point tonight....?" You murmured, baffled by how he was allowing this energy to be wasted as he decided to sit here for the entire night, just to watch the moon alongside you. You appreciated it, but it seemed so different from the real Xavier. Or at least, from what you perceived him to have turned into as of lately. He glanced over, seemingly interested in how you knew that, however he didn't ask. Instead, he only gave a small nod. "... And you want to spend it... Relaxing?..." This didn't seem like him. You suspected he'd try to attack Ray once again, or possibly go on another rampage just because he could. He only shrugged.

"Well, if I were alone... No. I'd be using this valuable energy to hunt down that filthy maggot called Ray Sunshine," The insult came off his tongue in a venomous spike in tone that surprised you for a moment, a growl rising in his throat at the thought of the giddy dopey hippie and his foolish name. "But, it's Halloween today, and... I know how much this holiday means to you... So... it's worth missing my chance, just once. For you." He offered with a slight smile in your direction, a loving vibe coming off of him in appreciating rays. You were shocked, your lips falling agape partially in surprise that earned a small giggle from Xavier.

"You... Mean that?"

"Well, of course.... I'll have several more chances to end the man's life, but well.... Killing the same person over, and over again would never add to the amount of happiness I'd feel to just be spending time with you once. Because you know... I love you!" He gave a smile and that childish giggle alongside it, your heart, for once in the presence of Xavier, skip a beat.

"... Why did you..." You began, him meanwhile tilting his head with a crooked smile with interest. "Why did you take me up here, though?... I like the gaze, but-" You bit your lip slightly, eyes glancing away from his intense gaze. "... It doesn't seem... Like you, I guess... I mean... You're... Different than when you first appeared, back when you still had the broom and... Glitter." You glanced away. He appeared to furrow his brows now.

"... Darling... My sugar-bell, I'm not different." He murmured, reaching over carefully, his hand gently cupping your cheek, the warmth of your face going over onto his chilling slender fingers. "... If I were different, then I wouldn't love you, now would I?" He chuckled slightly, watching as your cheeks felt a brief heat of blush tint them. "But I understand what you mean... But sometimes, my emotions become mixed. They've... Always been like that, silly." He chuckled to himself, although you could hear the slight pain in his voice as he glanced back up to the moon, you following his eyes.

"... You say... You're from behind the moon... And you say there are others like you, right?" He gave you a small nod, wondering where this was going. "... Well..." You bit your lip, deciding you wanted to learn your answers now, before you were gone forever. "... I learned from a book... That... You don't... Live in, or behind the moon." You murmured, his smile beginning to fade as he apparently saw where this was going. "... You're trapped there, aren't you?"

"... (Y/N)... I'm-..." His lips fell agape, eyebrows lowered as he stared at you, a visible sort of surprise, and what appeared to be shame written all over his face. He took in a long breath, seemingly unsure on how to respond for a long silence. "... Yeah. The other's... Put me there." He glanced down, biting his lower lip in a nervous manner. You felt the hand placed on your face beginning to tremble as he struggled to hold in the emotions that were rising.

"... Why?" Came your vague question, reaching up your own hand to touch his gently, rubbing over it in a soothing manner to prevent him from breaking down.

"... I don't know." He shrugged slightly, shaking his head. "... But... I guess... It makes sense doesn't it?" He smiled weakly, gazing at you in the eyes with self-pity, silent tears beginning to well up, and fall down his cheeks in gentle streams. "Putting me, a holiday made about mayhem, tricks, and dressing up in scary costumes next to someone like Ethan, a holiday about huddling together on a cold winter's day, and giving presents to each other out of the kindness of your heart all while spending time with family... It's obvious... Who's going to be singled out as the villain." He offered with a murmur and a sigh. "I mean... Every book needs an antagonist, doesn't it?" He stared at you. The real you.

You frowned, reaching forwards with both of your hands, and gently cupping his face, tilting his head upwards a small bit just so he could look you in the eyes with those sad, glassy orbs. He studied your face, sniffling lightly to try and stop his tears, now.

"If I saw you as a villain, Xavier... I wouldn't be here right now, okay?" You murmured, biting your lower lip as a pit of guilt began forming in the bottom of your stomach at the fact that he had his reasons for being like this. It wasn't him... It was the holiday that he was born to represent that made him this way. The years of isolation in a moon definitely didn't add anything better, either. "... Why..." You thought for a moment, eyes gazing into his. "... Why do you love me?" He appeared to try and think about that one, it catching him momentarily off-guard.

"... I can't explain how you make me feel." He stated rather calmly, his chocolate eyes staring into yours almost in confusion, fingers intertwining with yours carefully. "You can't explain something that... That you were never born to even feel, but yet... You... Do." He added, his hands in his lap. You stared into his eyes, gazing into that old Xavier that you believed had been buried. You realized- It had been there this whole time, simply awaiting to be dug out of the soil just for you. Waiting for only you. "... I just-... When I saw you the first night I was released from the moon on my holiday... I felt-..." He bit his lip. "I fell in love with you... Before I even realized I did. I didn't mean to- I just-... You made it-... So easy to do..." He explained with a deep breath of air. "... But (Y/N)?" He questioned now, your eyes locking onto his.

"Yeah, Xavier?" You murmured gently, your fingers intertwined with his.

".... I want you to know... That the other's... they've probably realized I'm down here now... Since they normally watch as I leave on my holiday from their spot above... They're probably on their way. Probably even looking down on me right now, my sugar-bell." You gazed up at him, although you weren't afraid or shocked... In this moment, you only felt warm, and delicate... "But," His voice caught you off-guard for a moment, however you found his eyes once more. "... It doesn't matter to me. I'll take all of them on if I have to... As long as I can still have you." And without hesitation, he leaned over, and pressed his soft lips against yours. But in the heat of the moment, you didn't push him away, only accepting his lips to yours instead as you shared this intimate moment with the cold night breeze carried on the air, and his slender fingers finding their way to entangle themselves with your hair.

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